You make your way back to the base. The guards are a little alarmed at the addition of a new member.
Looks like a goblin to me one of them mutters. They insist he be "escorted" to see the priest to divine his trustworthiness. Gardakhan is guided to the shared temple and the guards talk with Felspar before being sent off for the map.

Lord Felspar
Lord Felspar is a kindly yet firm aging man who retains much of the strength of his youth and only grown in power with the passage of time. Gardakhan can feel a strong spiritual presence from the man that is filled with a bit of divinity. While waiting for the map Felspar has you all sit and explain the situation to him and he asks a few pointed questions of each of you (Gardakhan and Skeeve are aware of a mild magic that permeates the area). With your story told and the map at hand all take a look.

The clerk came and explains a bit about the map and known areas beyond its borders.
We know there are frozen windswept tundras to the far north and the Wolfpine forest to the west is vast. South east of the human nations is the great dessert and to the North east of the dwarven nations are the Drow. Beyond those lands we know little.
Gardakhan recognized the Wolfpine as a name used for the wooks his people dwell in, though he is not quite sure where they might be in relations to this map. Felspar declares Gardakhan has no ill intent and the clerk issues his a day pass that will allow him access to all public facilities.
[ +- ] map

click the map to open a new tab with an enlarged view of the map

After talking with the priest and clerk you head over to Valpips shop and show him the armor and ask him about the tiles. The armor is quickly identified.
Valpip is excited by your find of the tiles and offers to accompany you to them on the next day along with Fiznik, whom he assures you will also be interested in examine this recent find.
I will discuss with Fiznik a suitable reward for your assistance in locating and studying these tiles. They are an ancient form of structured magic that bridged the gap between rituals, runes, and the spoken spells we mostly use today He ask many detailed questions about the tiles as he makes notes on a scroll before allowing you to leave for the night.
[ +- ] Windswept Wyvernmale
Scale Vest with Silver threaded sleeves and skirt. This breast armor seems to grow lighter when you inhale and hold your breath. You can hold your breath at any point to both lighten the armor and quiet it's clattering. This lets you roll with advantage to move quietly while you do so. (max 1 minute) In addition you gain advantage on saving throws for falling or reduce damage by 1/2 if there is no save.
You end the evening at the tavern where the cheery atmosphere and good food does much to ease the pains of the days trials.