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Aug 17, 2023 3:05 pm
"Aye, we can stop there for lunch."
Assuming that they brought a "bag lunch" and aren't returning to the surface.
Also 13 connects to 11. I don't recall exploring 11. And scrolling back through several pages didn't turn anything up.
Aug 17, 2023 3:43 pm
We poked our heads in once to see if it joined the two adjacent rooms. We did that on our way out from the first time we found the pool and tiles.
Skeeve asks, "How is everyone doing health-wise. That last attack was pretty nasty. But, given that last attack, and Raggy and I getting dropped by the fisher, we're pretty banged up."
Last edited Aug 17, 2023 3:44 pm
Aug 17, 2023 7:38 pm
Down to 6.
"I've had worse, but I've no objections to heading back up to get us all patched up.
Aug 17, 2023 8:26 pm
3 for Rag and 4 for Ro
Hurts like hell but we will live
Last edited Aug 17, 2023 8:26 pm
Aug 17, 2023 9:59 pm
"I'd like to head back up and see if we can get some scrolls. I'd love some kind of "wildfire" scroll for those stupid spiders, and another Thorn scroll for those flying monstrosities. They suck! Plus I wanna see what the armor is."
3 for Raggy is half-dead, and 4 damage on Ro has to be horrible. I'd rather not us die, so we probably need the healing. Hopefully anyone joining will have some healing abilities.

And to be clear, I'm pretty happy with the armor I already got. I'm just hoping it'll help for either of you guys. Every extra hit we can take gives us a little longer down here.
Last edited Aug 17, 2023 10:00 pm
Aug 17, 2023 11:09 pm
No those are our current hps. But still half for Raggy
Aug 18, 2023 2:06 pm
So you heading back topside?
Aug 18, 2023 2:38 pm
Aug 18, 2023 2:44 pm
You begin heading back to the surface. As you are making your way out of the tile chamber you hear a faint humming noise and looking back notice the tiles begin to glow. The light is quickly gathered from all of the tiles to the center of the area and form a line that stretches into a circular portal that expands with a flash leaving a small figure standing on the tiles.
@GeneralET welcome to the tunnels! Good luck on your quest
Aug 18, 2023 2:54 pm
Blornvid eyes the being who magically appeared with suspicion. It hasn't been a good day for the group, so he expects this to be another foul encounter. His muscles tense with anticipation of battle. "Who might you be?"
Aug 18, 2023 3:21 pm
As this is the first time these characters meet a short description can clarify each character to the other players
Aug 18, 2023 3:45 pm
Not again!!!! Raggy says pulling out his crossbow ready to fire.

Standing before you is a tall black haired wolf man wearing clothes of green and grey. He is holding a horrifying eldritch looking crossbow aimed at you. Beside him is basically a large timber wolf. She bares her teeth and growling at you.

After a few seconds Ro( the wolf) lower her stance and starts sniffing. Her demeanor changes as she gets closer to the stranger and starts licking him like a friend. It’s almost like she can sense the spirits around the shaman and knows he a friend
Aug 18, 2023 3:55 pm
As the portal closes the goblin suddenly realises that he had been a fool.
He felt right into the trap and was now lost somewhere far from his tribe.
Reajusting his horned skull helmet, he shakes his animal skin rags and look around.

He jumped when he hears from not far away "Who might you be?".
Moving into a defensive position, he somehow knew he wouldn't make it out alive if he attacked the group by himself.
Parlay was the only viable option.

"I am Gardakhan pupil of Indruk the spirit-speaker. I was hunting a creature hauting my tribes when I got transported here. Unless you means harm to my tribe, I no reason to fight you"
Aug 18, 2023 5:24 pm
"I guess it depends on your tribe," Blornvid answers. But when Ro sniffs out the visitor and begins to lick him, Blornvid relaxes. "Well, Ro says you're alright, so we won't be fightin' you either." The dwarf lowers his axe, steps forward, and extends his hand. "Name's Blornvid. You've met Ro. Her companion is Raggy. And Mr. Wizard over there is Skeeve." He gestures towards the tiles. "How'd you get that thing to work?"
Aug 18, 2023 7:14 pm
Given that the situation has been diffused and he has been introduced, Skeeve, steps up and follows Blornvid's comments with, "Yes, how *did* you get those tiles to work!? And what caused the transportation if you didn't trigger it?"

Skeeve is a human young adult of medium build. He has a mess of brown hair and eyes with bright green irises. He is carrying a suit of armor in one hand and a long hooked pole in the other. He is wearing a snazzy suit leather armor with dragon scales, though it looks like it needs some work.

Skeeve says, "I need to try something ...". He then carefully puts down the armor and pole, reaches out his hands toward the tiles (without touching them) and try to magically "feel" for what happened. Specifically, he is trying to see if he can recreate it if needed. However, he is trying to not trigger it, just see how it is happening/has just happened. He tries to memorize the pattern in the tiles and will write it down after his magical scan is completed (success or failure). He then looks at the newcomer and says, "I apologize for being so insistent, but did you see what the tiles on your side looked like before you came here? Was it the same pattern as here or was it different? If different do you remember the pattern?"

Once this is all done, he will put away his writing tools, pick up his Stick and reform it around his waist, and pick the armor back up so they can go wherever it is decided.
Last edited Aug 18, 2023 7:21 pm


Skeeve: Magic Scan - (2d6)


Aug 18, 2023 7:49 pm
The tiles are as before save the residue of magic in them. Thinking back he recalls only that when he initially felt the tiles out they were totally dead, though the border has some traces of energy. Now all of the tiles have a bit of energy that is quickly fading away. The tiles are as before, a focus or conduit to amplify magical power. The proper arrangement coupled with the correct magical power should produce an enhanced effect.
Aug 18, 2023 9:14 pm

Skeeve just thought that if it had activated, it might give some hints on how to do so. Plus, if I rolled better, maybe I *would* have gleaned a clue or something.
Skeeve repeats his question to the newcomer, "Do you remember the tile pattern before you were teleported?" If he does, Skeeve will write that down. He doesn't bother with the current configuration since it is how he last left it.

He then realized how rude he has been and says, "I am sorry for your misfortune. I don't know how to send you back. Honestly, I am still just learning how to better use my magic, and this tile thing is much more advanced than my knowledge.

"We've just had our butts kicked three times, so we're heading back to our base to heal up and eat. You are more than welcome to come with us."
Aug 19, 2023 2:28 am
"Alas I cannot fully answer your question. Everything happened so fast. I recall a pattern different from this one though not exactly what it was. Then there was a big hummmm and a portal appeared and a combat broke out. When I purchased my ennemy on the tiles...

Suddenly he realized that the spiderlike creature was nowhere to be found. Gardakhan tries to feel if the creature essence was nearby.

After a moment where he seemed to have spaced out he adds while reaching for something in one of his pockets "I can take a look at your injuries if you need. These herbs will surely help"
How do we proceed for healing test?
Once per character? A number of healing attempts per days?
Last edited Aug 19, 2023 2:29 am


Spirit sense Test DC: 5 - (2d6)


Aug 19, 2023 3:17 am
I don't really requires rolls for actions without risk. And if I do ask for rolls of off combat you can add focus to all rolls unless I otherwise indicate.
All magic is at will, so at often add you like, unless otherwise stated.
In short you can heal them, it just takes time
Searching for the spider reveals nothing to the shaka sences. Shaken and disappointed at this setback Gardakhan calls a spirit of life who is able to quickly heal everyone's injuries.
Aug 19, 2023 3:19 am
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