So sorry RageRed!! It has been more than 10 days since I've updated your story. It is partly because i have been so busy, but also because you are about to get to Jahore and your interaction there will be pivotal to the overall story. I didn't want to move you there in haste, but instead with careful thought. I also needed to catch up the others in the story a bit. I'm hoping that it won't be too long before you will be able to find your ways together. I apologize for making a few decisions for Tasya now, but I'm going to move you quickly to Jahore here. Enjoy this montage...
With Mariquette riding behind you and Patalwing (gleefully again) riding in front of you, you race Stripe on with haste. Soon ahead you see the pigeons swooping and scouring the road. Slowing, so you don't catch the bird's attention, you spot another canyon pass that leads off the road, you believe that passing through it will lead to desert and from there you can make way to the delta water ways, which you can follow to Jahore.
You make the choice to cut into the pass; the birds continue on searching the without noticing you behind. The pass does indeed open up to desert sand. Before urging Stripe out from the canyon cover onto the hot sand you grab a waterskin and pass it to Mariquette. She hands it back after drinking. You drink some yourself.
Petalwing gets excited,
"Me, wet-wet!! Please-please" You oblige the plant sprite and pour some water on her. She breaths a deep sigh of pleasure. You then dismount and pour water into you hand while Stripe laps it. Ready to go. You mount and press on. The desert does in fact lead to a finger of the delta, nested in sparse canyon formations. You follow the water in the direction of Jahore.
After a long hot day of travel, some water breaks, and a depletion of your water supply, the delta finger finally leads you to the outskirts of Jahore.
The sun will set shortly, perhaps in a half hour or so.