This picture is the best I could do; its not 100% to scale. Khyree's ship is a bit higher up than the vantage point here--and more or less directly above the locale below her.
A - represents the group of about 20 captives that look like her people. They are being hearded by about ten captors.
B, C - represent the groups of captive getting closer to the loading boats. Both B and C are groups of about 20 captives being hearded by about 10 captors.
D - represents the group of about 20 captives that are being loaded onto boats and rowed to the ships--looks like toward the two unmarked ships. There's probably 20 or more captors loading people. Also, at letter D on the beach near the loading boats, Khyree can just make out a pile of bodies.
MORE SHIP MECHANICS (I included these in the thread you started)
For 3 Ki the ship can fire acid in a 120-foot line that is 20 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
As far as attacking the ships below goes, the ships would have to make a saving roll of DC 18 to avoid being rendered useless, and they would sustain 12d8 damage.
By spending 3 Ki, you could do some fancy maneuvers that would possibly be able to cut a path that would allow the 120-foot line acid breath attack to hit all or most of the ships. The attack bonus for this roll would be Khyree's wisdom bonus +2(ship's bonus).