Chapter 1: A Wizard's Amulet

Apr 26, 2023 10:41 pm
The Wizard's Amulet
Grand Duchy of Reme
Somewhere on the Tradeway
Mid summer
Early evening
[ +- ] Fareme to Fairhill
You have traveled four days from Fareme- near the border of Reme and Bard's Gate- with your newfound companions. Rain and cloudy weather have marred your travels since you left, slowing your pace and forcing you to keep off the main road and travel under the eaves of the light woods to the north of the tradeway. It seems odd at this time of year to have such strange weather. Sunshine can be seen on the far horizon, and you all have a feeling that something is amiss, as if a dark cloud is following you from Fareme. Each of you thinks back to the Starving Stirge—the Inn where you formed your fellowship. You shift your packs, which seem even heavier in the rain, and recall Corian’s notice: "Seeking Fellow Adventurers," it reads. "Companions to share in glory and gold and adventures unnumbered." There he posted a notice seeking the aid of able-bodied adventurers willing to join him in an expedition to a wizard’s tower. Promising an equal division of all gold recovered; he soon gathered a group of comrades-at-arms eager for adventure and glory. Galdar, a priest of Muir, who was instructed in a vision from his god to seek out Corian and to follow where the journey led him, also joined Corian. Someone or something, it appeared, had angered the goddess of virtue. Corian was glad for his company.

Weary from the long walk, you finally find a nice sheltered area and build your campfire. One of your scouts makes a quick catch of a small brace of conies and soon the smell of roasting rabbit wafts through the air. Each of you feels as if you can finally relax, rest your sore feet and change into dry clothing. It appears your luck may be changing. The party makes their camp to get out of the rain in a small clearing against the base of a hill, amidst a grove of trees. The small clearing is about 20’ in diameter. The hillside is steep and gives protection from the wind and rain, and the light trees give some protection from the rain as well.
This is your opportunity to describe your characters! You have been traveling with Corian, a fledgeling mage of the High Magic, and Galdar, a warrior-priest of Muir.

Those of you in armor other than leather armor should consider doffing and stowing the armor, as to avoid rust and to be able to sleep.
[ +- ] Bard's Gate Region
[ +- ] Grand Duchy of Reme
[ +- ] The Tradeway
Apr 26, 2023 11:07 pm
The gnome sits in a huff, staring angrily past crossed brows at the rabbits roasting on the spit. They had all had names and called out to one another as they died. Datura had learned to harden her heart when living amongst men, their callous and wasteful ways were no longer so shocking to her though the pain they had inflicted upon these rabbits hung heavy on her now.

"I could have asked them to dig up some potatoes for us you know. Maybe some carrots, a little onion, could have had a nice stew. But now they're dead, parents and children alike."

She stands from her spot and roams around near the edge of the firelight as she tries to clear her mind. This was nothing new, men would always be killers, and besides these PARTICULAR men were leading Datura to the tower of a wizard. Surely if ever there was an adventure to be had it was in the tower of a wizard.

"Ogres!" she shouts at her friends, and then drops it.
Apr 27, 2023 12:25 am
"I feel your pain, friend," Faionn says, staring at the fire as she speaks to Datura. "But try to take solace in how these beings gave their lives for us." She gives the gnome a hopeful grin. "One day, we'll have to do the same."

If this sentiment disturbs the others, Faionn seems not to notice. To give one's life to Nature—that is the will of Lady Narrah, the greatest love we can show Her. As she thinks this, she scoots closer to the fire. Only her green eyes sparkle in the firelight—she wears no jewelry on the road. Her spear rests on her lap, a sprig of mistletoe tied just under the head.
Apr 27, 2023 12:29 am
Datura screws up her face as the druid consoles her, for she is determined NOT to be consoled.

"Well I'M not gonna give MY life for someone's dinner..."

The gnome suddenly thinks better of such a dire claim and adds

"Knock on wood."
Apr 27, 2023 2:28 am
Nebbleshuven is glad to be out of the rain. He seems to have caught a cold (again) as he has the sniffles and a cough. Maybe the fire and some food will do him some good.

He ignores the gnome's complaints. Clearly, she never went to bed hungry at night, or consecutive nights for that matter.

He wonders if this whole foray was a bad idea. Maybe he should've stayed on the farm with his foster parents. Life was dull, and the work was tedious, but at least he had a meal and a warm bed every night.


Apr 27, 2023 3:28 am
Ryenne was as dour at the day’s weather had been. Sodden, she packs her ring mail and weapons away for the evening, though her mace and shield were within reach still.

She eyes a burrow she’s pressed into the wet mud with her heel as the gnome castigated her companions.

Was it an injustice?…

Ryenne shrugged. Thyr hadn’t seen fit to grant her jurisdiction over all matters of life and death. And so she concerned herself solely with justice among the uplifted races of the world.

"I’d hope to put up more of a fight, if some ogre intends to take me for their supper." she says darkly, twisting her heel further into the muck.
Last edited April 27, 2023 3:29 am
Apr 27, 2023 3:50 am
"As would I," Faionn says, trying to cheer up her hopelessly dour companions. "There are certainly better ways to please the Lady of the Moon. Personally, I hope we all live long, happy lives. And at the end, may we graciously feed Nature's tiny decomposers, the worms in our graves." Despite her hopeful tone, it hasn't quite dawned on Faionn that maybe the inevitable cycle of life and death isn't the most cheerful topic for most people.
Apr 27, 2023 4:02 am
Monaghan, having doffed his set of heirloom plate armor, stows it inside the foot of his bedroll, which being made for humans affords a little wiggle room for his Dwarven stature.

Seeing that Nebbleshuven is evidently downtrodden and feeling under the weather, he sits down beside the man with a grunt of satisfaction and gives him a hearty, perhaps too-enthusiastic clap on the shoulder.

"Take heart, Nebb my boy! I've a hunch we'll soon be rid of this nagging rain. My dear old mother always says there's nothing like a brace of coneys and good company to drive away the ill humours!

As he speaks, each of his Ps is accompanied by a little puff of air that makes his bushy mustache flutter.
Last edited April 27, 2023 1:06 pm
Apr 27, 2023 4:08 am
Looking to the rest of the group, he says, "I daresay we've got both in our cheery little camp! A Dwarf could not ask for a more fascinating lot of traveling companions, no indeed."
Apr 27, 2023 4:09 am
Datura's scrunched up face twists just a little bit more,

"What's a decomposers?"


Apr 27, 2023 5:06 am
"Worms." Ryenne says, still somehwat sullen. "Can you speak to them, too? Hear their cry as the birds pluck them from the ground?"

The woman’s face reddens then, and she regretted being so harsh with the gnome.

"Forgive me, Datura. The weather and the wizard have wearied me."
Last edited April 27, 2023 5:09 am
Apr 27, 2023 5:49 am
Olaf -- of Two Brooks, as he was fond of pointing out -- was glad for the warm fire and greasy meat after a long, cold day on the road. The adventurer's boots and cloak were well-worn; he was a man used to being in the out of doors, and he'd traveled extensively in the Duchy looking for work and avoiding those who might be, for one reason or another, looking for him.

He chuckles as the others go on about the meal, the weather, and ogres.

"Potatoes would go nicely wif this," he says to Datura, pointing a thick and dirty finger her way. "Next time, yeah. Rabbits wif potatoes. Good idear."

Olaf had piled his armor and gear near where he planned to bed down for the night, and sits more or less in an undershirt and leather breeks as he eats. Juices dribble down his chin and he sucks each bone completely clean before throwing it in the fire. Looking at the druidess, who intimidates him, he says, "back to ash, yeah? Back to the Moon Lady."

The big man smiles at the dwarf's good humor; he likes MacDuff. More than Ryenne and Nebbs, at any rate. Though to be fair, he doesn't quite know what to make of that pair, and this is not an unusual phenomenon. There are a lot of things Olaf of Two Brooks encounters and doesn't know what to make of.

Amidst the rest of the conversation, Olaf burps and wipes his mouth with his sleeves, taking care to not impact this pride and joy: the curved, horn-like mustache he spends a great deal of time grooming.

"Are there -- are they more rabbits?" he asks, sucking and picking at his teeth to fish out the last bits of meat that seem desperate to avoid his gullet.


Apr 27, 2023 12:03 pm
Ryenne sinks into her bowl as the question is asked. She uses it to hide her face, though she does chance a look at the gnome for her own reaction.

Not if they are smart and heard all that racket… she thinks, but doesn’t say.
Apr 27, 2023 1:17 pm
The gnome seems lost in thought at Ryenne's question,

"Yeah, why haven't I heard from the worms? Maybe they like to be eaten by birds? Huh. I wonder if there's a worm god... And a bird god... Maybe they're friends!"

Datura's mood seems to improve as she ponders this great mystery.
Apr 27, 2023 1:52 pm
Corion is glad to join in the warmth of the fire, though the rain does not give much reprieve. He seems young to be a wizard, though it was always hard to tell with those types. Young, and perhaps naïve? By the paltry and eclectic group he managed to put together, it was clear he was not yet a mage of influence, but rather one starting his own path. He sits down beside you and pulls down his hood. Woolen clothing would dry well by the fire should the rain stop, and it wasn't too cold, but it was still very wet clothing.

Galdar, on the other hand, was older and seeming more experienced. The silver at his temples spoke of to his age, and the sword by his side spoke of his training. This man was no mere acolyte of Muir, but a warrior-priest set to bring order and goodness. In the past days he had spoken little, but when he did he rarely proselytized at the others; rather, he was curious as to the lives you all had led before coming into the service of Corian.

He sighs as the strange conversation taking place before him, and not for the first time. It was clear he was unused to such strange company, and had many times found himself confused by the curious ideas and questions of the gnome. "It is clear to me that the rabbits are food, which we need to walk our path. My lady Muir attributes no virtue to such creatures, as they are mere beasts upon the land. But fear not, we take only what we need. I would not have us over-hunting any creature."
Apr 27, 2023 3:33 pm
"My lady Muir attributes no such blah blah blah" mocks the little thief before sticking her tongue out at the priest.

"Men always show their character, or lack thereof, in the way they treat the least of creatures. My Pa said that and he's got way more character than you New-Priest."

Her walk around the edge of camp brings her near to the donkey that Datura always dragged around and she stops to pet the patch of white fur around it's snout.
Last edited April 27, 2023 3:41 pm
Apr 27, 2023 6:20 pm
Nebbleshuven is caught off guard by the dwarf's genial clap on the shoulder, but it snaps him out of his sullen memories. He doesn't say anything in response though. But he manages a wry grin at Olaf's suggestion of potatoes as an accompaniment to rabbits at the next meal.
Apr 27, 2023 7:00 pm
Faionn is inclined to agree with Datura, but she does not press the point. Galdar is clearly a man who respects the world around him, even if it's out of practicality or honor rather than true admiration. Besides, everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs. We can only be sure at the very end. And speaking of the end . . .

"I wonder: how much longer until we reach this tower?" she muses aloud.
Apr 27, 2023 7:19 pm
"I would expect to be in the town of Fairhill in about eight days. The tower is said to be near Fairhill, though its exact location and what lurks within I cannot say." A nearby bird crashes from the brush, likely as the rain collapses a temporary shelter; Corian's face turns quickly towards the noise, and a flash of fear or frustration can be seen on his face before he composes himself again.

"I fear there is much I must leave unsaid until we are sure we are safe. Until then, you will have to be satisfied with the gold promised and the adventure before." He silences himself and retrieves a dry ration from his leather pack; the wizard grimaces as he eats the dried meats and stale cheese, and it is clear that he is out of his element.
Apr 27, 2023 8:32 pm
All of Datura's ire disappears when Corian says adventure. She hops over to the wizard with her best 'story time' expression on,

"What kind of DANGER is hiding in that tower? Are there traps? Mummies? Is it very dusty?"
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