Jun 17, 2023 9:50 pm
Marquette replies, "I think I know the way to the Resting Dragon. It’s not far from the docks. Jin told me about some of his exploits there in the past." She chuckles. "I’m sure I could guide us there." You notice your friend looks better after the day’s ride. Since you did the work riding, she was able to rest on the back of Stripe.
The sun is almost set when you decide to make your way into Jahore. Marquette guides your small party, still riding on Stripe, from the concealed area overlooking the port city toward the city commons. Dusk gives way to night as you make your way.
You approach the city, carefully trying to remain unnoticed. Eventually you come to a road that leads around the city toward the docks. A few fires burn on street lights along the road. A few merchant carriages, their wares packed up and covered for the night, are traveling the road toward the port area. You hang back off the road in the shadows of a warehouse, near a fish market that is closed for the night. As you hang back, five soldiers dressed in the red-sash colors of the Rajadhiraja's elite guard race by on horseback riding the road toward the docks.
The sun is almost set when you decide to make your way into Jahore. Marquette guides your small party, still riding on Stripe, from the concealed area overlooking the port city toward the city commons. Dusk gives way to night as you make your way.
You approach the city, carefully trying to remain unnoticed. Eventually you come to a road that leads around the city toward the docks. A few fires burn on street lights along the road. A few merchant carriages, their wares packed up and covered for the night, are traveling the road toward the port area. You hang back off the road in the shadows of a warehouse, near a fish market that is closed for the night. As you hang back, five soldiers dressed in the red-sash colors of the Rajadhiraja's elite guard race by on horseback riding the road toward the docks.