To Damanandros, the contents of the book represent everything he has come to know about magic. His notes, the few spells that he knows. This spellbook, his lifeline to magic, is not something he'll give up easily.
It is
HIS spellbook.
Even if it were waterlogged and full of ink-degrading mud, it was still rightfully his and it wasn't going to be stolen without some resistance. Not if he could help it.
Damanadros sneers at the goblin as it weighs its options. Just as he weighs his own.
"That is mine!" He puts as much hate and resolve behind his voice as he can summon. He had to remind the goblin that he was no longer just a helpless victim. He had to remind himself.
His grasp of the ancient tongue is considerable, but the books did not teach him the menace that the natural speakers use. He had her to thank for that.
He wants the goblin to understand that he will have to deal with a wizard before the prize can be his, with help on the way.
"Is it worth your life?"
Standing as tall and threatening as he can, he pulls his hands together in a crooked and exaggerated pose, he begins to move them as if his fingers were spinnerets and he is weaving a web of death between them.
"Μέσα από την ψυχή σου, σε δένω στο κενό." His tone is spiteful and the words are filled with venom as he spits them in the direction of the goblin.
Just need to buy a little more time…
Last edited April 22, 2023 12:11 pm