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Apr 8, 2023 3:39 am
The hidden door opened a fraction but it's now stuck with only a few inches open
Apr 8, 2023 6:36 pm
Looking at the map, the room we're in has three other features. You stated that there's a heavy door in the NE corner, but there looks like two. And there's another feature along the north wall. What's that? To be honest, I'd like to know what's behind the other door(s) and that other feature before risking trying to access what's behind the stuck secret door, which I'm worried is going to close behind us.Apr 8, 2023 7:54 pm
The heavy / thick doors have the colored icons on NW room 22 SE corner 24. The 2 does in the NE are the flimsy rotten doors.

Apr 8, 2023 11:57 pm
Blornvid will check out the flimsy doors first and then the heavy door.
So flimsy door in the east wall in the NE corner first. After opening, check to see what's behind the door. If there's a room, and not just rubble, examine the room. If nothing, move on to the next one.
So flimsy door in the east wall in the NE corner first. After opening, check to see what's behind the door. If there's a room, and not just rubble, examine the room. If nothing, move on to the next one.
Apr 9, 2023 12:12 am
The first door is odd as it has no handle. After examining the door for a minute you note it is set into tracks in the wall. After some experimenting you finally manage to push the did down by getting a finger into a hole you figure may have held a recessed handle before it rotted out. As you push the door down a foul synch assails your noses. Looking inside with your torch raised high you see several small beds.
I assume Moli is using a torch as she could not see otherwise. Apr 9, 2023 3:18 am
Blornvid cringes. "Ugh. Smells like something died in here." He waves the torch around, hoping to figure out if someone did die in here and possibly is now undead.
Apr 9, 2023 3:46 am
ForeverDED says:
Good luck with the move, PoisonIvy.OOC:
Thanks! It went great! Likely going to still be kinda busy for the next few days, but my desktop is set up, so I'll be posting here at least once a day.Apr 9, 2023 3:51 am
Moli sniffs the air.
Is there... Ozone? Sulfur? The stench. It's overpowering. Hard to tell...
She glances about, breathing deeply, in the hopes of detecting any magic present.
Is there... Ozone? Sulfur? The stench. It's overpowering. Hard to tell...
She glances about, breathing deeply, in the hopes of detecting any magic present.
Angling for this, from the Spell-Touched Trait description: "To use this ability, simply describe in detail what you are trying to do, and perform a standard 2d6 Test."Rolls
Moli: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(54) = 9
Apr 9, 2023 4:07 am
The bedding and trash, including food scraps and a corner used as a latrine, indicates the room is being occupied though no one is in the room at the moment. You count 5 beds and there are various rough pieces of furniture including a small table, a couple of stools, a small tin cooking pot, a couple torches, and a small chest.
Apr 9, 2023 10:06 pm
Moli goes to the chest, checking it for traps before opening it.
Check for traps on chest - (2d6)
(45) = 9
Apr 9, 2023 11:27 pm
Blornvid keeps watch at the door while Moli searches. "It seems like the administrator was wise to keep the gate locked."
Apr 10, 2023 12:27 am
As Moli advances into the room she can tell the fire pit has been used this day but is several hours cold. The room is filthy and she becomes doubtful there is realy anything work stealing. Still. . . . .
The small chest can be lifted but the chain though the hefty lock to the lid is looped through an iron ring set into the wall nearby. As Moli examines the chest and chain it seems simple, cheep, but effective.
The small chest can be lifted but the chain though the hefty lock to the lid is looped through an iron ring set into the wall nearby. As Moli examines the chest and chain it seems simple, cheep, but effective.
Apr 10, 2023 5:14 pm
..hmm, seems safe enough... Blornvid, care to take a swing at this lock? Your heavy axe looks to be the best lockpick we've got.
Apr 10, 2023 9:27 pm
"With any luck, I won't smash the contents. Keep an eye on the door. The noise might get the owner's attention."
Going for focused if that's applicable.
Assuming his blacksmith trade doesn't offer any alternatives, he'll smash either the lock or the iron ring, whichever his instincts tell him is weaker.Going for focused if that's applicable.
Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(42) = 6
Apr 10, 2023 9:51 pm
blacksmith is all about hitting metalRolls
Check DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
(155) = 11
Apr 10, 2023 9:53 pm
As you go to open the chest you hear voices from the side at the far side of the room.
Hey, some one is getting into our stuff!
Followed by the sounds of multiple feet rushing your way
Hey, some one is getting into our stuff!
Followed by the sounds of multiple feet rushing your way
Apr 11, 2023 2:51 am
"Uh oh."
The far side of the room we're in? Or back in 22?Last edited April 11, 2023 2:52 am
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