daryen / Skeeve

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Jan 17, 2024 4:36 pm
I have issues with magic attacks to be honest. It can attack any area, while ranged weapons can not. Plus spell touched does not take an extra action to prepare, which I think it should. Plus it has so much versatility. The only drawback is it limit to 2d6 rolls and small area affect. I do not think basic magic will ever get 3d6. A prestige spell might. I guess it equates to much the same but this is the only way i see it working and I am still thinking on it.
Jan 17, 2024 5:29 pm
I am cool with all of that. However, I have to ask to know. So I do.

But restricting the default magic bolt to just be 2d6, either with or without focus, but no Mastery and no Marksman makes perfect sense and I am good with it. Those limitations keep it in check, so that all makes sense.

And with those limitations, I think it should be OK. The reason is because everyone else's main attack will be 3d6, rather than 2d6. And once the missile weapon users get quick shot, they can fire away every action, too. Yes, it takes a trait (quick shot) to fire every action, but it takes a trait (spell-touched) to get the magic bolt. So, with the flexible, but restricted, magic bolt, the mage characters can focus on magic traits, allowing the fighters to focus on weapon and combat traits.
Jan 24, 2024 1:08 am
@Psybermagi, the text for the scroll reader trait says:
Perform a standard 2d6 Test to successfully read the scroll. When successfully read, the magic of the scroll takes effect, and the scroll turns to dust. If the Test is failed, the magic is not invoked and the scroll is unaffected.
You have mastered a few arcane words, inscribed into your talisman. Test to craft spell scrolls using words of power, failure requires you start over. The more words combined the greater the effect and the more costly the scroll and longer it takes to craft. Spells crafted only using mastered words tests at advantage.
That very last sentence raises a question: Which test is at an advantage? The attempt to write something only using words I know? Or reading a scroll using only words I know? Both?

Honestly, I haven't used advantage in any case up through now. So, I've been "cheating" myself from using advantage, so I'd like to correct that going forward. I assume this only applies to reading a scroll, as I didn't think I could write anything I don't know. But, I want to clarify. (And to allow for the possibility that the statement needs to just go away and it's just always normal rolls.)

Jan 24, 2024 1:28 am
Second paragraph is all on crafting you get advantage to craft. This allows you less chance to fail/waste money by focusing you known words ana affects. It implies that you can attempts to craft thing using affects not direclty tied to a known word. I will review again and see if I can clarify the language.
Spell reading execution follows basic spell reader etiquite.
Jan 24, 2024 1:32 am
Ah, so I'll remember to use advantage when writing in the future.
Feb 15, 2024 3:27 pm
I will note this here, rather than in the adventure thread to avoid cluttering it up.

Now that he has all four of the dice set, he will be sure to work through his exercises during downtime. He will effectively turn it into a bit of a game, working through the progressions to gain familiarity and efficiency. He also takes the relevant book that he views as most pertinent to go with him. He does tell Witic, but will talk her into "checking out" one book. He won't take it out of the Manor, though. No reason to put it into danger.

He will also always be on the lookout for more patterns. He will make sure they are recorded in his notes anytime he finds one, along with notes about context of where found and, if known, where they go. While he won't be able to check any of them out immediately, he does want to add them to his catalog.

Feb 19, 2024 3:43 am
@Psybermagi, separate note: now that Skeeve has Mastered his Stick, I am assuming there are two forms that he can instantly change Stick into. The first is as the shillelagh form which he uses from combat. He just grabs it from his waist and as he swings to make his attack, it automatically forms into the shillelagh during the swing. The second is the belt form as he wraps it around his waist to stow it, it just changes automatically. Any other shapes take him an Action to make work. (Note that in belt form, it has no function and is purely decorative. He figured this out a long time ago when he went to use Stick and his pants fell down. Never again!)

As for its secret capacity or ability, he hasn't been searching that much recently because he's been spending too much time trying to figure out how to use the Matrix Nodes. Once he unlocks how to use the Matrix Nodes, he'll go back to studying Stick more. In fact, he will probably ask Witic and Seer about it, too. Might as well.
Feb 23, 2024 5:31 am

A two-word Radiant talisman did a pretty decent amount of damage and would likely damage the building we are in. How much damage would a one-word Radiant rune do?
Feb 23, 2024 5:42 am
1 word is between spell touched and archmage spell
Feb 23, 2024 5:45 am
So, in that case, a two-word spell shouldn't damage the house? Sure, it would singe the walls and such, but it shouldn't cause serious damage, correct?
Feb 23, 2024 1:57 pm
Not unless you target the house. If you want a lethal non-destructive scroll use mind/destruction.
Tremor will damage the building but Sunburst will not
Feb 23, 2024 2:02 pm
Sweet! Thanks!
Mar 10, 2024 10:49 pm
For the record, I updated Skeeve's sheet with the 3XP and picked the Trait. I picked Diehard to give him one mulligan if he drops to zero HP. I figure it is just a weird manifestation of his Fae magic.
Mar 22, 2024 3:38 am
With his tutelage from Seer, Fiznik, and the Tower, plus his second Archmage trait, I believe Skeeve can now use Matrix Nodes in the following ways:
- Set the pattern. (He should be relatively quicker now. Not as fast as the evil spider or Fiznik, but faster than he used to be.)
- Activate the pattern. Probably takes a full two Actions/one Turn to do.
- Communicate through the Node. (Like talk to the Seer.)
- Scramble the pattern after use.
Mar 22, 2024 3:54 am
For now I will have you roll for success to set a pattern to determine your speed and how well you scramble it.
However activating the nodes too quickly without rest can drain you.
Mar 22, 2024 6:22 pm
Works for me!

Mar 22, 2024 9:05 pm
I was hand waving things before but put some thought into the matrix so here are the basics for your consideration

Matrix Node guidelines

Geomancy is the practice of manipulation of patterns, often called arrays
Arrays can be 1D, 2D, 3D, or 4D. (dimension)
Ex: A scroll is essentially a 1D array. A linear arrangement of symbols/words that manipulates magic
Ex: A spell is 4D as it involves movements in all 4
A basic Node array is 2D
Ex: Barrier creates a wall of protection, Conceal hides from some sense, Extend increases the range of the next magic cast from the Node, etc...
Advanced functions of Nodes are 3D, multiple 2D in a row, with most being 2 or 3 arrangements.
Ex : Teleport = connect, address, Move / Communicate = connect, address, talk / etc
Simply by adding the Scramble pattern at the beginning of any array you will wipe the current pattern

Ideas for basic arrays:
1D : Focus, Amplify, Resist, Dissipate
2D : Block, Hide, Project, Sense, Gather, Diffuse, Move, Connect, Chaos/Change, Stasis/Bind
3D : Teleport, Scry, Communicate, ...

The major advantage of the Matrix and it's Nodes is that they are a Matrix. Each Node contributes to the overall Matrix. Thus when enacting a effect from 1 Node it can draw on the power of all. However it is a Matrix not a Hierarchy so no 1 Node can use all of the power. However 1/1000 of all the Matrix power, while negligible for the Realm is massive for 1 Node. The Nodes have built in safety features that limit the power output. However when using features between multiple nodes this can be partially bypassed. Ex: teleporting form a Node to a random place has limits on mass and range. From 1 node to another is almost limitless. Limits applied to nodes are tied to the complexity of the array so a 3D array can use more power than a 2 but takes more skill and the node automatically tries to block inept executions of arrays and do nothing but accidents have been known to happen. So practitioners are cautioned when experimenting over 2D patterns.
Mar 23, 2024 12:29 am
That works for me.

Skeeve can do the 3D actions; he just has to roll for them. He knows "Teleport" and he knows "Communicate". He is now very interested to make sure he knows "Scry", too. It will be of huge benefit to be able to see where they are going before they actually go!

He'll work on some of those 2D ones, too, if he has time. He knows Block (which I assume is the shield pattern he was taught).
Mar 23, 2024 8:04 pm
Also, just to be clear, how I expect Node Scrying to work is that the user sets the destination as desired, but instead of teleporting there, they are able to see as if they were on the destination pad, but they aren't there. They can turn around and see all around, but they can't leave the pad and can only see what is visible from the pad. If the destination is pitch black, dark vision would be needed.

I assume anyone at the destination will know that at least something is happening. I don't know if they would know for sure it is Scrying. Also, I don't know if there'd be a phantom manifestation of those doing the Scrying at the destination.

I don't know if only the caster can see, or if everyone on the pad can see. I imagine everyone, but that could be too much.

I also assume that if there is someone controlling the pad (like the Seer at the Manor or Fiznik our "home" node), they can block the Scrying easily enough.
Mar 23, 2024 9:40 pm
Scrying : about correct. Remote sights can be scryed and this is typically done by generating illusions over the local Node of the remote site.

I believe I have touched on node administration/control before. The Public/Civil matrix was regulated by the leaders/military so without civil/military authority is useless to you. The Private/Personal matric was unregulated others that its basic structure requirements. Some sites, like the Manor have lock out privileges so that outside can not connect in without permission. There are a variety of controls and all the books talk about are general ideas as the actual security used in each was arranged by the installing array master then the keys handed over to each owner. The seer has the keys for the Manor Node, but likely they are technically held by Sylfir. You know for a fact that Seer was able to scry and use the Matrix for other things so not all of the Private Matrix is completely controlled or locked down. Think of it as a magical internet/network. Some nodes are secure others are less so. The Seer did share some patterns to block remote access to the cavern node but as they lack the keys they are unable to enforce it without being there personaly. One of the reasons for their little camp.
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