Khyree's Story

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Aug 15, 2023 9:55 pm
Oops. I don't know where I got 12 damage before. I think I just had a brain laps and took the the successful attack roll of 12 as the damage roll too. Could you also roll another unarmed (lethal) damge roll on your next post?
The mage slips backward just out of range of your staff swing, but your round kick lands, wearing him down (7 damage).

As the mage stumbles backward he mumbles some words and waves his hand that is now free from holding the orb. A ghostly, skeletal hand appears near the mage and moves through the air, its fingers outstretched in your direction reaching to grasp on to you.


Mage: Chill Touch (attack) - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

Mage: Chill Touch (damage) - (2d8)

(16) = 7

Aug 15, 2023 10:03 pm
As the hand nears, you feel the air chill around it. It grabs onto you. A deadly cold rushes through your body (for 7 necrotic damage).

Khyree--Current HP: 17, Temp HP: 0, KI: 2
Dragon Ship Ki reserve: 8
Mage HP: 25 minus a damage roll you make for your earlier hit.
Note: Khyree can’t regain hit points until the start of the mage's next turn. Until then the hand clings to her. Khyree's turn...
Aug 17, 2023 7:18 pm
Total damage for last and this round: 25 pts.
Khyree growls as the mage unleashes his necrotic spell on her. She rips the staff around and slams it into the mage's chest, then stomps him into the deck with her lethal foot attacks.
Last edited August 17, 2023 7:24 pm


Damage (last round) - (1d6+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Quarterstaff attack - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Unarmed (lethal) - (1d20+5, 1d20+5)

1d20+5 : (14) + 5 = 19

1d20+5 : (11) + 5 = 16

Damage - (1d6+2d4+9)

(1) + (42) + 9 = 16

Aug 17, 2023 7:52 pm
The mage doesn't get a chance to recover and falls to the deck with the force of your staff. Then, as your foot comes down on his chest, you hear his ribs cracks, possibly all of them. The hand lets loose and dissipates into thin air, its chill vanishes with it. At the same time the chain of energy disappears in the mage's now lifeless hand.

A cultist mage corpse now lies before you on your bridge.

Khyree--Current HP: 17, Temp HP: 0, KI: 2
Dragon Ship Ki reserve: 8
Mage HP:
That was quite amazing work! He never even got to use his magic chain on you.
Aug 17, 2023 9:05 pm
Khyree will search the mage's body and make sure he's dead.

Once this is done, she focuses the ship's Ki and has it change appearance to a cloud floating in the sky.

She drags the mage's riffled corpse to the railing and tosses it overboard. She watches it splat into the water far below. Then, takes a better look at these six ships and the slavers trying to corral people into them.

If the orb is still rolling around on deck somewhere, she will pick it up and examine it.
Spending 2 Ki from the ship's reserves. Does it appear that slaves are already being loaded?
Last edited August 17, 2023 9:07 pm
Aug 18, 2023 4:38 am
You search the dead mage. All you find in his dark robes are some vials of black liquid, a satchel of spell components and a spell book. Around his neck, he wears a jagged amulet in the shape of a dragon's head crafted from obsidian.

You focus the ship's Ki and its appearance changes to cloud formations. To you the ship continues to feel as solid and tangible as it did before. Your only indication that it is disguised is the fact that a light cloudy mist covers the deck at your feet.

When you toss the corpse overboard, it falls for a while getting smaller and smaller until a you can just make out it crashing into the water below.

You focus on the shore and see that the captors below appear to still be corralling groups of chained humans toward the boats. Six boats are anchored near each other. Four of the boats have red sails, two are un marked, and one has black sails with and emblem on it very similar to the dead mage's amulet.

Some groups of captives are at the shore already and are being loaded onto small boats and rowed to the ships. Other groups are further away yet. You believe one of the further away groups to be your barbarian people. There are probably 50 or so captors on the shore herding four groups of captives. Each captive group has at least 20 people in it. You can't be sure how many people are on the boats.

You find the orb wedged between a barrel and a railing. When you pick it up, it looks mostly like a plain glass orb that easily fits in your hand due to its size. Examining it closely, you see a tiny nucleus of arcing of electricity in its center.

Dragon Ship Ki reserve: 6
Aug 18, 2023 8:38 pm
Putting the orb in her backpack along with the vials of black goo and the spell book, Khyree returns to the rails and tries to think what she wants to do next. She really wishes the energy she senses within the ship were such that she could possibly take down the ships of the slavers and their dark dragon cronies, but she is unsure of success in the matter. She would have the element of surprise on her side most likely, but the odds were fairly high against her.

Peering hard along the coast, she tries to identify the locale below.
She will toss the amulet in the ocean separate from the corpse. Are there six ships or seven?
Last edited August 19, 2023 6:36 pm
Aug 19, 2023 3:52 pm
Seck says:
You focus on the shore and see that the captors below appear to still be corralling groups of chained humans toward the boats. Six boats are anchored near each other. Four of the boats have red sails, two are un marked, and one has black sails with and emblem on it very similar to the dead mage's amulet.
Right. That doens't add up. Sorry.

Six boats are anchored near each other. Three of the boats have red sails, two are un marked, and one has black sails with and emblem on it very similar to the dead mage's amulet.
I'll get to some more posts tonight.
Aug 20, 2023 3:47 pm
You peer down to make out the locale and see:
This picture is the best I could do; its not 100% to scale. Khyree's ship is a bit higher up than the vantage point here--and more or less directly above the locale below her.

A - represents the group of about 20 captives that look like her people. They are being hearded by about ten captors.

B, C - represent the groups of captive getting closer to the loading boats. Both B and C are groups of about 20 captives being hearded by about 10 captors.

D - represents the group of about 20 captives that are being loaded onto boats and rowed to the ships--looks like toward the two unmarked ships. There's probably 20 or more captors loading people. Also, at letter D on the beach near the loading boats, Khyree can just make out a pile of bodies.

MORE SHIP MECHANICS (I included these in the thread you started)
For 3 Ki the ship can fire acid in a 120-foot line that is 20 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

As far as attacking the ships below goes, the ships would have to make a saving roll of DC 18 to avoid being rendered useless, and they would sustain 12d8 damage.

By spending 3 Ki, you could do some fancy maneuvers that would possibly be able to cut a path that would allow the 120-foot line acid breath attack to hit all or most of the ships. The attack bonus for this roll would be Khyree's wisdom bonus +2(ship's bonus).

Aug 20, 2023 4:54 pm

Note: I just edited the previous post
Aug 22, 2023 7:20 pm
Use 3 Ki to make a 120 ft long/20 foot wide strafing run of the three ships closest to shore. Then, 1Ki to go up 500 ft, 1 more to go up a mile, and 1 more to continue on. [total 6 Ki pts]
Though it is not within her power to take on the whole of the gathered armada and its manpower, Khyree focuses her energy on the dragon ship and directs it down, in a strafing run of the dark dragon's vessel and the other two slave ships, spraying acid over their sails, decks, and masts.
Last edited August 22, 2023 7:20 pm
Aug 22, 2023 11:41 pm
Focusing your Ki you urge the ship to dive. You stand on the bridge at the helm. The ship seems to come alive; you feel its energy surge. As the ship dives, the cloudy mist stirs at your feet and in your mind you can see the ships below as if you share the 'sight' of the dragon vessel. You guide the ship in its decent, aiming it toward a run meant to swoop over and attack just above the three ships closest to the shore.

When you get the ship close you swoop it upward and over your targets and the same time letting loose a blast of acid. You hear shouts and exclamations coming from the crows nests and decks below.
Please roll 1d20+5 for the ship's attack under the control of Khyree.
Aug 23, 2023 7:51 am
Ship Attack


Dragon's Breath (Acid) - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Aug 23, 2023 2:27 pm
Ship saving throws...


Unmarked Ship 1: acid attack save (DC 18) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Unmarked Ship 2: acid attack save (DC 18) - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Dragon Cult Ship: acid attack save (DC 18) - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Aug 23, 2023 2:32 pm
Ship acid damage...
Unmarked Ship 1 (which rolled a critical failure) takes maximum damage of 98.


Unmarked Ship 2: acid damage - (12d8)

(147567837625) = 61

Dragon Cult Ship: acid damage - (12d8)

(533533375557) = 54

Aug 23, 2023 2:48 pm
The crews of the ships scramble. Shouts and exclamations turn into cries of agony as the stream of acid rips across the vessels. The acid evaporates sails and burns holes in the ships decks. In the case an unmarked ship, its main mast is severed by the acid and it falls into the deck cracking its hull. The ship begins to sink and the other two are going no where any time soon.

As you swoop up toward a high altitude the Dragon Ship rears in satisfaction. One of the unaffected ships manages to fire off a balissta, but your ship moving quickly, is soon out of range; its cloud disguise makes it hard to pinpoint against the clouds above. The giant balissta bolt falls short into the water.

You notice that the excitement on the water caused the slave herding to be halted on the beach. Further, it looks like your barbarian people have taken the opportunity created by the distraction to come at their oppressors in full force.

Dragon Ship Ki reserve: 0
I believe I was confusing. The 'strafing run' was a maneuver that cost 3 Ki. The acid breath attack cost 3 Ki separately. Anyway, we won't worry about that; you rolled well. We'll just say the ship was pleased to be active again and somehow managed to get all of that done with 6 Ki.
Aug 24, 2023 6:54 pm
Before the enemy can regroup and determine what just hit them Khyree guides the disguised dragon ship onward along the coast. She needs to recharge her Ki energies and the ship does as well. Finding a relatively safe place to do that is foremost on her mind.
Last edited August 24, 2023 6:54 pm
Aug 26, 2023 8:05 pm
This is Khyree's current action. The map's don't help as they don't show towns or cities.
Aug 27, 2023 4:34 am
Does Khyree take the ship north west along the coast or south east along the coast? Please let me know. In either case...
You easily guide the ship safely away from the scene below. After an hour or so of travel above the coast you spot a crater lake below that looks secluded and peaceful. Its altitude is high above the jungle floor.
Aug 27, 2023 8:01 pm
Khyree would head northwest.
She cautiously steers the ship toward the crater area.
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