Tasya's Story

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Jun 17, 2023 9:50 pm
Marquette replies, "I think I know the way to the Resting Dragon. It’s not far from the docks. Jin told me about some of his exploits there in the past." She chuckles. "I’m sure I could guide us there." You notice your friend looks better after the day’s ride. Since you did the work riding, she was able to rest on the back of Stripe.

The sun is almost set when you decide to make your way into Jahore. Marquette guides your small party, still riding on Stripe, from the concealed area overlooking the port city toward the city commons. Dusk gives way to night as you make your way.

You approach the city, carefully trying to remain unnoticed. Eventually you come to a road that leads around the city toward the docks. A few fires burn on street lights along the road. A few merchant carriages, their wares packed up and covered for the night, are traveling the road toward the port area. You hang back off the road in the shadows of a warehouse, near a fish market that is closed for the night. As you hang back, five soldiers dressed in the red-sash colors ​​of the Rajadhiraja's elite guard race by on horseback riding the road toward the docks.
Jun 20, 2023 10:48 am
"Would that ignorance and prejudice not always be heaped upon our kind by the lofty who control this realm." Tasya utters, as the five guards ride by. "No doubt, they are headed for our vessel on the docks."
Jun 22, 2023 4:24 am
Mariquette scoffs in agreement with your sentiment. Once the soldiers ride past and they are out of sight, you urge Stripe on. Moving more or less along the road, but avoiding riding directly under street lamps, you follow Mariquette's directions.

Your path vaguely follows the road and leads by the docks. The distant sound of clanging and creaking wooded structures can be heard and a fresh ocean breeze rolls over you as you approach the piers. The humidity here greatly contrasts the hot, dry, arid air that you spent most of the day experiencing.

Recognizing that you are close to the ocean, Petalwing comments, "Oh...No-no. Salty-salty. Need fresh-fresh."

Keeping to shadows as best as possible, you pass near the dock area. And you see the Rajahadraja's men converged at the pier where the circus ship was moored. But the ship is no longer anchored there. The soldiers seem to be shouting and questioning the dock master, perhaps about the ship's whereabouts. You are not quite close enough to make out the conversation.
Jun 23, 2023 8:37 am
Doing their best to avoid the men on the docks, Tas presses on to get to the tavern before they are spotted.
Jun 23, 2023 12:25 pm
You press on, keeping to the shadows. A thick fog rolls in off the water as you pass through the pier area. This helps you stay concealed. Not after long, Mariquette says, "There it is."

Before you is an unkept structure with a dragon sign beside its front door.

Jun 23, 2023 8:09 pm
Tasya slides quietly off Stripe and takes his lead, as she cautiously approaches. "Seeking the way of the Keis..." She whispers, more as a reminder to herself than anything.
Jun 25, 2023 5:19 am
There is an obvious front entrance near the dragon sign. On the left of the Inn, an arcade extends beneath an overhanging upper level. Supporting the structure, thick wooden beams extend up from a planked porch to the overhang. Dim flickering suggests that the covered porch may be lit by candles or lamps. The left side of the building is shrouded in darkness just beyond broken barrels, nets, and other debris.
What do you do?
Jun 25, 2023 5:29 am
Tasya leads Stripe to the darkened left side of the structure and looks for a more discreet entrance into the tavern than the front doors.
Jun 25, 2023 4:05 pm
I don't know if you saw the post I made last night, but I made a mistake. In that post I showed you the right side of the building. But you said that Tasha leads Stripe to the left side of the building. I made the mistake because I focused on the word 'darkened' and confused myself. If you didn't see that post, I suppose it doesn't matter. If you did, well...then lets say Tasya explored the right side of the building too and knows what's there. In any case, here is what Tasya sees on the left side of the building under the overhanging upper structure.
This looks like the Inn's root cellar or storage entrance, but it has a barred gate down a couple stone stairs. Two wall candles burn on either side of the gate, providing dim flickering light.

Jun 27, 2023 11:01 pm
Tasya puts a finger to her lips to call for quite and moves as quietly and stealthily as possible toward the opening of the cellar. She hope s the opening and steps are adequate to bring Stripe with them. She doesn't want to leave him out in this kind of neighborhood; especially with the red guard swarming the dock area looking for circus people.
Jun 28, 2023 4:41 pm
Dismounting, the cellar entrance opening proves big enough to bring Stripe down the stairs. You stand before an iron gated door once at a landing after the few stone stairs. Sounding from the darkness beyond the gate you hear a male voice whisper firmly, "Extinguish the flames. And quickly!"
Jun 29, 2023 7:56 pm
Tasya leans up against the iron gate and whispers in a voice that will carry into the cellar, "We seek the Way of Keis."
Jul 6, 2023 4:34 am
Upon your words the gate swings open. You step through, Stripe behind you, Petalwing mounted, clinging to Stripe's mane. Mariquette takes the rear behind Stripe on the way in. Just beyond the gate, a voice sounding through the darkness to your left whispers firmly, "go forward."

Forward, a dimly lit stone staircase leads down into the depths of the cellar. As you descend, the air grows cooler, and the sound of muffled voices becomes more distinct.

Upon reaching the cellar's lower level, you find your yourself in a large chamber. The space is sparsely furnished with simple wooden benches and a central stone table. The room is occupied by a diverse group of individuals. Your eyes scan the room, your gaze landing on familiar faces. Jin stands tall with a mixture of relief and concern etched on his features upon noticing you. Nearby, Mischa, watches your party enter the room with a guarded expression, ever alert.

Others are in the chamber. The gathering consists of a few other circus troupe members, Keis monks, and someone who could perhaps be the proprietor of the Inn.

One monk stands out. The monk stands at an average height, his lean figure reflecting years of disciplined training. His shaven head glistens in the flickering candlelight, highlighting patterns of wrinkles that trace across his scalp. There's an element of warmth to his otherwise serious expression. His face bears the weathered lines of age with a well-groomed salt-and-pepper beard at his jawline.

He's clothed in traditional Keis robes and around his neck, a simple pendant hangs—a symbol of his authority as the leader of the Keis. The pendant, bears the order's emblem intricately engraved into a small jade disc. Despite the gravity of the situation there is an air of quiet confidence about him and he exudes an aura of approachability and calm.

"Welcome Tasya," says the monk. "I am Master Jiren. Mischa told us to expect you. I am glad you and your companions have made it safely." His eyes move to Petalwing who smiles and waves. "What can you tell us about your journey, encounters, and what you have seen out their?"
Jul 7, 2023 8:48 am
"There's not much to tell really." Tasya replies. "We avoided confrontation, slipped across the desert, skirted around the coastline, and came here as quickly as we could. Guards are everywhere and they were not very happy to see that our ship was not at the docks for them to steal."

She pulls out the symbol she found pinned to the circus tent pole and shows it to the bald man. "These are the people who took the princess." She shrugs.
Last edited July 9, 2023 5:46 pm
Jul 7, 2023 9:19 pm
Master Jiren calmly examines the parchment.

The monk then says to all present, "So it is as we suspected. The Order of the Shadow is responsible for the princess' disappearance." He sighs. "This is indeed a bold move on their part."

He relates the next part seemingly for your benefit and any other circus members in the room who may not know, "The Order split from the Keis long ago. They felt our way was too forgiving and peaceful, and sought more drastic measures to end the corruption of the Rajahadraja and other Sindhi nobles who we know conspire with the Iron Ring slave trade, turning a blind eye to the abduction of Sindhi low-caste people for their own profit. The Order of the Shadow have become master assassins focusing their Ki on the secrets of shadows to achieve their ends. None of the current events bode very well for the safety of the Order of the Keis, nor the circus troupe while they remain in Sind."

Jin steps up. "There is more. When quickly gathering supplies before escaping the circus with Caspian and Rosalyra. I found a note left by my grandfather, Ganesh." He takes it out and reads it out loud. "It says: By dear grandson Jin. I am sorry for what I must do. But it is time. I must fulfill my role. The deceit and treachery left unchecked in my homeland of Sind must finally be stopped. There is no other way."

"I was once a prince here in these lands. Long ago I was taken prisoner by the very perpetrators of the mayhem during our performance. They showed me the Way and I vowed to do everything I could to help end the corruption. Giving up my former life and using my resources to disguise myself in foreign lands I began the circus. If I have been distant toward you all these years, it has not been from my lack of love, it instead has been because I have been using the travel of our circus to build a network of informants."

Jin then looks at you and says, "This next part may explain why our circus ship is gone." He glances solemnly at circus troupe members that are present and takes takes a breath before he continues reading. "Jin, The circus is yours now. I have made arrangements to get the ship to safety ahead of any repercussions of the day. It sails to Mahipa Maulia on Elegy island. There you will find the ship. It will be stocked with supplies and enough gold for you to rebuild the circus. No one outside of your circle needs to know about this letter. Keep everyone safe and stay safe yourself my boy and may the future of the circus under your leadership be filled with endless applause."

You notice Mischa's intent gaze on you throughout Master Jiren's account and Jin's reading. She looks as if she has more to tell, but is not willing to say it in company.

Jin folds the letter and tucks it in his bag under his cloak. "Before coming to this meeting, I booked passage on the ship called the Whisker here in port. It is crewed by pirates, but for enough gold they ask no questions. They will quietly transport our troupe to Mahipa."
Jul 9, 2023 5:43 pm
"Pirates? And..how can we trust pirates not to sell us off to The Ring?" Tasya asks. "Is there no other way to reach our ship in Mahipa Maulia? I really not like the though of being manhandled by pirates." She looks to Mischa and raises one brow, as if to say 'we need to talk'.
Last edited July 9, 2023 5:47 pm
Jul 18, 2023 2:22 am
Mischa remains silent, but acknowledges that she understands you. And she nods toward a door at the back of the room.

Jin sympathizes with your protest and says, "You are right Tasya. Pirates cannot be trusted, but what better plan is there?"

Rosa steps forward and interjects, "What if were were not to elicit the seamanship of the pirates--we surely can handle that ourselves--but instead just make use of their ship. I know something of pirates. Their wits can be easily waylaid by the looks of a woman and the glitter of gold. Perhaps we could get the bulk of them off their ship, make quick work of those who remain, then just take the Whisker. It's not like the marauders are going to report anything to the Rajahadraja's guard."

Caspian let's out a gruff exclamation as his hand instinctively moves to rest on his wooden hilted Kukri, "I like the sound of that!"

Reina, standing next to Caspian, gives a mischievous smile. Her eyes glow red with excitement as she makes a small flame dance in her palm.
Jul 19, 2023 9:02 am
Tasya skirts around the turn of the conversation to being no better than pirates and makes her way back to the door Mischa indicated.
Last edited July 19, 2023 3:31 pm
Jul 19, 2023 3:21 pm
As you carefully try to slip unnoticed out of the center of the continuing conversation toward the door, you hear Jin protest with your same sentiment.

"If we were to steal the pirate's ship, what would make us any better than those marauders? No, we of Madagast Circus are better than that. We earn what is ours. I must now take on the burden of circus master. I say we pay for our passage or else find another way. On the Whisker, we watch the pirates closely. We know the seas; they cannot navigate us elsewhere without our knowing. If anything seems nefarious about the pirates doings, that's when you may have your way Caspian and Reina. Beside, I have a powerful charm that Ganesh gave me long ago that could assist us if needed."

As you subtly edge to the periphery toward the door you notice Mischa has already disappeared. Jin is speaking still as you make it to the door.
Jul 19, 2023 3:32 pm
Tas opens the door and enters.
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