The Old Forest

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Apr 17, 2023 4:35 pm
Gennadius' stomach twists as a dread feeling takes hold. He had sensed whatever took Damanandros but mistook it as nothing more than witching hour ælfkin play about. You have got to make this right! Children's fancies??? When this team is in the actual deep dark fucking woods with giant vermin and real monsters. Make it right, Gennadius!

After lighting his oil lamp with haste, he quickly dons his belt, javelin quiver, and grabs his spear. As he pulls on his boots he has an flash of a moment, sorely missing the dagger he had dropped while fighting the vermin.

"I'm going out!"
Apr 17, 2023 5:15 pm
Xenophon is just going to sleep through if no one wakes him up, but he's happy to accompany the search party if anyone rouses him.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 17, 2023 5:24 pm
Len says:
Xenophon is just going to sleep through if no one wakes him up, but he's happy to accompany the search party if anyone rouses him.
Xenophon is awake. I tried to paint the picture of his awakeness here, but now I see it should have been more explicit.
And with Gundus jumping up to action, talking out in the open, and gathering armor - that's enough commotion to make it a certainty that the whole group is up, alert, and now must decide how to respond.
Apr 17, 2023 5:46 pm
The Goddess puts the book aside and brings up a strap of leather with buckles.

"Put this on," she says, sliding the configuration over his hands and clasping the lashings around his wrists.

She rubs the side of her face up and down his hands affectionately. "My servants will pull you up now, out of this trapping ditch."

Then without warning she puts one of his fingers in her mouth and bites the end of it off.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 17, 2023 6:00 pm
White hot pain shoots through Damanadros's hand. His whole body slings back reflexively as he screams out loud.

But his hands are bound together and they are being raised upward, the wrist lashing connected to a rope and hook.

He is being hoisted up by the rope on a pulley system.

There is a glow in the area and the false imagery that was displayed to him falls away. He sees reality in all of its horror.

End mind control. End illusion.

Two small brutish humanoids are pulling the rope that is raising him. Two more of these same creatures scamper below him, looping him with additional ropes as his legs are pulled from the thick mud. They howl and chatter.

She is there - directly ahead of him, perched on an overhanging broken bough.
No longer the Goddess, but now in true form - a sinister harpy.

She spits his blood and the piece of his finger out in the rain and into the muddy ditch below.

Now she bares her sharp, blood-covered teeth and screams out in hateful rage.

A dozen vultures flap their wings ominously, hissing and grunting in the branches all around.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 17, 2023 10:16 pm
Gennadius treads out across the logging yard with the lantern.

The thunder and lightning are fierce, but the rain is light rather than a downpour.

As he searches for signs of Damanandros or anything that might have captured him, Gennadius grows more certain that there is a Witch at work somewhere nearby.

He is not sure if the ælfkin are involved or not, but he has a good feeling about the Land Spirits after his recent intervention. If he can tune in here, or find the right words, maybe he'll get a real lead since he's already been alerted to the rift.

The Veil Between Worlds is thin in this place, right now at least.

Advantageous Adjustment, All PCs departing from shelter: As beneficiaries of Folkish Luck gained,
...receive +1 to Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Attempts to Surprise, Avoiding Being Surprised, and Saving Throws during the remaining time of The Witching Hour.
...can elect to reroll one Saving Throw, Attack Throw, or Opponent Attack Throw of choice during the remaining time of The Witching Hour.
Apr 18, 2023 12:51 am
Recognizing the reality, and the vast unknown dangers of the situation, Gennadius slows down his frantic search and begins to keep looking back towards the shelter, waiting for the others to emerge.

Patrolling a moderately close perimeter now, with the shelter faintly visible at the edge of his lantern light, he searches the darkness. A song begins to form in his chest. Initially it is little more than the knot of his stomach twisting out a shakey hum. But then it begins to grow as he remembers childhood rhymes and marching cadences of legionnaires passing through the city.

By the time the others have emerged from the shelter, the song has grown to the full power of that of an operatic singer, bringing confidence and hope to all within earshot.
inspire courage

Inspiring courage requires a few moments of oration before a battle (one round), and grants the bard’s allies within a 50' radius a +1 bonus to attack throws, damage rolls, morale rolls (for monsters or NPCs allied with the bard), and saving throws against magical fear. The bonus lasts for 10 minutes (1 turn). A bard can inspire courage in any given character once per day per class level. (Even the most inspiring epic gets old if you hear it twice in the same day.) A bard cannot inspire courage on characters who are already engaged in combat.
Last edited April 18, 2023 1:27 am
Apr 18, 2023 3:55 am
Damanandros reels in shock, overcome with pain, horror, and the unforgivable loss of control. Despair grips him as desire fades, replaced by heartbreak and shame.
He retches, blood from his finger trailing down mixing with mud and bile. All hope seems lost, and he braces for the end.
Apr 18, 2023 4:13 am
Got it!
The commotion rouses Xenophon from his fitful slumber, and he gets straight to work, wincing slightly. He decides to take the time to don his chainmail hauberk; as much as he'd like to charge after his countryman, he reasons it is better to arrive prepared than swiftly. If the Magi's spells did not avail him, a half

After donning the hauberk, he grabs his spear and shield and forms up with Gundus, ready to move out.
Apr 18, 2023 11:02 am
Syrena quickly fastens the straps and buckles of her leathers, grabs up her weapons, and heads out of the shelter. She peers across the muddy terrain from the front of the small structure to see if she can spot the missing Damanandros' tracks.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 18, 2023 12:09 pm
The clanking sound of grim thunder rumbles through, as if a huge anvil were being dragged across the vault of heaven against its will. Branched lightning splits the Tirenean sky, buzzing and hissing, angry as it breaks free from its shackles in the storm clouds.

Syrena soon finds Damanandros’s tracks, revealing that he walked in a straight line across the muddy woodyard and continued into the thick line of brush and trees beyond. Broken branches and heavy treaded prints prove to be sufficient marks for the trained tracker to recreate the missing man’s path.

Syrena is soon to discover other footprints that join up with Damanandros’s trail. From the sides originally, then they fell in behind him – sometimes stepping within his same impression in the mud.

These are slightly smaller tracks, but as those of men. Or perhaps like what would be those of heavy children. Wearing open-toe sandals, leather moccasins, or some even barefoot. The prominent marks of their long claw-like nails make it clear enough to guess.

Beastmen. Likely goblins.

Damanandros is in grave danger.

With urgency, Syrena picks up the pace, trusting her experience and instinct to track the path while on the move.

Gennadius’s song has filled the companions with a strength of resolve. Trusting Syrena’s proven skill, they join her quickened step in the pursuit. The men scan the forest for enemies, gripping their weapons in anticipation and determined to find their friend.

The relentless storm, raging all around, tested the companions throughout the day. Now, in this darkest moment of night, they begin to draw power from it.
Queue score: "The Gael"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 18, 2023 12:28 pm
The tracks soon lead them downward into a formidable draw. Bramble and thick brush are like fortified walls of overgrowth.

Quickly Syrena discovers passages through the near impassable barriers. Several of the paths cut through the unwelcoming zone like narrow splits and sometimes even low tunnels, with the foliage from both sides connecting overhead.

Downward they move, following the tracks. Water drains with them along the way, inevitably on path towards low ground.

It is dark in this thicket, but the companions begin to see a faint glow, ever so slight, through the heavy brush. The tracks lead towards the dull light.

Then they hear a scream - filled with pain and terror. Damanandros?!

Moving with urgency down the current path, they make a sudden turn and come face-to-face with a band of beastmen!

The four brutes are small but armed with deadly weapons. Their viciousness is apparent…

Surprise Throw Party.
Surprise Throw Monsters.
Monster Initiative.

Required Action:



Are Monsters Surprised? (-1 Folk Luck) - (2d6-1)

(12) - 1 = 2

Party Surprised (Syrena's +1, Folk Luck +1) - (2d6+2)

(21) + 2 = 5

Monster Initiative - (1d10)

(2) = 2

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 18, 2023 12:37 pm
...the four goblins see the party turn the corner, but are taken by surprise - momentarily unprepared for an immediate clash.

Gennadius’s lantern bathes the small clearing in light, and shadows dance wildly along the surrounding overgrowth.

Party has Surprise. (noteworthy: Folkish Luck makes the difference)

Encounter Distance: 10'

Ruling: in this circumstance, because of the unusual terrain and Syrena's position as exclusive point, Party Initiative Roll can be made with Syrena's full stat advantages for Initiative.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 18, 2023 12:45 pm
Required Action, Active PCs: Declare and take Action in Surprise Round

Opponents: 4 goblins, AC +2
Along with Surprise, remember adjustments for Folkish Luck and Bard Song, detailed in previous entries.
Apr 18, 2023 4:03 pm
Damanandros screams aloud again when the harpy inserts the next needle.

The first she slid into his left axillary, in the soft exposed flesh.

This next pin she pierces into the joint under his right leg at the groin. He swoons and nearly blacks out from the pain.

Clutching onto him and flapping her wings as she balances, she pulls her face up close to his. "All the power that you sought, and you will have none of it," she taunts in her unchecked cruelty.

She whispers in his ear, "In the end you were MY thrall, even before you were my victim."

Shoving off from him, she springs back to her fallen tree perch to view him again in his pain.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 18, 2023 4:10 pm
The eerie servant sits on a higher branch now, looking on at the sadistic spectacle.

This foul creature spoke in the voice that was hidden in the darkness previously, but now it is visible since the fall of the illusion.

Its hollow eyes are the presence of death.
[ +- ] Zaharan only
he says to her in the Ancient Tongue.

The Harpy merely snarls and steals a menacing look back at the monstrosity briefly before resetting full attention to her hanging prey.
Apr 18, 2023 4:16 pm
Before the creatures have a moment to react, Gennadius closes the distance with a silent charge, drops of water shaking off of the spear with each pounding step.
Attempting to charge with spear. Not sure if Gennadius himself is also at 10' from the beastmen. Adding the +2 to the atk throw, please discount if Gennadius is too close. (He would still approach and attack tho.)
The attack made after the charge is made with a +2 bonus on the attack throw. The charging combatant takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class until the next time his initiative number comes up. Certain weapons, including spears, lances, and pole arms, are especially suitable for use while charging, as are the natural attacks of certain monsters, especially including those with horns. These attacks deal double damage on a successful charge.
Thanks for the folk spell bonus, @DMJ! Please don't feel like every superstitious thing Gennadius does needs to have any effects. I totally intended that scene to be just fluff, but I'm loving the world building it creates.

Letting Red roll initiative.
Last edited April 18, 2023 5:36 pm


Atk, Spear, +2 surprise, +1 folk, +1 courage, +2 charge - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Spear damage (x2 if charge applicable) +1 folk, +1 courage - (1d6+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Apr 18, 2023 9:17 pm
Syrena quietly shares that the new tracks are those of goblins.

She quickly loads her bow and fires at one of the enemies she can see, as they come into view in the small clearing.
Can Syrena see the harpy or the other thing in the trees with Damanandros? If so, she will target the harpy. If not, she will attack one of the golbins.
Last edited April 18, 2023 9:22 pm


Initiative - (1d10-4)

(5) - 4 = 1

Longbow attack - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

Damage - (1d6+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 19, 2023 1:43 am
Required Action, Active PCs: Declare and take Action in Surprise Round

Full Action Remaining: Xenophon, Gundus

Partial Action Remaining:

Gennadius (G1 defeated, attempt Cleaving Attack)
Syrena (G2 defeated, attempt Cleaving Attack)

Opponents: 2 goblins remaining, AC +2

Adjustments: Along with Surprise, remember adjustments for Folkish Luck and Bard Song, detailed in previous entries.

Area Details: This is a small clearing within the draw. Only the 4 goblins are immediately visible. There is an "exit" on the other side of the cleared area, where the thin cut footpath continues on through the tight trees and underbrush of this dense thicket. This thin footpath is gradually heading downward on a slope. Further on, low light glows through the trees. The screams of pain are coming from that same direction, downhill and towards the glow. Exact distance there is not yet known - 100 meters or thereabout is an estimate. None of the PCs in this set know anything thus far about harpies, Damanandros's fate, the enemies at that site, etc.
Apr 19, 2023 2:56 am
Cold, wet, anxious for his missing comrade and really, really pissed off at being woken up, Gundus closes implacably on the nearest beastman. "Where is the human?" he demands, punctuating the question with a vicious hammer blow to the monster's face.
I missed that the folk & courage bonuses are also to damage, so that is 4 total damage.
Last edited April 19, 2023 6:22 am


Hammer, to-hit - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Damage - (1d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

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