On your invitation, Skeev steps to the door and places the large key in the keyhole and turns. It makes an audible mechanical sound that echos in the tunnel. He cautiously looks at you before pulling the portal door open by the ring in its center. You charge into the room, Taresh and Skeev right behind you.
You charge into a massive windy tunnel. High unmovable iron portcullis-looking bars separate many vaulted sections that seem to disappear into the distance. Waves of sea water crash at the base of the tunnel as sewer water spills into the tunnel from huge open pipes in the walls. The scent of fresh sea air mingles with the putrid smells of the sewer system.
You stand on a ledge about 60ft wide. The ledge steps out about 15ft, and at its center is a wide stone staircase. The stairs lead down to a dock, 10 feet below the ledge, where two narrow boats, about 40ft long, are moored. Both boats have a plank bridge connecting them to the dock.
The deck of boat on the right appears to be unoccupied, while on the boat to the left there is a Hound guarding 6 captives that appear shackled together and chained to the boat. They huddle close together, sitting uncomfortably on the deck.
Hound: Initiative - (1d20+2)
(19) + 2 = 21
Skeev: Initiative - (1d20+3)
(11) + 3 = 14
Taresh: Initiative - (1d20+3)
(4) + 3 = 7