Based on some of the recent posts, a list of ideas below, not meant to steer but simply to frame out discussion at least, maybe decision...
Some options for next movement/effort seem to be:
1) Go back through the thick draw to the goblin ditch torture pit, to attempt a recovery of the skull that Damanandros mentions (that is also not well understood so far)
2) Relocate to a different location that might be safer, and take some time to recover.
3) Press on at the planned pace to Saromen Fro (Tower 4), the next operational Legion tower and supposedly the location of Callus Eramus.
4) Anything else is open too, of course.
Option 1 notes are generally known. The ditch pit is about 15-20 minutes of fast paced march from the lumber yard shelter, through constrictive terrain as you know. The last part of the approach requires the use of the little "tunnel trails" to pass through the thick brush. Goblins were seen in the vicinity, obviously.
Option 2: Going back to Tower 2 does not seem like an option. The unwelcoming Centurion there said travelers not allowed to camp within 2 miles of the fortification. Relocating forward on the trail would seem to put some space between the party and a known location of goblin activity nearby. Not much is known about other locations on the trail ahead, with one exception. Supposedly ahead about 4 miles should be the ruins of Tower 3. It is a worksite for another tower that was under construction, but the project was halted and abandoned. It is unknown exactly what the facilities are, but apparently there was at least some rock work completed before the effort ceased. The location is expected to be near a draw area of low ground that may have some flooding.
Option 3: In normal situation, the Party would have gotten an early start at dawn to begin a 13 mile march to Saromen Fro (Tower 4). Again, assuming normal pace, that would take about 6.5 hours. Starting at 6 am, that would put the arrival at the vicinity of Saromen Fro around midday. ***Noteworthy: if you refer back to
Gundus's letter received, Eramus did not actually say to meet at Saromen Fro directly. Instead, he said he wanted to meet the group at the junction spur intersection - where the route to Tower 4 breaks off from the Lusetem Trail. Interesting?
He said he would be there to meet the group, starting a routine of being there at the intersection every day at midday, starting on "Half-wax in Pendaelon". That's moon time-keeping references (very common practice btw, though culturally an older way) which means at the increasing half-moon. Turns out pretty easy to mark: the full moon will present tonight, so Eramus would have started the midday meet-up attempt program an entire week ago.
All that said, on all options, keep in mind one additional factor: Damanandros's reduced movement rate. This guy has leg injuries on each side. They aren't life-threatening, but they are debilitating. He just cannot move as fast as normal walking speed. TBD on exact effects and how long it persists, but he will not be able to keep a normal pace. In a few tests, he seems like half-normal pace is his new max for the moment.