Hmm. If I remember, Rikia had four to start with. I just had three. However, functionally, I have only actually used two. So, if you want to make this harder work for me, well, first of all that's perfectly fine. In fact, we can drop me back to just the two words if that will make it work better for you. Note that I am not asking to swap out the third word. I'm willing to entirely drop it if it'll help you recalibrate. While I freely admit I will try to take what is available to me, I want this to be fun for everyone, including you. So I am fully willing to only have two words if that makes things easier for you, especially if you get any more spell readers in the future. Heck, we can drop the runes entirely and just use the book-standard Scroll Reader, if the runes will cause too many issues.
Also, I only asked about Rikia's approach because Skeeve has only ever found a single scroll. I might not have even thought about it, except that using that one scroll was awesome and I had no way to get more. (Yes, I know we can technically buy them, but they are
very expensive!) Since it didn't look like I was gonna find anymore, I asked about being able to make my own.
Another point is that if Skeeve finds any other rune based scroll readers, he'd definitely trade. We just have found any. And, again, he's happy to trade. He isn't expecting anything for free.
Back to the current situation, to make sure I understand.
1) I can learn a maximum of four words total?
2) It costs both gold AND XP to learn a new word?
3) Is there anyone in the base beside the NPC Rikia that knows words? (I assume at least Fiznik and maybe Valpip, but I don't know that for sure.)
4) Is there anyway to research a word? I mean Skeeve has an entire arcane library at his disposal. It would seem a shame to waste it.
5) Are there any limitations on what word that can be gained? Is it limited to an arbitrary pool of what's available, or can he research pretty much whatever he wants? (Obviously, when trading, it is whatever the other mage has. I mean when gaining one through research/gold.)
Again, let's just drop me to the two words I have used so that we can more properly reset and not let things get too nuts. I get nothing direct back for this. This is just to help,reset things. Then, depending on your clarifications, we can work on getting Skeeve a new word.
Edit: to be absolutely clear, I am fine with whatever changes are needed. Just trying to understand the new rules so I can adapt and move forward. I am willing to be as flexible as needed.
Last edited January 8, 2024 6:09 am