daryen / Skeeve

Apr 1, 2023 3:49 pm
Welcome @daryen / Skeeve

This thread is for your character creation. Take a look at welcome and character creation.

If you have any questions you can post them here or if you think they are general on the Q&A
Apr 1, 2023 4:05 pm
Looks like you are good to go.

Lets say the fey gave you a stick. Though obviously not carved with tools it is hard and smooth from repeated handling and 2.5 feet long. Through experimentation you have found you are able to influence the stick a bit making to as soft and pliable as a vine as long or stretch out becoming thinner and longer or shorter and fatter. The changes to its form and flexibility only last as long as you maintain direct contact with it and funnel a trickle of magic into it. Mostly you wear it as a belt under your shirt or use it as a walking stick. Occasionally you use it as a tool as the pliability when you inject magic into it allows you to shape it and then let it harden into a variety of useful shapes. Though a useful your magic senses indicate this is not its true power which resides dep within and has ignores all your attempts to access it.

I have a couple of options. Let me know your preference
1. Start on your own outside the expedition heading out to find adventure and bring peace
2. I could have for you to bump into another newcomer who is in the midst of an adventure and you can work together until you meet up with the rest of the characters.
3. Start in the expedition base as an apprentice to the wizard who want to step out from his slightly old and cautiously overprotective shadow
Apr 1, 2023 4:27 pm
I like #2. The third one implies a history that doesn't fit in my mind. And I like the idea of starting with someone else rather than alone. That way he gets to know one person first, then the rest. That fits how I see him better.

And thanks for the stick. It sounds cool as is and can grow later. I like it!

Edit: never mind on the other question. I'm good with "stick" as mastered weapon.
Last edited April 1, 2023 4:29 pm
Apr 1, 2023 4:35 pm
Also, I updated the character sheet to integrate the stick.
Apr 1, 2023 4:38 pm
No mastered weapons to start, just a weapon. Mastery will be added later.
I simplified characters to start so character creation is simpler since this is for newcomers and has a pretty high turn over as they move on though some stick around
Apr 1, 2023 4:43 pm
Alright you can join in with the story here.
Apr 2, 2023 4:39 pm
FYI: I made two changes to my character sheet:
1) His Belief has changed to "What is my place?" I thought that actually makes more sense with the background I gave him. I hope that is OK.
2) I deleted the leather armor. It doesn't matter in Tiny Dungeons (without the correct Trait), and it doesn't really fit with his description I am giving. He just has his simple, rough clothes. I'll pretend they provide some protection. (Since they will include leathers and hides, anyway.)
Apr 2, 2023 4:47 pm
No problem about the belief
I am still a bit new to TinyD6 but I though somewhere it says something about a lack of armor can make it easier to hit you. But thick leather and hide clothing are good enough for me
Apr 23, 2023 5:26 pm
I've seen mention of fey being opponents to the Expedition. I would think that Skeeve's having lived and served the fey for so many years should give him some advantage when trying to figure out what they are doing or predict their actions/reactions. However, I assume it will NOT give any advantage to actually deal with them, as fey are so individualistic and independent. Plus, there are probably prejudices between otherworldly fey and those who choose to live in the mortal realms. Plus, him having been a fey servant likely does him no favors either. (But then, he has a trait for that part.)

I just wanted to mention this before it comes relevant to make sure I stated my thoughts and find out how valid they are.
Apr 23, 2023 5:36 pm
Well you are charismatic so have advantage with that to convince them to behoove or agree with you.
May 29, 2023 7:37 pm
I added Spell Reader to Skeeve's character sheet. Please change the wording if I got anything wrong. (I did it from memory, but it is pretty simple.)

I didn't add the potions or scroll, as those are consumables. Should I add them anyway?
May 29, 2023 7:45 pm
Added some form fields for potions and scrolls to your sheet in "Equipment" you can edit easily and copy/paste to replicate.
May 29, 2023 8:00 pm
You know how there is the black bar for the experience? Can you build something similar for money?

It looks like Skeeve currently has 50cp, 35sp, 7gp, a diamond(50gp), a jasper(30gp), and a torc(25gp). (I assume the dungeoneering supplies were taken from the common pool and belong to the common pool.)

And thank you for the potion and scroll entries!
Last edited May 29, 2023 8:01 pm
May 29, 2023 8:10 pm
done - things can be rearanged if you want easier access to scrolls/potions and to put the coin/loot in equipment
Just let me know
May 29, 2023 8:21 pm
That looks great! Thank you!
Sep 6, 2023 12:49 pm

I was looking back at a couple retired characters and I noticed with the Rikia character you had redefined the Spell Reader trait. I got the Spell Reader trait myself. Can I use the version of the trait that you gave her? If so, then it will make that trait much more useful since it would mean I could create my own scrolls instead of only being able to use those I find. In fact, I would be more than willing to simply adopt the "words" that her character had and just assume that Rikia was who taught Skeeve the Spell Reader trait.

So, can I do that?
Sep 6, 2023 1:45 pm
Spell Reader says:
You have spent years learning the true language of the arcane world, allowing you to read power-laced words from magic scrolls. You have mastered a few arcane words, inscribed into your talisman, that you can combine to craft spell scrolls with a successful test. Failure requires you to restart the time spent. Spells crafted only using mastered words test with advantage. The more words combined the greater the effect and the more costly the scroll and longer it takes to craft.
# Word 1 2 3 4
Minutes 1 10 90 900
Gold 1 10 100 1,000

Perform a standard 2d6 Test to successfully read the scroll. When successfully read, the magic of the scroll takes effect, and the scroll turns to dust. If the Test is failed, the magic is not invoked and the scroll is unaffected.
Any spell crafted without using only these words will be at disadvantage and cost more. Attempts to craft scrolls or talismans for effects you have not mastered may fail wasting time and money. This is why most spell-readers will specialize in using the words they know and trade with others. Most cities or counties will have a spell-reader you can trade with.

Example words and talismans: Fire(combust), life(heal), conceal(advantage to hide), speed(increased movement), wind(dust devil), break(Rot wood), mend(repair a cracked vase), etc.
I will need to read over this, I am still fidling with balancing things, but dont see a problem. I will let you now later today on any changes
Sep 6, 2023 2:06 pm
Pick your the words for now and we can go from there.
I figure a 1 word scroll is about x2 the power of spell touched effects, 2 is x4, 3 is x8 but these factors are distributed into duration and area of affect
Sep 6, 2023 4:23 pm
How many words, since I'm getting this in-stream, rather than starting with this as a longer assumed past? The "full" four, or just a couple and I have to work/find the others? Also, how many am I allowed to learn? Should I just take, say, two now to leave "room" for two more? Or is there no limit, so I should start with all four as it doesn't limit my ability or opportunity for more? Also, I wasn't clear, are the talismans (with the words) only good for making a scroll? Or can they be used directly? If they can be used directly, does this destroy the talisman?

I am going to just assume that he learned his words from Rikia, so I'll start with hers: Fire, Shield, Wind, Speed. If I am limited in what I can learn, I will learn them in the order I just gave (Fire first; Speed last). I will, of course, always be looking for the chance to learn more words. Life seems like a good candidate to look for. Mend would be cool too (to fix his armor during a session).

So, the background would simply be that when he learned how Rikia's magic works, he asked her to show him how she did it. He then focused on one word (Fire) and learned to make his own talisman for it. Once he succeeded with that talisman, he worked on the others she could teach him, one by one. (You get to tell me how many that is, if any.) I am completely cool with needing to learn the words over time.
Sep 7, 2023 1:42 am
How about this . .
you studies with Rikia and studdied her words but part of the process is to truely grok the word which is affected by your experience.
You start with
= Radiance : Light / Heat / Sun
+ Pick 2 from the table
Word Mind Force Sunder
Afinity ESP/Charm Reppel/Attract Break/Harm

+ You can learn a fourth by experimenting with spell touched

You can learm more but this translates to a gorwth in powe so I will try to balance your Word progression with others traits.
Sep 7, 2023 3:20 am
I can work with this. Can I make a Sunburst with two Radiance that works the same as a Fireball? (I.e. does some damaged to everything in the burst. I still wanna kill those spiders sometime.)

I have to take Mind given Skeeve's Fey background and Charisma Trait. Don't know how he'll use it, but he'll figure something out.

Force will be the third one.

Assuming Sunburst can be a thing, he'll try to make that two-word scroll. Then he'll take enough supplies to try and make a one-word scroll on the fly. (In the other thread you said that one-word scrolls could be created in interludes while out and about. Two or more word scrolls require actual downtime.)
Sep 7, 2023 3:40 am
Sunburst ~ Fireball = area affect burn is fine.

Mind can create mental illusions (vs holographic ones) or paralyze targets or make you or an area seem unimportant and forgettable . . . .

Yes 1 word scrolls are easier and thus can be done out in the field. 2 word and up require a save place and tools to be crafted
Sep 7, 2023 5:26 am
Blornvid and Skeeve have realy been at this a while. I was going through my notes and setting up a progression schedule. I then looked over the game veterans and added some history details and approximate Exp. You guys should have another trait by now. Go ahead and start working on what you want.
[ +- ] Advancement
Sep 7, 2023 1:50 pm
For the new Trait, will you allow Magical Disciplines? In particular, I am looking at Onyx Magic. I do want to slightly change to it, however. I want to delete the Blast effect (because I get that for "free" anyway), and replace it with this:
Push: Test to forcefully push a target away from you. If you are successful, the target takes no damage, but is pushed one range farther away (Close to Near; Near to Far). This cannot be used on a target already in the Far range.
In addition, Hurl is modified to add:
Hurl: Moving an object that weighs more than you requires a Test. Moving an object that weighs more that twice your weight requires a Test at Disadvantage. An object may be a creature. (This means that if you want to hurl a heavy object or an unwilling creature, you must Test twice: once to grab them and once to hit the target.)

If I can get this magic, I will take Sunder instead of Force.
Last edited September 7, 2023 1:54 pm
Sep 7, 2023 2:00 pm
Looks fine. Blast for push is not a problem. I will give detailed feedback tonight
Sep 7, 2023 2:43 pm
As an aside, I don't think Skeeve has the cash on hand for a fancy two-word scroll. Probably not the time, either. Instead, he will take supplies for four one-word scrolls with him.
Sep 7, 2023 5:12 pm
Blornvid had all the loot. You have plenty of money, 400gp+, and could make a couple scrolls the night before. Just roll to see if you succeeded
Sep 7, 2023 5:29 pm
OK, if I can try to make the scrolls, here goes two attempts:

1) Sunburst: a two-word Radiance spell that causes a wide area of effect damage. Everyone in the radius takes radiant damage, Save Test for half. (Basically, it is a fireball that burns but doesn't start fires or anything. Maybe it screws with undead a little extra, but then doesn't harm radiant creatures as compensation. Pretty special use either way. You set the damages.)

2) Tremor: a two-word Sunder spell that damages a 10x10x10 volume. If it is soft rock or dirt, it blows apart. Stone will crumble. Metal will weaken. (I.e. it does structural damage.) Does not directly harm living matter, but if the main support of the roof above a person crumbles, the indirect harm will get 'em. (Or if the floor they are standing on crumbles, they could fall.) Likewise, while it won't harm the person, their clothing and articles might not survive. Again, I am not sure how to scale this, so I will have you set the structural damage. (I call it Tremor because I figure Earthquake should be the three- or four-word version.)

Regardless of the success of either, I will do one attempt for each. Regardless of the success of either, I will still take the supplies for four one-word scrolls.


Skeeve: Create Sunburst Scroll - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Skeeve: Create Temor Scroll - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Sep 7, 2023 5:33 pm
Psybermagi says:
Blornvid had all the loot.
He did? Sorry, I think I overlooked anything in the caverns. This is what I have for group loot that wasn't divvied up:

20 CP, 37 SP, 1 GP
Fine silk sash threaded with copper (25 gp)
Marble rod inlaid with electrum (25 gp)

I'll go back and check.
Sep 7, 2023 5:37 pm
Sounds good.
Sep 7, 2023 6:25 pm
Ok, I went back through about 30 pages or so, and this is what I see unaccounted for since I last updated the group fund:

240 cp, 100 sp, 15 gp, 2 x diamond (50 gp), carnelian (25 gp), 2 x quartz (15 gp), helm inscribed with runes
4 leather armor, 4 short swords, flint & steel, 3 candles, 1 torch, 2 vials of oil
260 cp, 90 sp, 40 gp, diamond (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), onyx (50 gp), quartz (50 gp), 2 x zircon (50 gp)
Banded Mail (heavy)
18 siver, 21 copper
2 50' ropes, 2 sets of climbing gear

Combined on the coins: 521 cp, 208 sp, 55 gp.
3 diamonds (50 gp each)
1 chalcedony (50 gp)
1 onyx (50 gp)
1 quartz (50 gp)
2 zircon (50 gp each)
1 carnelian (25 gp)
2 quartz (15 gp each)

These should've been divided by 3 (Skeeve, Raggy, Blornvid) for:
173 cp each with 2 cp leftover
69 sp each with 1 leftover
18 gp each with 1 leftover
2 gems each of 50 gp value
1 extra 50 gp gem each to Skeeve and Blornvid
The carnelian and small quartz combine to 55 gp to Raggy.

The non-magical swords and armor could've been sold to cover our meal expenses (lodging too?). If not, we can take it out of the petty cash.

Is this ok, Psybermagi?

Sorry for dropping the ball here, guys.
Sep 7, 2023 6:35 pm
Basic food and lodging are free as long as you work for the expedition. But only 1 tankard of ale or small glass of wine per meal

Basic pricing is in the Tiny Info sheet
Sep 7, 2023 6:36 pm
As an aside, Skeeve will take a diamond, the onyx, and a zircon. Gives something to bargain with if we need it on our teleporting around.

While Skeeve took one of the short swords (mostly as a long utility knife, rather than a weapon), I completely agree with selling off/donating the non-magic weapons and armor.

Given the 18 gp each above, plus what he had before, Skeeve is completely covered on his scroll attempts. So, we're good without even touching the team kitty.

EDIT: Updated my character sheet. I changed out a chunk of copper and silver for gold to reduce the coin total. (No change in money; just different coins. Basically he paid for his scroll stuff with lots of copper and silver!)
Last edited September 7, 2023 6:45 pm
Sep 8, 2023 1:36 am
I'm selling off those two items (silk sash & marble rod) from the group fund and putting the proceeds into the group fund.
Oct 7, 2023 5:43 pm
On the idea of secret note or writing in code, the two main ideas would be to either use some obscure or unknown language, or to use Spell-Touched magic to overwrite or obscure it. Or, ideally, both.

So, on the first one, I assume Skeeve had to learn the language of the fey he served, which is different than the Common language used normally. If that's the case, maybe he writes the fey language using the Common script. (Like writing the Chinese language using Latin script.)

On the second one, is Spell-Touched powerful enough to visually alter a section of writing to look like it says something similar, but different? Basically, he writes down two different things in the same space, but one is seen and the other is hidden. I assume someone powerful like Fiznik would see right through it, but someone like Skeeve or Gardakhan would have to roll to have a chance, and someone with no magical help would only know of and see the alternative text. (Obviously, I am merely using myself as an example if someone else did this. Whomever actually wrote it can see both automatically.)

Do either, or both, of these work?
Last edited October 7, 2023 5:43 pm
Oct 7, 2023 8:14 pm
I see no problem with the idea of writing in one language using another alphabet. Another person with similar skill can figure it out but it would not directly be apparent.
Spell touched can transform small objects but that would be about 1 word per action so about 15-20 words per minute. IE not fast but permanent. Or you can mask an entire page with an illusion but that only works while in range and you concentrate. Or you can place a magic mark that can last a day that anyone with magic might detect or see. The harder it is to detect the shorter it lasts. All of those seem reasonable to me for Spell Touched. Minor, small, temporary effects
Oct 7, 2023 8:30 pm
Ok, thanks!

I am assuming that Skeeve knows both the Common language and the fey language of his service. I am also assuming he is literate. (Or all that writing would be pretty pointless.) So, that's what he'll use for the base text whenever he wants to leave a note to himself that to be just for him.

That first method you mentioned is what I was thinking of. He permanently changes the visible words (and a limit of 15-20 words a minute is perfectly fine) until dismissed. He can dismiss it for free; anyone else has to roll, assuming they figure it out. (Which wouldn't be hard for anyone who has magic.)

I'll figure out he does what he needs this time when we get to it, but I'll keep this all in mind going forward.
Oct 7, 2023 10:12 pm
Literacy and education in general is much lower in my games. Closer to history but not exactly prices is accurate. All people just basic ideograms for common signs. But I usually allow increases levels based on background. Ex merchant do not math, all spell casters know more reading and writing, etc.

Changing ink is transmutation and receiving anything changed could be tricky and a bit complicated so your are getting a bit being the standard Spell Touched definition. The exact mechanics aside adding hidden text is like a hidden mark so I don't have a problem with it but this is still a limited thing. Don't go too sophisticated or powerful or it will fail
Oct 8, 2023 12:57 am
On language, here is how I envision Skeeve's languages. Whatever his original language was is long forgotten. I assume he was too young to remember. When with the fey, being human meant he could concentrate on things better than them, so he got to do some light administration, meaning he became literate with their language. When he was dropped off on this world, he learned the spoken language and has been working to learn the written language. So, I guess he'd have to write common using the fey script. He's working on the Common language, and I assume he's well along the way for it.

On the magic, I think I got it. It isn't meant to tax the magic. Just make it non obvious. Think "obfuscate", not "encrypt".
Nov 2, 2023 1:42 pm
Not sure of the correct place to ask this, but since it is about a Trait, I'll do it here.

I know Beastspeaker lets me talk to normal animals, at least to the ability of their cognition. That's cool. But does it allow me to talk to fantastical animals? Like could I talk to a gryphon or an owlbear or something like that?

I figure something completely alien (what a more famous game would call an aberation) is either already intelligent enough to speak on its own, or too alien to use the Trait with. I'm cool with that. Likewise, if the fantastical animal is above animal intelligence, then that becomes a normal language issue (like a giant eagle, which are generally of human intelligence). I am only talking about creatures that are still identifiably animals with animal intelligence. (Like a gryphon or hippogriff or owlbear or something like those.)
Nov 2, 2023 3:07 pm
Beast speech allows rudimentary communication with anything that can think but has no language.
Griffin yes, owlbear yes, dragon no, unicorn no (the speak Sylvan), etc
I haven't used giant eagles yet so haven't had to deal with that one specifically so it's an unknown at this time
Nov 2, 2023 3:13 pm
Sweet! Thanks!

As said before, I am assuming that Skeeve can speak the language of the fey (i.e. Sylvan) and whatever the local common tongue is. So, I should have unicorns covered, too, but that has nothing to do with Beastspeaker. :)
Nov 22, 2023 6:43 pm

New question: Can I use a one-word Sunder spell to "break" magic? Since it is just one-word, it is likely temporary (maybe even just a round or two). But can the concept of "Sunder" be used metaphysically rather than just physically?
Nov 22, 2023 7:25 pm
That seems reasonable.
My concept of it is the word is tied to an aspect of reality. So the magic "sunders" a target.
However a 1 word scroll will not be able to destroy anything stronger than a 1 word magic.

Also if you created a 3x Sunder magic spell you can disrupt something much stronger than just 3x Sunder anything scroll which will still be stronger than a 1x Sunder magic though less precise
Nov 22, 2023 9:58 pm
But can it also disrupt? So, again, a 1-word magic can't actually permanently break the spell/magic. But it might be able to disrupt it for a little while. I do agree that for big magic, a 1-word magic isn't going to do much. But can it do something?
Dec 6, 2023 4:52 pm
As an aside, I see that Skeeve has gained enough experience for a new Trait. Is there some timing that is required to get it. I.e. does it need to happen in some kind of down time? I don't know what I want yet, so we have time, but it is "money" "burning a hole in my pocket", so I wanted to ask.

I have a few options I am thinking of, but I'm not sure which will work best.
- A low utility but cool choice is Die Hard, for that "no, I'm not dead yet" benefit.
- The completely utilitarian choice is Healer, since we can't seem to get any of them to stick around.
- The other big choice is to find some way to expand my magic, whether a published "gem" specialization or something custom to this setting. (Skeeve really wants to be able to work the tiles without the need of Fiznik's spell storing gem.)

Also, is there a limit to the number of Traits one character can have? Just want to make sure of that, too.
Last edited December 6, 2023 4:52 pm
Dec 6, 2023 6:47 pm
Adding new traits or skills is a downtime activity, so as soon as you get somewhere safe to sleep, IE the Manor, you can add one.

I mixed a magic school with a martial arts discipline for a compat magic character in the game I play. I dont have the other source books but understand there are myriad magics already built for Tiny. You can mix some forms of magic and propose new one.
Ex : This should let you access the tiles functions much better Geomancy : the magic if patterns and dimension Arcane Barrier: Wall of force with 2 HP blocks all attacks till destroyed but all attacks automatically gain Focus against it. Shift: move any object or creature to anywhere in their current or an adjacent area. A Save is allowed if the target is unwilling. Weave Sense: You detect connections beyond normal perception including deciphering unknown languages. ???

Did you see my PM to you?
Dec 6, 2023 7:17 pm
Ooo. That Geomancy sounds very interesting. I'll definitely keep it in mind! Still might take Healer, though. Not sure.

And I saw the PM now. I'm in on that!
Last edited December 6, 2023 7:17 pm
Dec 6, 2023 7:31 pm
Geomancy : The magic of patterns and dimension
Impede: By locking a section of reality into stasis you create a 10x10' translucent barrier with 1 HP. This prevents all movement and blocks all attacks until destroyed. All attacks automatically gain Focus against it. The dimensions can be halved to double the HP. 5x5=2HP 2x2=4HP, 1x1=8HP.
Shift: By folding reality you can move any object or creature you see in your area to another location in your area. Test with disadvantage to extend the range to or from an adjacent area. A Save is allowed if the target is unwilling.
Apophenia: You detect connections beyond normal perception including deciphering unknown languages.
Restoration: Your touch can repair items and heal wounds. You restore 1 point of damage per success rolled.

still not curing disease or poison as those are limited to Healer but this would help basic adventuring and you can get potions for the other stuff
Shift is a bit redundant with your existing magic so we can think of something else
Dec 6, 2023 7:52 pm
On Shift, it depends. If it is more like a very short ranged dimension door, especially if he can use it on himself, that becomes very useful. If it is just a fancy Push, then, no, it isn't as useful as it becomes redundant. But a short range dimension door is cool because you don't physically move through the intervening space; you disappear then reappear. Plus, it would make a cool teleporting tie-in with the tile pads.

Actually, both the Wrinkle and dimension-door Shift would *both* tie in well with the tile pads.
Dec 6, 2023 9:10 pm
I was thinking a short range teleport usable on any/all
Dec 6, 2023 10:15 pm
Then that's perfect. I like that a lot, even if there seems to be a bit of overlap. Skeeve'll be taking that when he can!

I figure he learns this by finding a forgotten book in the Manor's library. (As a side note, Skeeve is regularly haunting the library when given free time. Not exclusively or anything, but he is still doing research when he can.)
Dec 6, 2023 10:18 pm
The one question on the short-range teleport, now that I think of it: I am assuming that the source and the destination must both be visible to Skeeve. If using it on himself, then he just needs to see the destination. Is that correct? If so, can the path be obstructed? So, for example, can he look through a keyhole and "pop" into the other side? Can he look through a window and pop into the other side?
Dec 7, 2023 3:12 am
I cleaned up the spells a bit and yes, shift can go to any area you see, though windows, bars, key holes etc.
Dec 7, 2023 4:08 am
Ok, that will definitely be my next Trait! I'm pumped!
Dec 7, 2023 2:08 pm
Thinking about the spells I want to work a bit more on Impeede and Shift. The basic ideas should work but I am trying to ballance it with existing traits and spells.

Impede: Test to create a translucent barrier until the start of your next turn or untill destroyed. Once created an action without a test is required to maintain a barrier.
The basic barrier is 10x10' and stops all movement and attacks. Attacks damage the barrier as if the attacker has Focus and the barrier has 1HP. The dimensions can be halved to double the HP. 5x5=2HP 2x2=4HP, 1x1=8HP.

Shift:Test to move any object or creature you see from an area nearby to you or vice versa. The shift cannot bypass sold barriers. Test with disadvantage to extend the range of the source or destination. A Save is allowed if the target is unwilling.
EX: 2d6 Touch to anywhere within 25' or vice versa, 1d6 touch anywhere within 50', vice versa, anywhere within 25' to anywhere within 25'. Shift through bars but not Impede or glass.
Dec 7, 2023 2:29 pm
Tweaking things to make them balanced is cool. And I am good with solid things stopping the Shift. That makes sense. (I mean, obviously, I'll be happy if solid barriers don't stop it, but I more than understand if they do.)
Dec 20, 2023 5:21 pm
Perceptive: What has been seen cannot be unseen. You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things that may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep.

Trapmaster: It’s a trap! You gain Advantage when Testing to create, locate, and disarm traps. You also gain Advantage on Save Tests against traps.

In the other TinyD6 games you play does perception apply to all physical detection? It seems from these two traits that Perceptive is more about more general senses and not for trap detection. Skeeve checked the door but is not really trained with traps and such. I do not think that Perceptive allows advantage for finding traps. Please roll a regular test for that. You can still roll with advantage and I will give additional information but only if it is not trap related in the future.
Dec 20, 2023 7:07 pm
I deleted my first reply so I could try again ...
While I am cool with that ruling and will abide by it, let me offer a little pushback.

When used with traps, Perception only lets you have the chance to find that something exists. It doesn't tell you want you found, exactly (though often it is obvious), nor does it tell you how it works or if it still functions. It just says, "You see something you didn't expect to see." That would seem to fit within the purview of Perception.

Trap Master also gives you the chance to find traps with advantage if you don't have Perception. It would seem to have a slight overlap because of this, but that's OK because Trap Master does *so* much more. It gives advantage on not only finding a trap, but also on knowing what kind of trap it is, how it works, disabling it without triggering it, and setting up a new trap.

So, yes, there is an overlap between Perception and Trap Master, but it is very specific: the ability to detect traps or the evidence of traps. But each also provides much more that distinguishes between them and makes each quite worthwhile and can be worth it for some characters to have both.

But to show why Perception should be able to detect that a trap exists, let me give two examples.

First, the one that actually happened: When Skeeve say the holes around that one door. That is definitely something he should be able to find using Perception. How they work (e.g. shoot darts, release gas, shoot poisoned darts, etc) would require Trap Master to roll with advantage. But Perception will still let him find those holes.

Second, as a though experiment, think of secret doors. I don't think there is any argument that Perception will let someone find secret doors with advantage. That seems obvious enough. But what about trap doors? I would think that if Perception will give advantage for secret doors, then it has to give advantage to find trap doors. Because, what are trap doors if not just secret doors in the floor instead of the wall.

As a compromise, how about we put it this way: Perception should give advantage to detect anything that can been seen, heard, or smelled. (I am ignoring touch because that's usually what triggers something and taste because, uh, duh.) If that seen, heard, or smelled observation leads one to believe a trap is present, so be it. Or, if a trap has nothing observable (i.e. nothing to see, hear, or smell), then Perception can't find it.

To go back to the first example, Skeeve should definitely have seen those holes using just perception. That it was a trap is incidental. Those holes were an unusual feature of that door and should be noted. It is entirely possible that they were nothing. Or they could have been holes to launch a dart trap (which was the case). But Perception should have definitely allowed him to find those holes. Any further examination of those holes would have required Trap Master to figure out if it really was a trap, what kind of trap it was, and the chance to disable it.

Does that make any sense?
Last edited December 20, 2023 7:45 pm
Dec 20, 2023 7:50 pm
As the TL;DR version:

To specifically "check for traps" with advantage requires Trap Master.

To check if things are odd, which might be (or might not be) a trap can be done with Perception. Perception does not say it is a trap; it just says something out-of-place is there.

I should not mention traps direction with Perception checks. Skeeve just looks for things that are odd or out-of-place.
Dec 20, 2023 7:52 pm
That fits with what I understood. Skeeve can look for clues but may not discern things that are due to a lack of training/experience (ie he does not have the trait).
Dec 20, 2023 8:10 pm
Great! I'm there with that. I will state my searches and investigations more specifically going forward.

Or maybe someone with Trap Master will join. 🙂
Dec 20, 2023 8:19 pm
Or get Ealdwig to pick out up
Jan 5, 2024 11:37 pm
Skeeve will take the Geomancy trait. I'll let you add it to my character sheet so that it's description is correct. However, since the magical disciplines are all named after gemstones, this one should be, too. If you don't have a better one, how about calling it Topaz Magic?

For the rest, I'm gonna save it so I can try to get the Diehard trait. I know that it isn't the best trait for getting HP, but I really like how it can really fit in with his whole "altered by the fey" thing he has going on.
Jan 7, 2024 7:20 pm
Latest thoughts. Changed Shift to remove duplicate functionality with onyx magic. You can use either Shift.

Geomancy : The magic of patterns and dimension

Apophenia: You detect connections and decipher patterns beyond normal perception.

Affix : Test to lock a section of reality until the start of your next turn. This can lock items, elements, and even space. Locking an area creates a translucent 10x10 or smaller barrier. Once created an action without a test is required to maintain the lock. Locks can be broken with 1 point of damage.

Realign: Your touch can repair items and heal wounds. You restore 1 point of damage per success rolled.

Shift: Test to alter one aspect of items that can be held in one hand.
By testing with disadvantage items half your size can be affected. Depending on the nature of the shift it can be permanent or temporary. Aspects include size, shape, color, weight, texture, taste, smell, and more.
Shift : Test to move any object or creature you see from an area nearby to you or vice versa. The shift cannot bypass sold barriers. Test with disadvantage to extend the range of the source or destination. A Save is allowed if the target is unwilling.
Jan 8, 2024 12:09 am
On Shift, here is what I am thinking ...

The Push power in Onyx Magic is purely combat oriented and only affects others. It could theoretically just be part of the main Hurl power, but I view Hurl as more just pure TK which allows for manipulation and control. Push was just there to do what it says on the tin: push someone else away. There is no teleport and the person physically moves through the intervening space. Also, it can't pull; it only pushes away. Everything else is covered by Hurl. I should have asked for it to be violent so it would knock the target down if they failed a save, but I didn't, so it is what it is.

What I want with Shift is a personal short-range teleport. I want it to allow Skeeve to use the short-range teleport. If it helps, can we call it Blink or Door instead of Shift. Honestly, I am willing to have it work only on Skeeve. In fact, how about this:

Blink : You may instantaneously move yourself up to two range bands (I dunno, 50 feet?) without passing through the intervening space. No roll is required, it simply functions as a move, except for the distance and that it is a teleportation effect. You must be able to see the destination, and the way to the destination cannot be completely blocked.

Is that workable?

Also, I'd like to call it Topaz Magic, so it stays with the base gem-theme with the names.
Last edited January 8, 2024 12:37 am
Jan 8, 2024 12:56 am
Teleport/Blink is fine to a point. As this is something that is beyond normal mundane activities I think it needs a roll of some kind. If you want guaranteed success then there has to be another failure penalty other than not teleporting.

EX: Blink : You may instantaneously move yourself without passing through the intervening space whether close or far. You must roll a save, at disadvantage if the distance is Far, or your next roll is at Disadvantage / Take 1 damage / can not take steps (move without an action).

Though some magic does not require a roll those thing usually mimic mundane activities. Ex: Onyx Shield
Jan 8, 2024 2:27 am
I am ok with having to roll. Rolling for activation is fine. On the other hand, rolling to avoid a bad thing is cool, too. I kinda like that because it's different. How about if the roll fails the next action (not turn) is lost? Otherwise taking one damage point is fine, too. Actually, let's go with the point of damage. That gives the option of losing an action (by healing) or living with the damage.

On Apophenia, there used to be something about discerning the meaning of unknown languages. Did that go away? If not, that'd be cool for those times where we run into weird sayings or things written on walls. Obviously it would be good for reading a book or full document, but rather for figuring out the gist or intent of phrases, headings, inscriptions, and very short things like that. Or is that just kinda included in the short description?
Last edited January 8, 2024 2:31 am
Jan 8, 2024 2:35 am
Languages are party of the patterns. It is just a specific that I left of as I didn't think it was needed. Track it in as an example of your want the reminder
Jan 8, 2024 2:55 am
Works for me. Thanks! I'm excited for this!

I'm banking the last six so I can save up for Diehard.

After that, who knows?
Jan 8, 2024 3:40 am
Another thing, for my fourth rune, can Skeeve work with both Rikia (I assume she's still in the background serving as an employee of Fiznik) and Braun to learn the rune for Life?

The point is that it would then let me make scrolls for things like cure disease, remove poison, healing, and such like that. When he gets ambitious enough to try a three word scroll, he might even be able to do more!
Jan 8, 2024 4:22 am
Research into magic is costly and mages are reluctant to share their words. 100 gold to gain a precious "Life" word. Roll a standard test to see if you can learn the new word of power.
Jan 8, 2024 4:56 am
OK - this self crafting Spell Reader progression is a bit of unexplored territory and I think we worked out most of the initial details earlier. However I think there needs to be a XP cost to learn more words as the # of words you know is also the Max # words you can put on a scroll. Plus it expands the utility of this trait. The original trail had scrolls controlled by GM. I want to allow flexibility but it has to follow the existing framework as closely as possible.

The cost of the Trait in XP grown with the # of words. Cost = 1+#*#. So 3 words = 10 XP, 4 = 17 XP, 5 = 26 XP . . .
So to learn the new word would require 7 XP.

As I said in the story chat researching or purchasing a word would be expensive. I am actually thinking 100 GP for a word is cheap as that is the price to craft a scroll. But due to story history I am fine with leaving that as stated. Still thinking on this for future reference though.

These are initial thought, open to feedback, but the premise of power comes from XP must be maintained.
Jan 8, 2024 6:07 am
Hmm. If I remember, Rikia had four to start with. I just had three. However, functionally, I have only actually used two. So, if you want to make this harder work for me, well, first of all that's perfectly fine. In fact, we can drop me back to just the two words if that will make it work better for you. Note that I am not asking to swap out the third word. I'm willing to entirely drop it if it'll help you recalibrate. While I freely admit I will try to take what is available to me, I want this to be fun for everyone, including you. So I am fully willing to only have two words if that makes things easier for you, especially if you get any more spell readers in the future. Heck, we can drop the runes entirely and just use the book-standard Scroll Reader, if the runes will cause too many issues.

Also, I only asked about Rikia's approach because Skeeve has only ever found a single scroll. I might not have even thought about it, except that using that one scroll was awesome and I had no way to get more. (Yes, I know we can technically buy them, but they are very expensive!) Since it didn't look like I was gonna find anymore, I asked about being able to make my own.

Another point is that if Skeeve finds any other rune based scroll readers, he'd definitely trade. We just have found any. And, again, he's happy to trade. He isn't expecting anything for free.

Back to the current situation, to make sure I understand.
1) I can learn a maximum of four words total?
2) It costs both gold AND XP to learn a new word?
3) Is there anyone in the base beside the NPC Rikia that knows words? (I assume at least Fiznik and maybe Valpip, but I don't know that for sure.)
4) Is there anyway to research a word? I mean Skeeve has an entire arcane library at his disposal. It would seem a shame to waste it.
5) Are there any limitations on what word that can be gained? Is it limited to an arbitrary pool of what's available, or can he research pretty much whatever he wants? (Obviously, when trading, it is whatever the other mage has. I mean when gaining one through research/gold.)

Again, let's just drop me to the two words I have used so that we can more properly reset and not let things get too nuts. I get nothing direct back for this. This is just to help,reset things. Then, depending on your clarifications, we can work on getting Skeeve a new word.

Edit: to be absolutely clear, I am fine with whatever changes are needed. Just trying to understand the new rules so I can adapt and move forward. I am willing to be as flexible as needed.
Last edited January 8, 2024 6:09 am
Jan 8, 2024 1:09 pm
Rikia was a test case and I never though too deeply on expanding the # of words and its impact on the trait. A simple solution would be to simply divest the max word scroll from words known. As you know the ability to craft scrolls it not in the rules so all of this is extra anyhow.
[ +- ] Aquiring scrolls
I added this feature primarily to allow Spell Reader to gain access to scrolls so that they woulld have options without relying on random drops in adventure. The addition of magic shops is to supliment this. I will work on adding more into the story as appropriate.

I think a simple solution is to keep the base "Spell Reader" trait limited in the tier of scrolls it can produce. An additional trait would allow the crafing of more powerful scrolls to reflect the increase in power it provides.
Jan 8, 2024 1:44 pm
Revised Spell Reader :
You have spent years learning the true language of the arcane world, allowing you to read power-laced words to unleash their effects. You have mastered a few arcane words that you can combine to craft into runes or talisman to activate at a later time

Gaining this trait grants you three words of power to start. A single new word can be learned from any talisman or scroll with a successful test but doing so destroys the item pass or fail.

Using the words known define the desired effect and test to create a rune or talisman. Failure requires you to restart the process. Runes contain only a single word and produce simple magic equivalent to magic disciplines. Talisman can contain any number of words and have a greater effect.

To successfully read a scroll, talisman, or rune perform a standard 2d6 Test . When successfully read, the magic of the scroll takes effect, and the scroll turns to dust. If the Test is failed, the magic is not invoked and the scroll is unaffected.

Ability Time Cost Power
Spell Touched Minor
Discipline Lesser
Rune 2 actions 1 Silver Lesser (1st level spells)
Talisman 1 hour 10 gold Greater (2nd level spells)
Scroll 1 day 10+ Platinum Major (3rd+ level spells)

New Trait : Scroll Scribe (Requires Spell Reader)
You can craft scrolls of immense power . . .
Thus the # of words limits only the effect created an not the power
Jan 8, 2024 2:15 pm
With these revisions gaining words is less prohibitive.

Life is a rare word mostly the ability is held by priests and druids who don't use words.
I want to keep full/dedicated healing as a specific trait to make it more special
+ Baun is a natural healer and can help you research for a price
+ Valpip is an artificer and uses as different system of power
+ Fiznik is a wizard and knows many words. I will come up with a list.
+ Rikia knows Fire, Shield, Wind, Speed and will trade
Jan 8, 2024 2:46 pm
OK, so I keep the three words I had before, and my search for the Life word will end up being a quest of sorts to find it. Cool. I can get behind that. Works for me. We can figure out how he goes about that later.

So, now I have new questions:
1) I can't make scrolls unless I have the Scroll Scribe trait? So I can't make my scrolls anymore?
2) In addition to scrolls, I can make Runes and Talismans? I guess they work kinda like scrolls, but they can't be terribly powerful? Do they turn to dust, too, or do they just lose their magic until "repowered"? (It'd be nice if talismans can be reusable.)
3) Not sure what the Disciplines entry is for. Is that things like Onyx and Crystal magic?

So, if I am understanding this all correctly, those two scrolls I created were not actually scrolls, but were actually talismans? That means my supplies for one-word scrolls are now for making Runes, and my new supplies for two-word scrolls are now for making Talismans? I'm fine with that, but I just want to make sure. Will the Talismans still be about as powerful as those two-word scrolls were, or will they be less powerful?

Also, if I am right about Disciplines, then their "Power" entry should be "varies". They cover a range.

I understand things are evolving, so I am just trying to keep up!
Jan 8, 2024 4:38 pm
So, do I need to have Skeeve take Alchemist so we can go through all of this for potions?

(Just joking, but I imagine that one would get messy, too.)
Jan 8, 2024 4:47 pm
1. Correct. You can't make scrolls

2. Talisman and Runes act just like scrolls. They loose magic and consume the resources when used. This is to stay closer to the existing scroll rules. But Runes are cheaper than the previous 1 word scrolls.

3. Correct magic disciplines are the prestige trait abilities/spells

I want to stay close to the original scroll definitions and as this gives greater flexibility than the prestige discipline spells the balance is it had a material cost.
Jan 8, 2024 5:52 pm
OK, so those two scrolls I made were really talismans, and I can still create them again, but they would be talismans. That works for me.

So, does that mean the "Cure Disease" scroll you mentioned in the Manor thread is really a "Cure Disease" talisman?
Jan 8, 2024 6:50 pm
Making this up as I go along and pulling heavily from previous experience on systems and fantasy books. It is usually rare for mages to be able to heal and even rarer to be able to cure disease. I am staying with they for now.

Scrolls can be lower power and are the standard format for sale. The cure scrolls are produced by temples and sold as scrolls.

Talisman and Runes are created by wizards and mages and are easier to craft than scrolls but also not as durable. Scrolls last year's or longer. Runes and talisman last week's or maybe months.
Jan 8, 2024 7:07 pm
To finish off the new magic trait, does the following sound correct? I did aesthetic editing, added the required Test for Apophenia, and integrated Blink. I am NOT trying to slip anything through; this is just my understanding of where we ended up.

Topaz Magic
Magic that provides power over patterns and dimension.

Apophenia: You detect connections and decipher patterns beyond normal perception. Make a Test to discern what is meant. Difficult of the test is determined by the GM.

Affix: Test to lock a section of reality until the start of your next turn. This can lock items, elements, and even space. Locking an area creates a translucent 10x10 or smaller barrier. Once created an action without a Test is required to maintain the lock. Locks can be broken with 1 point of damage.

Realign: Your touch can repair items and heal wounds. You restore 1 point of damage per success rolled.

Blink: You may instantaneously move yourself without passing through the intervening space whether close or far. You must roll a Save Test, at Disadvantage if the distance is Far, or you take 1 damage.

... So, if that is all good, we can get back to finishing off the scroll discussion.
Jan 8, 2024 7:23 pm
On the scroll discussion, here is my base take-away:
- One must have the Scroll Scribe trait to actually write a scroll.
- Scroll Reader opens up the ability to create temporary runes and talismans.
- Runes are replacements for the one-word scrolls I could do before.
- Talismans are replacements for the two-word scrolls I could do before.
- I am not getting the Life word without taking the Healing Trait (thus branching into the clerical realms).

I will then assume the material I have to make one-word scrolls is now magically transformed into the material to make a rune. And I can buy 10gp chunks of material to make two-word talismans. (I also recommend that runes stay at a 1GP cost, not a 1SP cost.)
Last edited January 8, 2024 7:23 pm
Jan 8, 2024 7:44 pm
Topaz Magic
Magic that provides power over patterns and dimension.

Apophenia: Test to detect connections and decipher patterns beyond normal perception.

Affix: Test to lock a section of reality until the start of your next turn. This can lock items, elements, and even space. Lock create a translucent field that is 10x10 or smaller. Once created a lock can be maintain by using an action, no test needed, each round. Locks can be broken with 1 point of damage.

Realign: Your touch can repair items and heal wounds. You restore 1 point of damage per success rolled.

Blink: You may instantaneously move yourself without passing through the intervening space whether close or far. You must roll a Save Test, at Disadvantage if the distance is Far, or you take 1 damage.
Jan 8, 2024 7:45 pm
1 gold per rune sounds good
Jan 8, 2024 10:28 pm

I updated my my character sheet with the new trait, reduced XP, increased GP. I updated the description of Scroll Reader to match the new understanding (only listing Runes and Talismans). I added the component sets for the Runes and Talismans that I have. I deleted the healing potion I no longer have.

Hopefully I got everything correct!

Also, I decided to represent the armor's HP by listing my HP as 7/6. So, my maximum HP is 6, but I have 7 until I lose that ablative HP. I thought that would be the best way to do it.

Also also, speaking of my armor (and Blornvids, for that matter) I assume my new Topaz-Realign power can NOT be used to fix it between fights. Is that correct? I can already do minor mending (like holes in clothes, repair cut rope, little things like that), so I am assuming realign can go bigger, but can't do anything too big. Is that correct?
Last edited January 8, 2024 11:15 pm
Jan 9, 2024 1:22 am
While rechecking the sheet I noticed I missed a couple things in my inventory, so I cleaned them up. It should be better now. (I deleted the goblin sword as it is now Ealdwig's, deleted the note about the one-word scrolls as they are elsewhere now. Added the dagger I just bought. Reduced the gold and silver to pay for it.)
Jan 11, 2024 1:49 pm
Please mark on your character sheet any runes or talisman you crafted on your down time
Jan 11, 2024 3:00 pm
I had planned on creating them when I got to the Manor. I have supplies for four runes and four talismans, but not made any. While inconvenient since we're gonna have a fight before we get to the Manor, I'm gonna stick with that plan. I have noted the supplies explicitly in the Gear portion of the character sheet. I even put a "count" entry for each of those so I can change the inventory status easily. (As long as I have an example, I learn syntax very quickly!)

Also, I have an Onyx ability I have not tried yet. I'm gonna give it a shot when we get to the fight.
Jan 12, 2024 5:53 pm
Back on the Topaz Blink power, I am having second thoughts on one thing: I am starting to think it needs to be "roll to activate" instead of "roll to avoid consequence". The reason is twofold:
1) Every other Topaz ability is roll to use. They probably should be consistent.
2) While theory-crafting in my head, I am concerned that "roll to avoid consequence" may be OP.

So, even though it could get me killed in the big battle coming, would you allow me to change my mind and make the Topaz Blink power "roll to activate"? If so, I'll update the description in my character sheet.
Jan 12, 2024 5:56 pm
I salute your sacrifice in the name of consistency
Jan 15, 2024 2:07 pm
Reworded your topaz healing ability so my original intent is clearer.
Jan 15, 2024 3:01 pm
That's what I thought it meant, but I wasn't sure. Doesn't change the results of my first usage, though.
Jan 15, 2024 3:25 pm
Roll twice with disadvantage to heal 1 point per dice would be 1d6,1d6.
So that's 1 heal this round, taking the first dice of reach roll .
Jan 15, 2024 3:31 pm
I was rolling for two turns, so four actions total. I was assuming that I got two turns of actions, even with time pressure. Turn #1 was fully focused on Ander. Turn #2 was fully focused on Isuzu. If I only had one turn, the Ander gets his point and I try to heal Isuzu on the first turn of combat. But that was two turns of rolls, not just one.

In other words, each roll was one action with two once die rolls. I just put them together so i didn't have to make twice as many rolls.
Jan 15, 2024 3:41 pm
Nope 2 turned it is. Just making sure we are on the same page
Jan 15, 2024 3:41 pm
Well, with Ishzu not needing healing, either way we slice it, Ander should get one HP back and we go from there.
Jan 17, 2024 4:22 pm
Question: Will the Marksman trait work with Skeeve's Magic Bolt? Will it work with his Shatter?

I am not sure I'd take it, but I'd like to know if it is an option.
Jan 17, 2024 4:36 pm
I have issues with magic attacks to be honest. It can attack any area, while ranged weapons can not. Plus spell touched does not take an extra action to prepare, which I think it should. Plus it has so much versatility. The only drawback is it limit to 2d6 rolls and small area affect. I do not think basic magic will ever get 3d6. A prestige spell might. I guess it equates to much the same but this is the only way i see it working and I am still thinking on it.
Jan 17, 2024 5:29 pm
I am cool with all of that. However, I have to ask to know. So I do.

But restricting the default magic bolt to just be 2d6, either with or without focus, but no Mastery and no Marksman makes perfect sense and I am good with it. Those limitations keep it in check, so that all makes sense.

And with those limitations, I think it should be OK. The reason is because everyone else's main attack will be 3d6, rather than 2d6. And once the missile weapon users get quick shot, they can fire away every action, too. Yes, it takes a trait (quick shot) to fire every action, but it takes a trait (spell-touched) to get the magic bolt. So, with the flexible, but restricted, magic bolt, the mage characters can focus on magic traits, allowing the fighters to focus on weapon and combat traits.
Jan 24, 2024 1:08 am
@Psybermagi, the text for the scroll reader trait says:
Perform a standard 2d6 Test to successfully read the scroll. When successfully read, the magic of the scroll takes effect, and the scroll turns to dust. If the Test is failed, the magic is not invoked and the scroll is unaffected.
You have mastered a few arcane words, inscribed into your talisman. Test to craft spell scrolls using words of power, failure requires you start over. The more words combined the greater the effect and the more costly the scroll and longer it takes to craft. Spells crafted only using mastered words tests at advantage.
That very last sentence raises a question: Which test is at an advantage? The attempt to write something only using words I know? Or reading a scroll using only words I know? Both?

Honestly, I haven't used advantage in any case up through now. So, I've been "cheating" myself from using advantage, so I'd like to correct that going forward. I assume this only applies to reading a scroll, as I didn't think I could write anything I don't know. But, I want to clarify. (And to allow for the possibility that the statement needs to just go away and it's just always normal rolls.)

Jan 24, 2024 1:28 am
Second paragraph is all on crafting you get advantage to craft. This allows you less chance to fail/waste money by focusing you known words ana affects. It implies that you can attempts to craft thing using affects not direclty tied to a known word. I will review again and see if I can clarify the language.
Spell reading execution follows basic spell reader etiquite.
Jan 24, 2024 1:32 am
Ah, so I'll remember to use advantage when writing in the future.
Feb 15, 2024 3:27 pm
I will note this here, rather than in the adventure thread to avoid cluttering it up.

Now that he has all four of the dice set, he will be sure to work through his exercises during downtime. He will effectively turn it into a bit of a game, working through the progressions to gain familiarity and efficiency. He also takes the relevant book that he views as most pertinent to go with him. He does tell Witic, but will talk her into "checking out" one book. He won't take it out of the Manor, though. No reason to put it into danger.

He will also always be on the lookout for more patterns. He will make sure they are recorded in his notes anytime he finds one, along with notes about context of where found and, if known, where they go. While he won't be able to check any of them out immediately, he does want to add them to his catalog.

Feb 19, 2024 3:43 am
@Psybermagi, separate note: now that Skeeve has Mastered his Stick, I am assuming there are two forms that he can instantly change Stick into. The first is as the shillelagh form which he uses from combat. He just grabs it from his waist and as he swings to make his attack, it automatically forms into the shillelagh during the swing. The second is the belt form as he wraps it around his waist to stow it, it just changes automatically. Any other shapes take him an Action to make work. (Note that in belt form, it has no function and is purely decorative. He figured this out a long time ago when he went to use Stick and his pants fell down. Never again!)

As for its secret capacity or ability, he hasn't been searching that much recently because he's been spending too much time trying to figure out how to use the Matrix Nodes. Once he unlocks how to use the Matrix Nodes, he'll go back to studying Stick more. In fact, he will probably ask Witic and Seer about it, too. Might as well.
Feb 23, 2024 5:31 am

A two-word Radiant talisman did a pretty decent amount of damage and would likely damage the building we are in. How much damage would a one-word Radiant rune do?
Feb 23, 2024 5:42 am
1 word is between spell touched and archmage spell
Feb 23, 2024 5:45 am
So, in that case, a two-word spell shouldn't damage the house? Sure, it would singe the walls and such, but it shouldn't cause serious damage, correct?
Feb 23, 2024 1:57 pm
Not unless you target the house. If you want a lethal non-destructive scroll use mind/destruction.
Tremor will damage the building but Sunburst will not
Feb 23, 2024 2:02 pm
Sweet! Thanks!
Mar 10, 2024 10:49 pm
For the record, I updated Skeeve's sheet with the 3XP and picked the Trait. I picked Diehard to give him one mulligan if he drops to zero HP. I figure it is just a weird manifestation of his Fae magic.
Mar 22, 2024 3:38 am
With his tutelage from Seer, Fiznik, and the Tower, plus his second Archmage trait, I believe Skeeve can now use Matrix Nodes in the following ways:
- Set the pattern. (He should be relatively quicker now. Not as fast as the evil spider or Fiznik, but faster than he used to be.)
- Activate the pattern. Probably takes a full two Actions/one Turn to do.
- Communicate through the Node. (Like talk to the Seer.)
- Scramble the pattern after use.
Mar 22, 2024 3:54 am
For now I will have you roll for success to set a pattern to determine your speed and how well you scramble it.
However activating the nodes too quickly without rest can drain you.
Mar 22, 2024 6:22 pm
Works for me!

Mar 22, 2024 9:05 pm
I was hand waving things before but put some thought into the matrix so here are the basics for your consideration

Matrix Node guidelines

Geomancy is the practice of manipulation of patterns, often called arrays
Arrays can be 1D, 2D, 3D, or 4D. (dimension)
Ex: A scroll is essentially a 1D array. A linear arrangement of symbols/words that manipulates magic
Ex: A spell is 4D as it involves movements in all 4
A basic Node array is 2D
Ex: Barrier creates a wall of protection, Conceal hides from some sense, Extend increases the range of the next magic cast from the Node, etc...
Advanced functions of Nodes are 3D, multiple 2D in a row, with most being 2 or 3 arrangements.
Ex : Teleport = connect, address, Move / Communicate = connect, address, talk / etc
Simply by adding the Scramble pattern at the beginning of any array you will wipe the current pattern

Ideas for basic arrays:
1D : Focus, Amplify, Resist, Dissipate
2D : Block, Hide, Project, Sense, Gather, Diffuse, Move, Connect, Chaos/Change, Stasis/Bind
3D : Teleport, Scry, Communicate, ...

The major advantage of the Matrix and it's Nodes is that they are a Matrix. Each Node contributes to the overall Matrix. Thus when enacting a effect from 1 Node it can draw on the power of all. However it is a Matrix not a Hierarchy so no 1 Node can use all of the power. However 1/1000 of all the Matrix power, while negligible for the Realm is massive for 1 Node. The Nodes have built in safety features that limit the power output. However when using features between multiple nodes this can be partially bypassed. Ex: teleporting form a Node to a random place has limits on mass and range. From 1 node to another is almost limitless. Limits applied to nodes are tied to the complexity of the array so a 3D array can use more power than a 2 but takes more skill and the node automatically tries to block inept executions of arrays and do nothing but accidents have been known to happen. So practitioners are cautioned when experimenting over 2D patterns.
Mar 23, 2024 12:29 am
That works for me.

Skeeve can do the 3D actions; he just has to roll for them. He knows "Teleport" and he knows "Communicate". He is now very interested to make sure he knows "Scry", too. It will be of huge benefit to be able to see where they are going before they actually go!

He'll work on some of those 2D ones, too, if he has time. He knows Block (which I assume is the shield pattern he was taught).
Mar 23, 2024 8:04 pm
Also, just to be clear, how I expect Node Scrying to work is that the user sets the destination as desired, but instead of teleporting there, they are able to see as if they were on the destination pad, but they aren't there. They can turn around and see all around, but they can't leave the pad and can only see what is visible from the pad. If the destination is pitch black, dark vision would be needed.

I assume anyone at the destination will know that at least something is happening. I don't know if they would know for sure it is Scrying. Also, I don't know if there'd be a phantom manifestation of those doing the Scrying at the destination.

I don't know if only the caster can see, or if everyone on the pad can see. I imagine everyone, but that could be too much.

I also assume that if there is someone controlling the pad (like the Seer at the Manor or Fiznik our "home" node), they can block the Scrying easily enough.
Mar 23, 2024 9:40 pm
Scrying : about correct. Remote sights can be scryed and this is typically done by generating illusions over the local Node of the remote site.

I believe I have touched on node administration/control before. The Public/Civil matrix was regulated by the leaders/military so without civil/military authority is useless to you. The Private/Personal matric was unregulated others that its basic structure requirements. Some sites, like the Manor have lock out privileges so that outside can not connect in without permission. There are a variety of controls and all the books talk about are general ideas as the actual security used in each was arranged by the installing array master then the keys handed over to each owner. The seer has the keys for the Manor Node, but likely they are technically held by Sylfir. You know for a fact that Seer was able to scry and use the Matrix for other things so not all of the Private Matrix is completely controlled or locked down. Think of it as a magical internet/network. Some nodes are secure others are less so. The Seer did share some patterns to block remote access to the cavern node but as they lack the keys they are unable to enforce it without being there personaly. One of the reasons for their little camp.
Apr 30, 2024 5:59 pm
Since I don't want to clutter up too much on the other threads, I will note these items here.

When Skeeve gets back to the Base, he wants to do the following:
1) Talk with Phlan. He wants to get a library token and a city matrix token. He also wants to convince Phlan to call the base New Paphos and to take the title of Mayor. (Or whatever is appropriate. Mayor seems the least threatening to any powers around them and recognizes his administrative role thus far. He can claim whatever noble title he wants later when he has a better chance to make it stick.) Hopefully this will give Phlan enough confidence in him to tell him what is happening on the larger stage (and what we found going on at the other two Remnants).
2) Talk with Fiznik to let him know what he has found and make a copy of his new map for his use. (He'll actually make two copies. See below.) He'll also turn in his spell storing gem and tablet. He will ask for a new spell storing gem with just a single charge as a step-down replacement.
3) Spend some time with Ishzu and Baun. He wants to make sure they know how to use the Matrix Node, how to use the gem with the Matrix Node, and that they have the V-pattern memorized.
4) He will remotely check in with the Seer and send him a copy of the city matrix node he found, and give him some updates on what he has learned thus far. He'll also ask how the refugees are doing.
Apr 30, 2024 11:29 pm
1) Talk with Phlan. He wants to get a library token and a city matrix token. He also wants to convince Phlan to call the base New Paphos and to take the title of Mayor. (Or whatever is appropriate. Mayor seems the least threatening to any powers around them and recognizes his administrative role thus far. He can claim whatever noble title he wants later when he has a better chance to make it stick.) Hopefully this will give Phlan enough confidence in him to tell him what is happening on the larger stage (and what we found going on at the other two Remnants).
Phlan is wiling to accept the name change once the expeditionary base has residents besides adventurers, guards, and researchers. Which should be within the year. I can do some narrative manipulation to speed that up but it won't be instantaneous. As noted in the story any tokens they have found are inactive and so useless. Yes you can get one, Yes I already gave hints, yes you can ask for more info, in game.
2) Talk with Fiznik to let him know what he has found and make a copy of his new map for his use. (He'll actually make two copies. See below.) He'll also turn in his spell storing gem and tablet. He will ask for a new spell storing gem with just a single charge as a step-down replacement.
There are other map making items, similar to the one Ander had if you want to buy one or can convince the expedition you are worth the loan. The tablet and spell storage device are restricted for matrix explorations due to their use. If you want a single charge item it will cost 500 GP. Loans are as needed. Your current assignment does not merit the cost/risk.
3) Spend some time with Ishzu and Baun. He wants to make sure they know how to use the Matrix Node, how to use the gem with the Matrix Node, and that they have the V-pattern memorized.
Working with Fiznik and Valpip to tutor the two should accelerate things and be worth the time to the artificer and wizard.
4) He will remotely check in with the Seer and send him a copy of the city matrix node he found, and give him some updates on what he has learned thus far. He'll also ask how the refugees are doing.
The city matrix is a closed system, Seer can file it but has no way to interact with it. The refugees are doing well. There is much work to get a summer crop in so the manor does not need to pay for all the food needed for the next winter.

@daryen updated
May 1, 2024 3:05 am
Phlan is wiling to accept the name change once the expeditionary base has residents besides adventurers, guards, and researchers. Which should be within the year. I can do some narrative manipulation to speed that up but it won't be instantaneous. As noted in the story any tokens they have found are inactive and so useless. Yes you can get one, Yes I already gave hints, yes you can ask for more info, in game.
I thought Phlan would be able to create new token for whomever he pleases. I know old found ones are useless, but if Phlan authorizes it (and I have no idea of how that is done), then the new token should be good. That's the direction I was trying to go in. With a network access token (a subway pass?), it should be easier to explore more of the remains of the city.

Also, he does want to ask Phlan about what was going on in those other Remnants. Can the base work with whatever cooperative the goblins are running? Who were the armored defenders in the other Remnant? He is very curious about that.

And I don't expect you to fully answer anything here. This is just to give you an idea of what Skeeve is trying to do and find out.
May 1, 2024 3:54 am
Sory, if you walk into an abandoned US city and declare yourself mayor you don't instantly have access to all computer systems. Now if someone becomes mayor and gets help being recognized by whatever remains of their magics, that's a different story. You have yet to find/recognize a civic authority. I can fast track this line of though in the story thread since I agree it will make some things quicker and get rid of mindless trekking.

He will definitely responde so suche questions in story. I know many preferer to do much/all in character but some times query lists and data dumps are much quicker for PbP. Skeeve talks with xxx and as they talk he tries to learn more about yyy, with specific question on zzzz. Your are pretty good at it but others dont think of it or care to use that format. shrug
May 1, 2024 4:54 pm
If we were F2F, I'd want to do it more "in character". But with PbeM or PbP, I like to make sure my intentions and goals are all laid out so that things don't have to get bogged down in a whole bunch of back-n-forths. That way the parts that can be advanced more quickly can be, and you can slow it down whenever you need to.

And, obviously, if the situation changes, then I will adjust Skeeve's goals and actions. Also, I thought Phlan already had the authority. Now that he knows that isn't the case, Skeeve will focus on fixing that first.
May 1, 2024 5:23 pm
Phlan is the head administrator of the expedition base sent from outside. The city has abandoned since at least the Shattering. But I will fast track the civic reconstruction. It's been heading that way for a while now anyhow. I will do another Phlan dump for public consumption to try to tie up lost threads and things I missed tonight. Let me know any points I have missed so far it you want more info on
Jun 27, 2024 9:04 pm
OK, I have no idea when this will be needed, but I am thinking Skeeve will be working to get one more Archmage Trait. Skeeve should be able to get one more Trait, plus an extra Heritage Trait. For the Heritage Trait, I plan on limiting him in that it can't be an Archmage Trait, only a standard Trait. (That just make most sense to me.) But there is still room for one more Archmage Trait.

For that Trait, I want to do something around illusions. I figure one of the four abilities should be combat focused, but that is not my primary idea for the illusions. I want them to be more general-use so that Skeeve can trick both individuals and large groups of people. I can go look for some example D&D spells, if that'd help for what I'm thinking of. One item would be to disguise himself or someone nearby, up to an including making the target invisible. (But they wouldn't actually be invisible; those watching would think they were simply not there.) Another one would be to make larger-scale illusions, like an imaginary scene. Not creating a whole forest or castle or anything. But making a gate look like a blank wall, or making a blank wall look like it had a door present. Or making a hut look like a fort, or a fort look like a cabin. Or making a big fierce looking dragon. The dragon would look impressive, breathe fire, and whatnot, but it wouldn't do any real damage, as it isn't actually real.

Anyway, would something like that work? Obviously, there is no immediate urgency to this. But, that's why I'm asking now, so it could be ready for when it is time to use it.
Jun 28, 2024 2:52 am
Illusion is possible. Are you leaning into the mental aspect or sensory manipulation? It may not matter but it would affect how I think about it. The mechanical things I can think of involve forcing disadvantage or granting advantage for some actions but I will think on itl
Jun 28, 2024 1:24 pm
Which do the fae do? That's the experience he'd be drawing on. I'm thinking something that is kinda a combination of both, really.

The main thing is that I am looking for something along the lines of:
- Change the way someone or a small group looks (up to and including invisibility).
- Change the way terrain or surrounds look. (Sized up to at least a large room or large hut.)
- Some kind of attack. Have to think on this one.
Not sure of the fourth item. Maybe setting up a repeating presentation that lasts for a while after set up. Should be able to at least be as big as an elephant.

Ideally, it would include visual and audible effects. Smell and taste would be good, too. So, for example, a set of rations could be made to look, smell, and taste like a fine meal. However, it can still only do so much. If the food is bad, there is an immediate save to detect it. If it is poison, likewise, there is a save to avoid it.

The whole idea is that no one with a reason to not believe would initially take the display at face value. Depending on what it does, they'd either get a save to disbelieve or just find out it's fake to begin with. So, for example, if a door is covered up to look like a continuous wall, anyone not familiar with that door and wall would just assume it's a wall. Anyone who is familiar with it gets an immediate save. A fake bridge would get an immediate save when they tried to use it to see if they figure out the illusion before falling. (If they are running to cross it, the save is at disadvantage. If they are being cautious, they get advantage.) Things like that. Same for the disguise/invisibilty.

This would only work on something with a "mind". This includes animals, but not anything that is considered "mindless".
Jun 28, 2024 3:04 pm
Fea use both depending on the type.
I will have to think about invisibility. I know some systems have it as a low level power but I think it is a bit more than that. Is invisibility uses in any of the Tiny systems?
Jun 28, 2024 4:11 pm
From what I have seen so far...

In Tiny Super heroes: invisibility appears as a Power. As most powers, it has 3 levels, getting better each level. Accessible from the start.

In Tiny Frientiers: there is no specific Invisibility power, but DM can create it's effects under the Xenotech technological items. Accessible from the start, subject to DMs approval.

In D&D: Invisibility is a 2nd level illusion spell. Accessible for wizard from 3rd level characters.. so not starting level, but very low level.
Jun 28, 2024 6:16 pm
In D&D terms I was trying to combine the 2nd level spell Invisibility and 1st level spell Disguise Self, which are both illusions. (There is a 2nd level Alter Self, but it is a transmutation and makes an actual change to the target's form. I'm trying to stay with illusion.)

I'll dig through my Tiny archive again to see if there is any invisibility there ...
Jun 28, 2024 7:14 pm
Lesse ... Looking through things, but focusing on the Tiny Dungeons side of things ...

In the base rules, the description of Spell-Touched states outright that the user "can produce small illusory objects, make small objects turn invisible, conjure ... phantom sounds from nowhere". So, with Spell-Touched, invisibility is already baked in, though only for something very small scale. However, since this is an Archmage ability, it wouldn't seem out of reason to increase the size of the target to human-sized (i.e. a character). Obviously, it all stops when an attack or other spell is made.

There are two references to invisibility in the Micro Settings. In the Spirit World, one of the Spirit Offerings is "Invisible for 1d6 turns", which can be invoked at any point until midnight. In Streets of Fey, the antagonistic Fey get to be invisible at will until they attack. No roll; no trait. That's just how they are. In both cases, there are no other qualifications on the invisibility.

So, in the case of using the Disguise Self ability, I figure that it would give advantage for Disguise. In the case of Invisibility, it would give advantage to Sneaky. (I figure even if you don't move or breathe or anything, the roll is still necessary so they don't accidentally run into you or whatever.)

In the Tiny Compendium, I see two items that are "invisibility adjacent".
An Archpsion power (equivalent to one of the four entries for Archmage) is:
- World of Illusion: With a successful test with Disadvantage, you can altogether change the perception of a targeted create. You tailor every sense, filling their mind with whatever you wish. Any damage to the target breaks the illusion.

A Necromancer power (equivalent to one of the four entries for Archmage) is:
- Made of Shadows: With a 2d6 test, you can meld with a shadowy area, such that no non-magical attack can harm you. This effect lasts until you make an attack or leave the shadows. You cannot be healed or interact with any solid ojbect while in this state. You have advantage to all Stealth rolls while made of shadow stuff.

And in Destiny of Tides, I see two more items in the general vicinity of invisibility.
In Amethyst Magic, there is:
- Hidden: You and any allies touching you become instantly camouflaged. The skin takes on the appearance and texture of your surroundings, making those affected very difficult to notice. This also happens to held objects, clothing, and possessions. It ends the moment anyone moves.

Also in Destiny of Tides, in Aquamarine Magic. there is:
- Inkcloud: You release a sudden blast of ink. Underwater, this creates a black ink cloud, blinding anyone within it. Outside of the water, this creates an oily jet that makes surfaces slick and objects too slippery to hold, stain cloth, paper, or other surfaces, or blind a specific target by spraying their eyes.
Jun 28, 2024 8:08 pm
I still need to look it over by here is my first take
+ Mask : change the appearance of 1 creature to normal senses
+ Veil : change the appearance of an area. Creatures in the area that you attempt to conceal can not move of the veil is ruined.
+ invisibility : you become invisible
+ Cloak : you create a barrier that hides creatures, rendering them effectively invisible
+ Mute/Inundate : You weaken/overwhelm one sense of a creature. The world around them is overridden with false information making it nearly impossible to use that sense.
Jun 29, 2024 3:15 am
How about something like this:
Mask: You may change the appearance, to any degree, of any one person or object, and it will appear as that object to anyone observing it. If the disguised thing or person moves or speaks, roll at Advantage to avoid suspicion. If failed, someone will know something is wrong, but might not know exactly what or figure it out immediately.
Invisibility: You may make any one person or object invisible. Anyone trying to find them is at disadvantage. All attacks on an invisible target are at disadvantage. If someone is invisible, they can make their first attack at advantage, but the invisibility is then broken.
Image: You may create an image of anything no larger than a dragon. It can move, make sound, and have smell. It may simulate a living creature, or an inanimate object.
Phantasm: Roll a standard attack. If successful, the target thinks you are the most terrifying thing they have ever seen or heard. They are at disadvantage for all actions until they make a successful save test.

Ok, what this does is basically take your Mask and Invisibility and given them mechanical effects. But they are just a disguise ability and invisibility. The disguise one can also provide glamor effects, as the presentation is still what people see, even if they know it isn't real.

Image basically splits Veil and Cloak. I need to come up with the mechanical effects for it. I'm not sure on that one. But the thing it can be is literally anything, including a wall, bridge, door, whatever. Really, this isn't a great combat ability. Its primary utility is to avoid combat before it gets to that point. Or to cover an escape as long as sight can be temporarily broken. The main thing is determining how long it lasts. I'm thinking like six turns after concentration has ended, Also, even if someone knows it is fake, it's still what they sense until it goes away. So even if they can walk through the wall, they can't see through the wall. They have to go through to see the other side.

For Phantasm, I thought it should have one combat related effect, so there it is. Functionally, it works exactly like poison. It doesn't cause damage, but rather is a debuff.
Jun 29, 2024 3:23 pm
Mask is ok
Invisibility is self only or cloak for any ranged effect that work on others. That's why I listed both above
Image Projection : just to not infer it to only be visual. Size is limited to 1 large creature (about 10' radius) and confined within 1 zone, Dragon size is vague and setting dependant.
Phantasm is ok
Jun 29, 2024 4:45 pm
I was thinking that invisibility could work for one object/creature, not a group. Self or other. If that's too much, so be it.

For Projection, I want it to be either a creature or a feature. Since you like 10 feet, how about if it can be up to 1000 cubic feet (10x10x10). It can be pretty much anything and is visual, audible, and can have smell. Again, a big function for this is to hide or distract or divert. It doesn't do harm and isn't really there. But it sure looks, sounds, and smells real!

Also, I'm trying to make sure I limit it to four entries only, so that the Archmage format is maintained.
Jul 10, 2024 4:10 pm
OK, I have some questions on my Words and Talismans.

The Sunburst scroll is kinda like a fireball, but it doesn't set things on fire. Maybe it would do something extra to undead (or not), but that doesn't matter here. So, it is a nice big AOE attack. I'm still not sure if it does two or three damage to the targets. I assume two; one if they Save.

On the Tremor scroll does structural damage, but how much. If I cast it one the corner of a building, what happens? How about a wall? How many does it take to make the side of a structure crumble? How about if I cast it on a ceiling? In this case I am going for structural damage; damage to the occupants is nice, but secondary.

And, I have a third Word I have yet to use: Mind. If I use a one-Word rune, how powerful is that effect? How about a two-Word rune? I am looking to do something like "confusion" (they do something random for a couple rounds), "suggestion" (compelled to do a specific action), "charm person" (automatically like me), "dance" (compelled to dance for a couple rounds) or "stupor" (they do nothing for a couple rounds). "Dominate" would be cool, too, but I assume that is more than two Words.

Basically, I have an infinite number of hobgoblins to circumvent, and I am trying to figure out what runes and talismans I can use to give us the best chance of success. But to do that, I need to make sure of the scale.
Jul 11, 2024 2:59 am
Sunburst is 2, or 1 with save

Tremor can break 1 section of wall/door, or damage/crack something larger. The Remnants are old so likely more susceptible to damage. 2-3 should affect a large enough area to be dangerous around here. 1 might do something if you are lucky

Friend/charm/suggest/scare would be 1 word, Hold/fear(area)/confusion(area) would be 2 words, dominate 3 words
Jul 11, 2024 2:19 pm
Jul 13, 2024 2:44 pm
By the way, I eventually realized I never played the Trade I gave Skeeve. I changed it to match his actual played background. So, it now says "Fae Servant" instead of "Hermit". There is no practical effect, as that is exactly how he had been played. This is why he can speak Sylvan and has advantage dealing with the Fae, which is what he has used in the past.
Sep 28, 2024 3:37 am
OK, since this is now relevant, let me try again with the magic. Again, I am intentionally restricting it to just four items so I am being consistent with the form of the published abilities..

Mask: You may change the appearance, to any degree, of any one person or object, and it will appear as that object to anyone observing it. If the disguised thing or person moves or speaks, roll at Advantage to avoid suspicion. If failed, someone will know something is wrong, but might not know exactly what or figure it out immediately.
Invisibility: You may make yourself or any one person or a single object human sized or smaller invisible. Anyone trying to find them is at disadvantage. All attacks on an invisible target are at disadvantage. If you or someone is invisible, they can make their first attack at advantage, but the invisibility is then broken.
Projection: You may create an image of anything with a volume of 1000 cubic feet (10x10x10) or less. It can move, make sound, and have smell. It may simulate a living creature, or an inanimate object. Anything within the image cannot be seen, but anything so concealed cannot leave the boundary of the image or it will ruin the effect.
Phantasm: You force the target to make a Save Test. If failed, the target thinks you are the most terrifying thing they have ever seen or heard. They are at disadvantage for all actions until they make a successful save test.

More explanation for the items above to help set parameters of what I am thinking ...

Mask is just Disguise Self. It basically puts an illusion around you, but you are still you. So, if Skeeve casts it on himself to look like an ogre, he looks like a full sized ogre, but he is actually still only his normal size and doesn't actually fill the entire volume of what the ogre takes up. He is also still Skeeve strength and does not have ogre strength. If Skeeve makes himself look like a duende, he looks as small as a duende, but, while everything bigger than the duende shape is effectively invisible, it is still there. So, if he has to go through a duende sized door, he will have to bend over, meaning his duende image will have to bend over, making things awkward.

Invisibility is just standard Invisibility and the mechanics use the typically TD implementation. It applies to one person or object and lasts until the invisible person attacks, or the caster dispels it, or the encounter ends. I figure the caster can only have one such effect going at a time.

Projection combines your Veil and Cloak and my Image. The idea is that it can make any kind of image. So, it can be a threatening creature that looks, sounds, and smells real (but is completely insubstantial), or it can be a stationary thing (like a big rock or a hut or a bonfire). If there is anything inside the bounds of the image, they are completely hidden. Not invisible; just hidden. So, if the image is a big rock, then anyone or anything "inside" the rock cannot be seen. Likewise, anyone behind the image cannot be seen. If that boundary is breached, the illusion is ruined. They don't have to be completely still, just "stay within the lines". Obviously, this will be very difficult if the image moves, and will be much easier if the image is static.

This is not really a group invisibility spell, due to the need to stay within the bounds of the illusion. (Or stay on the opposite side of the illusion.)

Phantasm is basically the same, but the roll is now a target's save test rather than an attack roll. (I can go either way. Whichever you think best.)

Does this revision work better?
Sep 30, 2024 1:25 am
Invisibility still seems off from earlier feedback but will review in detail when I have time
mask and projections seem overly complicated. I like and would like to stick to the simple descriptions as seen on on other abilities.

Life has been hectic, I have read but need to think on this, and Sunday is family time so I will need a bit.
Sep 30, 2024 4:27 am
No hurry. If you want and this needs time, I can just get a pedestrian Trait using a second Human Heritage Trait and worry about the fancy stuff later.

Or I can just an extra HP (or two) and kick things down the road a bit.
Oct 1, 2024 3:46 am
Revised feedback
Mask: Test to change the appearance, including size by a factor of x2 or x1/2, of any one person or object. If successful this will fool any casual observance but the Mask may be broken by a Save if the observer has reason to doubt.
Invisibility : Test to make yourself or one nearby creature or object invisible. Any invisible creature attacks with advantage and is attacked with disadvantage. Moving outside your near range, attacking, using mystic traits, or being hit causes the invisibility to instantly cease.
Phantasm: Select a target that must roll a Save Test. If fails the target thinks you embody one of their worst fears. Each round they repeat the save. While under the effects they are at disadvantage for all actions.

Projection: Test to create an image of anything with a volume of 1000 cubic feet (10x10x10) or less. It can move, make sound, and have smell. It may simulate a living creature, or an inanimate object. Anything within the image cannot be seen, but anything so concealed cannot leave the boundary of the image or it will ruin the effect.
Projection is too much. Pick either a creature or area. Note that Kaarik picked Veil, an area affect illusion.
Oct 1, 2024 4:16 pm
I am good with the first three.

For Projection, how about:
Test to create an image of any single object no bigger than 1000 cubic feet. It can move, make sound, and have smell. This may be a single creature (like a Death Dog) or a single object (like a large rock). Anything entering the space of, or interacting with, the object will expose the illusion, but not immediately dispel the illusion.

Ok, it now creates a single thing and nothing can be in it. Obviously, it will block line of sight if something is behind it. For example, creating an illusory door in an open archway will prevent anyone from seeing to the other side of the archway. It also avoids the AoE type magic like Kaarik. Will that work?

Edit: I'm still workshopping which gem to use as the name of the Archmage power.
Oct 4, 2024 3:51 pm

Question on the Human Trait Persistent. It says:
Persistent: repeated rolls, 2nd ignore disadvantage, 3rd gain advantage

What is meant by "repeated rolls"? Does this mean that if I am repeating rolls because of a prior failure? Or does it just mean if I am doing the same action multiple times? Also, after the third roll, does it start over again, or stay with advantage? Does this give me the ability to make reroll attempts where I might not otherwise have them? (Like with a Death Save Test.)

So, in the second case, does that mean if I am making an attack, the first attack is normal, the second attack removes disadvantage, and the third attack gains advantage? If so, then combining this ability with my Shatter spell would be pretty ridiculous. (This is true of any ability that starts at Disadvantage. Shatter is just the one Skeeve has handy.)

The context for this is that I am contemplating deferring the Illusion Archmage ability and instead getting a second Human Trait now. My default is just to get Adaptable (Resolute), but before doing that I want to get clarification on Persistent.
Oct 4, 2024 4:31 pm
The idea is repeated effort can overcome challenges. Attacking in combat is too dynamic so no effort is really repeated. You can apply this to any repeated Test outside of combat. This would allow you to gain advantage on magic traits if you perform the identical action 3 times.
updated Persistent says:
Repeated Non-combat Tests ,2nd ignores disadvantage, 3rd gains advantage
Oct 4, 2024 8:12 pm
OK, I am going to just go with Adaptable (Resolute). Skeeve has rolled enough Save Tests that I think this is a decent option. I'll save the third Archmage Trait until my next Trait acquisition.
Oct 4, 2024 8:20 pm
Also, with the Dissertation on Magics, Skeeve will start studying the Alarm spell to learn its Word. Not sure what the word will be, but he'll go for it.

After that, he will study Flame Arrows, trying for Fire. (I assume it is Fire. I could be wrong.)

For the Wall of Light, if he still has it, he will study it after the first two. However, he won't prevent himself from casting that one if the need ever arises. Not sure what the Word for it would be. If it is Radiance, then he will instead try to understand the spell so he can recreate it using a Word he already knows.

He isn't worried about the Homunculus one as that will either be used or not used. I am not sure what the Word for that one would be, and even if he learned the word, he likely couldn't duplicate the spell anyway.

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