Jul 19, 2023 5:03 pm
You slip though the door unnoticed. Beyond is a wine cellar and barrel room with some other supplies on shelves. There are also a few scattered cots and bed rolls. Mischa is waiting for you and steps out of shadows to the side, just beyond the doorway, when you come in.
"Follow me," she says and leads you through the room and down a cool cellar hall dimly lit by sparse candles on the walls. There are a couple of doors on either side of the hall and at the end of the hall is a ladder leading upward behind a platform lift controlled by a rope pulley system.
She ducks into one of the rooms off the hall. It's a shabby bedroom/make-shift office. She motions you to sit on a chair and begins.
"I need to tell you so much more Tasya. There is much Jin and even Ganesh does not know. It goes deeper than the Rajahadraja's deceitful dealings with the Iron Ring. The workings of the true evil here put you in the center of it.
You were not born on this earth Tasya. Not even in this realm. Oh, you are human. Your father, Danya, died protecting his village from an Iron Ring raid in Karameikos, a proud Traladarian, or so your mother told me, he fell in battle, sacrificing his own life to protect his people. Your mother, Tiana, was not so lucky to die on this earth, but instead like so many others, including me, was sold to the Deep Dragon Cult.
The cult worships the Deep Dragon Sekkor, who descovered the portal to the Demon Realm in the underdark and became bound to the service of the demon lords. Sekkor's allegiance to the demonic forces compelled him to gather human offerings for his masters. Tiana was sent through the Demon Portal and plunged into a life of slavery within the depths of the demon-infested realm."
She pauses to see how you are taking the news.
"Follow me," she says and leads you through the room and down a cool cellar hall dimly lit by sparse candles on the walls. There are a couple of doors on either side of the hall and at the end of the hall is a ladder leading upward behind a platform lift controlled by a rope pulley system.
She ducks into one of the rooms off the hall. It's a shabby bedroom/make-shift office. She motions you to sit on a chair and begins.
"I need to tell you so much more Tasya. There is much Jin and even Ganesh does not know. It goes deeper than the Rajahadraja's deceitful dealings with the Iron Ring. The workings of the true evil here put you in the center of it.
You were not born on this earth Tasya. Not even in this realm. Oh, you are human. Your father, Danya, died protecting his village from an Iron Ring raid in Karameikos, a proud Traladarian, or so your mother told me, he fell in battle, sacrificing his own life to protect his people. Your mother, Tiana, was not so lucky to die on this earth, but instead like so many others, including me, was sold to the Deep Dragon Cult.
The cult worships the Deep Dragon Sekkor, who descovered the portal to the Demon Realm in the underdark and became bound to the service of the demon lords. Sekkor's allegiance to the demonic forces compelled him to gather human offerings for his masters. Tiana was sent through the Demon Portal and plunged into a life of slavery within the depths of the demon-infested realm."
She pauses to see how you are taking the news.