Tasya's Story

Apr 22, 2023 2:57 am
Engagement in Sind

The circus ship made it to Jahore Port without incident. No pirates, no local authority boardings, just smooth sailing to port. This is good news because the the troupe has been sailing strait from Ierendi, no stops, no performances. The animals and troupe will appreciate this engagement in Sind, since the show will be on land and not held on the boat and all will get an opportunity to stretch their legs on land for the week. Apparently the festivities have already begun with some port fireworks for the incoming guests.


The Circus is scheduled to perform for a very special event here in Sind. It occurs only once every 10 years, when the Rajadhiraja gathers all the Himaya ruling families to Vidhaya on the Asanda River Delta to celebrate for a week long festival. Different curiosities and wonders are brought in to Sind from many lands to entertain the elite class.

The trek to Vidhaya from Jahore Port is about 30 miles north through the more hospitable Asanda River plain. Your troupe is skilled at traveling by boat as well as by caravan and the next morning load up all the equipment and start out toward Vidhaya. As the caravan gets further from the the port and the sea air, temperatures rise and the soon setting sun becomes a welcome inevitability.


You make it to Vidhaya just at dusk. But there is no immediate rest for your experienced troupe. All snap to work, and the tent is raised in a matter of four hours. The show will commence with the Rajadhiraja himself present at 10 am tomorrow.


While heading to your tent for the night, Jin catches up with you to wish you luck, as this is your first time performing in the Sindhi festival. He tells you that you are the best the troupe has and your aerial rope act is going to completely shock and astonish these princes. You are happy to hear his assurance, but you sense that he's slightly troubled about something. You tell him that he's no good at hiding anything from you and demand he tells you what's on his mind. He reveals to you that his grandfather-Master Ganesh Madagast the ringleader of this operation-has been distant, occupied, even seemingly worried. Jin knows that it is always complicated for his grandfather to come back to Sind, his homeland. But something is different this time and he can't put his finger on it. What's most odd, Jin says, is that Ganesh told him randomly just a few days ago that if anything should ever happen to his grandfather that the circus will be his and he should carry the show on into the future. Jin finally says for you to just keep your eyes and ears open and gives you a hug before bidding you goodnight.

The next day brings the show. It is highly attended by probably all the royal families of Sind. As you twist and spin your upward ascension on your rope to the highest peak of the circus tent you command silence and complete captivation over the enamored audience.


When you suddenly spiral quickly downward, the audience gasps in fear thinking you have lost control but when you gracefully regain control and ascend once again the crowd cheers in astonishment.

As you make it to the top again the crowd's loud cheers continue and you think some things in the shadows on the floor of the circus catch your attention. Trying not to get too distracted from your dangerous routine high above the circus floor, you strain a bit to try to make out what you think you noticed.
Make a Perception check.
Apr 22, 2023 7:47 pm
It is upon the rope, silk, or trapeze that Tas feels the most alive. She goes through her routine with a racing heart and a genuine joy on her face, as she holds the audience below in rapt mesmerism. Attentive to the most minute of details in her surroundings, she easily notices something out of place in the shadows.
Last edited April 22, 2023 7:50 pm


Perception - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Apr 22, 2023 9:10 pm
Your senses are most keen when you are focused and engaged in your act. Anything out of place, however slight, cannot go unnoticed. This is one of the reasons you are so good at your art.

With most eyes of the audience directly on you and loud cheers masking any other sounds you notice some out-of-place movement on the outer edges of the seating area. At least four shadowy figures seem to stealthily weave toward the seating moving to flank the area where the Rajadhiraja and his royal family are observing the show, wildly clapping along with the rest of the audience.

The agile black dressed figures progress quickly, moving as skilled assassins might move. You spot occasional reflections of light off their exposed metal blades.

Apr 22, 2023 9:44 pm
Tas abruptly stops her show, hanging tightly in the coils of the ropes. She screams at the top of her lungs and points directly at the assassins attempting to sneak up on the Rajadhiraja's private box.
If she can, Tasya would also swing over to redirect some lighting to illuminate the thugs.
Apr 22, 2023 10:25 pm
You scream, pointing out the intruders. The crowd's roaring cheers take a moment to subside and morph into mummers of puzzlement as some members of the audience seem to look at each other and point in your direction. You notice Jin and two other bulky performers emerge on the circus floor moving quickly out from the far back entrance of the ring, but also looking puzzled as to what may be happening. Royal guards at the circus entrances and near the Rajadhiraja's box seem to stand up strait and put their hands on the hilt of their scimitars.

You are high up above the circus floor on the rope, but you know you could swing yourself over to the trapeze platform where a magic orb of light is present (one of the many under the tent. The circus uses them to add a colorful aura to the show). If you touch it it will increase its luminosity. You may be able to throw it down to an area where it will illuminate the encroaching figures. You also could quickly shimmy down the rope and be on the circus floor.
Apr 22, 2023 10:29 pm
Swinging over to the trapeze and hooking herself off for stability, Tasya grabs the orb. As its light grows in intensity, she throws it in the general direction of the erstwile assassins to show everyone what has her in such a state.
Apr 22, 2023 10:53 pm
You hurl the glowing orb trying to illuminate the assassins' approach.

Please make an acrobatics check with advantage (against a DC of 15) for this feat of getting to the platform, hurling the orb to a illuminating location, and doing it all quickly.

...cont after roll.
Apr 22, 2023 10:57 pm


Acrobatics (DC 15) - (2d20H1+7)

(207) + 7 = 27

Apr 22, 2023 11:14 pm
The orb flies from your grasp down toward the circus floor just a moment after you expertly made it to the platform. It lands exactly where you hoped...where the shadow figure closest to the Rajadhiraja is. But even better, it also hits the figure square on its head. The figure falls to ground from the impact.

The crowd's murmurs suddenly turn to panic. The guards run toward the light and the other assassins it reveals. You hear a loud woman's scream almost immediacy followed by a bright blinding flash. After the flash, through the spots that hinder your sight, you realize that the circus floor is covered in a thick red smoke. You can't tell what is goin on down there. You hear a few metal clashes and the sound of the panicking crowd rising.
nice roll!
Apr 24, 2023 8:48 pm
Hanging up in the rafters on the rope and trapeze bar, Tasya has only her skimpy performance costume. She can only watch and attempt to maneuver in the heights to get a better view of the scene below.
Apr 28, 2023 6:25 pm
You maneuver to get a better view. Some areas of the red smoke part on the circus floor. In these clearer patches you see panicking crowd trying to scramble toward the tent entrance. An arrow suddenly flies out from the red smoke below and lodges itself along with an attached parchment into a beam not very far from you. The parchment has a painted symbol on it.


Just as the arrow hits its mark, through smoke, you catch a glimpse of a royal guard near the Rajadhiraja's box getting slashed from behind by a shadow figure. The guard falls limp to the floor.

On the other side of the tent a sliver of outside light attracts your attention to a seemingly unconscious woman on the shoulder of shadow figure who slashes the tent and disappears though the makeshift exit with three other shadow figures quickly following.
Apr 29, 2023 6:54 pm
Tasya flinches as the arrow thunks into the tent pole and swings over to check out the note. She tears it free of the arrow and swings to the nearest rope ladder to begin a cautious descent into the chaos below.
Apr 29, 2023 8:06 pm
You swing over to the pole and swipe the parchment from it. It's a plain parchment, except for the painted symbol.


Then you agilely swing to the nearest rope ladder and quickly make your way down it. At the bottom Jin emerges through the smoke followed by Caspian and Rosalyra.

"Tas!" he calls out to you. "I'm glad you are alright. I don't know what's going on but we can't find Ganesh! The royal guard seems to be surfacing from every corner of Vidhaya and closing in on the tent. I don't think any of this is going to fare well for us."

He takes off his purple cloak and throws it at you. You reflexively snatch it out of the air.

"Take this. I haven't had the chance to use it today for the show, so it should still be able to make you invisible. Caspian, Rosalyra and I are going to gather the others at the carriages and look for Ganesh. Misha said if we get separated or it it is unsafe she knows we would be welcome at the Resting Dragon Inn. She said don't approach in the Inn in the open and mention you seek the Way of the Keis. Be safe Tasya."

As he says the last words a group of panicking Sindhi nobles appear amidst the red smoke, moving toward your direction. They are flanked by six royal guards, who protectively move them along. One of the nobles recognizes Jin as the magician and shouts, "Seize the circus members! They will have to answer for this madness!"

Three of the guards head in your direction. Jin and your companions scatter back into the red fog.
Apr 29, 2023 8:19 pm
Tasya swirls the cloak onto her shoulders and nods to Jin. "Be safe as well, my brother." She ducks into the red mist, as the royal guard approach, and vanishes into thin air. Without hesitation, the lithe acrobat slips through the crowd and heads for one of the folds in the big top that the performers use to enter backstage.
Apr 29, 2023 8:30 pm
Tasya knows that the cloak will give her up to a 1/2 hour of invisibility once per day. If she removes it the ‘clock’ pauses
This is an exciting moment and sadly I have to go to work. I’ll definitely post tomorrow!!
May 1, 2023 4:37 pm
Invisible, you lithely slip through a backstage fold without disturbing it. Outside, your eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright day sun. You at once hear clanking armor moving toward the area and a shout, "Mahaser, the princess has been taken!" You recognize the word 'mahaser' as the title for the Rajadhiraja's elite guard commander. As your eyes adjust, you see the circus caravan carriages and troupe's tents still in place to you left (including yours), along with the animal cages to your right. Strait ahead near Ganesh's carriage, Reina, Hellena, some musicians and clowns are being surrounded by the guards you heard.

With your companions surrounded, the Mahaser steps forward, motioning for his men to raise arrows toward the cornered circus members. At least 20 arrows, no further than 10' away from them, point directly at their faces. In a deep booming thick desert accent the captain asserts, "You will come with us for questioning!"


Cloak Time: 1 minute
May 2, 2023 8:19 am
Darting from cover to cover and trying to stick to the shadows as much as possible, Tasya heads for her tent to gather her things.
May 2, 2023 12:56 pm
I thought Tas was completely invisible because of Jin’s cloak. Did she remove the cloak? Or was she sticking to the shadows just as a precaution (and maybe force of habit)?

In yellow, I started keeping track of how long she had it on so far.

It will give her up to a 1/2 hour of invisibility once per day. If she removes it the ‘clock’ pauses

May 2, 2023 7:44 pm
Tasya is wearing the cloak and using its invisibility. I would have thought a performance would have been later in the evening and was surprised to see bright sunlight on exiting the big top. She doesn't want her shadow giving away her presence.
May 2, 2023 8:33 pm
Oh. Good thinking! I’ll get a post up soon. Hopefully tonight.
May 3, 2023 3:27 am
You easily dart from cover to cover, being sure to keep in the shadows as much as possible. Even though you are completely invisible, when you pass the pen (that you helped set up for the caravan's horses and camels), Stripe whinnies as if the zebra-stallion knows you are near.

You make it to the parked caravan/tent area and head quickly toward your carriage.


When you get there you hastily collect all your weapons and gear. Just as you are finishing strapping on your studded leather armor you notice a note on the table.


You recognize this script. You are of the few that can. And even of those who can, many are not willing. The language, Infernal, is not often written, for its originators have little use for writing. It roughly translates to "Find me". You know only one other who speaks this unearthly tongue.

Cloak Time: 8 minutes
May 3, 2023 8:17 am
Does Taysa know of the Resting Dragon Inn? How far is it?
May 3, 2023 12:25 pm
You may roll a survival check to see if Tasya recalls hearing about it. DC 15. (This is only the second time Tas has been to Sind with the circus.)
May 3, 2023 7:15 pm
Survival -survivalist adds double Proficiency bonus to the skill roll.


Survival - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

May 4, 2023 12:29 am
Searching her memory about the Resting Dragon...Tasya recalls hanging out with Jin and Mischa after a docked show in Shireton. She remembers them reminiscing about the first time they went to shore together in Jahore, and a wild time they had at the Resting Dragon off the market square. So..The Resting Dragon is 30 miles south, back in Jahore, where the circus ship is docked.
May 4, 2023 7:38 am
Tasya peeks out of her wagon to see how it is outside and beginning formulate a way to get to the animal pen and get Stripe. She does not want to make the trip to Jahore on foot.
May 4, 2023 5:52 pm
Still invisible, you peer out from your wagon door. You hear and see guards kicking down doors of various wagons and cutting open tents, presumably in attempt to round up the circus folk.

Suddenly you see Mariquette shimmy down the side of the wagon next to yours. When she makes it to the ground, a blade between her teeth, she leans against the other wagon into the cover of the shadowed alley formed between the two. You see a metallic glint as she pulls out another knife from her belt.

You are pretty sure you could make it to Stripe undetected.
There are other ridable beasts in the pen beside Stripe. Saddles are hanging on some posts near the pen (of course the sadels are not invisible.) Tasya is able to ride bareback, I just might ask for some athletics or animal handling rolls if things get very intense.
Cloak Time: 10 minutes
May 4, 2023 6:24 pm
'Psst!" Tas whispers towards Mariquette. 'Its Tas. Going for Stripe. Follow if you can.'

Tasya winds through the chaos and doesn't bother with the saddle or riding gear. She squeezes through the slats of the fence and moves toward her mount, while calculating the best way to open the holding pen gate.
May 7, 2023 2:08 am
Mariquette looks in your direction. "Tas?" she says just as you leave the wagon and wind through the chaos back toward the pen. When you get there you slide through the fence into the pen. Stripe stomps his front hooves, breaths a sigh and moves to you as soon as you enter, aware of your presence even though you are invisible. He comes close and nuzzles you.

Beyond the pen area, guards are still combing the circus members' living area, forcefully entering and exiting tents and wagons. A guard emerges from out of a nearby tent and moves quickly toward the pen. Something causes him to stop and investigate it. Standing still at the gate. He looks into the pen at the animals and seems puzzled by Stripe's behavior and actions. He motions to open the gate to walk into the pen, but gets distracted by a loud shout made by another guard a ways away who declares that a wagon is empty as he leaves it. After a second the attention of the guard near you shifts back to opening the gate...
continued after rolls...


Mariquette dagger ranged sneak attack - (2d20H1+6)

(1520) + 6 = 26

Mariquette dagger basic damage - (1d4+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Mariquette sneak attack damage - (3d6)

(461) = 11

May 7, 2023 2:29 am
Just as the guard swings open the gate his eyes suddenly roll to the back of his head as he slumps over to the ground in the now open gateway. You see a slim dagger buried deep in his neck, definitely one of Mariquette's.

Within a moment Mariquette is kneeling beside the cover of a feed barrel, whispering firmly into the pen in Stripe's direction. "Tas, what is your plan?"

Cloak Time: 12 minutes
May 9, 2023 7:24 pm
"Some of us are meeting at the Resting Dragon, in Jahore." Tasya replies, trying to be as quiet as possible and stealthily climbing onto Stripe's back. "Come with me if you can..or approaching the Dragon discreetly and mention you seek the Way of the Keis.
Last edited May 9, 2023 7:27 pm
May 10, 2023 4:34 am
As you speak, Mariquette, staying low, makes her way to the fallen guard and retrieves her dagger from his neck. She then slaps a horse on its backside, then another, sending them both trampling over the body on the ground while they dart through the gate. The commotion stirs up the other animals in the pen.

"I’ll meet you on the road just outside of this cursed town then," she says as she slinks through the fencing in the direction of one of the horses she slapped, maneuvering to the next shadowy cover.

Cloak Time: 14 minutes
May 10, 2023 9:03 pm
Lying low and holding onto Stripe's mane, Tasya urges her steed through the gates in the mass animal exodus and heads off at weaving gait out the area.
May 11, 2023 5:06 pm
With you leaning low on him, Stripe stays calm while the other animals stir themselves into a rising frenzy. As you urge him, he moves through the gate and you head out from the pen. As you do, two guards run out from the wagon area toward the animals that are now frantic and outside the pen. The guards wave their hands high and shout things like, "Whoa" and "Easy, Easy" mostly to no effect. One gets close and moves to round up Stripe--a much easier goal for him at the moment in comparison to rounding or calming the other panicking animals.

From the view outside the pen gate:

Directly across a matted dirt road is the area where the circus wagons are stationed, including yours. (The freed animals are stirring wildly on this road, while some are still roused in the pen.)

To the left past the pen are some tents where circus members would sleep and prepare for the show.

Beyond that is the city garden, irrigated by man-made canals that are supplied from the one tributary of the Asanda River Delta that flows through the center of the city.

Right would lead you to the backstage fold of the circus tent you emerged from earlier (from where you saw your companions get apprehended near Ganesh's large wagon).

Past Ganesh's wagon and the backstage exit are the circus animal cages. There is definitely less guard activity by the cages.

The circus tent itself takes up the majority of the city's market circle.

On the edge of the market circle are some merchant canopies and wagons where a few merchants peddle expensive wares to the rich royalty that attend the show (before all this commotion occurred at least).

(If you were to make your way though or around the tent, the front of the tent is close to the city's main gate.)

The city is surrounded by a sandstone wall and the gate is the only way you could leave the city on Stripe. You could easily scale the wall if you were not riding. Earlier this morning, there were guards posted at the gate, but the gate was not closed as noble caravans were still coming to the city for the week-long festival.

In the distance, within the city walls on the opposite side of the city, you can see the Rajadhiraja's Vidhaya holiday palace looming over all.
May 11, 2023 8:53 pm
Tasya nudges Stripe with her knees to move faster and stay out of reach of the much slower human, she tugs on his mane directing him around the tent and toward the city gates. She has no intent of leaving him behind and walking to Jehore.
May 12, 2023 5:14 am
You hastily nudge Stripe forward and move past the reach of the guard, who is then quickly distracted by a horse who nearly tramples him. You then direct Stripe around the tent, by way of the animal cages where there doesn't seem to be any guards searching.

When you come around the front of the tent you see a noble's caravan stopped before the city gate by the Rajadhiraja's elite guard. From the looks of it there is tension building between red sashed royal guards and the purple sashed personal soldiers of the noble's caravan. The noble argues with the royal guard commander. It looks as his party is being forbidden from leaving the city, the but he and his soldier's are not taking no for an answer.

Royal guards begin to move from their post at the gate toward the noble and his soldiers. The gate is wide open and everyone's attention is on the brewing conflict.

If Tas tries to take advantage of the conflict that's distracting the guards and move through the gate on Stripe, please make both a stealth and animal handling check with advantage (DC 8).
Cloak Time: 19 minutes
May 13, 2023 9:27 am
Tasya goes for the open unguarded gate.


Stealth - (2d20H1+7)

(51) + 7 = 12

Animal Handling - (2d20H1+3)

(1019) + 3 = 22

May 13, 2023 5:41 pm
The royal guards are too busy dealing with the noble caravan to pay any attention to what appears as a lone zebroid trying to get away from the commotion in the city. You maneuver Stripe through the gate in a way that makes it believable to any that notice.

The city was built near the delta, so it is nested between marsh-like land on one side and rocky canyons on the other. The road out of the cuty runs through arid cliffs that make a natural defense for Vidhaya, the Rajadhiraja's holiday city. You recall from coming into the city with the circus caravan that the canyon will open up to sandy desert interspersed with fertile river valley patches.


Luckily there is no one else on the road immediately leaving the city. You travel for about 15 minutes when you round a cliffy corner and see a wagon puled by two camels on the road ahead, coming toward the city. At its pace it is probably 5 minutes away from your current position.

To your left there happens to be a rocky pass between some cliffs.

If Tas took off the cloak off while traveling on the road once she felt far enough away from the city, she could easily slip it back on right now. If so, we'll say the cloak can make her invisible for 5 more minutes. If she never took it off, it's power has expired for the day.
May 13, 2023 7:19 pm
Tasya would have lowered the hood or taken the cloak off to stop the invisibility once far enough away from the city walls to be spotted. Should there be no hiding place, she would don the invisibility again to prevent the wagoneers from seeing her.
Tasya is moving at a casual pace waiting to see if Mariquette catches up to her at their rendezvous outside the city. As soon as she spots the approaching wagon, she maneuvers Stripe into the rocky pass on their left and tries to find a quick place within, behind some rocks or outcropping to hide until the wagon and its passengers have passed.
May 13, 2023 9:20 pm
You manage to get off the road and find a hidden space in the rocky pass. You sit and watch for the wagon to pass. As you do a mounted rider coming from the direction of the city calls "Whoa!" and stops on the road in front of the opening you hide in. The rider looks down the road toward the oncoming wagon and brandishes a sword as to tell it to move aside. The rider is dressed like the purple sashed noble guards back at the gate and the horse also has a purple blanket covering its back. The horse has a white stripe in its mane and oddly, you recall a white stripe in the mane of the first horse Mariquette slapped in the pen. Also the horse before you doesn't actually appear to have a saddle. And now that you think of it, the frame of this rider is rather feminine.

May 14, 2023 12:32 am
Tas and Stripe watch cautiously waiting for the wagon and camels to pass, before returning to the road and following the rider on the other horse.
May 18, 2023 5:22 am
The purple-shashed rider waits for a minute, then urges the horse on. Once out of sight, you hear the horse begin to gallop down the road in the direction away from Vidhaya. A few minutes afterward the wagon pulled by camels emerges into view. It is driven by a single wizened man who appears to be native to the desert. The wagon has a number of garden boxes fixed to its roof, which are filled with vegetables and flowers. Other potted plants hang from the wagon's main cabin walls. The wagon is rather long due to an extended flat bed behind the enclosed cabin. The flat bed appears to be a small mobile garden. It has a large barrel in its center with some kind of water irrigation tubing extending to the plants. The wagon moves fairly slowly toward the city. As it moves by you can smell the scent of flowers and herbs.
May 18, 2023 9:26 pm
Tasya has no tine to sit idle and smell the flowers. As quickly as she can, the acrobat races off after the rider trying to catch up.
May 19, 2023 4:01 am
The wagon just about passes the mouth of your hiding place when one of the hanging pots shakes loose from a rope as a wagon wheel runs over a rock. The pot turns sideways causing dirt and a pink flower to fall to the canyon road. The wagon continues on. As soon as you feel it's safe you lead Stripe out from the rocky pass and move back to the road. When you get close to the flower in the road you think you hear a faint wheezing and a tiny cough come from it on the ground.

You look down the road to see if you can spot Mariquette on her purple mount, but she must have already turned the bend.

May 19, 2023 8:08 am
"You there in the pot." Tasya calls out to the sound in the broken flower pot. "I'm in a dreadful hurry. Are you alright?"
May 19, 2023 2:17 pm
A tiny spritely but not energetic voice sounding weak and sickly says, "Water, water, please...need water."
May 19, 2023 8:59 pm
Tasya's eyes narrow, as she tries to see whatever it is that is speaking. She moves Stripe over to the broken flower pot, pulls out her waterskin, and pours a bit of water onto the plant and pot. "I really must be going..."
May 20, 2023 5:01 am
When you pour water onto the plant, the voice let's out a sigh as petals and leaves that already had begun to wither on the the arid canyon road seem to perk and full. The 'flower' suddenly stands up. It appears to be some sort of plant sprite.

The pot is broken around the sprite who is about 7 or 8 inches tall. "Thank-thank you. Me you save. Rock is so parchy. No water. Die-die would me." The creature looks strait up at you and says, "You I owe, I do. Please take-take me to place moisty and soily."
May 20, 2023 8:16 pm
Tasya leans over as far as she can and reaches one with one hand to scoop up the tiny plant being. "Jump...if you can. I won't leave you here to perish in the heat, but I need to catch up to my friend before she gets too far away."
Last edited May 20, 2023 8:18 pm
May 20, 2023 10:11 pm
As you reach down and cradle your hand the sprite jumps in it. You lift her up and place her on Stripe’s neck where she grabs his mane and says,

"Yes-yes, go-go, catch friend!"

You quickly urge Stripe into a gallop. Once you pick up speed the sprite starts bouncing up and down holding tightly onto Stripe’s mane. The sprite exclaims, "Petalwing happy-happy! Wind so blowy on stripey four-leg."

You gallop around the bend and a go short while longer until you notice a dagger wedged between some small rocks in the road and slow down to examine it. It is definitely one of Mariquette’s. Just as you figure that out Mariquette leaps out from behind a large boulder just off the road and jumps onto the boulder.

She says, "Saw you pass through the city gate. Thought I’d catch up. But when I didn’t come across you, Figured you must’ve hidden from the wagon on the road. Glad you got out safely. So you say to Jahore?"

The sprite says, "Hi-hi" to Mariquette.

"Well, what do we have here?" replies Mariquette.
May 20, 2023 10:36 pm
"This is Petalwing." Tasya tells Mariquette. "She fell off the wagon we saw passing by and I couldn't leave her to the heat."

"Petalwing, I am Tas and this is my friend, Mariquette." She pauses and adds, "We need to get to Jahore to reunite with our troupe mates."
May 22, 2023 1:51 am
" I see," says Mariquette with a smirk.

Your introduction and explanation of the current plan prompts Petalwing to say to Mariquette, "Hi-Hi. Me Petalwing." And then to you she says, "Okay. Yes-yes. Catch more friends we do! More bouncy four-leg." She then pauses. Her demeanor becomes suddenly somber before asking, "Moisty and soliey in Jahore?"

Before you can even respond to the sprite you hear a horse's painful squeal come from behind the boulder Mariquette jumped out from.

"My mount!" exclaims Mariquette.

Jutting out from behind the rock you see a giant scorpion tail.

May 22, 2023 10:52 pm
Tasya moves Stripe out of the range of the scorpion, pulls her crossbow, loads it, and prepares to shoot the giant pest. "Where?...agh!" She sighs.
May 22, 2023 11:42 pm
Please make an attack roll for your crossbow. The target behind the rock has an AC of 19
May 23, 2023 10:15 pm
Taking a steady aim, Tasya fires upon the large scorpion.


Lt. crossbow attack - (2d20H1+5)

(914) + 5 = 19

Damage (Sneak) - (1d8+2d6+3)

(5) + (44) + 3 = 16

May 24, 2023 2:36 am
Mariquette's horse continues making gut-wrenching sounds of being in pain, but you can hear that it is flailing its hooves and trying to protect itself. Taking advantage of the fact that the scorpion's attention is on Mariquette's horse, you react quickly. You manage to prompt Stripe to move further away while you fire your crossbow at the protruding scorpion's tail. Your bolt solidly lands its mark. The scorpion screeches; its tail writhes. The hit distracts it from its prey, hissing it leaps up onto the boulder. Just as it does Mariquette hurls two daggers simultaneously at the creature.
continued after rolls...


Mariquette dagger1 multi-attack - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Mariquette dagger2 multi-attack - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Mariquette dagger1 damage - (1d4+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Mariquette dagger2 damage - (1d4+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Horse Kick attack - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Horse Kick damage - (2d4+3)

(12) + 3 = 6

May 24, 2023 2:49 am

Mariquette's aim is as sure as ever and both of her daggers bury deep into soft sections between the predators natural armor plates.

When the scorpion hisses Petalwing tries to hide in Stripe's mane.

Nice! The Scorpion took a total of 29 damage in one turn. (13 damage from Mariquette and 16 damage from Tas.) That's good because it had 52 HP to start!
Tasya's Current HP: 24, Temp HP: 0
Scorpion Current HP: 25, Temp HP: 0
May 24, 2023 3:08 am
The angry creature leaps between you and Mariquette.

Petalwing screeches, "Ahh! Look-look! Stingy thing close-close!" Suddenly she disappears, but you can tell that her form is still holding onto Stripe's mane and in fact she has just gone invisible.

The scorpion lashes at you and Stripe with a claw but you are just out of it's range. So it flings its stinging tail at Mariquette.


Scorpion: Sting (attack) - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

May 24, 2023 3:12 am
...more rolls


Mariquette: Poison Save - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Scorpion: Sting (piercing damage) - (1d10+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Scorpion: Poison Damage - (4d10)

(92310) = 24

May 24, 2023 3:22 am
Mariquette attempts to side-step the the scorpion's tail, but it moves too fast for her and the sting pierces clean through the purple scarf she's disguised in, directly into her chest. She collapses from the force of the blow and falls into shock as the poison rushes through her veins.
Mariquette has just taken 28 points of damage and currently has 5 HP. I can't believe that poison save roll was a critical fail! Yikes. It's Tas' turn.
May 24, 2023 8:09 pm
Tas holds steady and presses her knees into Stripe's sides, as she steels her nerves and takes another shot at the angry giant scorpion.
Unless the number to hit the scorpion has changed since it no longer has cover, that's a miss.
Last edited May 24, 2023 8:11 pm


Lt. crossbow attack - (2d20H1+5)

(101) + 5 = 15

Damage (Sneak) - (1d8+2d6+3)

(3) + (35) + 3 = 14

May 24, 2023 9:07 pm
No that's actually a hit because the scorpion's AC is 15 without cover
You keep Stripe at ease and fire another bolt from his back. Petalwing, becomes visible and exclaims, "No-no! Friend Mariquette get stingy-stingy! I make stingy thing see big wormy thing!"

She closes her eyes and and mutters something using words you don't understand.

Tasya's Current HP: 24, Temp HP: 0
Scorpion Current HP: 11, Temp HP: 0


Tasya 'Tas': Animal Handling - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Scorpion Int Save vs. Petalwing Phantasmal Force (DC 15) - (1d20-5)

(3) - 5 = -2

May 24, 2023 9:25 pm
The scorpion screeches again as another bolt lodges into it. It's about to lunge at you, when suddenly it's attention is diverted. It turns and starts clawing at the air. It's trying to fend off something you cannot see.
May 24, 2023 9:31 pm
More rolls...


Scorpion Int Phantasm Attack (DC 15) - (1d20-5)

(7) - 5 = 2

Psychic Damage - (1d6)

(2) = 2

May 24, 2023 9:34 pm
The scorpion remains distracted and engaged with a foe you cannot see. Watching the scorpion claw at the air, Petalwing begins to laugh out loud, "Ha ha! Stingy thing silly-silly."
It is Tasya's turn.
Tasya's Current HP: 24, Temp HP: 0
Scorpion Current HP: 9, Temp HP: 0
May 25, 2023 8:23 pm
Tasya has no time to join in the little one's humor of the moment, as reloads and takes another shot at the giant scorpion. The moment the bolt is released, she can feel its trajectory is true and follows it with her eyes.
Last edited May 25, 2023 8:25 pm


Lt. crossbow attack - (2d20H1+5)

(131) + 5 = 18

Damage (Sneak) - (1d8+2d6+3)

(7) + (12) + 3 = 13

May 26, 2023 2:39 pm
Your blow indeed hits true and lodges in one of the eye sockets of the beast. It finally slumps, lifeless.

With the urgency of fighting the scorpion over. You notice the painful squeals of Mariquette's horse once again. Mariquette herself lies motionless on the hard road. You can see that she is still breathing, but her skin is pale.

As you assess Mariquette's situation a group of birds emerge from around the bend further back down the road. You passed the same bend earlier trying to catch up with Mariquette. They fly in your direction and seem to be spreading out, as if they are scouting the area.
May 26, 2023 4:22 pm
Tasya dismounts and hurries to Mariquette, eyeing the birds with suspicion. "I have very little to help with the scorpion's poison." She says for Petalwing's benefit and pulls out her small healer's kit from her backpack.
May 26, 2023 6:44 pm
You find your healer’s kit and hurriedly begin to fashion a salve for the wound where the scorpion stinger pierced your friend. As you do you hear Petalwing whimper, "ouchy-ouchy!" When you look up to see why, you see that she has just plucked a leaf off her own back. She holds it out to you and says, "Use too. Make stingy thing bad stuff slow-slow."

You keep an eye on the birds’ advance. As they get closer you notice all their breast feathers are the same color purple as Mariquette’s disguise. You may recall being told something...

continued after rolls…


Tasya 'Tas': Intelligence-recal something about Sind (DC 8) - (1d20+0)

(8) = 8

May 26, 2023 6:49 pm
Although out of all in your circus troop you have had the least experience in Sind, you do recall being told that many Sindhi nobles keep a beast master in their party when traveling. Creatures like the desert pigeons you see are often used to scout ahead of a caravan to make sure travel is safe from bandits and deadly creatures while traveling roads such as this canyon pass where there are many hiding places.
May 29, 2023 6:35 pm
Tasya accepts the leaf from Petalwing. "Thank you my new little friend." She sticks it in her own mouth and chews on it a bit, while she works on Mariquette's sting site, then spits it into the palm of her hand and rubs it all into the wound.
May 30, 2023 4:47 pm
When you include the leaf from Petalwing, before your eyes Mariquette's skin begins to return to its natural color.
Continued after roll...


HP regained through healing with 'magic' salve - (1d6+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

May 30, 2023 4:56 pm
After a moment Mariquette's eyes open and in a weak voice she asks, "Did you kill that thing?" She pauses, and then alarmed she forcefully says, "My mount!" Her excitement makes her cough. "There's a healing potion in my pouch. It may be enough for the horse if you can get it in the beast."

The purple breasted pigeon flock now flys over head, a couple diving low near you, before swooping back up with a coo or two. "That's not good." Mariquette says. "We have to get off this road."

Tasya's Current HP: 24, Temp HP: 0
Mariquette's Current HP: 11, Temp HP: 0
May 30, 2023 6:24 pm
"It's dead."Tasya assures Mariquette and rummages through her friend's pack until her finds the potion. She then scurries over to where the poisoned mounts is located and attempts to have it drink the healing draught.
May 30, 2023 6:40 pm
You hurry to behind the boulder where the horse fended off the scorpion. It lies motionless, its eyes sunken into their sockets. Its mouth is open and its visible tongue has a pail blue tint. A large bloody puncture wound is discernible on its hip. You are right...the horse is dead.

The couple pigeons--that dived low a moment ago--swoop back up and fly back toward the direction they came, separating from the ongoing rest of the flock.
May 30, 2023 8:03 pm
Tasya hurries back to Mariquette. "The horse is gone." She says, shaking her head. "Let get out of here. Stripe can carry us and get us off this road before those pigeons bring their master down upon us."
Jun 1, 2023 3:20 pm
Mariquette stiffly gets up. You mount Stripe and reach out a hand to help Mariquette get on. She takes your hand and awkwardly, grimacing in pain, slips on behind you. Petalwing grabs Stripes mane in front of you.
What does Tasya do? Does she try to race down the road to stay ahead of the owners of the pigeons or does she try to hide or something else?
Jun 2, 2023 7:56 pm
"Some unnatural power is bent on keeping us from our goal of reaching Jahore." Tasya exclaims to her companions. She visually surveys their options and turns Stripe down the path toward their destination. "We should get off the road as soon as we can find an alternative that leads in the proper direction." She says.
Last edited June 2, 2023 7:56 pm
Jun 13, 2023 2:28 am
So sorry RageRed!! It has been more than 10 days since I've updated your story. It is partly because i have been so busy, but also because you are about to get to Jahore and your interaction there will be pivotal to the overall story. I didn't want to move you there in haste, but instead with careful thought. I also needed to catch up the others in the story a bit. I'm hoping that it won't be too long before you will be able to find your ways together. I apologize for making a few decisions for Tasya now, but I'm going to move you quickly to Jahore here. Enjoy this montage...
With Mariquette riding behind you and Patalwing (gleefully again) riding in front of you, you race Stripe on with haste. Soon ahead you see the pigeons swooping and scouring the road. Slowing, so you don't catch the bird's attention, you spot another canyon pass that leads off the road, you believe that passing through it will lead to desert and from there you can make way to the delta water ways, which you can follow to Jahore.


You make the choice to cut into the pass; the birds continue on searching the without noticing you behind. The pass does indeed open up to desert sand. Before urging Stripe out from the canyon cover onto the hot sand you grab a waterskin and pass it to Mariquette. She hands it back after drinking. You drink some yourself.

Petalwing gets excited, "Me, wet-wet!! Please-please" You oblige the plant sprite and pour some water on her. She breaths a deep sigh of pleasure. You then dismount and pour water into you hand while Stripe laps it. Ready to go. You mount and press on. The desert does in fact lead to a finger of the delta, nested in sparse canyon formations. You follow the water in the direction of Jahore.


After a long hot day of travel, some water breaks, and a depletion of your water supply, the delta finger finally leads you to the outskirts of Jahore.


The sun will set shortly, perhaps in a half hour or so.
Jun 14, 2023 8:44 am
Walking Stripe into a slow canter, Tas leans back and tells Mariquette, "We must make our way as discreetly as possible to the Resting Dragon Inn and look for an opening get close and mention our seeking of the Way of the Keis."
Jun 17, 2023 9:50 pm
Marquette replies, "I think I know the way to the Resting Dragon. It’s not far from the docks. Jin told me about some of his exploits there in the past." She chuckles. "I’m sure I could guide us there." You notice your friend looks better after the day’s ride. Since you did the work riding, she was able to rest on the back of Stripe.

The sun is almost set when you decide to make your way into Jahore. Marquette guides your small party, still riding on Stripe, from the concealed area overlooking the port city toward the city commons. Dusk gives way to night as you make your way.

You approach the city, carefully trying to remain unnoticed. Eventually you come to a road that leads around the city toward the docks. A few fires burn on street lights along the road. A few merchant carriages, their wares packed up and covered for the night, are traveling the road toward the port area. You hang back off the road in the shadows of a warehouse, near a fish market that is closed for the night. As you hang back, five soldiers dressed in the red-sash colors ​​of the Rajadhiraja's elite guard race by on horseback riding the road toward the docks.
Jun 20, 2023 10:48 am
"Would that ignorance and prejudice not always be heaped upon our kind by the lofty who control this realm." Tasya utters, as the five guards ride by. "No doubt, they are headed for our vessel on the docks."
Jun 22, 2023 4:24 am
Mariquette scoffs in agreement with your sentiment. Once the soldiers ride past and they are out of sight, you urge Stripe on. Moving more or less along the road, but avoiding riding directly under street lamps, you follow Mariquette's directions.

Your path vaguely follows the road and leads by the docks. The distant sound of clanging and creaking wooded structures can be heard and a fresh ocean breeze rolls over you as you approach the piers. The humidity here greatly contrasts the hot, dry, arid air that you spent most of the day experiencing.

Recognizing that you are close to the ocean, Petalwing comments, "Oh...No-no. Salty-salty. Need fresh-fresh."

Keeping to shadows as best as possible, you pass near the dock area. And you see the Rajahadraja's men converged at the pier where the circus ship was moored. But the ship is no longer anchored there. The soldiers seem to be shouting and questioning the dock master, perhaps about the ship's whereabouts. You are not quite close enough to make out the conversation.
Jun 23, 2023 8:37 am
Doing their best to avoid the men on the docks, Tas presses on to get to the tavern before they are spotted.
Jun 23, 2023 12:25 pm
You press on, keeping to the shadows. A thick fog rolls in off the water as you pass through the pier area. This helps you stay concealed. Not after long, Mariquette says, "There it is."

Before you is an unkept structure with a dragon sign beside its front door.

Jun 23, 2023 8:09 pm
Tasya slides quietly off Stripe and takes his lead, as she cautiously approaches. "Seeking the way of the Keis..." She whispers, more as a reminder to herself than anything.
Jun 25, 2023 5:19 am
There is an obvious front entrance near the dragon sign. On the left of the Inn, an arcade extends beneath an overhanging upper level. Supporting the structure, thick wooden beams extend up from a planked porch to the overhang. Dim flickering suggests that the covered porch may be lit by candles or lamps. The left side of the building is shrouded in darkness just beyond broken barrels, nets, and other debris.
What do you do?
Jun 25, 2023 5:29 am
Tasya leads Stripe to the darkened left side of the structure and looks for a more discreet entrance into the tavern than the front doors.
Jun 25, 2023 4:05 pm
I don't know if you saw the post I made last night, but I made a mistake. In that post I showed you the right side of the building. But you said that Tasha leads Stripe to the left side of the building. I made the mistake because I focused on the word 'darkened' and confused myself. If you didn't see that post, I suppose it doesn't matter. If you did, well...then lets say Tasya explored the right side of the building too and knows what's there. In any case, here is what Tasya sees on the left side of the building under the overhanging upper structure.
This looks like the Inn's root cellar or storage entrance, but it has a barred gate down a couple stone stairs. Two wall candles burn on either side of the gate, providing dim flickering light.

Jun 27, 2023 11:01 pm
Tasya puts a finger to her lips to call for quite and moves as quietly and stealthily as possible toward the opening of the cellar. She hope s the opening and steps are adequate to bring Stripe with them. She doesn't want to leave him out in this kind of neighborhood; especially with the red guard swarming the dock area looking for circus people.
Jun 28, 2023 4:41 pm
Dismounting, the cellar entrance opening proves big enough to bring Stripe down the stairs. You stand before an iron gated door once at a landing after the few stone stairs. Sounding from the darkness beyond the gate you hear a male voice whisper firmly, "Extinguish the flames. And quickly!"
Jun 29, 2023 7:56 pm
Tasya leans up against the iron gate and whispers in a voice that will carry into the cellar, "We seek the Way of Keis."
Jul 6, 2023 4:34 am
Upon your words the gate swings open. You step through, Stripe behind you, Petalwing mounted, clinging to Stripe's mane. Mariquette takes the rear behind Stripe on the way in. Just beyond the gate, a voice sounding through the darkness to your left whispers firmly, "go forward."

Forward, a dimly lit stone staircase leads down into the depths of the cellar. As you descend, the air grows cooler, and the sound of muffled voices becomes more distinct.

Upon reaching the cellar's lower level, you find your yourself in a large chamber. The space is sparsely furnished with simple wooden benches and a central stone table. The room is occupied by a diverse group of individuals. Your eyes scan the room, your gaze landing on familiar faces. Jin stands tall with a mixture of relief and concern etched on his features upon noticing you. Nearby, Mischa, watches your party enter the room with a guarded expression, ever alert.

Others are in the chamber. The gathering consists of a few other circus troupe members, Keis monks, and someone who could perhaps be the proprietor of the Inn.

One monk stands out. The monk stands at an average height, his lean figure reflecting years of disciplined training. His shaven head glistens in the flickering candlelight, highlighting patterns of wrinkles that trace across his scalp. There's an element of warmth to his otherwise serious expression. His face bears the weathered lines of age with a well-groomed salt-and-pepper beard at his jawline.

He's clothed in traditional Keis robes and around his neck, a simple pendant hangs—a symbol of his authority as the leader of the Keis. The pendant, bears the order's emblem intricately engraved into a small jade disc. Despite the gravity of the situation there is an air of quiet confidence about him and he exudes an aura of approachability and calm.

"Welcome Tasya," says the monk. "I am Master Jiren. Mischa told us to expect you. I am glad you and your companions have made it safely." His eyes move to Petalwing who smiles and waves. "What can you tell us about your journey, encounters, and what you have seen out their?"
Jul 7, 2023 8:48 am
"There's not much to tell really." Tasya replies. "We avoided confrontation, slipped across the desert, skirted around the coastline, and came here as quickly as we could. Guards are everywhere and they were not very happy to see that our ship was not at the docks for them to steal."

She pulls out the symbol she found pinned to the circus tent pole and shows it to the bald man. "These are the people who took the princess." She shrugs.
Last edited July 9, 2023 5:46 pm
Jul 7, 2023 9:19 pm
Master Jiren calmly examines the parchment.

The monk then says to all present, "So it is as we suspected. The Order of the Shadow is responsible for the princess' disappearance." He sighs. "This is indeed a bold move on their part."

He relates the next part seemingly for your benefit and any other circus members in the room who may not know, "The Order split from the Keis long ago. They felt our way was too forgiving and peaceful, and sought more drastic measures to end the corruption of the Rajahadraja and other Sindhi nobles who we know conspire with the Iron Ring slave trade, turning a blind eye to the abduction of Sindhi low-caste people for their own profit. The Order of the Shadow have become master assassins focusing their Ki on the secrets of shadows to achieve their ends. None of the current events bode very well for the safety of the Order of the Keis, nor the circus troupe while they remain in Sind."

Jin steps up. "There is more. When quickly gathering supplies before escaping the circus with Caspian and Rosalyra. I found a note left by my grandfather, Ganesh." He takes it out and reads it out loud. "It says: By dear grandson Jin. I am sorry for what I must do. But it is time. I must fulfill my role. The deceit and treachery left unchecked in my homeland of Sind must finally be stopped. There is no other way."

"I was once a prince here in these lands. Long ago I was taken prisoner by the very perpetrators of the mayhem during our performance. They showed me the Way and I vowed to do everything I could to help end the corruption. Giving up my former life and using my resources to disguise myself in foreign lands I began the circus. If I have been distant toward you all these years, it has not been from my lack of love, it instead has been because I have been using the travel of our circus to build a network of informants."

Jin then looks at you and says, "This next part may explain why our circus ship is gone." He glances solemnly at circus troupe members that are present and takes takes a breath before he continues reading. "Jin, The circus is yours now. I have made arrangements to get the ship to safety ahead of any repercussions of the day. It sails to Mahipa Maulia on Elegy island. There you will find the ship. It will be stocked with supplies and enough gold for you to rebuild the circus. No one outside of your circle needs to know about this letter. Keep everyone safe and stay safe yourself my boy and may the future of the circus under your leadership be filled with endless applause."

You notice Mischa's intent gaze on you throughout Master Jiren's account and Jin's reading. She looks as if she has more to tell, but is not willing to say it in company.

Jin folds the letter and tucks it in his bag under his cloak. "Before coming to this meeting, I booked passage on the ship called the Whisker here in port. It is crewed by pirates, but for enough gold they ask no questions. They will quietly transport our troupe to Mahipa."
Jul 9, 2023 5:43 pm
"Pirates? And..how can we trust pirates not to sell us off to The Ring?" Tasya asks. "Is there no other way to reach our ship in Mahipa Maulia? I really not like the though of being manhandled by pirates." She looks to Mischa and raises one brow, as if to say 'we need to talk'.
Last edited July 9, 2023 5:47 pm
Jul 18, 2023 2:22 am
Mischa remains silent, but acknowledges that she understands you. And she nods toward a door at the back of the room.

Jin sympathizes with your protest and says, "You are right Tasya. Pirates cannot be trusted, but what better plan is there?"

Rosa steps forward and interjects, "What if were were not to elicit the seamanship of the pirates--we surely can handle that ourselves--but instead just make use of their ship. I know something of pirates. Their wits can be easily waylaid by the looks of a woman and the glitter of gold. Perhaps we could get the bulk of them off their ship, make quick work of those who remain, then just take the Whisker. It's not like the marauders are going to report anything to the Rajahadraja's guard."

Caspian let's out a gruff exclamation as his hand instinctively moves to rest on his wooden hilted Kukri, "I like the sound of that!"

Reina, standing next to Caspian, gives a mischievous smile. Her eyes glow red with excitement as she makes a small flame dance in her palm.
Jul 19, 2023 9:02 am
Tasya skirts around the turn of the conversation to being no better than pirates and makes her way back to the door Mischa indicated.
Last edited July 19, 2023 3:31 pm
Jul 19, 2023 3:21 pm
As you carefully try to slip unnoticed out of the center of the continuing conversation toward the door, you hear Jin protest with your same sentiment.

"If we were to steal the pirate's ship, what would make us any better than those marauders? No, we of Madagast Circus are better than that. We earn what is ours. I must now take on the burden of circus master. I say we pay for our passage or else find another way. On the Whisker, we watch the pirates closely. We know the seas; they cannot navigate us elsewhere without our knowing. If anything seems nefarious about the pirates doings, that's when you may have your way Caspian and Reina. Beside, I have a powerful charm that Ganesh gave me long ago that could assist us if needed."

As you subtly edge to the periphery toward the door you notice Mischa has already disappeared. Jin is speaking still as you make it to the door.
Jul 19, 2023 3:32 pm
Tas opens the door and enters.
Jul 19, 2023 5:03 pm
You slip though the door unnoticed. Beyond is a wine cellar and barrel room with some other supplies on shelves. There are also a few scattered cots and bed rolls. Mischa is waiting for you and steps out of shadows to the side, just beyond the doorway, when you come in.

"Follow me," she says and leads you through the room and down a cool cellar hall dimly lit by sparse candles on the walls. There are a couple of doors on either side of the hall and at the end of the hall is a ladder leading upward behind a platform lift controlled by a rope pulley system.

She ducks into one of the rooms off the hall. It's a shabby bedroom/make-shift office. She motions you to sit on a chair and begins.

"I need to tell you so much more Tasya. There is much Jin and even Ganesh does not know. It goes deeper than the Rajahadraja's deceitful dealings with the Iron Ring. The workings of the true evil here put you in the center of it.

You were not born on this earth Tasya. Not even in this realm. Oh, you are human. Your father, Danya, died protecting his village from an Iron Ring raid in Karameikos, a proud Traladarian, or so your mother told me, he fell in battle, sacrificing his own life to protect his people. Your mother, Tiana, was not so lucky to die on this earth, but instead like so many others, including me, was sold to the Deep Dragon Cult.

The cult worships the Deep Dragon Sekkor, who descovered the portal to the Demon Realm in the underdark and became bound to the service of the demon lords. Sekkor's allegiance to the demonic forces compelled him to gather human offerings for his masters. Tiana was sent through the Demon Portal and plunged into a life of slavery within the depths of the demon-infested realm."

She pauses to see how you are taking the news.
Jul 20, 2023 8:42 pm
Tasya sits stunned as Mischa reveals these most terrible secrets. A single tear rolls down from the corner of her left eye, only to be wiped away. "I was born in the Demon Realms? And..you were there too with my..mother? You brought me here?"
Last edited July 20, 2023 8:43 pm
Jul 21, 2023 1:11 am
Mischa sees your tear and noticeably attempts to hold back her own flood of emotion. Instead of bursting, she breaths deeply, looks at you with a compassionate gaze and continues.

"I'm sorry my dear that this is so much to hear. But yes, I brought you here. I was loyal to your mother and she chose me to do so."

She breathes again before revealing:

"The demons gain power by feeding on the minds of their human slaves. When humans are particularly strong willed, they are desirable to the demons because they offer the demons greater power. This is at the heart of why the Deep Dragon Cult is using the Iron Ring; the demons require human wills and therefore humans. It is the will of humanity that empowers them.

In the Demon Realm, your mother proved even stronger than your father in this realm. Her spirit remained unbroken. And her defiant will sparked a revolt among the human slaves, challenging our demonic oppressors.

The Dark Prince, demon ruler of the realm, and a being of insatiable hunger for power, took interest in your mother’s resilience and her growing rebellion. In response, he dispatched his demonic forces to quell the uprising. Despite the overwhelming odds, Tiana and her rebels fought valiantly, each embodying the strength of their unbroken spirits. However, the demons, with their insidious powers, began to feed on the minds of the human resistance, growing stronger with every will they consumed. But, your mother’s indomitable will withstood even the most vicious torment, refusing to bend to the Dark Prince's desires.

Her defiance only intensified the Dark Prince’s obsession with her. He desired not only her strength but also to understand how her compassion gave her the power she possessed. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break Tiana's will. This fueled his desire even more. His obsession transformed into a twisted love, an infatuation with the very essence that made her so resistant to his influence. And he yearned to make her his queen. But she would not break or concede."

Mischa pauses momentarily to give you time to process and to make sure you can interject with questions.
Jul 23, 2023 1:33 am
"You speak of my mother in the past tense." Tasya says. "Does this mean she is dead or has the demon transformed her into a dark travesty of herself?"
Last edited July 23, 2023 1:34 am
Jul 23, 2023 8:33 pm
Mischa answers, "I can’t be sure what happened to your mother after bringing you through the portal into this realm, but if know her, after she was sure you were safe, she found a way to defy the Dark Prince and continue the resistance. I saw your mother face the demons. I was inspired by her fierce resolve, her unbreakable spirit, as were many. I was another slave chosen by the Dark Prince and in our servitude to the vile demon I was able to gain the confidence of your mother. My psychic abilities and your mother's friendship were the only things that kept me alive through horrors of torment and oppression inflicted by the demon prince.

The most amazing thing happened yesterday Tasya, just before the madness under the tent in Vidhaya...

My methods of charming my snakes can often leave their minds open to be inhabited by forces outside this world. It is something I am very careful about and try to avoid."

Mischa's voice and demeanor becomes tinged with happy relief as she continues.

"While in a trance preparing my snakes for the show, I heard your mother’s voice in their minds. I don't know how, but she called to me. She is alive, Tasya!

She bid me to tell to you everything, telling me the demons can be overthrown with the help of the dragons. She said the Deep Dragon has become but a demon slave himself. She urged us to find the Deep Dragon's blade, Reaver, and seek his brother's ship that are hidden in this realm. She said, the dragons must be reunited. When I tried to ask questions her presence dissipated and faded. The snakes became themselves again.

I should tell you about your birth, Tasya.

Your mother was pregnant with you when she was brought to the Demon Realm. Secretly, she was fiercely protective of you, her unborn child, and was determined to prevent you from being born into a life of servitude to the demons. As her pregnancy became apparent, her plight was noticed by the Dark Prince. In an attempt to coerce her to submit to his will, the demon prince offered her a deal: he would allow you to be born and permit you to leave the Demon Realm, but only if in exchange your mother became his queen.

Though reluctant to accept, your mother realized this was the only way to secure your future. She agreed to the Dark Prince's terms, driven by her love for you and the belief that, one day, you would be the force that would free her and the slaves from the clutches of darkness.

Your mother demanded to the Dark Prince that I be the one to carry you safely through the Demon Portal back to this realm. She knew of my psychic abilities and that the demons would erase my detailed memories of the Demon Realm’s design and Demon Portal's workings. But she also knew they would not think to do so to a newborn infant. So she told me to transfer and hide her knowledge of the portal and the infernal realm in your mind. There the knowledge would be safe. So I did and I promised to watch over and protect you until you grew and gained experience, when I should awaken these memories in you."

When Mischa mentions the Demon Portal again a vision of it flashes quickly in your mind. The shocking flash robs your breath momentarily.


Mischa continues explaining how you came to be part of the circus. "I took you to the circus, the life I was born into, to the existence I remembered from before the demon horrors, where you could remain hidden and safe. Ganesh adopted you and I watched over you, making sure you remained safe and your story unknown."
Jul 23, 2023 8:53 pm
I edited the last post a few times to get the details right. So hopefully you read the latest edit.
Jul 24, 2023 5:52 pm
Tasya listens intently to the details of Mischa's secrets revealed. She puts a hand to her temple, as the vision of the gate flashes in her mind.

"We need to rescue my mother." She says plainly and then frowns. "But, how do you know so much about these dragons and their belongings?"
Jul 24, 2023 10:33 pm
"I truly wish I knew more, Tasya" Mischa says. "I don't know anything about the dragons' belongings, just what Tiana's voice told me. I do know that the Deep Dragon Cult is responsible for abducting humans and bringing them to the demons in the name of their master, Sekkor the Deep Dragon. I remember...too well..."

Mischa mood turns dark as sadness comes over her.

"My family, the circus I was born into, was taken by the Deep Dragon Cult, surprised in the night. I can still hear everyone's screams as the Cult's mages bore into our minds. Those who survived were brought to the demons. I remember being tortured and herded into the underdark to be offered to our demon oppressors. The cultists always whispering their master Sekkor's name.

I don't know more than that. I tried to question your mother after she spoke to me through the snakes, but her voice faded away."
Jul 26, 2023 7:57 am
"The circus is all I've ever known." Tasya pipes in with Mischa's talk of the circus. "Slavers and dragons and demons and... pirates?" She shakes her head. "This is all too much..."
Last edited July 26, 2023 7:57 am
Aug 7, 2023 2:23 am
"I am sorry Tasya that this unbelievable tale is actually your...," Mischa pauses and corrects her statement will a gentle emphasis, "...our story."

"The question is what are we going to do?" She askes.

Suddenly you hear a small voice at your feet, it comes from out of nowhere.

"No, no! Must save friend's mother from dark darks. They bad bad. Fey not like dark darks."

...and Petalwing appears at your feet as she speaks and removes herself from being invisible.
Aug 10, 2023 8:21 pm
Tasya crouches down and scoops up Petalwing on the palm of her hand. She shrugs to Mischa's question. "If those more powerful than we have not been able to liberate the slaves, including this mighty dark dragon, what chances have we?"
Aug 11, 2023 5:26 am
Petalwing has a stern, serious, determined look on her face as you lift her up on your palm.

Mischa replies, "I really don't know Tasya. Your mother said to find the Deep Dragon's blade, Reaver...seek his brother's ship...that the demons can be overthrown with the help of the dragons...yet the Deep Dragon is but a demon slave himself. I do know that the Deep Dragon Cult's temple resides in the underdark.

Perhaps, there is one who might be able to help us on Elegy, an islander, a soothsayer known mostly to pirates and other sea captains. It is said that she sees the power of other realms and can block, tap, or channel those forces. She is also said to be very eccentric. I wouldn't be surprised if she were to demand a personal circus show in payment for her services. She calls herself Lady Oceana."

Petawing pipes in excitedly, "Lady Oceana. She nice, nice sea fey friend."
Aug 15, 2023 5:40 am
Tasya looks at Petalwing and then back to Mischa. "So, we need to find a way to Elegy and meet with this Lady Oceana that doesn't involve boarding a pirate ship. Simple as that"
Aug 15, 2023 1:24 pm
"What do you suggest we do to that end Tasha?" asks Mischa.
Aug 15, 2023 8:36 pm
"Find a well-armed merchant ship heading for the island?" Tasha thinks aloud. "Or..maybe some pegasi or griffons to fly us over? A mage to teleport us?"
Aug 15, 2023 11:17 pm
Mischa sympathizes, "Those would be nice, especially a ride on pegasi! A merchant ship sounds like a reasonable route. I'm sure there's one heading there or close enough, but how could we conceal our identity as the circus? It's likely that merchants would rather turn us in than be boarded or chased by the Rajaharaja's royal fleet."
Aug 17, 2023 7:48 pm
"It has been an awful experience since my performance and I'd rather not be violated by pirates and sold into slavery." Tasya exudes in her exhaustion. "I can't believe Jin thought I would be alright with traveling aboard a pirate ship. He knows me better than that..or he should."
Aug 17, 2023 11:58 pm
Mischa is about to respond but she stops abruptly and looks at you as you both hear…

"I assure you mahaser that below is just a storage area and wine cellar. The platform is how we get things down there," assures a frail but urgent voice, projecting louder that his body allows, perhaps to alert those below.

A rough male voice responds. "Move aside innkeeper! Nonetheless, we will use the ladder and examine your cellar! There are rumors on these docks regarding your establishment's association with Sind's conspirators. "
Aug 18, 2023 9:03 pm
Tasya looks around to see if there is a way out other than the way they came in. She looks askant at Mischa and whispers, "Fight or flight?"
Aug 19, 2023 3:54 pm
I'll get to some posts tonight.
Aug 20, 2023 2:14 pm
This room is a tiny room, probably not originally meant to be more than a storage closet. It functions now as a make shift office/bedroom. A table with a couple chairs is the central feature of the space. A cot also rests up against a side wall. There are no windows in this cellar room and no other doors. There is a large chest and a barrel against the back wall.
Please roll an investigation check.
Aug 20, 2023 5:43 pm
Tasya frantically checks through the small room for a way out.


Investigation - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Aug 21, 2023 12:23 am
I forgot to mention that the DC was 10 in this small room. So Tasya succeeded.
Even though adrenaline kicks in and your mind races, you manage to keep your focus and search the tiny room. You spot that under the barrels and chest there’s a canvas cloth. Quickly, sliding the barrel and the chest off it, you flip the canvas over and see a trap door under it.

Outside the door you can hear the sound of heavy feet climbing down the ladder in the hall and stepping into the hallway.
Aug 22, 2023 8:17 pm
Tasya scrambles for the trap door. She attempts to open it, even as she's thinking of how easily it will be to cover over the trap door once they get into the space below.
Aug 22, 2023 11:29 pm
The trap door opens easily. It's opening is wide enough for any human size creature to fit through. There is a rope ladder attached to the stone just bellow the door. The ladder extends down into darkness.

"Great work Tas," whispers Mischa "I remember Master Jiren saying that there are tunnels that lead to the harbour. I hope the others have a way too. We have to hurry!"
Aug 23, 2023 10:29 pm
Tasya scrambles down the ladder. "Cover the trap door with the rug as best you can." She whispers to Mischa.
Aug 24, 2023 1:16 am
As you take to the ladder and tell Mischa to cover the door, Petalwing jumps from you and says, "I trick, trick mad strong, strongs with dance, dance."

Mischa says urgently, "Little one, we must cover the door quickly, there's no time."

"Go, go! I help, help." the sprite adds emphatically to Mischa.


Petalwing: Persuasion (DC 15) - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Aug 24, 2023 1:21 am
Mischa scoops up the sprite and says, "No! It's not safe."

"Hmph...no fun, fun." replies Petalwing as she defiantly jumps out of Mischa's hand onto the rope ladder and shimmies down it.

Mishca follows and pulls the canvas rug over the open trap door the best she can as she descends the ladder.
Aug 24, 2023 2:00 am
When Mischa covers the door your descent becomes pitch black. You climb the ladder deeper into the darkness below and eventually--maybe about 40 feet down you step onto a hard rock floor. You cannot see a thing. You hear Petalwing grumbling something about 'grump, grump' and 'nice charm, charm still no fun, fun.' You hear that the sprite has slide down the rope and is next you. Moments later Mischa steps onto the floor and says, "Tasya?"
Aug 24, 2023 7:05 pm
Tasya crouches down at the sound of Patalwing's tiny voice and extends her hand to lift the fairy onto her shoulder. "Stay close Petalwing. We need to flee as quickly as we can." She whispers and turns at the sound of Mischa voice near the rope ladder. "Over here." She whispers again. "Let's get out of here..."
Aug 26, 2023 12:04 am
You feel Petalwing leap onto your hand in the complete darkness of this underground area.

"Dark, dark for friend, friend?" she asks.

Mischa moves toward the sound of your voice. "But which way? I can't see a thing."

You hear booming voices and commotion above. Sounds like the guards have burst into the small office room.
Aug 26, 2023 12:07 am
Tasya whispers close to Petalwing. "Very dark for friend." She begins to move in a direction opposite of the noise, with one hand out in front of her and sliding her feet along the floor.
Aug 26, 2023 12:14 am
"Wall has flame, flame. Help, help you. Scare, scare me." Petalwing says. "You warm, warm. Close, close."
Aug 26, 2023 9:37 pm
Tasya reaches her free hand toward her side until she can touch something solid and feels along for the torch she assumes Petalwing is speaking of.
Aug 27, 2023 5:17 am
Tasya following Petalwing's guidance manages to locate a torch in a holder on the wall. Hanging from the holder you feel some flint and steel. You are able to light the torch. When the torch erupts with flame, Petalwing jumps away from it exclaiming, "Eeek! Flamebane sear, sear leafy things!"

The torch light reveals that the wall where you grabbed the torch is a dead end and that to proceed into the tunnel down here you have to turn around to go under the area you climbed down, past the rope ladder. The voices from above are gaining intensity.

Aug 28, 2023 9:15 pm
Tasya keeps the lit torch away from Petalwing and places the small fairy on her other shoulder. She glances to Mischa and then makes a quick dash to get past the rope ladder and into the tunnels beyond.
Aug 29, 2023 1:26 am
Holding the torch outward and with Petalwing on your other shoulder, you dash quickly to make it past the ladder. Mischa understands your glance and follows closely. Just as you dart into the tunnel beyond the ladder you hear a loud voice from above call out, "There's torch light! Someone's down there!"


As you dash beyond the rope ladder you see a tunnel that stretches strait off into the the darkness beyond the torch light.
Aug 30, 2023 7:46 am
Tasya moves as quickly as she can down the long dark tunnel, cursing her luck silently that the torchlight has been spotted.
Sep 4, 2023 1:35 am
You and Mischa, with Petalwing on your shoulder, rush quickly down the tunnel. Behind you, you hear more shouting followed by lamp light. A glance back reveals three lights bobbing up and down on the move. You can't be sure how many, but at least three guards are following you down the tunnel!

You are moving fast and have a decent lead. The tunnel barely winds and seems to continue on and on.
Please roll five Athletics checks. This is to stay ahead of Tasya's pursuers. I will roll five times for them.
The party that wins the best out of five rolls succeeds in their goal--Tasya's goal being outrunning the guard, the guards' goal being catching up.

If you rather, you could describe how acrobatics might be applicable here, if you do I would allow you to use acrobatics (+7) instead, BUT Mischa may fall behind you. If you go that route, I will roll separately for her.


Elite Guard: Athletics Roll 1 - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Elite Guard: Athletics Roll 2 - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Elite Guard: Athletics Roll 3 - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Elite Guard: Athletics Roll 4 - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Elite Guard: Athletics Roll 5 - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Sep 4, 2023 2:53 am
Moving down the tunnel. Total: 78 (+ a Crit)
Last edited September 4, 2023 2:55 am


Athletics - (1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (14) + 3 = 17

1d20+3 : (7) + 3 = 10

1d20+3 : (8) + 3 = 11

1d20+3 : (20) + 3 = 23

1d20+3 : (14) + 3 = 17

Sep 4, 2023 3:16 am
Gonna count your crit as 2. So, you got 4 successes and they got 2 successes.
You stay far ahead of the guards, eventually their lamp light becomes so dim behind you can't really see it anymore. Pushing on, the tunnel remains virtually strait. Your full force exertion is beginning to catch up to you. You can hear Mischa's heavy breathing as well.
Please roll a constitution save DC 10 to avoid fatigue level 1.


Mischa: Constitution Save (DC 10) - (1d20+0)

(8) = 8

Sep 4, 2023 1:24 pm
I edited the previous post because I jumped the gun a little about what's up ahead in the tunnel. If you saw the unedited post, please reread it, now that I removed a sentence.
Sep 4, 2023 6:23 pm
CON save (DC 10)


CON save - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Sep 4, 2023 7:13 pm
Your adrenaline keeps you moving fast, but you feel Mischa lagging a bit and you can hear her getting winded. Still, your relentless focus on keeping ahead forces Mischa to do her best to keep up.

Soon your pace comes to a quick still when the tunnel leads to an area that is similar to the area under the Inn. There is a rope ladder leading upward, nearly identical to the one you climbed down at the Resting Dragon. But, the tunnel also veers to the right of the ladder and continues on with an upward slope. From that direction you can smell the occasional, faint but familiar smell of ocean air mixed with a putrid smell of sewage.
Sep 5, 2023 7:57 pm
Seeing the ladder, Tasya scrambles up the ropes and tries the trap door above. She really doesn't want to head off toward the sewer if she can help it.
Sep 6, 2023 4:18 am
You hurry up the ladder, as fast as you can with the torch in one hand. The ladder leads up to a thin trap door. You push on it. It doesn't budge. It looks like it should be flimsy, but it is unnaturally sturdy. You cannot move it.

"Uh...Tas...I think I can see some light back down the tunnel," Mischa calls up to you urgently. "How are you making out up there? We got to get moving."
Sep 7, 2023 8:10 pm
Tasya scampers back down the rope ladder and sets it on fire to distract anyone still following them to possibly believe they went up and wanted to make it more difficult for their pursuers to climb up after them. She sighs and rolls her eyes, then takes off toward the stench.
Sep 8, 2023 5:22 pm
Holding the torch to the ladder, the rope quickly catches fire and starts to burn. With it ignited you turn toward the stench and take off. Mischa follows. The tunnel veers off to the right with an upward slope. As you proceed, the stench gets stronger and occasionally, on a breeze, the smell of salt water displaces the horrible smell. Soon, you see a opening at the end of the tunnel. It looks rough and make-shift. Quickly you head toward it. At the edge of the opening is another torch holder on the wall with a torch within and flint hanging from it. Also wrapped up neatly on a iron rod banged into the wall is another rope ladder. It just sits on the ring; it is not secured to anything, but you notice it has iron rings on one end. It looks fairly heavy.

You peer into the rough opening and see a large curving round sewer drain pipe, made of brick. To the left it slopes very steeply upward and to the right it continues downward around a bend. Gravity causes putrid sewage to flow down its base. Its round walls look slimy and slippery. The occasional smell of ocean air clearly wafts from the right.

You can tell that it would take some skill to navigate the sewage pipe without slipping. You believe you have a good shot at it with your acrobatic prowess, but you are concerned how well Mischa would do, especially in her winded state.

The image is what Tasya would see if she were to poke her head out beyond the rough opening in the tunnel she just came up and look to the right. It's not a perfect representation of her position, but close. The tunnel her party is in meets the sewer pipe higher up on pipe's wall. And the slope to the left--which is the part of the pipe that is not shown in the picture--gets very steep.

Good thinking with burning the ladder by the way. I don't think I would have thought of that.
Sep 9, 2023 6:09 pm
Tasya contemplates the situation. She gauges her ideas between tying Mischa to her rope and heading through the sewer tunnel and looking for a place that the rope ladder may be attached somehow to allow them to climb or lower to a different level. She looks at Mischa. "Got any ideas?" She asks.
Sep 9, 2023 8:50 pm
Mischa shrugs. "Well...going back is not a great option." She warily peers into the sewer tunnel grimacing due to the horrid smell. "I guess we have little choice but to try the pipe. I mean, it's either go ahead and get out of here before the Rajahadraja's guards give up on the burning ladder and decide to check this way, or set up some kind of ambush if they do."

Petawing takes a sniff as you and Mischa peer into the sewer pipe. "Yuck, yuck smell. Not good wet, wet." adds Petalwing.

When the fresh smell of sea air--wafting in from the right--occasionally displaces sewer stench, you can also hear the sound of waves crashing from the same direction. Judging by some light of day shining from beyond the pipes curves, you don't think its very far to the end of the pipe.
Sep 11, 2023 7:45 pm
Tasya ties one end of her rope around Mischa like a harness and winds several coils about herself and secures it. "I don't like this any more than either of you, but it seems the only real option." She tells them, grabbing up the weighed rope ladder and going through the hole into the slippery sewer pipe. "Here goes nothing."

Tasya moves up the tunnel toward the sea air and tries to hold her breath when she can against the stench.


Acrobatics - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

Sep 11, 2023 11:30 pm
Nice roll! The DC is exactly 18!
With Mischa secured to your rope like a harness, you hold your breath and and move through the hole to slide down into the sewer pipe, while carrying the heavy ladder and securing Mischa's way as well.

Luckily there is enough light shining in from what you presume to be the end of the sewer pipe. Because you are not able to keep holding on to the torch, nor would it be safe for Mischa to attempt it.

Your agility easily allows to you use the otherwise treacherous slippery footing of the pipe to your advantage. As your acrobatic prowess combined with gravity allows you to control your descent down the curving pipe's slope, you deliberately shift the weight of the ladder to keep your balance steady. Putrid sewer water flows and splashes, covering your feet up to your shins.

When you maneuver around the pipe's bend you do see its end. The slope then gets steeper and it's hard to keep the rate of Mischa's descent slow. Gravity forces your party to pick up pace.

Ahead, about 4 feet before the end of the pipe, you spot two iron rods protruding upward from the pipe's floor. Flowing filth flows between and around the rods just before it drops into the space beyond the pipe.

In your descent, you know you and Mischa will have just one chance to grab the iron rods. If you fail, gravity will force your party to fall down with the sewer water into into the space beyond the pipe. If you succeed, you can slide the ladder's iron rings over the rods and have a secure way to climb down.


As you maneuver close to the rods, you succeed and manage to grab hold of one, and then use your legs to secure yourself to it. Then you pull on Mischa's rope to slow her down enough that she can grab the other rod.

You slip the ladder's rings over the rods and peer out into the space beyond the pipe before dropping the ladder down.
Sep 11, 2023 11:44 pm
You see that the pipe opens to a vast gorge between two large rocky cliffs that have arches and pillars carved into them. Sailing between the rocks, soon to sail under the pipe you peer out of, is a 40 foot ship.

The boat comes close enough that you can see that the ship has the most peculiar crew on deck. There's a number of humans. Most looks frail and not very much like sailors. There is a human woman at the tiller, a Racasta, (OOC: in the setting of Mystara, Tabaxi cat people are called Racasta), a Sindhi monk, and a goblin. The ship itself looks like a slave ship, with cages and pillory above deck. But this is NO crew of slavers. If anything, it is a group of slaves who escaped on their captor’s ship.

The image isn’t from Tasya's vantage point. She would be looking out and down at the oncoming ship from of one of the sewer pipes.

By the way the ship is sailing out toward the light. Far behind the boat is the mouth of a large tunnel that drops into the gorge.

Sep 12, 2023 6:25 am
What is the distance from the end of the pipe to the surface of the water? To the ship? How long is the rope ladder?
"Hold tight little one." Tasya says to Petalwing. She wraps a foot around one of the two outer ropes of the ladder, like she would do on the high wire and shouts, "HO THERE UNKNOWN VESSEL!"
Sep 12, 2023 1:20 pm
The ship is about 40 feet away and you are about and 60 feet up from the water surface.

Also, please make a perception check. I believe Petalwing is holding tight on to your shoulder so I will roll for her too.


Petalwing: Perception - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Sep 12, 2023 2:20 pm
With the air of a sailor, or possibly a pirate, the Racasta calls up to you. "Ahoy there!"
Sep 12, 2023 6:37 pm
"Could you assist us?!" Taysa calls back. "We've reached the end of our rope and terrible men are after us!"


Perception - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Sep 13, 2023 4:02 am
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