daryen / Skeeve

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Apr 30, 2024 5:59 pm
Since I don't want to clutter up too much on the other threads, I will note these items here.

When Skeeve gets back to the Base, he wants to do the following:
1) Talk with Phlan. He wants to get a library token and a city matrix token. He also wants to convince Phlan to call the base New Paphos and to take the title of Mayor. (Or whatever is appropriate. Mayor seems the least threatening to any powers around them and recognizes his administrative role thus far. He can claim whatever noble title he wants later when he has a better chance to make it stick.) Hopefully this will give Phlan enough confidence in him to tell him what is happening on the larger stage (and what we found going on at the other two Remnants).
2) Talk with Fiznik to let him know what he has found and make a copy of his new map for his use. (He'll actually make two copies. See below.) He'll also turn in his spell storing gem and tablet. He will ask for a new spell storing gem with just a single charge as a step-down replacement.
3) Spend some time with Ishzu and Baun. He wants to make sure they know how to use the Matrix Node, how to use the gem with the Matrix Node, and that they have the V-pattern memorized.
4) He will remotely check in with the Seer and send him a copy of the city matrix node he found, and give him some updates on what he has learned thus far. He'll also ask how the refugees are doing.
Apr 30, 2024 11:29 pm
1) Talk with Phlan. He wants to get a library token and a city matrix token. He also wants to convince Phlan to call the base New Paphos and to take the title of Mayor. (Or whatever is appropriate. Mayor seems the least threatening to any powers around them and recognizes his administrative role thus far. He can claim whatever noble title he wants later when he has a better chance to make it stick.) Hopefully this will give Phlan enough confidence in him to tell him what is happening on the larger stage (and what we found going on at the other two Remnants).
Phlan is wiling to accept the name change once the expeditionary base has residents besides adventurers, guards, and researchers. Which should be within the year. I can do some narrative manipulation to speed that up but it won't be instantaneous. As noted in the story any tokens they have found are inactive and so useless. Yes you can get one, Yes I already gave hints, yes you can ask for more info, in game.
2) Talk with Fiznik to let him know what he has found and make a copy of his new map for his use. (He'll actually make two copies. See below.) He'll also turn in his spell storing gem and tablet. He will ask for a new spell storing gem with just a single charge as a step-down replacement.
There are other map making items, similar to the one Ander had if you want to buy one or can convince the expedition you are worth the loan. The tablet and spell storage device are restricted for matrix explorations due to their use. If you want a single charge item it will cost 500 GP. Loans are as needed. Your current assignment does not merit the cost/risk.
3) Spend some time with Ishzu and Baun. He wants to make sure they know how to use the Matrix Node, how to use the gem with the Matrix Node, and that they have the V-pattern memorized.
Working with Fiznik and Valpip to tutor the two should accelerate things and be worth the time to the artificer and wizard.
4) He will remotely check in with the Seer and send him a copy of the city matrix node he found, and give him some updates on what he has learned thus far. He'll also ask how the refugees are doing.
The city matrix is a closed system, Seer can file it but has no way to interact with it. The refugees are doing well. There is much work to get a summer crop in so the manor does not need to pay for all the food needed for the next winter.

@daryen updated
May 1, 2024 3:05 am
Phlan is wiling to accept the name change once the expeditionary base has residents besides adventurers, guards, and researchers. Which should be within the year. I can do some narrative manipulation to speed that up but it won't be instantaneous. As noted in the story any tokens they have found are inactive and so useless. Yes you can get one, Yes I already gave hints, yes you can ask for more info, in game.
I thought Phlan would be able to create new token for whomever he pleases. I know old found ones are useless, but if Phlan authorizes it (and I have no idea of how that is done), then the new token should be good. That's the direction I was trying to go in. With a network access token (a subway pass?), it should be easier to explore more of the remains of the city.

Also, he does want to ask Phlan about what was going on in those other Remnants. Can the base work with whatever cooperative the goblins are running? Who were the armored defenders in the other Remnant? He is very curious about that.

And I don't expect you to fully answer anything here. This is just to give you an idea of what Skeeve is trying to do and find out.
May 1, 2024 3:54 am
Sory, if you walk into an abandoned US city and declare yourself mayor you don't instantly have access to all computer systems. Now if someone becomes mayor and gets help being recognized by whatever remains of their magics, that's a different story. You have yet to find/recognize a civic authority. I can fast track this line of though in the story thread since I agree it will make some things quicker and get rid of mindless trekking.

He will definitely responde so suche questions in story. I know many preferer to do much/all in character but some times query lists and data dumps are much quicker for PbP. Skeeve talks with xxx and as they talk he tries to learn more about yyy, with specific question on zzzz. Your are pretty good at it but others dont think of it or care to use that format. shrug
May 1, 2024 4:54 pm
If we were F2F, I'd want to do it more "in character". But with PbeM or PbP, I like to make sure my intentions and goals are all laid out so that things don't have to get bogged down in a whole bunch of back-n-forths. That way the parts that can be advanced more quickly can be, and you can slow it down whenever you need to.

And, obviously, if the situation changes, then I will adjust Skeeve's goals and actions. Also, I thought Phlan already had the authority. Now that he knows that isn't the case, Skeeve will focus on fixing that first.
May 1, 2024 5:23 pm
Phlan is the head administrator of the expedition base sent from outside. The city has abandoned since at least the Shattering. But I will fast track the civic reconstruction. It's been heading that way for a while now anyhow. I will do another Phlan dump for public consumption to try to tie up lost threads and things I missed tonight. Let me know any points I have missed so far it you want more info on

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