The Old Forest

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Apr 26, 2023 8:17 pm
While Gundus holds his latest sermon to the gods, Syrena scans the area and walks up into the spur off the path to Saromen Fro. She is looking for a spot off the visible way of legionnaires who may pass by on scouting routines from the tower. Another annoying exchange with over-worked and disgruntled soldiers set upon taking out their displeasure on them was something she wanted to avoid if possible.
Apr 26, 2023 9:14 pm
Damanandros joins Gennadius by investigating the area beneath the tarp while taking advantage of the rest. He pokes at the leaves and debris while intermittently rubbing his joints. He remains quiet still, going over the events of the past day.
He has been prone to staring off into the distance during rests, or just watching the trail at his feat while marching.
Apr 27, 2023 2:35 am
Xenophon listens to Gundus's sermon. It is powerful and moving, and Xenophon thinks upon the strength in the man's faith to this singular God. Xenophon always preferred the strategy of paying homage to all the gods. You cover all your bases that way.

He decides to accompany Syrena up the spur. Moving in teams was always the safest bet, and although he thought of himself as protecting her, the casual observer might think it was the other way around, given his condition.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 1:22 pm
Gundus's sincere prayer marks an end to the original travel goal. The letter he received, both inspiring and cryptic, from his respected comrade and former Commander assembled this team and brought them here. Now Eramus is yet to be found, and it is difficult to predict what happens next. Even though not everyone shares Gundus's exact religious devotion, his words encapsulate some of the uncertainty and gravity of the current circumstance.

Gennadius and Damanadros investigate through the site near the hanging canvass tarp. It is difficult to tell how long the tarp has been there exactly, but they guess not extremely long. The tarp is not fully tarnished with mold and lichen that would be expected had it been set aside for months or more. Instead it is wet from recent rain. The loose ends are result of one torn eyelet and one snapped twine thread used for tying that corner to anchor. There are no signs of blood in the area. There is no trash or equipment left in the vicinity. No signs nor messages.

These clues suggest more recent degradation, perhaps damage from high winds and neglect rather than active struggle. But then again, it is difficult to tell for certain.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 1:46 pm
DMJ sent a note to Robago
Syrena and Xenophon walk a short way along the less prominent spur trail. They can see that the trail will likely be a steep incline ahead, up or perhaps around a rising mountain that stretches north and east. The first stretch of path is fairly open, visible for probably 150 to 200 meters, before disappearing into a curve and foliage.

And it is there at the far edge of visibility that Syrena and Xenophon see some movement. It is difficult to make it out exactly, but something or someone moved into cover from the trail. It could have been a deer or other animal, but both of them have the instinct that it was a man - or at least ... they are reluctant to say, but both know now that not everything that moves similar to a man in this forest is necessarily human.

The last edges of light are now. Darkness is settling in at every moment. It is that time some call "The Magic Hour", the transition from day to night, when one's eyes can sometimes play tricks on the mind.

And on this night, Syrena knows, the Full Moon is set to reign over the fickle sky.
Apr 27, 2023 1:50 pm
Gundus joins Gennadius and Damanandros. After a brief discussion of their findings he says, "We should try not to trample the ground too much - we might spot some tracks, fresh or old. Given the hour, though, finding a decent camp site is probably more important just now." With a hand held up to shield his eyes from the setting sun, he surveys the surrounds for a secluded, securable place to make camp.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 3:42 pm
Syrena and Xenophon do not catch another glimpse of what they thought the saw previously, and they are reluctant to travel further on the upward spur trail too far from the others. They return and share what they know.

The transition to night follows on, and this time with a feeling among everyone that they are being watched. The full moon is not yet seen above the tree line, but its light casts a bright glow - though intermittently as the clouds overhead continue to come and go on the way of the high sky winds.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 3:59 pm
Still vigilant, the company remains alert for a while longer, for the moment reluctant to commit to a full camp. They watch the trail both ways as well as the uphill spur.

Then there is a slight sound. Faint at first, then increasing. Footsteps. Moving down the spur trail toward the intersection.

Soon a soldier lights a beacon lantern and holds it up. He takes position facing towards the party, standing in the center of the spur trail about 35 meters away. The light casts out forward, leaving the area behind the soldier mostly veiled in contrasting darkness.

"These trails are controlled by the 3rd Legion of our Mighty Tarkaun, Honorable Visage of the Eternal Dawn," he announces loudly. His voice is that of a younger man. "Those who travel through must provide written grant of passage."

"Step forth into the light, show your pass documents. State who you are and your purpose."

He shifts a bit, but sets his grip on the sword in his hand. "Unsheathed weapons will be considered a threat. Bandits or beastmen...will be killed." He finishes with commitment.
Apr 27, 2023 4:16 pm
Once the party is settled in for the night, Gennadius cleans bandages and checks how the wounds are progressing. The extra marching did no one any good. He wipes specks of comfrey from an angered, swollen joint of Damanandros and pictures the man being drug down the trail next to the camp by goblins.

Those ruins we passed would be a lot better, more defensible camp then here. This open camp beside the trail is the worst place to be. And the group wouldn't be here if I didn't press so hard to keep moving. Stupid. Scared. They all see it too. I wasn't even thinking.

Gennadius clenches his teeth as a flare of anger passes. "Let's get out of here... The others will keep us safe!" he sing-songy mocks himself in his own mind.

Gods be! I am such the fool. Why I didn't even pause to see how good that tower was as a camp. Or those other ruins Syrena mentioned... Did those sound familiar, like something he had heard about before?

"Hey, Syrena, can you describe those ruins on the hill again," he asks while continuing to work.
@DMJ Gennadius is searching his memory for details about what ruins lie in these forests. Throwing down a roll just in case.
Last edited April 27, 2023 4:21 pm


Loremastery - 18+ identify runes, remember ancient history - (1d20)

(20) = 20

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 4:26 pm
ooh... Nat20 always pays off for this sort of thing. I'll write more on that tonight - will consider the internal conversation happening before the arrival of the soldier with the lantern.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 8:38 pm
Taking some liberty here to press this scene on to the greater part of it, and to decision points it drives for PCs.
Upon the announcement that the group is a temple and icon public works crew from Curule Aidele, the soldier with the lantern holds position and has a questioning look for a moment.

He scans the group over. "So you are a priest?", he asks Gundus.

But before even Gundus can answer, another man emerges out from the darkness behind the light and walks forward.

"Yes, Galopan," he says. "He is a priest. But not just any priest - a kyrazenus. A war-priest!"

This big fellow walks slowly with hefty feet and a swagger. His voice matches; he speaks low and heavy, with a controlled cadence in an older aristocratic manner. For Syrena it is reminiscent of the mannerism of old family Tirenean patriarchs from the villas in Old City.

He carries a small shield and is armed with a blade, though it is sheathed. He wears minimal armor, a small but decorative chest disc plate and grieves. His rich red garments are the casual light garb of an officer at battalion settings.

"These sort of priest do not hide in the temples," he continues. "... shuffling about barefooted wearing gowns and veils - they deploy with the Legion, to the field and even standing at the phalanx. A true kyrazenus can bring the power of Turas or Ammonar to the battlefield!


He trails off as he walks forward to survey the entire group. He seems to have no care of danger, and is indulgent in what must be an unusual moment meeting the company.

He takes the papers from Syrena and reads them beneath the light from the lantern bearer who has since walked forward.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 8:45 pm
Another armed man walks boldly into the light, this one with blade in hand held low and casually. He has somewhat of a strange gait and look. He is thin yet muscular and sinewy. He wears a big mustache in the way of older Krysean tradition.

"Whether they brought our back pay or not is what I seek to know," he says in a coarse accent like the rural Kryseans, speaking out in the open, perhaps a blatant suggestion to the big man who seems to be in charge.

He too inspects the crowd, ignoring eye contact and instead studying everyone's equipment and stance.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 8:50 pm
Off in the edge of the light, still behind the other three men who have approached close, another troop steps forward to reveal himself.

He keeps his distance and stays on slightly higher ground. He stands close to a tree, but is clearly not hiding. Likely the opposite in fact - making his presence known.

He holds a bow at a low ready, certainly providing overwatch from the advantageous position. His face is serious and observant.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 9:11 pm
"Haha! Incredible!", the big man says as he finishes reading the written edict.

"The Curule sends sculptors and builders, yet the Legion denies our requests for more troops and the Civitus delivers no silver," he hands the paper back to Syrena, nonchalantly and left unrolled.

"I am assuming that you do NOT carry silver eagles to be issued as our just wages earned - am I correct?" He turns the statement into a rhetorical question.

He moves back in his slow and seemingly deliberate visual review of the group, sizing them up in plain sight and leaving his purpose intentionally unclear for uncomfortable moments of silence. Even ignoring any comments from the party and the cynical snipes of the mustached Krysean shieldman.

Eventually he breaks the silence, "I am Centurion Drus Omander, Commander of Saromen Fro and the surrounding area of this Skausen Spen, a realm that belongs to Our Honorable Prefect, Dacien Severus Marius.

I stood Commissioned by Oppius Bucculeius Congrio, currently serving Honorable Callus Eramus Andra, Castellan. This is my Domain.

I welcome you, friends of Our Blessed Tarkaun and The Golden Harvest!" he says with an even smile and slow nod as he opens his hands wide apart.

"Come and join us at the Fortification. You must be fatigued from a long march - take refuge. It is a short walk merely, though uphill."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 27, 2023 9:14 pm
Required Action, PCs: give reaction/response and intent to the immediate offer to join the escort party to relocate to Tower 4.
Apr 28, 2023 6:18 am
"Centurion," Gundus says respectfully and with the proper salute, "We have had a long day's march, and some of our company are wounded. If you'll permit it, I must take a moment to examine their injuries before we think of pushing on, even though the distance is short."

The thought of shelter was appealing but Eramus had been clear about not reporting their business to the legion. And once in the camp, they might find it difficult to leave, or themselves under close scrutiny. On the other hand, a refusal would surely arouse suspicions. And what were these men doing here in the first place? How much did they know? Surely not for the last time, he wondered just what his friend had got them all into.
If granted, Gundus will assess the wounded for possible treatment, but also take the chance for a whispered conference about what to do.
Robago sent a note to DMJ
Apr 28, 2023 7:51 am
Syrena rolls up the scroll and puts it back in her backpack. This is exactly what she didn't want happening after a long day's travel, more men strutting around and announcing how they owned the damned forest.
Last edited April 28, 2023 7:53 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 28, 2023 10:43 am

"Of course, kyrazenus," Centurion Omander responds in his robust yet leisurely manner. "Take time with your company. Gather your things. I am happy to say as well that we have a healer at the Tower. Any of you who are injured, or simply sore and worn, can be rejuvenated fully. Yes..."

He nods his head to Gundus and then the others.

"You must be glad you are at destination at this late hour. Tomorrow you can begin your survey, and we can speak of construction and religious projects - but tonight you can rest, heal, and take a meal with me and my cadre.

Organize as a team, and we will go."

He raises and lowers his hand in a casual wave as steps away to speak with his own men. The travelers withdraw to their packed equipment nearby for a moment to talk among themselves.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 28, 2023 11:33 am
I'll frame it up there for the moment today... then follow with this TEXT WALL!!! (ugh - sorry, wish we could just talk this over in a short convo at the game table)...

As mentioned some in the past, PBP makes it tough to do precise, give-and-take conversations quickly, especially with multiple people involved. I'm not trying to belabor this scene, mainly just trying to get a general idea of what the party intends to do and/or say. Whether that means going to the Tower, attacking these mofos, withdrawing off into the woods, asking more questions, or anything in between. If it requires more extensive PC/NPC conversation, I'm up for receiving points or inquiries y'all want to make in more of a list or topical form - might be able to work a response quicker than doing long-hand narrative ping-pong between us for another week IRL.

I'll make've made a new space on the Forums for private Players' Club talk. I'd say it's pretty well impossible for me to not have access to it after creating it, but you can trust me that I'll just put it in place and not refer to it again if you prefer some privacy on strategy.

A few topics I can't resist writing, for consideration as y'all decide...

I think it best to keep in mind that if the team is claiming this general story as cover: "we are religious clergy, builders, architects, sculptors (plus a guard or 2) - sent by a section of the Amanuctum government, to coordinate with the military and governmental officials out here on trail to survey and plan for the building of temples and religious icons in the near and longterm future." If that is the case, they are indeed at the end of the line, at destination, meeting face-to-face at the last possible site of the cadre to whom they are supposed to report and with whom they are supposed to work jointly. I'll be up front to say that if the party now claims "we are going to camp out here for the night, we have some other business - gotta go" - it would be an unusual response at least, if not incoherent and suspicious.

Eramus did indeed say something like "don't tell the Legion of this business that I am talking about in this letter/message," - but that was the business of getting out here to him in this remote location, bringing a non-Legion force of arms and expertise, and giving him direct support on a yet-to-be-revealed project. The cover story, provided in paperwork by Gulleyloft coordinating with Eramus, was a means to do just that. It is inherent within the plan that you would encounter Legion forces along the way, likely including a prediction of the same at Saromen Fro. No preclusion of engaging with Legionnaire forces, instead an instruction to avoid telling your **real business** out here.

I think Gundus, Syrena, and Xenophon - who each got correspondence - interpreted Eramus to say "get out here to me, don't tell anyone that we are working a secret plan together for a conspiracy here, and we'll put it all in action when we are united on site". In all this, it was clear that he had concerns of subversion, interception, or some other competing faction(s) that was against him or a risk to him. And he had a sense of urgency, mentioning that his situation could change. Remember too that others, both Gulleyloft and the other legionnaires from Tower 1 and Tower 2, mentioned lack of correspondence from Tower 4 that was apparently different in the past.

Two other things that I think wove prominently into the messaging from Eramus was...

1) (to Gundus) the need for loyalty and traditional Auran spirituality and ritual, a "stress of spiritual darkness," foreign gods roving the land and corrupting and weakening Auran's people, a need for the restoration of order.

2) (more to Xenophon but also to Gundus) He has something planned to score some wealth for everyone involved. There is a potential fortune to be made and shared in this. This was reinforced later, as Gulleyloft thought so as well.

I look forward to everyone weighing in to steer this the way you choose here at this junction point. The party has reached the PLACE that they were supposed to be, but not necessarily at the right TIME, and not finding the CIRCUMSTANCE (or PERSON) they had hoped for.

Not exactly working out as expected, but now time to improvise and adapt.

Thank you. I know that was long - whew.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 28, 2023 11:51 am
RageRed says:
Syrena rolls up the scroll and puts it back in her backpack. This is exactly what she didn't want happening after a long day's travel, more men strutting around and announcing how they owned the damned forest.
haha. ....hilarious quip btw... can see the eye roll..
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