Apr 26, 2023 10:41 pm
The Wizard's Amulet
Grand Duchy of Reme
Somewhere on the Tradeway
Mid summer
Early evening
*Each hex is 50mi.You have traveled four days from Fareme- near the border of Reme and Bard's Gate- with your newfound companions. Rain and cloudy weather have marred your travels since you left, slowing your pace and forcing you to keep off the main road and travel under the eaves of the light woods to the north of the tradeway. It seems odd at this time of year to have such strange weather. Sunshine can be seen on the far horizon, and you all have a feeling that something is amiss, as if a dark cloud is following you from Fareme. Each of you thinks back to the Starving Stirge—the Inn where you formed your fellowship. You shift your packs, which seem even heavier in the rain, and recall Corian’s notice: "Seeking Fellow Adventurers," it reads. "Companions to share in glory and gold and adventures unnumbered." There he posted a notice seeking the aid of able-bodied adventurers willing to join him in an expedition to a wizard’s tower. Promising an equal division of all gold recovered; he soon gathered a group of comrades-at-arms eager for adventure and glory. Galdar, a priest of Muir, who was instructed in a vision from his god to seek out Corian and to follow where the journey led him, also joined Corian. Someone or something, it appeared, had angered the goddess of virtue. Corian was glad for his company.
Weary from the long walk, you finally find a nice sheltered area and build your campfire. One of your scouts makes a quick catch of a small brace of conies and soon the smell of roasting rabbit wafts through the air. Each of you feels as if you can finally relax, rest your sore feet and change into dry clothing. It appears your luck may be changing. The party makes their camp to get out of the rain in a small clearing against the base of a hill, amidst a grove of trees. The small clearing is about 20’ in diameter. The hillside is steep and gives protection from the wind and rain, and the light trees give some protection from the rain as well.
Those of you in armor other than leather armor should consider doffing and stowing the armor, as to avoid rust and to be able to sleep.
Capital: Bard’s Gate
Notable Settlements: Byrn, Crimmor, Darnagal, Derindin, Fairhill, Freegate, Glendovel Close
Ruler: High Burgess Cylyria and Bard’s Gate Council of Burghers, local mayors and government bodies
Government: oligarchy
Population: 5,296,200 (4,940,000 Foerdewaith, 83,000 Plainsman, 55,500 Oceander, 49,000 half-elf, 37,700 hill dwarf, 33,800 halfling, 26,200 Riverfolk, 21,500 Heldring, 17,500 high elf, 14,000 gnome, 8,200 Erskaelosi, 3,600 mountain dwarf, 2,250 wood elf, 2,050 street dwarf, 1,900 other)
Languages: Common, Kirkut, Dwarvish, Halfling, Helvaenic, Elvish, Erskin, Gnomish
Religion: Oghma, Dre’uain, Tykee, Sefagrath, Vanithu, Telophus, Freya, Ceres, Mick O’Delving, Thyr (declining),Belon the Wise, Pan, Darach-Albith, Orcus, Muir (declining), Jamboor
Resources: trade hub, grain, wool, banking, manufactured goods, livestock, timber, quarry stone, copper, wine, tobacco, dyes, silver
Technology Level: Renaissance (Bard’s Gate), Medieval (cities), High Middle Ages (rural areas), Iron Age (Freegate)
The giant metropolis governs the lands and settlements in its suzerainty as a calm, rational parent trying to placate a petulant child. It uses reason, patience, and cajoling to bring its subjects into line rather than brute force. Although the city boasts a professional army that includes a small unit of skilled adventurers known as the Lyreguard, its military forces are singularly devoted to defending Bard’s Gate rather than expanding its territory through military conquest. The men and women dedicated to this critical task are primarily stationed atop and within the city’s walls and in two critical strongholds — the Citadel of Ravens just beyond the walls, and the Citadel of the Griffon in the neighboring valley. In addition to the massive city, numerous smaller settlements and other points of interest exist outside its stone walls, especially in the Lyre Valley. This region features some of the Lost Lands’ most seminal locations such as Stoneheart Valley, the Stoneheart Mountain Dungeon, and the underbelly of Bard’s Gate itself.
Capital: City of Reme
Ruler: His Far-Reaching Presence Iltobarus, Grand Duke (Kirkut: Great Khan) of Reme, Wave-Rider of the Crescent Sea and Wind-Rider of the Marches
Government: monarchy with a Loreclannic-feudal organization
Population: 4,341,000 (including only grand ducal lands) (2,186,200 Loreclannic, 1,738,500 Foerdewaith, 162,400 halfling, 71,100 mountain dwarf, 66,500 hill dwarf, 59,500 gnome, 31,400 half-elf, 17,300 high elf, 7,300 half-orc; 800 other)
Languages: Common, Rhemish, Kirkut, Elven
Religion: Solanus, Dame Torren, Mithras (city); Archeillus,
Sefagreth, Vanitthu, Belon the Wise, Muir, Thyr; Kamien, Freya, Telophus, Ceres (countryside)
Resources: wine, baleen oil, grain, lumber, salt, trade
Currency: Rhemish
Technology Level: Renaissance (City of Reme), Medieval (cities), High Middle Ages (rural areas)
The Grand Duchy of Reme is a vast realm: a network of well-settled river valleys running through enormous areas of almost-uncharted wilderness. To the west, Reme’s territory extends to the Deepfell Mountains and the forbidden Green Realm of the wild elves. To the east, it reaches to the town of Fareme near the western edge of the Stoneheart Valley. Its northern border is the Wizard’s Wall across the Crynnomar Gap, and to the south, the realm extends to the Whiterush River. The land borders of Reme do not tell the whole story, however, for Reme is also a seafaring nation, one of the most signifi cant in the world. The grand duke has no colonial aspirations, but the nation has been focused on dominating trade on the Crescent Sea for centuries, and Rhemish ships venture throughout the known world from the city’s great port.
This major trade road runs all the way from the city of Reme in the west, past Bard’s Gate, and to Freegate on the coast of the Sinnar Sea. Some merchant companies that exist solely for the caravan run on this road. A typical caravan takes roughly one year to travel the entire length, with seasonal stopovers in Panetoth, Fareme/Bard’s Gate, and Arendia.
Grand Duchy of Reme
Somewhere on the Tradeway
Mid summer
Early evening
[ +- ] Fareme to Fairhill

*Each hex is 50mi.
Weary from the long walk, you finally find a nice sheltered area and build your campfire. One of your scouts makes a quick catch of a small brace of conies and soon the smell of roasting rabbit wafts through the air. Each of you feels as if you can finally relax, rest your sore feet and change into dry clothing. It appears your luck may be changing. The party makes their camp to get out of the rain in a small clearing against the base of a hill, amidst a grove of trees. The small clearing is about 20’ in diameter. The hillside is steep and gives protection from the wind and rain, and the light trees give some protection from the rain as well.
This is your opportunity to describe your characters! You have been traveling with Corian, a fledgeling mage of the High Magic, and Galdar, a warrior-priest of Muir.Those of you in armor other than leather armor should consider doffing and stowing the armor, as to avoid rust and to be able to sleep.
[ +- ] Bard's Gate Region
Capital: Bard’s Gate
Notable Settlements: Byrn, Crimmor, Darnagal, Derindin, Fairhill, Freegate, Glendovel Close
Ruler: High Burgess Cylyria and Bard’s Gate Council of Burghers, local mayors and government bodies
Government: oligarchy
Population: 5,296,200 (4,940,000 Foerdewaith, 83,000 Plainsman, 55,500 Oceander, 49,000 half-elf, 37,700 hill dwarf, 33,800 halfling, 26,200 Riverfolk, 21,500 Heldring, 17,500 high elf, 14,000 gnome, 8,200 Erskaelosi, 3,600 mountain dwarf, 2,250 wood elf, 2,050 street dwarf, 1,900 other)
Languages: Common, Kirkut, Dwarvish, Halfling, Helvaenic, Elvish, Erskin, Gnomish
Religion: Oghma, Dre’uain, Tykee, Sefagrath, Vanithu, Telophus, Freya, Ceres, Mick O’Delving, Thyr (declining),Belon the Wise, Pan, Darach-Albith, Orcus, Muir (declining), Jamboor
Resources: trade hub, grain, wool, banking, manufactured goods, livestock, timber, quarry stone, copper, wine, tobacco, dyes, silver
Technology Level: Renaissance (Bard’s Gate), Medieval (cities), High Middle Ages (rural areas), Iron Age (Freegate)
The giant metropolis governs the lands and settlements in its suzerainty as a calm, rational parent trying to placate a petulant child. It uses reason, patience, and cajoling to bring its subjects into line rather than brute force. Although the city boasts a professional army that includes a small unit of skilled adventurers known as the Lyreguard, its military forces are singularly devoted to defending Bard’s Gate rather than expanding its territory through military conquest. The men and women dedicated to this critical task are primarily stationed atop and within the city’s walls and in two critical strongholds — the Citadel of Ravens just beyond the walls, and the Citadel of the Griffon in the neighboring valley. In addition to the massive city, numerous smaller settlements and other points of interest exist outside its stone walls, especially in the Lyre Valley. This region features some of the Lost Lands’ most seminal locations such as Stoneheart Valley, the Stoneheart Mountain Dungeon, and the underbelly of Bard’s Gate itself.
[ +- ] Grand Duchy of Reme
Capital: City of Reme
Ruler: His Far-Reaching Presence Iltobarus, Grand Duke (Kirkut: Great Khan) of Reme, Wave-Rider of the Crescent Sea and Wind-Rider of the Marches
Government: monarchy with a Loreclannic-feudal organization
Population: 4,341,000 (including only grand ducal lands) (2,186,200 Loreclannic, 1,738,500 Foerdewaith, 162,400 halfling, 71,100 mountain dwarf, 66,500 hill dwarf, 59,500 gnome, 31,400 half-elf, 17,300 high elf, 7,300 half-orc; 800 other)
Languages: Common, Rhemish, Kirkut, Elven
Religion: Solanus, Dame Torren, Mithras (city); Archeillus,
Sefagreth, Vanitthu, Belon the Wise, Muir, Thyr; Kamien, Freya, Telophus, Ceres (countryside)
Resources: wine, baleen oil, grain, lumber, salt, trade
Currency: Rhemish
Technology Level: Renaissance (City of Reme), Medieval (cities), High Middle Ages (rural areas)
The Grand Duchy of Reme is a vast realm: a network of well-settled river valleys running through enormous areas of almost-uncharted wilderness. To the west, Reme’s territory extends to the Deepfell Mountains and the forbidden Green Realm of the wild elves. To the east, it reaches to the town of Fareme near the western edge of the Stoneheart Valley. Its northern border is the Wizard’s Wall across the Crynnomar Gap, and to the south, the realm extends to the Whiterush River. The land borders of Reme do not tell the whole story, however, for Reme is also a seafaring nation, one of the most signifi cant in the world. The grand duke has no colonial aspirations, but the nation has been focused on dominating trade on the Crescent Sea for centuries, and Rhemish ships venture throughout the known world from the city’s great port.
[ +- ] The Tradeway
This major trade road runs all the way from the city of Reme in the west, past Bard’s Gate, and to Freegate on the coast of the Sinnar Sea. Some merchant companies that exist solely for the caravan run on this road. A typical caravan takes roughly one year to travel the entire length, with seasonal stopovers in Panetoth, Fareme/Bard’s Gate, and Arendia.