They see Damanadros!
The mage looks haggard and wounded, soaked and exhausted. But he is alive!
He is low in the large ditch, struggling to sit up on a rough pile of broken logs and branches. This pile of wood and debris rises higher behind Damandros, with a large broken leaning tree serving as its highest pinnacle.
There is a rope and pulley apparatus of some sort swinging back and forth slowly overhead, attached on a large tree branch that hangs over the ditch from an oak on the other side.
Nearby Damanadros in the low ground, half submerged in the flooding water, is what appears to be the felled body of a giant black vulture.
More vultures, though normal in size, fly around the scene, anxiously springing from one branch to the next. They flap and hold their wings wide and out. Many of them are hissing and barking. There are perhaps a dozen or two of them all around, and it is an ominous sight and sound.
Within and on the far bank of the ditch, the companions spot several goblins - lurking and running about in the confusion. It is impossible to say how many, but a half-dozen at least are seen in motion. They are soon on a scramble when the light waves through from the high ridge.
Damanadros distance from party at high ledge: 40' 70 feetOOC:
yikes - edit: I meant this to be 40 yards, not 40 feet. I have to make an adjustment, but since I wrote it and may have caused influence, I'm adjusting it further out from the mistake, but changing it to less (closer) than the original plan. Sorry folks.
The bank of the ditch is a precarious drop-off. Descending down into the ditch would be easy enough, but terrain is treacherous below. Speed would be degraded once down in the low ground flood, mud, and debris zone.
The distorted and bellowing
"I AM YOURS!" repeat is pulsing as a frightening echo in the low depression.
The rain drizzles. Thunder and lighting scatter through intermittently.