The Old Forest

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Apr 23, 2023 3:53 am
"Thank Türas you're alive, mage. I was expecting to find a corpse in that ditch!" Gundus says, as he and Xenophon lower the battered Damanandros for a momentary rest on the ditch bank. From the look of the man, they just about had found one. "What the hell happened?"

Gundus gives everyone a quick inspection for injuries. "It's not much, but this will help. We must get out of here before those creatures return with friends," he says, channelling the power of his god to lighten the worst hurt.

He turns to Syrena. "Nice shooting! And a handy bit of work, that flanking manoeuvre. Where to now? Is any path safe in this accursed forest?" he asks.
Gundus will Lay Hands on the PC with the lowest hp, for 2 hp of healing. From the description this will probably be Damanandros.
Apr 23, 2023 6:42 am
Coming into the clearing over the pit, Gennadius freezes once he sees the condition and circumstance Damanandros is in. Conflict immediately wracks him - rush down and save him? Make it right! he says over and over, chiding himself for having sprinkled salt about the shelter while this man was being dragged off by beastmen. But the desire to rush down is arrested and his feet won't take him further as his eyes catch one moving shadow after another - a trap inviting him down into the treacherous terrain to rescue the bait.

Gennadius' indecision is punished with the deep penetration of an arrow. (down to 2 hp!) Gennadius didn't even see where it came from, but it confirmed his expectation that this was all a trap. He ducked behind a tree for safety, but at least had the presence of mind to continue to hold the lantern for the true heros that ran head-long into the pit and saved the mage.

Gennadius will recover his bola and one of the knives or axe carried by the slain goblins to replace his lost dagger. Other than that, he will push for the team to return to the shelter where he can administer aid.
Apr 23, 2023 6:47 am
It's a busy weekend for me, so I don't have much time for a more elaborate post, tho I'd like to. Gennadius has a lot he wants to say for having screwed up. He blames himself for having concerned himself with the folk magic ritual instead of recognizing that D. Man was getting kidnapped.

He can also treat everyone that is injured (including himself?), as he does so each treatment would also grant a cure-light-wounds, once per person per day. So X won't be able to gain any additional healing.
Apr 23, 2023 2:05 pm
Damanandros seems relieved but weary, his body nearly giving way, until the warm embrace of Gundus' magic steadies him. He breathes a heavy sigh of relief, the weight of his recent ordeal still too fresh to fully comprehend.
"I can't...I can't put it all together just yet." He shakes his head, his shame palpable. "It was...the most beautiful creature, and I was...enamored by its magic."
Damanandros winces, his memories still too raw. "I told it too much...about our plans here." He hangs his head, his voice barely a whisper. "And then it began...the torture." He trails off, unable to bring himself to say more at the moment.
Apr 23, 2023 2:35 pm
Damanandros' eyes widen with a sudden realization, and he sits up straight. "The skull," he exclaims, "we must find the skull!" He pauses, staring intently into the darkness as if trying to recall its exact location. "If it was even real," he mutters, "it may prove to be important. We should find it."

His companions exchange wary glances, unsure of what to make of Damanandros' sudden urgency. But his tone and demeanor leave little room for doubt that he is serious.

Damanandros nods vehemently. "Yes, yes, I'm sure. It could be the key, and I won't rest until we find it." His eyes gleam with a newfound vigor and determination, and it's clear that he won't be dissuaded.
Last edited April 23, 2023 2:36 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 23, 2023 7:46 pm
DMJ sent a note to Leo9sign
The companions make it back to the lumber yard shelter in reasonable time without event.

Soon, the glow of morning emergent.

The soft light glimmers on the water coating that blankets the entire forest. The rain has stopped, clouds overhead seem to be clearing.

The sun is reclaiming its domain...

..."Hail the Eternal Dawn"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 23, 2023 7:59 pm
Here's some quick OOC entries on a few items...
Syrena recovers 2 of 4 arrows. One was lost and another snapped when the armored goblin fell on it.

Gennadius gains dagger, knife, or hatchet by field recovery. Description open-ended, CB writes if desired.

Gennadius recovers bolas.

Will assume Gundus does Lay On Hands back at shelter, a scene of safety and pause recovery. Damanadros may get the healing, but I'd ask for more clarity on it since the last entry was left open-ended. Damanandros, strangely as it may sound, is not the lowest on HPs. I think Gennadius and Xeno are both at 2 or 3 HP (Len, post up on that if you can - I read 2 HP for Gennadius from CB's last post). Robago's call in the end of course (and maybe y'all will judge it's already occurred), I just didn't want to unfairly skew the decision by the severity of descriptive writing about Our Man Damanandros, which of course has been explicit.

On Healing by Medic Gennadius:
As mentioned, Xenophon is already under care. He can get another daily boost later, but not at this time in the morning.
As I understand it, Gennadius can treat 1) himself, and 2) Damanandros, and each patient would get the possibility of a Cure Light Wounds effect if Gennadius gets a good roll. CB, have at it on the Proficiency check(s) if that is intent and the correct interpretation of it. And/or whatever else is correct instead.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 23, 2023 8:02 pm
Request Leo to comment on whether or not Damanandros takes time to restudy spell(s), and help my understanding on what that calls for in time requirements.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 23, 2023 8:20 pm
Looking forward to responses to Damanandros's zinger suggestion.
[ +- ] WOOOOOOO!!!!!
Apr 24, 2023 5:25 am
"Damanandros, are you mad? Less than a day ago we numbered six. Now one of our most skilled warriors rests in the belly of vermin. Then just this hour a whole tribe of beastmen dragged you off and tortured you! The four of us drove them off, but just barely, and I'm not even sure we actually drove them off, to be honest. TWO OF US NEARLY DIED! AND YOU'RE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE! Half of what you say doesn't even make sense. Some goblin shaman ensorcelled you and now you want to just go back for the skull of some dead thing?! NO. We need to get back to the shelter, what little safety it provides, take care of these wounds, and then get the hell out of here and go do the job we were supposed to do!"
The rest of the team never saw the harpy, right?
Apr 24, 2023 6:02 am
"Skull?" Syrena looks askant at Damanandros, raising one brow in obvious curiosity. "What skull might this be? A couple felled beastmen wore skulls. A body of unknown feathered origin was not far from where first we lay eyes on you in the ditch. Might it have borne this skull you seek?"
Last edited April 24, 2023 6:03 am
Apr 24, 2023 6:57 am
Gundus listens to Damanandros' mania with growing unease. What the hell was going on out here, he wondered - not for the first time - and just what had Eramus got them all into?

"We're not going anywhere in a hurry. Three of us are badly hurt. I think we might need to lick our wounds for a day or two, before we chance any more trouble. Though I do wonder if we might be safer somewhere else, given what just happened," he says.

Once again he draws on the divine power of Türas to mend Xenophon's injuries.
I forgot that Xenophon copped a big hit as well. Since he has the most hp to recover and is a front-liner, I think it makes sense to heal him.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 24, 2023 9:28 am
Xenophon feels some relief of Gundus's ritual and prayer to Turas. He still struggles from his wounds, at his left leg from the beetle and his right side abdomen from the armored goblin's spear thrust. He is convinced that he is healing faster than normal however.

In the increasing light of dawn, the team discusses their next moves there at the shelter near the abandoned lumberyard.
Interesting entries. Decisions to make.

Here's one entry I want to put out...

CB is right above. No PCs saw any creatures or people other than goblins and some normal vultures flying around in the air overhead. And yeah, there was a corpse of a big vulture laying in the mud and water. But The Goddess, the Harpy, the Skull Vulture - none of that was seen by anyone other than Damanandros. I debated on writing it out in the open at all - considered doing the whole thing by "Note" to Leo - but decided to publish at least part of it, but for the fun of the game in OOC and I know it is sort of lame for everyone seeing too many "Note" boxes to someone else.

I did purposefully hide some of the later developments of the scene and the Zaharan dialogue completely, for concern that it might influence decision making too much during the goblin trail battle or now afterwards. So keep all that in mind as PCs respond. It seems like the most obvious place the pit setting looked like was a goblin torture/murder area - complete with little goblin tunnels through the thicket, a pulley and rope system for victims, and vultures around used to eating any leftovers or abandoned victims. Damanandros's own account and his conveyance of it to the others may be a strange and confusing story to hear for the others. And we'll all have to leave room for what he tells, what he doesn't say, and maybe even what he gets wrong about it.

I know you all know this. Veteran players are used to hearing stuff that characters don't, and even sometimes making their characters not make things as clear in an effort of simulating realism. I'm just mentioning as a collection of thoughts, and because the rescue scene lasted for a week or so posting, there was a LOT going on - I know with so many entries it's sometimes best to pull everything back together at a moment to sort out and clarify.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 24, 2023 10:05 am
Based on some of the recent posts, a list of ideas below, not meant to steer but simply to frame out discussion at least, maybe decision...

Some options for next movement/effort seem to be:

1) Go back through the thick draw to the goblin ditch torture pit, to attempt a recovery of the skull that Damanandros mentions (that is also not well understood so far)

2) Relocate to a different location that might be safer, and take some time to recover.

3) Press on at the planned pace to Saromen Fro (Tower 4), the next operational Legion tower and supposedly the location of Callus Eramus.

4) Anything else is open too, of course.

Option 1 notes are generally known. The ditch pit is about 15-20 minutes of fast paced march from the lumber yard shelter, through constrictive terrain as you know. The last part of the approach requires the use of the little "tunnel trails" to pass through the thick brush. Goblins were seen in the vicinity, obviously.

Option 2: Going back to Tower 2 does not seem like an option. The unwelcoming Centurion there said travelers not allowed to camp within 2 miles of the fortification. Relocating forward on the trail would seem to put some space between the party and a known location of goblin activity nearby. Not much is known about other locations on the trail ahead, with one exception. Supposedly ahead about 4 miles should be the ruins of Tower 3. It is a worksite for another tower that was under construction, but the project was halted and abandoned. It is unknown exactly what the facilities are, but apparently there was at least some rock work completed before the effort ceased. The location is expected to be near a draw area of low ground that may have some flooding.

Option 3: In normal situation, the Party would have gotten an early start at dawn to begin a 13 mile march to Saromen Fro (Tower 4). Again, assuming normal pace, that would take about 6.5 hours. Starting at 6 am, that would put the arrival at the vicinity of Saromen Fro around midday. ***Noteworthy: if you refer back to Gundus's letter received, Eramus did not actually say to meet at Saromen Fro directly. Instead, he said he wanted to meet the group at the junction spur intersection - where the route to Tower 4 breaks off from the Lusetem Trail. Interesting?

He said he would be there to meet the group, starting a routine of being there at the intersection every day at midday, starting on "Half-wax in Pendaelon". That's moon time-keeping references (very common practice btw, though culturally an older way) which means at the increasing half-moon. Turns out pretty easy to mark: the full moon will present tonight, so Eramus would have started the midday meet-up attempt program an entire week ago.

All that said, on all options, keep in mind one additional factor: Damanandros's reduced movement rate. This guy has leg injuries on each side. They aren't life-threatening, but they are debilitating. He just cannot move as fast as normal walking speed. TBD on exact effects and how long it persists, but he will not be able to keep a normal pace. In a few tests, he seems like half-normal pace is his new max for the moment.

Apr 24, 2023 5:50 pm
In the interests of keeping things moving, I'm putting down healing rolls here. I don't think we've yet confirmed on the decision to return back to heal - waiting for Damanandros' closing arguments.

Gennadius will treat himself and Damanadros with both woundwart and comfrey. Comfrey provides an immediate 1d3 hp while woundward add +2 to the proficiency roll to attempt a further healing with cure light wounds. Gennadius will also carefully examine all three wounded persons to ensure nothing new has developed in Xenophon as well as no other poisons or diseases taking root from the filthy goblin weapons.

In addition to the herbs, Gennadius will use a good portion of his wine and spare bandages to clean and bandage the wounds.

After all this, @DMJ, each buy of the healing herbs comes with one pound. How many uses does each pound of healing herb grant? I'm inclined to say something like the Dungeon World system of rolling a die for ammo like a d6. If you roll a 1, then you drop down to the next die (d4) if you roll a 1 on that then you're out.
Damanandros will receive 4 hp
Gennadius will receive 1 hp
Would recognize if there is any magical affliction (but not understand exactly what it is) and will recognize any mundane disease or poison. (If sufficient time has elapsed for symptoms to start showing.)
Last edited April 24, 2023 5:54 pm


Healing proficiency throw, 18+, Damanandros, +2 woundwart - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Healing proficiency throw, 18+, Gennadius, +2 woundwart - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Healing comfrey poultice, Damanandros - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Healing comfrey poultice, Gennadius - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Identify poison/disease Xenophon, 7+ - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Identify poison/disease Damanandros, 7+ - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Identify poison/disease Gennadius, 7+ - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Cure light wounds, Damanandros - (1d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 24, 2023 6:25 pm
Ahh - ok. Looks like I'm getting a bit confused on what/where/when. I thought when there were entries of moving back along the trail, recovering weaponry, pressing to return, etc., that was implication of withdrawal and return to shelter and cached gear.

Reading it back over now, I can see where it might have been that Damanandros made the appeal to go back down into the ditch to recover the skull while the group was still there at the high ridge, end of the trail, still overlooking the torture ditch flooded debris field below.

Sorry for confusion. Thinking that Damanandros said something earlier than I pictured seems reasonable, so maybe the group isn't back at the shelter yet.

Will see if Leo can give us an entry to clarify 1) when does Damanandros make the appeal to return back into the low ground area, and 2) what does he mean and why should the party invest the time to do it.

From there (or in parallel, whatever timing happens in this PBP topic discussion pickle) I'd like to hear input from others on whether to invest the time/effort in that, which should assume taking on the incidental risks (also unknown, but maybe anticipated).

I've got to digest this healing by medic Gennadius in a different issue. All looks great, but I'm going to say that's on hold momentarily until we figure out where/when everyone is and what are the immediate actions prioritized.
Apr 24, 2023 8:22 pm
Damanandros shakes his head trying to clear it. "The vulture with the humanoid skull instead of a head. It spoke with her."

"Eramus, Dreams of Sekki, Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu..Ish'tauxi... Ish'tauxi. Before the plenilune." He trembles and looks unwell. "I do not understand her questions, but the skull may have answers."

Damanandros grits his teeth and screws his eyes shut to try and see it in his mind. "Was it real?"
It was just after they pulled him to the top of the ditch from what I was thinking. He also sounds like he is talking out of his head, it was a tough day.
The skull was the only thing he could think of with any significance to what he just went through. Was it magical, would it help him understand what the creature was? He just knows it was SOMETHING that he could grasp onto to try and make sense of it all.
Last edited April 24, 2023 8:28 pm


Apr 24, 2023 8:27 pm
I don't think I was in that bad shape. I had posted I was back up to 8/10 hp after Gundus and Gennadius aided me, plus rest. Here's my receipts:

I went to 4/10 when I got hit with beetle acid.
Gundus laid his hands upon me, bringing me up to 6/10.
Gennadius neutralized the poison with birthwort, reducing the attack penalty to -1.
CB rolled something called "Xenophon healing" for 2. I don't remember the details, but I took it without question like a thief in the night. Brought me up to 8/10

Hopefully the herbs help with the ongoing poison that's dragging down my attack by -1.
Last edited April 24, 2023 8:27 pm
Apr 24, 2023 8:32 pm
Xenophon has known Damanandros too long to discount his experience. Strange things happened to those who practiced the mystic arts. "Damanandros, I believe you. Is the skull retrievable? We were lucky to get out in one piece, so I am loathe to tempt the fates so soon. Unless you think the risk is absolutely worth it, I would caution you to gain your strength back first."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 24, 2023 8:33 pm
Len says:
I don't think I was in that bad shape. I had posted I was back up to 8/10 hp after Gundus and Gennadius aided me, plus rest. Here's my receipts:

I went to 4/10 when I got hit with beetle acid.
Gundus laid his hands upon me, bringing me up to 6/10.
Gennadius neutralized the poison with birthwort, reducing the attack penalty to -1.
CB rolled something called "Xenophon healing" for 2. I don't remember the details, but I took it without question like a thief in the night. Brought me up to 8/10

Hopefully the herbs help with the ongoing poison that's dragging down my attack by -1.
Len, I thought this was a hit. That's why I thought Xenophon went back down to low HPs during the goblin trail fight, and I later wrote about 2 injuries (one from beetles, one from armored goblin).
Is that wrong?
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