Given that the situation has been diffused and he has been introduced, Skeeve, steps up and follows Blornvid's comments with,
"Yes, how *did* you get those tiles to work!? And what caused the transportation if you didn't trigger it?"
Skeeve is a human young adult of medium build. He has a mess of brown hair and eyes with bright green irises. He is carrying a suit of armor in one hand and a long hooked pole in the other. He is wearing a snazzy suit leather armor with dragon scales, though it looks like it needs some work.
Skeeve says,
"I need to try something ...". He then carefully puts down the armor and pole, reaches out his hands toward the tiles (without touching them) and try to magically "feel" for what happened. Specifically, he is trying to see if he can recreate it if needed. However, he is trying to not trigger it, just see how it is happening/has just happened. He tries to memorize the pattern in the tiles and will write it down after his magical scan is completed (success or failure). He then looks at the newcomer and says,
"I apologize for being so insistent, but did you see what the tiles on your side looked like before you came here? Was it the same pattern as here or was it different? If different do you remember the pattern?"
Once this is all done, he will put away his writing tools, pick up his Stick and reform it around his waist, and pick the armor back up so they can go wherever it is decided.
Last edited Aug 18, 2023 7:21 pm