The Old Forest

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 11:18 am
DMJ sent a note to Leo9sign

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 12:11 pm
A mere arm's length away She reveals Herself to him fully.

"I am Goddess."

It is true, Damanandros thinks, but he cannot compose himself to speak just yet.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 12:28 pm
In a surprise on the scene, Damanandros hears another voice - off to his right in the darkness.

It is in a language that he knows, but he has never before heard it spoken outside of the classroom in Kourithos.
[ +- ] Private. For fluent Zaharan speakers only.
The vocabulary is very obscure, and the syntax initially confusing, but Damanandros was the top-performing apprentice under Highmaster Nomion. He knows Zaharan fluently. His ears capture the words, even if not the mysterious meaning of the cryptic statement.

It is a whispering voice, like an old man - and quite unsettling.
Apr 15, 2023 12:38 pm
[ +- ] Zaharan only
Damandros is elated. She speaks Zaharan too, and he understands it! She said he is special.

"I speak at you," she has shifted now back to Auran. "You answer. Submit?"

Everything she says is lovely, but he can tell that she struggles with the low language. Even this is endearing.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 12:41 pm
[ +- ] Zaharan only
Apr 15, 2023 12:48 pm
[ +- ] Zaharan only
Never taking her eyes off of Damanandros, she speaks to him again in Auran, "Speak at me. Answer questions of mine. Show your lust for me."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 12:50 pm
Damanandros understands: The Goddess does not know yet that he can speak Zaharan.

He is excited to reveal to Her that he does indeed know the ancient language. He can fully express his love to Her.

Diplomacy Auto-Activated. Reaction Roll forthcoming, dependent on input.
Apr 15, 2023 3:20 pm
Gennadius stirs and shifts for some minutes, trying to let the sleep settle back in, but it's of no use. Torn between laziness and action at the awful hour, he intensely listens to the rain for a moment in a concerted effort to force the laziness.

Nope. His back demands another adjustment to his laying position, so instead of tossing and turning again, he sits up and grabs at his pack. A moment later he has his pouch of salt in hand and begins sprinkling it in a half-hazard circle around his bedroll. Upon completing the circle, he casts about, knowing he's not going to find any twig of spruce. Everyone knows to keep spruce handy for these moments, but somehow he managed to not think to bring one along for the journey. In a moment of inspiration, he grabs his boot, with wooden dagger sheath tied to it. Probably not spruce, but the feykin love tricks! he thinks. Standing on his bedding, he sing-songy mummers the old verse that all children know well:

"A worm came crawling
Back it stayed
For the salt and stick
Kept it away"

He then ceremoniously tosses the sheath, boot and all over his shoulder. Satisfied, he lays back down.

Several minutes later, Gennadius can't help but look to his left and right at the others sleeping. Sighing, he gets back up and, quietly, begins to sprinkle salt around the perimeter of the hut. Salt circle completed, he then stands with his back to the door, repeats the song three times for good measure, and carefully drops his booted sheath over his shoulder so it lands in the small space near the door that he excluded from the circle. (It wouldn't do to have to toss his boot out into the rain.)

Satisfied fully now, he lays back down to catch more sleep.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 15, 2023 4:25 pm
Xenophon makes an effort to doze back to sleep, but he is distracted by Gennadius's extended effort at the folkish spells.

By the time the salt ward ritual is complete, Syrena has been rustled awake as Gennadius lies back down to his mat.
LOL. I was outside working but read this on my phone and kept laughing multiple times. So good.
Apr 15, 2023 5:07 pm
Forgot to roll for HP recovery. Rolling 1d2 as a DM fiat boon healing for just a night's rest instead of the required full day.
Healing Proficiency says:
A patient under treatment of Healing naturally heals an extra 1d3 hit points each day.
Healing says:
All beings recover hit points through rest. For each full day of complete rest in reasonably sanitary conditions, a character or monster will recover 1d3 hp. If the rest is interrupted, the character or monster will not heal that day. Healing also occurs through magic, such as potions or spells. This kind of healing is instantaneous. Magical healing and natural healing can be combined. Characters with the Healing proficiency can improve a creature’s natural healing, as described in Chapter 4.


Xenophon Healing - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Apr 15, 2023 10:04 pm
Syrena rises onto on elbow and peers across the small shelter.

"Does something trouble, Gennadius?"
Apr 15, 2023 10:46 pm
On the trail, Xenonphon expressed gratitude to his allies for their aid, and allowing him the opportunity to rest. Though this group was cobbled together seemingly at random, he was surprised at the morale and cohesiveness the group showed already. He committed to repaying this debt as soon as possible.

Once at camp, he has a light meal, strips off his chainmail, and falls asleep almost immediately, using his pack for a pillow.
Thanks maxing out that 1D2 roll, CB! Now at 8/10 hp
Apr 16, 2023 6:32 am
"Ah, it's nothing, Syrena... Well... I think an ælfkin might have been about. I cast the salt circle ward tho so I'm sure it's nothing now at least."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 16, 2023 11:01 am
Gundus is pulled out of his rest with a worry when he hears the voices of his comrades - perhaps because of the months of field training with the Legion, oft responding to sudden night alert exercises.

Or perhaps some stress that is left over from his deep sleep. He cannot remember them now awake, but the last vestiges of unpleasant dreams slip away.
Apr 16, 2023 12:53 pm
Gundus snaps into full alertness. He instinctively follows the ingrained legion training: secure the premises, assess the situation, head count. He rises quickly, snatching up weapon and shield. "What is it?" He asks, quickly scanning the shelter. "Where is Damanandros?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 16, 2023 2:00 pm
When Gundus crosses the ward line and throws aside the tarp door, a flash of lightning lights up the rainy scene outside the shelter.

Gundus grabs the lantern nearby. He scans the entire area when darkness quickly takes back the night.

The boom of thunder accents the shock of it.

Damanandros is gone.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 16, 2023 2:03 pm
Required Action, metal armor enjoyers: In coming entries, incorporate whether or not each PC takes time to don armor.
Apr 16, 2023 3:28 pm
Damanandros has always been fascinated by the languages of the different races of the world, and his encounter with the Goddess has only intensified his desire to be a cunning linguist.
In an attempt to impress her even further, he uses his magic to make the very walls of his prison speak in the ancient Zaharan tongue.
He speaks the words even as he tugs at the edges of the universe to weave a spell.
Casting Magic Mouth
The words
[ +- ] Zaharan
echo through the area, a bold declaration of his devotion to the Goddess.
[ +- ] Magic Mouth Spell
Apr 16, 2023 8:48 pm
The Goddess is indeed impressed by Damanandros's display of magic. It launches her on a series of questions for Damanandros, all of which he is glad to answer.

The conversation weaves this way and that. Some of the things she wishes to learn:

Why is he here? Where is he going? What is he looking for? What does he plan to do?

Who are his allies? What are their powers? Are there any warriors? Are any of them archers? Who is the leader?

How powerful is Damanadros? What spells does he know? Is he a shapeshifter? Has he made any hybrids? Does he seek to make hybrids?

Does Damanadros plan to cast any ritual magic spells soon? Who is his master? Who is the most powerful wizard in the region?

Who is a soldier called Eramus? Does Damanandros know of the Dreams of Sekki? Does Damanandros know Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu?

Some of the questions are quite confusing, but the Goddess does not elaborate if Damanandros asks for clarification. Soon she tells him to cease asking any questions at all, so he complies. He tries his best to be charming throughout, using his innate and learned skills at rhetoric and persuasion.

Throughout the conversation, The Goddess asks Damanandros to translate words and sentences from Zaharan to Auran. She mimics his words and listens to instruction, then increasingly makes use of Auran during the conversation. He confirms or corrects her in a give and take. Damanadros is impressed that she is an incredibly fast learner. He has never seen anything like it, though it comes as no surprise.

Damanandros does not know how long he is with The Goddess for this fascinating exchange. He loses track of time, completely immersed in the moment.

Now the Goddess is smiling and says, "Give me your spellbook."

He pulls the expensive tome out from his satchel. It is his prize possession. He gladly gives it over to her.

She begins to thumb through and read it.

Reaction Roll


Reaction Roll - (2d6+2)

Apr 17, 2023 6:11 am
It's a hard decision but Gundus makes it quickly. Speed might be critical in saving the missing man but recklessness would endanger them all, and who would come to their rescue?

He begins hastily donning his armour.

"If you think it best, don't wait for me," he says. "But tell me what you can learn from the signs on the ground, and leave a trail I might follow."
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