Sep 7, 2023 3:20 am
I can work with this. Can I make a Sunburst with two Radiance that works the same as a Fireball? (I.e. does some damaged to everything in the burst. I still wanna kill those spiders sometime.)
I have to take Mind given Skeeve's Fey background and Charisma Trait. Don't know how he'll use it, but he'll figure something out.
Force will be the third one.
Assuming Sunburst can be a thing, he'll try to make that two-word scroll. Then he'll take enough supplies to try and make a one-word scroll on the fly. (In the other thread you said that one-word scrolls could be created in interludes while out and about. Two or more word scrolls require actual downtime.)
I have to take Mind given Skeeve's Fey background and Charisma Trait. Don't know how he'll use it, but he'll figure something out.
Force will be the third one.
Assuming Sunburst can be a thing, he'll try to make that two-word scroll. Then he'll take enough supplies to try and make a one-word scroll on the fly. (In the other thread you said that one-word scrolls could be created in interludes while out and about. Two or more word scrolls require actual downtime.)