Chapter 1: A Wizard's Amulet

Apr 26, 2023 10:41 pm
The Wizard's Amulet
Grand Duchy of Reme
Somewhere on the Tradeway
Mid summer
Early evening
[ +- ] Fareme to Fairhill
You have traveled four days from Fareme- near the border of Reme and Bard's Gate- with your newfound companions. Rain and cloudy weather have marred your travels since you left, slowing your pace and forcing you to keep off the main road and travel under the eaves of the light woods to the north of the tradeway. It seems odd at this time of year to have such strange weather. Sunshine can be seen on the far horizon, and you all have a feeling that something is amiss, as if a dark cloud is following you from Fareme. Each of you thinks back to the Starving Stirge—the Inn where you formed your fellowship. You shift your packs, which seem even heavier in the rain, and recall Corian’s notice: "Seeking Fellow Adventurers," it reads. "Companions to share in glory and gold and adventures unnumbered." There he posted a notice seeking the aid of able-bodied adventurers willing to join him in an expedition to a wizard’s tower. Promising an equal division of all gold recovered; he soon gathered a group of comrades-at-arms eager for adventure and glory. Galdar, a priest of Muir, who was instructed in a vision from his god to seek out Corian and to follow where the journey led him, also joined Corian. Someone or something, it appeared, had angered the goddess of virtue. Corian was glad for his company.

Weary from the long walk, you finally find a nice sheltered area and build your campfire. One of your scouts makes a quick catch of a small brace of conies and soon the smell of roasting rabbit wafts through the air. Each of you feels as if you can finally relax, rest your sore feet and change into dry clothing. It appears your luck may be changing. The party makes their camp to get out of the rain in a small clearing against the base of a hill, amidst a grove of trees. The small clearing is about 20’ in diameter. The hillside is steep and gives protection from the wind and rain, and the light trees give some protection from the rain as well.
This is your opportunity to describe your characters! You have been traveling with Corian, a fledgeling mage of the High Magic, and Galdar, a warrior-priest of Muir.

Those of you in armor other than leather armor should consider doffing and stowing the armor, as to avoid rust and to be able to sleep.
[ +- ] Bard's Gate Region
[ +- ] Grand Duchy of Reme
[ +- ] The Tradeway
Apr 26, 2023 11:07 pm
The gnome sits in a huff, staring angrily past crossed brows at the rabbits roasting on the spit. They had all had names and called out to one another as they died. Datura had learned to harden her heart when living amongst men, their callous and wasteful ways were no longer so shocking to her though the pain they had inflicted upon these rabbits hung heavy on her now.

"I could have asked them to dig up some potatoes for us you know. Maybe some carrots, a little onion, could have had a nice stew. But now they're dead, parents and children alike."

She stands from her spot and roams around near the edge of the firelight as she tries to clear her mind. This was nothing new, men would always be killers, and besides these PARTICULAR men were leading Datura to the tower of a wizard. Surely if ever there was an adventure to be had it was in the tower of a wizard.

"Ogres!" she shouts at her friends, and then drops it.
Apr 27, 2023 12:25 am
"I feel your pain, friend," Faionn says, staring at the fire as she speaks to Datura. "But try to take solace in how these beings gave their lives for us." She gives the gnome a hopeful grin. "One day, we'll have to do the same."

If this sentiment disturbs the others, Faionn seems not to notice. To give one's life to Nature—that is the will of Lady Narrah, the greatest love we can show Her. As she thinks this, she scoots closer to the fire. Only her green eyes sparkle in the firelight—she wears no jewelry on the road. Her spear rests on her lap, a sprig of mistletoe tied just under the head.
Apr 27, 2023 12:29 am
Datura screws up her face as the druid consoles her, for she is determined NOT to be consoled.

"Well I'M not gonna give MY life for someone's dinner..."

The gnome suddenly thinks better of such a dire claim and adds

"Knock on wood."
Apr 27, 2023 2:28 am
Nebbleshuven is glad to be out of the rain. He seems to have caught a cold (again) as he has the sniffles and a cough. Maybe the fire and some food will do him some good.

He ignores the gnome's complaints. Clearly, she never went to bed hungry at night, or consecutive nights for that matter.

He wonders if this whole foray was a bad idea. Maybe he should've stayed on the farm with his foster parents. Life was dull, and the work was tedious, but at least he had a meal and a warm bed every night.


Apr 27, 2023 3:28 am
Ryenne was as dour at the day’s weather had been. Sodden, she packs her ring mail and weapons away for the evening, though her mace and shield were within reach still.

She eyes a burrow she’s pressed into the wet mud with her heel as the gnome castigated her companions.

Was it an injustice?…

Ryenne shrugged. Thyr hadn’t seen fit to grant her jurisdiction over all matters of life and death. And so she concerned herself solely with justice among the uplifted races of the world.

"I’d hope to put up more of a fight, if some ogre intends to take me for their supper." she says darkly, twisting her heel further into the muck.
Last edited April 27, 2023 3:29 am
Apr 27, 2023 3:50 am
"As would I," Faionn says, trying to cheer up her hopelessly dour companions. "There are certainly better ways to please the Lady of the Moon. Personally, I hope we all live long, happy lives. And at the end, may we graciously feed Nature's tiny decomposers, the worms in our graves." Despite her hopeful tone, it hasn't quite dawned on Faionn that maybe the inevitable cycle of life and death isn't the most cheerful topic for most people.
Apr 27, 2023 4:02 am
Monaghan, having doffed his set of heirloom plate armor, stows it inside the foot of his bedroll, which being made for humans affords a little wiggle room for his Dwarven stature.

Seeing that Nebbleshuven is evidently downtrodden and feeling under the weather, he sits down beside the man with a grunt of satisfaction and gives him a hearty, perhaps too-enthusiastic clap on the shoulder.

"Take heart, Nebb my boy! I've a hunch we'll soon be rid of this nagging rain. My dear old mother always says there's nothing like a brace of coneys and good company to drive away the ill humours!

As he speaks, each of his Ps is accompanied by a little puff of air that makes his bushy mustache flutter.
Last edited April 27, 2023 1:06 pm
Apr 27, 2023 4:08 am
Looking to the rest of the group, he says, "I daresay we've got both in our cheery little camp! A Dwarf could not ask for a more fascinating lot of traveling companions, no indeed."
Apr 27, 2023 4:09 am
Datura's scrunched up face twists just a little bit more,

"What's a decomposers?"


Apr 27, 2023 5:06 am
"Worms." Ryenne says, still somehwat sullen. "Can you speak to them, too? Hear their cry as the birds pluck them from the ground?"

The woman’s face reddens then, and she regretted being so harsh with the gnome.

"Forgive me, Datura. The weather and the wizard have wearied me."
Last edited April 27, 2023 5:09 am
Apr 27, 2023 5:49 am
Olaf -- of Two Brooks, as he was fond of pointing out -- was glad for the warm fire and greasy meat after a long, cold day on the road. The adventurer's boots and cloak were well-worn; he was a man used to being in the out of doors, and he'd traveled extensively in the Duchy looking for work and avoiding those who might be, for one reason or another, looking for him.

He chuckles as the others go on about the meal, the weather, and ogres.

"Potatoes would go nicely wif this," he says to Datura, pointing a thick and dirty finger her way. "Next time, yeah. Rabbits wif potatoes. Good idear."

Olaf had piled his armor and gear near where he planned to bed down for the night, and sits more or less in an undershirt and leather breeks as he eats. Juices dribble down his chin and he sucks each bone completely clean before throwing it in the fire. Looking at the druidess, who intimidates him, he says, "back to ash, yeah? Back to the Moon Lady."

The big man smiles at the dwarf's good humor; he likes MacDuff. More than Ryenne and Nebbs, at any rate. Though to be fair, he doesn't quite know what to make of that pair, and this is not an unusual phenomenon. There are a lot of things Olaf of Two Brooks encounters and doesn't know what to make of.

Amidst the rest of the conversation, Olaf burps and wipes his mouth with his sleeves, taking care to not impact this pride and joy: the curved, horn-like mustache he spends a great deal of time grooming.

"Are there -- are they more rabbits?" he asks, sucking and picking at his teeth to fish out the last bits of meat that seem desperate to avoid his gullet.


Apr 27, 2023 12:03 pm
Ryenne sinks into her bowl as the question is asked. She uses it to hide her face, though she does chance a look at the gnome for her own reaction.

Not if they are smart and heard all that racket… she thinks, but doesn’t say.
Apr 27, 2023 1:17 pm
The gnome seems lost in thought at Ryenne's question,

"Yeah, why haven't I heard from the worms? Maybe they like to be eaten by birds? Huh. I wonder if there's a worm god... And a bird god... Maybe they're friends!"

Datura's mood seems to improve as she ponders this great mystery.
Apr 27, 2023 1:52 pm
Corion is glad to join in the warmth of the fire, though the rain does not give much reprieve. He seems young to be a wizard, though it was always hard to tell with those types. Young, and perhaps naïve? By the paltry and eclectic group he managed to put together, it was clear he was not yet a mage of influence, but rather one starting his own path. He sits down beside you and pulls down his hood. Woolen clothing would dry well by the fire should the rain stop, and it wasn't too cold, but it was still very wet clothing.

Galdar, on the other hand, was older and seeming more experienced. The silver at his temples spoke of to his age, and the sword by his side spoke of his training. This man was no mere acolyte of Muir, but a warrior-priest set to bring order and goodness. In the past days he had spoken little, but when he did he rarely proselytized at the others; rather, he was curious as to the lives you all had led before coming into the service of Corian.

He sighs as the strange conversation taking place before him, and not for the first time. It was clear he was unused to such strange company, and had many times found himself confused by the curious ideas and questions of the gnome. "It is clear to me that the rabbits are food, which we need to walk our path. My lady Muir attributes no virtue to such creatures, as they are mere beasts upon the land. But fear not, we take only what we need. I would not have us over-hunting any creature."
Apr 27, 2023 3:33 pm
"My lady Muir attributes no such blah blah blah" mocks the little thief before sticking her tongue out at the priest.

"Men always show their character, or lack thereof, in the way they treat the least of creatures. My Pa said that and he's got way more character than you New-Priest."

Her walk around the edge of camp brings her near to the donkey that Datura always dragged around and she stops to pet the patch of white fur around it's snout.
Last edited April 27, 2023 3:41 pm
Apr 27, 2023 6:20 pm
Nebbleshuven is caught off guard by the dwarf's genial clap on the shoulder, but it snaps him out of his sullen memories. He doesn't say anything in response though. But he manages a wry grin at Olaf's suggestion of potatoes as an accompaniment to rabbits at the next meal.
Apr 27, 2023 7:00 pm
Faionn is inclined to agree with Datura, but she does not press the point. Galdar is clearly a man who respects the world around him, even if it's out of practicality or honor rather than true admiration. Besides, everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs. We can only be sure at the very end. And speaking of the end . . .

"I wonder: how much longer until we reach this tower?" she muses aloud.
Apr 27, 2023 7:19 pm
"I would expect to be in the town of Fairhill in about eight days. The tower is said to be near Fairhill, though its exact location and what lurks within I cannot say." A nearby bird crashes from the brush, likely as the rain collapses a temporary shelter; Corian's face turns quickly towards the noise, and a flash of fear or frustration can be seen on his face before he composes himself again.

"I fear there is much I must leave unsaid until we are sure we are safe. Until then, you will have to be satisfied with the gold promised and the adventure before." He silences himself and retrieves a dry ration from his leather pack; the wizard grimaces as he eats the dried meats and stale cheese, and it is clear that he is out of his element.
Apr 27, 2023 8:32 pm
All of Datura's ire disappears when Corian says adventure. She hops over to the wizard with her best 'story time' expression on,

"What kind of DANGER is hiding in that tower? Are there traps? Mummies? Is it very dusty?"
Apr 28, 2023 1:27 am
The wizard merely shrugs. "I cannot rightfully say what lies within, for I do not know. That is why I have hired all of you." He looks at the group meekly, clearly aware that not all of you were the best or brightest to be found or hired. He appears to be telling the truth.

"But I, for one, am exhausted. I am not a well traveled man, and could do with a wagon. Tomorrow will be a long day, and so I suggest we rest."
Apr 28, 2023 1:51 am
cowleyc says:
He looks at the group meekly, clearly aware that not all of you were the best or brightest to be found or hired.


Apr 28, 2023 2:02 am
"It would be a fool arcanist that left the dead to watch his tower." She toys with her holy symbol as she speaks. "Not with the agents of Law so near. I don’t think you have to fear for mummies and the like. They’ll surely employ other tricks against us."

Ryenne casts a hard eye over their wizard employer then. Surely, he knew something. He knew what he would prepare in a magical tower of his own, if nothing else…

"I’ll take the first watch. I have my duties to attend to anyway." she says then, standing and going to clutch up her mace, so as to watch over the group as they rest.
Apr 28, 2023 2:03 am
"Few things does a Dwarf prize as much as his beauty rest!"

Monaghan erupts in snorting laughter at his own mildly humorous comment. When he's caught his breath, he gets down to his skivvies, neatly folds his tunic and trousers, then wiggles into his bedroll before calling out to the general camp, "Dream of gold and adventure, my friends!"

He is asleep and snoring loudly before anyone has time to acknowledge him and reply.
Apr 28, 2023 3:07 am
Nebbleshuven gets to his feet. "I'll join you on watch, Ryenne."
Apr 28, 2023 2:24 pm
Galdar yawns, and offers to join the third watch. Corian mutters something about his spellbook, but it is difficult to understand the man as he drifts off into sleep. Darkness falls, and the fire begins to die down. As the characters not standing watch drift off to sleep, a child’s voice can be heard, crying in the darkness. Nebbleshuven and Ryenne both hear this noise, and it seems to be coming from just inside the treeline outside of the camp.



Apr 28, 2023 3:44 pm
Nebbleshuven feels compelled to act, but knows that it could be a trick. He turns to Ryenne for advice. In a hushed voice, he says, "Do you think that's really a child or some kind of trap?"
Apr 29, 2023 5:08 am
"Zzzzzznrrrrrk. Zzzzzzzzrmmmm. Zzzzzznrrrrrk."

Olaf is out cold, catching up on his sleep until the second watch he signed up for.
Sorry to be slow. Just posting to let you all know I'm here! Work has been a bear...


Apr 29, 2023 8:37 am
Ryenne gives the man a sideways glance, wondering why the question even needed asking.

"A sudden child, crying in the night just as our arms and armor have been stored, and our companions gone to rest? I didn’t hear a nearby camp while we ate, did you?"

She cocks an eye, as if to say ‘what do you think?…’

Still, the cleric stands, and grabs up her mace and shield. With a frustrated sigh, she calls out:

"Come on out. You can see the light, can’t you… child?!"

She raises her weapons, ready to swing, but assuming whatever vile creature was in the trees wouldn’t dare come in to the light.
Apr 29, 2023 2:11 pm
The sound of crying pauses as if to listen, then resumes again. It does not seem to be any closer, but still just as distraught.
Apr 29, 2023 2:48 pm
Nebbleshuven nods, embarrassed.

"Could the child be lost? Perhaps the child wandered off from a nearby village or farm." He still doesn't move from his position, even though the crying brings back painful memories.
Apr 30, 2023 1:11 am
Monaghan is only momentarily disturbed, but after some incoherent sleepy muttering, returns to blissfully snoring like honk-shoo, honk-shoo.


Apr 30, 2023 1:13 am
Ryenne sighs, and moves to her pack. She hoists her ringmail tunic on.

"You’re a good man, Nebbleshuven." she allows. Fixing herself finally, she hefts her mace and shield.

"Bring the light if you mean for us to check!" she says, walking towards the cry.
Apr 30, 2023 6:02 am
The gnome snorts loudly as the jingling of the chainmail disturbs her and mumbles in her sleep,

"mmm buhh urrrr dontforgettowakeyourallies"

Most likely the result of a terrible dream where she was ambushed in the night and was unable to act because she never woke up.
Apr 30, 2023 5:28 pm
Nebbleshuven lights a torch from the fire and notices the gnome, remembers when her watch shift is, and prods her with his boot until she wakes up. "Hey, Ryenne and I hear what could be a crying child in the woods. It's probably a trap, but we're going to check it out."

He then catches up to Ryenne.
Apr 30, 2023 6:20 pm
Rubbing her eyes vigorously, Datura watches the warrior run off into the darkness without really being sure what she was witnessing. She looks at the moon, decides it's not her shift yet, and plops back down onto her bed mat. Thankfully something in her fool head kicks in and with her eyes closed she loudly says

"Nebble just ran off into the night, someone better go get him."
Apr 30, 2023 8:32 pm
With her watch next, Faionn has been trying not to fall asleep too heavily—merely napping. In her drowsy state, she hears Datura and imagines Nebbleshuven running into the cookpot of a brutish ogre.

With that, Faionn opens her eyes, shaking herself awake. "I've got it," she mumbles to Datura, watching the orange tongue of Nebble's torch bob away into the darkness.
I assume Datura's warning was enough to wake me up, so I'm choosing to watch a little early if that's okay.
Last edited May 1, 2023 1:30 am
May 1, 2023 1:13 am
Lighting a torch in the fire, Nebbleshuven leaves the fireside to investigate with Ryenne, when suddenly she (Ryenne) is attacked from the rear by a hideous stag-like creature with the head of a badger, large, yellowish-gray fangs and demonic red glowing eyes. The beast smells of rotting corpses. Twenty feet away is another, much larger than the first, crying in the voice that you thought was the child’s. You are stunned that such a beautiful and innocent sound could come from so demonic looking a beast.

Surprise Round

The creature snaps at Ryenne with its fearsome fangs, attacking viciously and, surprisingly, without confidence. The warrior-priestess fails to protect herself against such an attack, and finds the jaws tearing at her arm. The larger beast, still crying in its childlike voice, remains standing stoically and unmoving. It seems to be observing the assault with its glowing eyes.

First Round of Combat
Combat Order

Immediately after snapping at the priestess, the smaller creature twists around and kicks out with both hooved feet. Though Ryenne is able to avoid the brunt of the blow, the creature is able to launch off her chest and dart out of harms way. It stands about sixty feet away and prepares for another attack. Still the larger creature cries and stands motionless.
Ryenne takes 1pt of damage.

The creature is more than 1HD, and has an AC of 14. It is about sixty feet away.

It is your turns. There is no specific order here. Currently only Ryenne and Nebbleshuven are present. Faionn can arrive next turn.



Target, Attack, Damage

Initiative (Party, Enemies)

Attack, Damage

May 1, 2023 1:44 am
Will the din of battle be enough to waken the rest of the party? If so, how far is our little camp from the nearest creature?


May 1, 2023 1:52 am
"Gah!" Ryenne screams, as the creature tears her flesh!

"Back to the camp, Nebbleshuven! Don’t let it draw you out! Back to the fires!"
A little RP. Waiting to see what Forever wants to do!
May 1, 2023 2:12 am
Rizado96 says:
Will the din of battle be enough to waken the rest of the party? If so, how far is our little camp from the nearest creature?
Let's see how this pans out. I figure you might wake up after this round, and be able to act in the following.
May 1, 2023 2:40 am
Cool, sounds good!
May 1, 2023 2:52 am
KCC says:
A little RP. Waiting to see what Forever wants to do!
You can call me DED. And I'm sorry. :(
After what he just witnessed, Nebbleshuven obeys Ryenne. He runs back to the camp to alert the others, calling out to them, mentally cursing himself for falling prey to the foul beasts' trickery.


May 1, 2023 3:06 am
"Back, creature of Chaos!" Ryenne commands, as she herself starts to retreat to the camp. Careful not to fall over a root or rock, she steps. Her eyes are trained on the creatures, waiting to see if they will charge into the camp proper.
May 1, 2023 3:51 am
As others are being raised from their slumber, the larger of the two beasts seems to recognize the growing danger. It stops making the crying sound and instead calls out in a language most foul. The smaller creature turns to listen, then returns to the larger; likely its mother. The two flee into the night, and silence reigns once more.

The party is roused from their slumber to discover the creatures have already fled. Luckily, they had only just fallen asleep and will likely find sleep easy to find once again. Corian grumbles about being scared of shadows and deer, though you are all pretty sure he isn't fully awake at this point. Galdar lays out his shield and sheathed blade next to his bedroll, not wanting to miss a moment to fight Chaos should the opportunity present itself once more.
May 1, 2023 5:53 am
"SNORT!" snorts the gnome as she rolls to her other side and makes strange chicken noises while she settles.


May 1, 2023 9:40 am
"Don’t chastise yourself too much." Ryenne speaks quietly to her watch-mate. She binds her arm as she does so.

"Some day it will be a child. Some days it has been. We were right to check. It’s just one of the many abominations that wizards cook up in their towers, believe me."
May 1, 2023 3:46 pm
"Nonetheless, I am sorry. I am relieved that your wound isn't worse than it is or that there weren't more of those creatures. A pack might have been bolder then a mere pair." After a moment, he continues, "How ghastly does a wizard have to be to create a creature that mimics the suffering of a child to lure prey to their doom."
May 1, 2023 10:16 pm
When Nebble started yelling, Faionn's blood froze. She watched Ryenne and Nebble retreat into the circle of firelight. She couldn't tell what they were running from, except that it was dangerous enough to leave Ryenne injured.

Slowly, the knot of panic in Faionn's gut begins to unwind. "Are you two alright? What happened out there?"
May 1, 2023 11:43 pm
"We heard what sounded like a crying child." He gazes down at the ground. "It was a trap, and Ryenne knew it. It's my fault that we went to investigate." He leaves it at that, then checks the firewood supply.


May 1, 2023 11:49 pm
"The work of an arcanist, surely." Ryenne says, clapping the man on the back.

Or the vile imaginings of some mad Druid…

She watches out the rest of her watch in relative quiet. When it’s time, she rouses the next watch from their rest, and takes her leave for the evening. She sleeps with her mace close, and her arms stiff from its bindings.
May 2, 2023 12:20 am
The Wizard's Amulet
Grand Duchy of Reme
Somewhere on the Tradeway
Mid summer, some days later
Early evening

Today’s travels were a pleasant change from the previous four days. You even found some fresh blueberries and two of your group downed a small deer. You make camp in the open, near a copse of trees, and bask in the warmth of the late afternoon sun with full bellies and dry clothes. You figure your party is still four days travel from Fairhill.

As the sun drops below the horizon and the fire dims, Corian asks you all to gather. You have been waiting for Corian to explain more of his purpose behind the formation of your group, wondering at his true motives. Before tonight, he has always rebuffed your questions, saying that he will speak further when you are far from prying eyes and ears in Fareme. It appears that time has come.

"During the final days under my uncle’s tutelage, my master (my uncle) and I had traveled to the library of Feriblan the Mad in the city of Reme. I have never been pleased to visit Feriblan, for while there I was always forced to have contact with Vortigern, Feriblan’s apprentice, and his loathsome raven familiar—Talon. Luckily for me this day I managed to avoid Vortigern. While perusing mundane documents in an outer sitting room as my master and Feriblan studied ancient scrolls, I nervously fiddled with a clasp on the back of a small reading stand. Quite to my surprise, a secret compartment opened which contained a small, bound piece of parchment and an item wrapped in silk cloth. Checking to see that my actions were unobserved, I slipped both items into the folds of my robe. The parchment proved to be the letter Eralion had left for Feriblan on his last visit before his ritual, and the item wrapped in the silk cloth an amulet of some unknown design.

Freed from my apprenticeship, I returned to Feriblan. Taking the risk of asking a direct question of the addled wizard, I learned that Eralion was nowhere near powerful enough to become a lich. "Eralion! A lich?!" the old wizard exclaimed. "He was no apprentice, my son, but neither was he a mage with the mastery of the eldritch powers necessary for such a dangerous undertaking! If you have heard such rumors, boy, I shall put them to rest. The magics required for such a transition were far beyond his grasp." Once on the topic of his old friend, Feriblan spoke at length, though in a disjointed fashion. He told me of Eralion’s keep near the village of Fairhill. Feriblan made reference to a staff that Eralion possessed which apparently had magical powers. He also mentioned that Eralion had never returned several valuable magical tracts and spell books. I left the old wizard determined to find this tower and the items it contained—for if Eralion was not a lich, the items should be there for the taking!"

Stopping now to take a breath, Corian hands you the letter that he had found and allows some time to read it and digest the content.

My Dear Feriblan –
I must confess to you—my closest friend—that I was not entirely truthful with you at our last meeting. I feel compelled now to tell you of it, as this may be the last time I write with mortal hands. Do you recall our discussion some months past regarding liches and how users of the arcane arts might achieve that particular state? I must admit to you that the topic for me was not entirely scholarly, as I led you to believe. And for that I am sorry.

I know that you, my friend, have gazed into darkness in the name of knowledge. That is why I sought your learned counsel. For I too have gazed into darkness. And like you, I found knowledge— knowledge beyond imagining. From the demon-lord Orcus I have wrested the secret to lichdom, and I plan to move beyond scholarly talk and bring myself immortality. Imagine it, my friend! An eternity to study the arts, to master arcane power!

As I pen these words I have arrayed before me unguents and phials, instruments and tomes, all necessary for my transformation, save only one—an arcane phylactery of elaborate design. The ingredients for that item will bring me once again to your city. By the time you read this letter, I shall have retrieved the necessary items and shall be on my way back to my keep. Yet, as I begin to prepare my mind for my wondrous fate, my thoughts turn to you, my oldest friend. Accompanying this missive there is a small silk pouch. In that pouch is an amulet—an amulet I have created for you. I know of your thirst for knowledge. With this amulet, you will have access to my keep where I shall reside in immortality. If you wish to learn that which I have learned, you may visit me.

Long have others of our kind called you "mad." Perhaps it is I whom they will now call mad. But I do not care for their appellations. Let them say what they will. I have won something far greater than words— I have won immortality, and with it, power. I shall share that knowledge with you, my friend. Visit me soon. Gaze into the darkness again.
— Eralion

Corian explains his reluctance to give the full story to the party, not because of lack of trust in them but rather because on more than one occasion he has seen Talon, the raven familiar of Vortigern, peering into his chambers. Corian is certain that the wicked bird saw the theft of the amulet and letter, and the risk of further discovery was too great while still in Fareme. Who knows what spells Feriblan or Vortigern might have at their disposal to read thoughts or hear words? So after setting out from Fareme some four days ago, with light hearts and heavy packs— and harboring the nagging fear that Vortigern and his loathsome bird would somehow know of your goal: Eralion’s keep and its unguarded treasure.

Just before Corian finishes speaking, one of you notices that you are not the only listeners. About fifteen feet away is the largest raven you have ever seen, and its eyes glow with red fire. You jump up, frightened, as the raven flies off into the night with a shriek. This must be Talon, the familiar of Corian’s nemesis, Vortigern. You fear that your enemies are near at hand!
May 2, 2023 2:27 am
Monaghan's mustaches quiver with unease.

"I do not like that great, dark, hideous thing at all. It has an evil look about it," he whispers intensely, hand tightening on the grip of his bastard sword.

"On your guards, lads and lasses! If the vermin's master is about, let him not catch us with our breeches about our ankles!"
May 2, 2023 3:08 am
Nebbleshuven turns to Faionn. "Please forgive my ignorance, but being a priestess of nature, do you have any power over that raven?"
Last edited May 2, 2023 3:08 am
May 2, 2023 3:32 am
Now Olaf of Two Brooks is not the sharpest pick in the mine. He slept through the entire encounter with the bizarre, child-wailing, demon-badger stag thing, and doesn't even really try to piece together the whole story Corbin ("Corian," someone says!) tells. The letter is a non-starter, as the man doesn't read!

What Olaf does hear is mention of a loathsome bird... so he points, with his axe.

"Wha, li'tha'?" he asks, gesturing to the raven as it takes flight.
May 2, 2023 4:14 am
As Faionn listens to Corian's story, she begins to grow uneasy. Just what had this naïve wizard gotten them into? Faionn didn't know very much about the powers of Law and Chaos—she wasn't devout the same way truly holy people were—but she had an idea what Chaos could do not just to the body, but to the immortal soul. The visit from the raven—ostensibly Talon—only heightens her fears and confirms the worst. In the silence after, she calms down a bit—wasn't this kind of mortal peril what they signed up for in the first place?

At Nebble's question, she replies, "No need to apologize; you were right to ask. Much of my order can communicate with animals—and more, but it would be unwise to share those secrets. Personally, powers are a bit lacking—I am still undergoing training—but there is at least something I can do."

Faionn gestures to where the raven flew off. She lowers her voice then. "If we are ever worried that the beast is spying on us once more, I can momentarily feel out its presence. What comes next, catching it or following it—" Faionn shrugs. "That would be another story."
Faionn is of course talking about the spell Locate Animals. Or perhaps Detect Magic would be more apt, since this creature is a familiar? The effect would be mostly the same, I think. Either way, that's my meager 1st-level contribution.
May 2, 2023 5:18 am
Datura does a double take as the red-eyes raven sqwaks, her eyes huge with excitement!

"That's the bird from the story that you said might be spying... And it was! Just like you said! What a terrible time to be right!"


May 2, 2023 6:30 am
"You mean… to carrying us into a Lich’s lair and steal arcane secrets? Feriblan The Mad?" she laughs then.

"Corian the Foolhardy is a more fitting title. I thought only a fool arcanist would litter his tower with the dead. Now I find the wizard is death, itself?

We shouldn’t have come. Corian… a Lich’s power surpasses all of ours combined!"
May 2, 2023 2:39 pm
The lair belongs to Eralion. Ferbilan the Mad is alive and mostly well, and is the mentor of Vortigern.
The wizard's eyes snap back to Ryenne. His face shows the look of someone who thinks they know more than you. "No, no, nothing like that! Like my mentor said, Eralion had not the power to become a lich. And the magicks he would have attempted for such a thing would have unmade him. It is likely a tower filled with paranoid traps, and shadows of things not to be." He nods, satisfied with himself.

The warrior-priest sits closer to Ryenne. "I agree, this is a foolish quest. But my goddess has sent me here for a reason. Perhaps something lies within the tower that I must face. The whims of the gods are fickle, and I do not pretend to know them." One hand rests on his sword, while the other traces the red sword pendant he wears.
May 2, 2023 3:00 pm
"Well SOMEONE controls that evil bird we just saw so it's safe to assume that they know we're coming. This will be fun!"

Datura looks for reassurance from Corian but the wizard is too busy being proud of himself.
Last edited May 2, 2023 3:00 pm
May 2, 2023 6:57 pm
Nebbleshuven listens carefully to the debate, but offers no comment. After the incident with the evil badger-headed stags, he would prefer to defer to others for the moment.
May 3, 2023 8:08 am
Faionn gives a small sigh listening to the others bicker. She is quickly losing respect for this young wizard who thinks he knows everything. Even when he assures Ryenne that the lich cannot be, it sounds like he's assuring himself. And what of the very real wizard likely pursuing us right now? How powerful is he?

She addresses the party. "While I must agree with Ryenne—even a living master of the arcane cannot be underestimated—arguing here can do us no good. Let us escape to Fairhill while we can, then see what can be done about this Feriblan and his apprentice." Then she adds, hopefully, "It may not have to come to life or death."
Last edited May 3, 2023 8:10 am


May 3, 2023 10:18 am
Ryenne nods, ending her part in the affair. They know her thought on the matter. And yet, even as she protests, she knows that she is duty bound to seek out a Lich, if one exists.

Not merely to throw herself uselessly against it and die pointlessly. Rather, to summon an order down on the place to have it cleansed.
May 3, 2023 1:21 pm
What would you like to do? Will you rest now, or press on? It is the end of a long day, and you are weary but wary.


May 3, 2023 2:19 pm
If we mean to avoid detection, perhaps another hour, hoping that the bird loses our trail?
May 3, 2023 6:34 pm
I agree we should not camp where the bird saw us though it may be a moot point
May 3, 2023 7:04 pm
I also agree that we should keep moving for another hour. And if we really want to lose the bird, I was thinking we could veer off the road for a night or two? It might slow us down enough to confuse anyone pursuing us by the road?
May 3, 2023 7:12 pm
The Wizard's Amulet
Grand Duchy of Reme
Somewhere on the Tradeway
Mid summer
Late in the night

At the urging of several party-members, the wizard and his retinue continue traveling through the night. It is hard to see where you go, and the flickering light from the torches reveal shadows hiding behind every tree at the roadside. Some hours pass, and the muscles in your legs are screaming for reprieve. You watch as Galdar, who took the lead, stops and turns. He looks as though he is about to say something, when suddenly the a droning sound comes from the treeline. Three small, feathered, bat-winged anteaters, each with a vicious-looking proboscis, fly from the forest in your direction. Stirges! You know that they think you easy prey, and all they desire... is your blood!

First Round of Combat
Combat Order

Before you can react, the creatures fly towards their targets and attempt to latch on. Faionn is able to defend herself from the probing needle, but Galdar and Nebbleshuven are not so lucky. The proboscis of a stirge is sharp and strong enough to punch through armor, and it does just that. Both of the victims feel the needles stab through their armor and skin, as the enemies begin sucking out as much blood as they can get.
It is your turns! Stirges have an AC of 12, and are 1 HD.

Galdar takes 2pts of damage and Nebbleshuven takes 1pt of damage. The Stirges are latched!



Initiative (Party, Enemies)

Target, Attack, Damage

May 3, 2023 11:43 pm
If the stirge on Nebbleshuven is somewhere he can see, like the front of his body, he'll stab it withhis dagger.

If it's on his back, he'llhope that someone will help.


Stab stirge with dagger - (1d20)

(6) = 6


May 4, 2023 12:32 am
"Hold still, man!" Ryenne calls, as the man tries to stab the thing with his dagger! She lines herself up to smash down at the stirge where her blow won’t follow through into the man.


Attack - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Damage - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 4, 2023 1:44 am
Datura whips out her bow and with her keen night vision fires two arrows; one at the stirge sucking on Nebbleshuven and one at the nasty on Galdar...


Shot 1 (Nebbleshuven) - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

1d6 : (3) = 3

Shot 2 (Galdar) - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (18) + 1 = 19

1d6 : (1) = 1

May 4, 2023 5:31 am
Faionn, frozen in surprise, barely deflects a proboscis by bashing it away with her spear. Seeing the other stirges plunge themselves into Nebble and Galdar, she thrusts her spear into the one attached to Nebble (obviously running the spear next to rather than through him).
Next round, I will cast the spell faerie fire. If it confers a bonus to hit, I'd like to target Nebble's stirge, but if not I'll target the third stirge so it can't skirt around our light. Just declaring it now for the next round's initiative.


Attack - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Damage on hit - (1d6)

(4) = 4

May 4, 2023 9:10 pm
Olaf and Monaghan to act. I'll have the NPCs act last.
May 5, 2023 2:19 am
So 1 damage done to either stirge that:s attached, if I counted correctly?
"I'll smash you to pulp, you filthy vermin!" Monaghan cries, slapping at the stirge attached to Nebbs with the flat of his blade.


Attack - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Damage - (1d8+1)

(2) + 1 = 3


May 5, 2023 1:03 pm
Maybe the NPCs will score some good damage for a change! :D
May 5, 2023 3:12 pm
Nebbleshuven feels as the stirge is knocked from his body, and can see in the torchlight as his own blood leaks from the smashed creature. He feels rather light-headed from the significant blood loss, but manages to stay on his feet. Olaf lumbers forward and strikes at the stirge draining Galdar. It had already taken an arrow from Datura but had continued feasting; however, the mighty blow smites the creature and destroys any hopes of it ever feeling full. Galdar then takes to the final stirge, hoping to cut it from the air, but finds his attacks dodged. A few words of arcane from Corian lead to a bolt of energy flying from his fingertip, and that very bolt smashes into the final stirge and knocks the flight and life from it.

End of Combat

The three assaulting stirges lie dead upon the ground, and you have all survived. The evening is upon you, and there has been no sign of that damned raven. Corian suggests that you find a site to camp near here, as Nebbleshuven doesn't look so good.


Olaf: Target, Attack, Damage - (d2, d20+1, d8+1)

d2 : (1) = 1

d20+1 : (11) + 1 = 12

d8+1 : (8) + 1 = 9

Galdar: Attack, Damage

Corian: Target, Damage

May 5, 2023 3:33 pm
Datura recovers what arrows she can with glee. The stirge attack had been more exciting than anything else she had witnessed in the last week!
rules for arrow recovery?
May 5, 2023 3:35 pm
Let's just go with 50% arrow recovery.
May 5, 2023 10:21 pm
Nebbleshuven does his best to express his gratitude. Thank... you... all.. for... saving... my life. He rests, nearly exhausted from the effort.
May 5, 2023 10:40 pm
"I say camp is a prudent proposition. Very well can't keep dragging the poor fellow around being all properly punched full of proboscis holes!"
May 6, 2023 3:44 am
"I fully agree; it would be fool's business to march on with wounded at this time of night. Let us rest." Faionn looks back the way they came. "With any luck, that wizard and his beast will be doing the same."
May 6, 2023 5:03 am
Olaf wipes the blood of the stirge -- and Galdar -- off his axe in the glass, then gestures to the woods the flying terrors came from.

"Aye, I'm tired too... but what if there's more of these bloodsuckers to come?"
Sorry for the delay. Hell week at work this past week. Back on track.


May 6, 2023 9:57 am
Ryenne grimaces, both at what the man had endured and what he had yet to endure in the wizard’s tower.

"Rest, and gather your strength. Eat meat and drink wine, if you have it. It will dull your pain and replenish your blood!"

She stands from examining the man.

"I’ll take an extra watch tonight. Let the man rest! Let’s hope they suck the blood from the earth, if more come tonight!"
Last edited May 6, 2023 9:58 am
May 6, 2023 2:41 pm
"This is probably as good a place to camp as any, I'll make a fire!"

Datura gets to work gathering wood and looks around for a good camp site while she works.
May 6, 2023 2:54 pm
Trigger warning: This post includes the results of acts of violence against a family including the children. These are not just set dressings, otherwise they would not have been included.

The Wizard's Amulet
Grand Duchy of Reme
Tradeway, two days from Fairhill
Mid summer
Early evening

You have traveled two days and nights since the demonic bird disturbed your camp, drawing within two days travel of Fairhill. Finally, you feel as though your enemies have lost your trail. You see a farmhouse off in the fields, near the woods, and you decide to see if the farmer will let you rest in his barn for the night. As you approach the small dwelling, you notice that something is terribly wrong. The farmer—or what is left of him—lies in the front yard of the home, half eaten and missing one arm. His wife, and three small children lie in various contorted positions, the smallest boy completely disemboweled. Blood covers the hay in the yard, and a chicken pecks at the corpse of a young girl lying in front of the barn.

A simple farm dwelling with one door and several windows, as well as a barn, with an open front and small three-foot high wooden-fenced pen enclosing the front area. The gate in the wooden fence is open allowing the animals out of the barn and pen. The farmer’s body lies in front of his home. His wife’s body and two of their children lie just inside the door to the farmhouse. Their young daughter’s body is inside the animal pen in front of the barn.
You are back to full HP from the travels.

As far as I know, this is the ONLY time I'll need to include a trigger warning.
May 6, 2023 5:15 pm
Datura runs up to the grizzly scene and gasps,

"No! Not the children too! What kind of evil would have done this Ryenne?"

She runs up to each body in turn in a desperate hope that one may yet live, though she knows it isn't likely. The gnome checks over the corpses as she inspects them, looking for signs of animal attack or the clean cuts of blades.
May 6, 2023 7:04 pm
When the party come within sight of the destruction, Faionn freezes. Her heart plummets, and she swallows a wave of sickness. As she walks closer to the bodies, tears sting her eyes and she blinks them away. This was needless, she thinks. Nothing but the purest evil would do this to children.

As she dimly hears the others talking, Faionn is looking for the same clues as Datura.
May 6, 2023 8:14 pm
Upon catching sight of the horrific scene, Nebbleshuven flashes back to his childhood. Images of his family's slaughter are juxtaposed with the tragedy in front of him. He begins to shake with rage. Through gritted teeth, he says, Who did this? He goes from building to building, shouting, Who did this?! Come out, you bastards! His sword is drawn as he seeks to avenge this family's death as well as his own.


May 7, 2023 12:20 am
"Killing helpless children?" Ryenne starts to answer, but watching the wizard darkly.

"There are many creatures of Chaos hat would inflict suffering like this. Yet, it’s to the lair of a Lich that we draw closer." she spits, not keeping up the facade the wizard had conjured for himself.

She looks about and then closes her eyes to it all:

Thyr, Lord of Justice, guide me to the answers for this injustice. Give me your strength…
May 7, 2023 12:20 am
May I just say, this is some choice RP, y'all.
May 7, 2023 2:55 am
Monaghan rests a clenched fist over his heart and lowers himself to a knee.

"Heavens above, these poor souls," he sighs, misty-eyed. After taking a moment of silence, he approaches the raving Nebbleshuven from behind and gingerly places a hand on the man's shoulder. In the other hand, he grips his shovel.

"Nebble, my boy, would you help me bury them? It may be the perverse perpetrators of this pitiless act are long gone; yet, in properly laying the victims to rest, perhaps we can speed their souls onward to everlasting peace. That much is within our power."


May 7, 2023 3:02 am
"Were it not for the livestock, I’d say we burn the whole thing down, and cleanse it." she says as she looks about at the animals.

"No butchered cattle, or pigs?" she notes, aloud.

What to do with them?…
May 7, 2023 6:39 am
Not the most talkative of the party by a good margin, Olaf is still worryingly quiet as they come upon the frightful scene, and as the others fall upon the victims. The big fighter does not -- instead, he warily eyes the property, the doorways, the shadows, the edges of the woods. Whatever or whoever did this... it or they might still be present, lurking just out of sight.

The man does not like the sight of dead innocents, so he passes by them without much study. "They were slain by what?" he asks the others as he readies his axe and shield. "The fangs of beasts, or the weapons of men or the like? Clean cuts from spears, axes, blades..."
Very much standing guard, trying to see / hear if the attackers are still here.

Switched Olaf's avatar to better match the group and the mood of the game.


May 7, 2023 10:25 am
"It’s hard to say. They’ve been picked at, for certain. Depending on how long the animals have been untended, they may have been hungry."

Ryenne leans in for a closer looking, trying to determine how long they’ve been dead, and what may have killed them.
May 7, 2023 10:09 pm
It is clear that the bodies were slain by men. Swords and spears and bows. Recently, too. The livestock was not touched, nor did the house look looted. As you bury the bodies, each is examined in turn before taking their final rest in the ground. Axes seem to have done most of the work, and the cuts seem enthusiastic. Two of the children show strange dagger-like punctures that drip a strange poison. Soon you have finished burying the poor family, and have heard no responses to the calls for vengeance.

Galdar and Corian oversee this, the former assisting the burial itself and the latter standing dumbstruck by the scene. The wizard seems horrified at such as slaughter, and it is clear that he is unprepared for something like this. Galdar seems more familiar with this type of butchery, but there is pain in his eyes as he blesses each grave.

The house stands empty of life, while the barn holds several livestock.
What do you do?
May 7, 2023 11:58 pm
"These poisonous punctures, were they performed with a weapon's point, or could it have been a beast's appendage, I wonder?"
This is really more of a meta question, but there were too many Ps to resist making Monny's mustache go crazy. Would he know anything of the poison used, and whether the wounds were indeed inflicted by blades and not fangs or claws? Maybe he wiped some of the oozing venom from a wound with a cloth and just barely touched it to his tongue? (Obligatory "Orc blood!" reference.)
Last edited May 7, 2023 11:59 pm
May 7, 2023 11:59 pm
When Monaghan approaches Nebbleshuven and asks for his help with the victims' burial, the rage drains out of him. His shoulders sag, a nod barely escapes him. He follows Monaghan outside, drops his sword and shield, and picks up a shovel. He begins to sob as he digs their graves.
May 8, 2023 12:15 am
Upon realizing that men were responsible for the horror at the farm house, the gnome begins to search for their tracks. She looks for trampled grass or crops that might tell of where they came from, how many there were, or where they went.


May 8, 2023 12:35 am
"Cleric!" Ryenne calls to Galdor.

"I mean to search the house! Thyr speaks to me!" knowing that he will understand a guiding hand from elsewhere.

She looks to the others, and gestures to the house, inviting their aid if they choose to give it. Then she steps inside and waits for Thyr to guide her hand.
Searching, searching!!
May 8, 2023 12:40 am
There is very little of value in the house itself. There are two lanterns, and various dry goods. A large bed sits in one corner, while two smaller sit beside it. Hanging above the mantle is an old short sword. The mantle itself is still warm, as though a fire had been burning recently.
Remember, while this is what you see, there are frequently treasures secreted away. If you want to search something, tell me what your character investigates!


May 8, 2023 12:57 am
"A weapon!" she calls.

Not taken up in their defense…

Ryenne had spent many nights under a roof such as this; due to the kindness of the followers of Thyr on her travels.

She steps heavily across the floor, listening to the wood for hollows beneath, and then tosses over the beds. Two of the most common hiding places, though easy enough to determine.
Last edited May 8, 2023 12:57 am
May 8, 2023 1:32 am
Monny reverently removes the old short sword from the mantlepiece and examines its make with his keen Dwarven eye for craftsmanship. After giving it a thorough once over, he stirs up the ashes in the fireplace and rams the poker up the shaft of the chimney, just to make sure no secret bundles have been stowed there.
I don't intend to keep the sword. I just want to see if it tells me anything more about the folks who lived here.
Last edited May 8, 2023 1:32 am
May 8, 2023 2:16 am
Nebbleshuven is too distraught to search the house or the barn. After he finishes with the graves, he keeps watch.
May 8, 2023 2:58 am
Beneath the larger bed, Ryenne spots a plank that seems to be warped slightly; likely the result of it not being nailed down. Beneath is a pouch that contains 22 silver coins and 45 copper pieces. The savings of this poor family.

Meanwhile, Monaghan discovers that the blade of the sword is far finer than the hilt and scabbard. It holds no runes, but the blade does seem to catch more light than he would have expected. It is quite sharp, and would be easily fit to a new hilt later down the road. In the fireplace and chimney he finds nothing.


May 8, 2023 3:03 am
"They weren’t killed for their coppers." Ryenne remarks, holding up the pouch.

"Nor their rations." she says, sifting through the stuff.

"There must be something else. Thyr show me." she closes her eyes to mutter a prayer.

"Why didn’t they use the blade?"
Stay looking?
May 8, 2023 3:08 am
Faionn looks away from this atrocity. She doesn't have much experience among the "civilized" folk of Reme (as non-druids liked to call themselves, though Faionn is always quick to point out that "civilization" is only a matter of perspective). As such, she struggles to come up with a culprit.

Finally, "Who could have done this? she asks no one in particular. "Bandits?" Even to her, that seems unlikely. The livestock didn't look hurt or spooked, and the house didn't look looted—at least not from the outside.

Sighing in frustration, she looks for tracks in the dirt, trampled grass, anything that gives away how many people were here.
May 8, 2023 6:37 am
After his initial check to make sure the buildings were unoccupied and the surroundings secure, Olaf helps Nebble with the burying. It's a sad task with the children especially, and he claps a warm, consoling hand on the other man's shoulder as he sobs softly. Afterwards, he lets the others search the buildings, instead sticking with Datura and Faionn as they search for the fiends responsible.

He shrugs at the question of who might be responsible. "Bandits, aye, or savage half-men. Gnolls, even, or goblinses or troglodytes. Seems strange nuffin' was taken, though. More like this family was marked for some reason."
May 8, 2023 12:57 pm
Datura is still looking for signs of where the killers came from and went outside... Footprints, trampled vegetation, etc
May 8, 2023 1:39 pm
Amongst the general traffic of footprints and hoofprints, Datura and Faionn find two sets of heavy prints that lead around the homestead from and back into the woods nearby. Though she is no tracker, the druidess recognizes the print of armored boots based on the indentation they leave behind.

Inside the house, Ryenne finds no more answers from her god. Whatever she had found was the answer to the drive. And to those who had inspected the poison that slew the children, no answers are to be found.

Corian stands outside as the others go about their work. He wrings his hands together as he looks around nervously. "Perhaps we should away ourselves, and rush towards Fairhill. We are close, and I would prefer the safety of the town to whatever dangers lurk about out here."
May 8, 2023 3:11 pm
The gnome runs excitedly into the house and shouts

"I found tracks that go into the woods! Armored tracks..."
May 8, 2023 4:14 pm
"Yes," Faionn concurs with Datura. "Two sets, by the look of it."
May 8, 2023 6:12 pm
Upon hearing that Datura and Faionn found tracks, Nebbleshuven purposefully heads off to where they were found. He stops and stares down at them, then looks up to see where they came from and went, trying to glean their origin. He waits for the others.


May 9, 2023 5:46 am
"Take the weapon, and use it to avenge the people here."

That was justice, Ryenne knew. Beyond right and wrong, there was a cosmic balance to things. The villagers could never be brought back, but their steel could end the threat.

She steps back outside, and watches as the others look set to creep off.
Keeping hold of the coins for now.
May 9, 2023 5:53 am
Olaf hovers near the women as they examine the tracks, then he joins Nebbleshuven as the man poises to take up the chase.

"Are we following these?" he asks, "Or pressing on to Fairhill?"
May 9, 2023 12:56 pm
"Hm, better that, I suppose, than letting it rust on the mantlepiece. May this blade find its rest in the wicked hearts of the monsters responsible for this tragedy!"
May 9, 2023 12:58 pm
Monaghan joins with the group by the tracks and casts his vote for pursuing the ravagers.

"Such evils cannot be permitted to persist while old Monny MacDuff draws breath!"


May 9, 2023 1:15 pm
Ryenne follows MacDuff back to the group, eyeing the sword and wondering on its purpose.

"Agreed. At least I will go that way, if others won’t." she says with a shrug. "The Lich’s tower will still stand strong tomorrow, believe me. Another dwelling like this…" she casts her hand up at the ruined home "… may not."
May 9, 2023 4:23 pm
"We have to chase those bandits down in case they took any hostages!"

Datura is ready to go before she finishes her sentence.
May 9, 2023 7:21 pm
"I cannot agree more," Faionn adds. "It is the only right thing to do."
May 10, 2023 12:44 am
As they examine the treeline, Faionn and Datura suddenly hear a menacing voice. They look over and sees a strange wizard- Vortigern- and two large men with bows drawn, just inside the cover of the surrounding woods some 60 feet away. Vortigern has his familiar—the devil-eyed raven—perched on his shoulder and he is reading a scroll. As Vortigern finishes reading the scroll, the raven transforms into a small, devilish, winged creature and with a hideous shriek flies off Vortigern’s shoulder. Instantly, the ground comes alive. Corian screams in terror as skeletal hands claw through the ground and begin to encircle the party.

First round of combat.
Combat Order

The skeletons erupt from the ground, crawling and scrabbling from the soil with rusted blades in hand. They surround the group of five adventurers (Zin is outside of the circle), and prepare to begin slashing at the living. Meanwhile, Talon flies forward towards Corian in an attempt to steal away the necklace! The imp manages to grasp at it, but the wizard fights back the evil beast and prevents it from capturing the treasure.

The two large men from the woods- half-orcs, by the looks of them- begin loosing arrows at Monaghan and Olaf. Arrows thud as they strike the ground around the two, missing both the men and the skeletons.
It is your turns.

There are five skeletons surrounding you. Talon is in melee with Corian. Vortigern and his henchmen are still 60ft away.



Initiative (Party, Enemies)


Gremag, Slaaroc Target, Attack, Damage


May 10, 2023 1:14 am
Ryenne batters her mace against her shield, readying herself for battle.

"You shouldn’t have come!" she challenges the wizard. "Thyr smite you for this injustice!"

She holds the mace aloft, channeling the power of her deity.

"Turn back these creatures, Thyr!"
The sheet has two separate and conflicting entries for Turn Undead, it seems.
As I understand it, a 10 is enough for skeletons to flee, for 10 rounds!
Last edited May 10, 2023 1:16 am


Turn Undead - (1d20, 2d6)

1d20 : (10) = 10

2d6 : (53) = 8

Rounds - (3d6)

(532) = 10

May 10, 2023 1:36 am
Datura doesn't much care for wizards who sic skeletons on her and she lets the man know by sending two arrows sailing towards him...
Last edited May 10, 2023 1:36 am


Shot 1 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21

1d6 : (2) = 2

Shot 2 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

1d6 : (5) = 5

May 10, 2023 1:41 am
Pending the result of Ryenne's Turning, I'll probably move over to Corian and swipe at the imp. That's presuming they're running away and not an immediate threat for several rounds. Attack roll below if that's the case.


Bastard sword attack, damage - (1d20+1, 1d8+1)

1d20+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

1d8+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

May 10, 2023 1:55 am
Oops, the Turning rule error was pointed out in another game and I forgot to correct it. You are correct that the skeletons are turned and fleeing.
May 10, 2023 2:39 am
Nebbleshuven was prepared to strike at the skeletons rising from the ground, but Ryenne's success at driving them off changes things. With the wizard and half-orcs too far away, taking a swing at the imp seems to be his most prudent action in this moment.
Last edited May 10, 2023 2:42 am


Strike the imp(?) - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (8) = 8

1d8 : (5) = 5

May 10, 2023 5:00 am
Having been watching over Datura and Faionn of the Valley to make sure nothing ambushed them, Olaf is on-guard as the wizard and his bowmen appear, as the imp flies and as skeletons erupt from the ground! Like Nebbleshuven, whom he stands near, he's about to attack a rattling, bony foe when Ryenne's power surges and sends those horrific foes scrambling.

So, with the others defending Corian, the big warrior looses a war cry and runs straight for the sorcerer! The man's throwing knife presents in his hand, and he hurls the weapon as he runs, switching back to axe and shield as he closes the distance.
If I have this right, he can move 30' with his load. Is that might? Is there any kind of sprint of double move? If not, can he move 30' and throw his dagger?

Throwing the dagger. It has a range increment of 10', though, which means he's out of range. Still hurling it at -2. Olaf doesn't know he's out of range. :)

Final Edit: lol, 20. ;)
Last edited May 10, 2023 5:44 am


Throwing his Dagger - (1d20-1-2)

(20) - 3 = 17

Dagger Damage - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

May 10, 2023 5:21 am
Similar to retreating, I think that a double move into combat would be without defending yourself. You can move the 30ft and throw a dagger, though.
May 11, 2023 4:12 am
Added the attack to my last post, FYI.
May 11, 2023 4:16 am
I'm on a work trip and exhausted. I'll do a more complete post tomorrow.

@Harrigan, go ahead and add damage.
May 11, 2023 5:48 am
With the appearance of Vortigern the wizard, all hell breaks loose. Faionn stands frozen, stumbling away from the swooping imp but quickly regaining her footing. When the impish Talon crashes into battle with Corian, Monaghan, and Nebbleshuven, Faionn joins them and stabs up into the creature.
Next round, I would like to cast faerie fire on Talon. If it's no longer in range by then, I'll cast the spell on Vortigern.


Spear attack on Talon - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Spear damage - (1d6)

(6) = 6

May 11, 2023 11:31 pm
Datura fires arrows beautifully, as they fly through the air and one smashes into Vortigern's leg. Olaf and Galdar rush forward with weapons in hand as the skeletons surrounding the party disperse in different directions. The power emanating from Ryenne is palpable, as her faith in her god has such strength. The priest wields his sword and shield, while Olaf throws a dagger that strikes true in the shoulder of the evil mage. Corian, meanwhile, continues fighting off the evil creature that is going for the necklace he wears. Those of you striking at the imp find that your blades are unable to penetrate its unholy flesh; if only there were such a weapon that could cut through.

Round Two of Combat

With the two warriors rushing towards their master, the half-orcs begin firing their arrows at Olaf and Galdar specifically, hoping to put them down before they have to resort to blades. One arrow slams into Olaf's belly with intense force, putting a quick end to the man's life; the other glances off of Galdar's shield. At the same time, Vortigern sees that a melee might be inevitable and invokes a magical shield to float in front of his weak body. Talon continues trying to steal the necklace, but the struggles of the wizard and the fight from his allies keeps the imp from succeeding at its task.
Olaf takes four points of murder damage.
Vortigern has taken several points of damage, and Poor Olaf still gets to roll for that!
Talon has taken NO damage.

It is your turns


Gremag, Slaaroc Target, Attack, Damage


May 12, 2023 2:05 am
How many combat rounds would it take for Nebbleshuven to reach the half-orcs 60 feet away? Oh, and am I reading this right: Missile weapons have their range tripled outdoors?
Last edited May 12, 2023 2:14 am


May 12, 2023 2:19 am
Ryenne sees Olaf go down, and then she’s racing for the wizard herself, hoping to club him down with the others; which might cause the orcs to turn tail and flee!

She slams the mace into the man with all the force she can muster!
Only fighters get plus to attack right?
Last edited May 12, 2023 2:20 am


Attack and Damage - (1d20, 1d6)

1d20 : (12) = 12

1d6 : (6) = 6

May 12, 2023 2:30 am
The gnome gasps in horror as Olaf goes down! She returns fire at the half-orc miscreant responsible for the act...


Shot 1 (attack/damage) - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21

1d6 : (2) = 2

Shot 2 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (7) + 1 = 8

1d6 : (4) = 4

May 12, 2023 3:35 am
ForeverDED says:
How many combat rounds would it take for Nebbleshuven to reach the half-orcs 60 feet away? Oh, and am I reading this right: Missile weapons have their range tripled outdoors?
It will take you two turns to reach them, with your movement of 40ft.

As for the range, I'm not seeing that rule on the SRD. I'm away from my physical book at the moment.
KCC says:
Only fighters get plus to attack right?
Right. That's a fighter exclusive! Luckily it's a tiny modifier in S&W.
Did I make a mistake with outdoor movement? I always forget it's a thing, and it never really made sense to me to run 120ft (40yards) in ten seconds.
May 12, 2023 6:33 am
Olaf is running one moment, pulling his axe from his belt, but the next he's sprouted an arrow and he stumbles forward, falling without even a groan. There is a lot of blood; the man won't be rising again.
RIP, Olaf! Damage rolled above -- 5pts.

For the record, combat rounds are one minute in S&W, and the outdoor distance is done differently:
[ +- ] Outdoor Distance
May 12, 2023 12:18 pm
[ +- ] Outdoor weapon ranges tripled
Last edited May 12, 2023 12:19 pm
May 12, 2023 1:31 pm
As Monaghan's attacks are repelled by the otherworldly nature of the imp's flesh, an idea strikes him unbidden. He quickly stows his own bastard sword, whips the short sword from the farmhouse from its battered scabbard, and strikes again at Talon.
Wow, truly the most abysmal rolls possible, haha
Last edited May 12, 2023 1:32 pm


Short sword attack - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Damage - (1d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

May 12, 2023 6:14 pm
Nebbleshuven catches sight of Olaf falling to the ground and begins to feel that all is lost before it's begun. With his sword ineffective against the imp, he abandons attacking it and charges towards the bastards that fell Olaf, sheathing his sword and drawing his javelin.
His plan is to throw the javelin once he cuts the distance in half.
Last edited May 12, 2023 6:15 pm
May 13, 2023 1:23 pm
@ForeverDED As has been corrected, you can reach them in one round. You effectively move 120ft in outdoors combat. So, go ahead and do a thing! If you still want to throw a javelin, go for it! Or if you want to slice and dice, do that.

Sorry for the confusion y'all!
May 13, 2023 2:08 pm
It took me a minute to get my head around the feet-to-yards conversion, too. In my OSE game, I erroneously incinerated a character with dragon breath from 90 yards away, lol. Range vs. area of effect, as it turns out, is a critical distinction.
May 13, 2023 3:27 pm
Ryenne valiantly charges into the mess of wizard and half-orcs, and just as her mace closes the distance towards the wizard it is stopped by a magical shield that appears before him! But between the dagger from Olaf and the arrow from Datura, Vortigern is looking rather nervous; his lack of skeletons to deter you does not help his situation.

Next to the pair, one of the half-orcs grunts and squishes his pig-like face as an arrow from the gnome slams into his arm; he seems hurt, but not downed. Galdar manages to close the gap between himself and the wounded hireling, but his sword fails to taste orc-flesh.

Corian and Monaghan continue fighting with the imp Talon, but even with the enchanted blade fail to have any sort of noticable effect on the vile creature! Some words uttered nearby can be heard when suddenly the imp is alight with an eerie glow! Faionn of the Valley finishes casting her spell and bathes Talon in druidic magic, making it much easier to see and aim at the little bugger.
Nebbleshuven can still finish his turn before the enemies act.

• Vortigern has 15AC vs Melee and 17AC vs Missile
• Half-Orcs have 12AC
• Talon has 17AC, and seems immune to mundane weapons; you get a +1 to attacks due to the Faerie Fire
• The skeletons have 11AC, and are still fleeing


Galdar Target, Attack, Damage

May 13, 2023 5:04 pm
Eh, why not.
Nebbleshuven throws the javelin at the nearest half-orc.


Javelin throw - (1d20)

(10) = 10

May 13, 2023 5:06 pm
Well, at least it wasn't another 8.
Nebbleshuven will join the melee with the half-orcs just as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
May 13, 2023 11:46 pm
Round Three of Combat

The half-orcs see the incoming warriors and drop their bows in exchange for crudely curved swords that had been hanging at their waists. The blades are sharp, but that is the only kind word one could make about the weapons. The first rushes towards Ryenne and cuts through her armor with ease. The second goes after Galdar and manages to stop the priest from striking down their master. Between the two of them screening the fight, Vortigern is able to take a few steps back and cast a spell that seems to split his form into two; identical copies now face you with hatred in their eyes! Meanwhile, Talon continues to fail at stealing away the necklace that Corian seems to insistent on keeping.
Ryenne takes 4 damage, and probably needs a anti-tetanus potion.

Attacks against Vortigern now require a 1d2 in addition to the attack roll.



Gremag, Slaaroc Target, Attack, Damage

Spell Effect


May 14, 2023 12:35 am
Ryenne almost drops her shield from the pain of it all. Her vision is reeling, but there’s no mistaking the ugly Orc face leering at her!

With great determination, she brings her mace up and about, intent on ruining that face for good!


Attack and Damage - (1d20, 1d6)

1d20 : (7) = 7

1d6 : (4) = 4

May 14, 2023 1:02 am
Monaghan continues swatting furiously at Talon with the enchanted blade.


Short sword attack, damage - (1d20+1, 1d6+1)

1d20+1 : (10) + 1 = 11

1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

May 14, 2023 3:10 am
Assuming Nebbleshuven can join the fray, he'll jump in to attack the half-orc battling Ryenne.


Hit half-orc with long sword - (1d20)

(14) = 14

May 14, 2023 3:11 am
Holy crap! I think Nebbleshuven actually got a hit on that half-orc. Rolling for damage just in case I'm right.


Damage to half-orc - (1d8)

(2) = 2

May 14, 2023 4:48 am
Datura swings her bow back towards the wizard and fires off another volley! Surely if the master fell the goons would flee... She hoped.

When the arrows fly stray, the gnome makes a dash towards the treeline looking for cover.
Last edited May 14, 2023 4:51 am


Shot 1 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (7) + 1 = 8

1d6 : (2) = 2

Shot 2 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (8) + 1 = 9

1d6 : (2) = 2

May 14, 2023 3:12 pm
Nebbleshuven watches in dismay amazement as his blade enters the chest of the half-orc, after having such poor luck with swordplay lately. It sinks to its hilt, and the creature grunts in frustration before dying.
May 14, 2023 4:26 pm
dominion451 says:
LOL. Because he's I've had such a terrible run of dice luck from chargen on up until now. Dismay was the typical reaction he experienced having failed at everything.
Last edited May 14, 2023 4:27 pm


May 15, 2023 12:09 pm
Have we got the juice for this? No quarter!! For Olaf!!
May 15, 2023 4:57 pm
@DragonDweller62 to act.
May 15, 2023 11:30 pm
Faionn keeps her eyes on Talon as she forms the spell's incantation. She hears the ringing of blades and screams all around her, the heavy thump of someone crashing to the ground. She doesn't turn to see who fell until the spell is cast. Reeling from the tremendous effort under the stress of battle, Faionn watches Talon take on the eerie purple glow of faerie fire.

Faionn watches Corian and Monaghan hacking away at Talon to little effect. She decides to focus her energy elsewhere and sees Nebble and Ryenne score against one of the half-orcs—one more to go. She grips her spear and charges the one fighting Galdar.


Spear attack on orc - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Spear damage - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 16, 2023 1:09 am
The remaining orc finds himself taking blows that are clearly wearing him out. His breath is ragged, but he holds firm! Whatever he fears from Vortigern is far worse than his fear of you. Faionn's spear glances his shoulder and he whirls around to face the druidess. His own attack, fierce as it may be, finds no flesh. And now he is surrounded.

Round Four of Combat

Talon finally manages to rip away the necklace and gives a triumphant screech! The imp turns as if to make away with it, and its master Vortigern cries out, "We have it!" The wizard backs away from the melee and prepares to flee, seemingly waiting on the imp.
It is your turns.

The half-orc is looking pretty rough, and you all get a +2 to attacking it.

Stealing back the necklace will be an attack roll vs AC17, as the little bugger is hard to catch.




Grenag Target, Attack, Damage

May 16, 2023 1:48 am
Datura keeps the pressure on the wizard as he begins to flee, she licks the fletching of her first arrow and lines up her shot...


Shot 1 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21

1d6 : (2) = 2

Shot 2 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (10) + 1 = 11

1d6 : (5) = 5

Mirror image - (1d2)

(1) = 1

May 16, 2023 1:52 am
Datura, don't forget to roll a 1d2 to see which image of the mirrored wizard you hit.
May 16, 2023 1:56 am
added to post


May 16, 2023 2:12 am
Have our NPCs been acting? I can’t recall!
Ryenne hears the exchange, and seeks to put an end to this with one swing of her mace.

"Wretched fool!" she curses the wizard, worker of the undead magicks, and swings her mace hoping to make it through the shield!


Attack, Mirror, Damage - (1d20, 1d2, 1d6)

1d20 : (16) = 16

1d2 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (6) = 6

May 16, 2023 2:50 am
I'm assuming Nebbleshuven is close enough to the second half-orc to strike at him.

Also, I kept forgetting to add the +1 DM to hit (but remembered this time) from the character sheet, not that it's been a factor.

I left out the +2 from cowley's round 4 combat post, so this is a 13 instead of 11, right?
Last edited May 16, 2023 2:54 am


Strike at the 2nd half-orc - (1d20+1, 1d8)

1d20+1 : (10) + 1 = 11

1d8 : (4) = 4

May 16, 2023 3:10 am
Datura's arrow flies straight through the wizard, leaving nothing but a dissipating mist. With the true target revealed, Ryenne smashes the wizard's arm and can swear she hears bones crunching under the blow.

In as many seconds, Nebbleshuven finds a second half-orc skewered by his trusty blade. He just needed to warm up after all this travel
I've had the NPCs act when I remember to. Galdar has had bad luck, and Corian was focused on keeping the amulet.


May 16, 2023 4:58 am
"The amulet!" Ryenne calls, as she drives her mace into flesh! "Don’t let them flee! They’ll pay for this injustice!"
May 17, 2023 4:16 am
@DragonDweller62 and @Rizado96 to act.
May 18, 2023 2:29 am
Faionn hears Talon's demonic shriek even before she sees it tearing the amulet from Corian's hands. Each flap of its wings swirls up tongues of faerie fire. The instant she catches sight of those purple tongues, she thrusts her spear.


Spear attack on Talon - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Spear damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

May 19, 2023 1:27 pm
Don't mind me...
Monaghan continues trying to take down that pesky imp! He watches as Faionn's spear bounces harmlessly off its unholy skin, and then makes a series of attacks of his own!

And he strikes the imp! He cuts the hand holding the necklace, and you watch it drop to the ground!


Short Sword Attack

Short Sword Damage

May 19, 2023 1:31 pm
Galdar rushes towards the evil wizard hoping to end his menace. But the magical shield proves itself too strong of an enchantment, and the warrior-priest finds himself unable to strike the man behind. Meanwhile, Corian leaps to the ground to take hold of the amulet once more!

The imp darts away and finds himself quickly by Vortigern's side. The evil wizard reaches into his pocket, partially protected by that damned spell, and throws a handful of dust into the air above himself and his imp familiar. To your utter surprise, the two of them vanish from sight!

End of Combat

The skeletons fleeing the power of Thyr and His holy vessel Ryenne suddenly crumble the the ground as piles of bones. The farmhouse is quiet now, though the stench of death is strong.
Those who wish to make a final blind attack against either Vortigern or Talon may do so, but at a -4 penalty.


Galdar Attack, Damage


May 19, 2023 2:07 pm
Seeing the wizard about to depart, Ryenne strikes out, more so out of frustration than any true intent to end the menace now!


1d20-4, 1d6

1d20-4 : (8) - 4 = 4

1d6 : (1) = 1

May 19, 2023 3:02 pm
Might as well, assuming he's close enough.


Last ditch swing at jerkwad sorceror - (1d20-4)

(16) - 4 = 12

May 19, 2023 3:06 pm
After the evil wizard's escape, Nebbleshuven exhales. He suddenly remembers Olaf and rushes to the big man's side to see if there's anything that can be done or if it's indeed too late.
May 19, 2023 3:32 pm
Olaf of Two Brooks is too dead too live. Too bad.
May 19, 2023 5:52 pm
That's what I thought. Just wanted to be sure.
Upon confirming that Olaf is indeed dead, Nebbleshuven lets out a heavy sigh. "Rest well, friend. Your death has been avenged." He then gets up to look for the shovel he used earlier to dig a grave for Olaf.
May 19, 2023 6:25 pm
The gnome was all too familiar with illusion; Datura dashes towards where the wizard once stood and focuses on environmental tells like parted grass or dust being kicked up to see if she can spot an invisible necromancer...


May 20, 2023 3:44 am
Ryenne stands, ready to take off into the bush if the gnome seems the idea worth pursuing. Turning to the others, she calls:

"We should rest here. Bury Olaf alongside the family. The wizard won’t trouble us tonight."
Last edited May 20, 2023 3:45 am
May 20, 2023 4:50 am
None of the wild swings meet with an invisible wizard, much to the frustration but not the surprise of those who attempted. They appear to be gone at this point. Even Datura, knowledgeable in illusions, fails to detect any sort of trace.
May 20, 2023 11:02 pm
After he finishes digging Olaf's grave, Nebbleshuven will ask for help placing the man into his grave and then ask if anyone wants to say something before he fills in the hole.

Once that's done, he'll head into the house and start a fire in the fireplace, if no one has beat him to it.
May 21, 2023 2:49 am
ForeverDED says:
After he finishes digging Olaf's grave, Nebbleshuven will ask for help placing the man into his grave and then ask if anyone wants to say something before he fills in the hole.

Once that's done, he'll head into the house and start a fire in the fireplace, if no one has beat him to it.
Monaghan will have again offered the use of his shovel and helped with the interment of the late Olaf. Once they've thrown the last shovelful of earth on the man's grave, he doffs his knit cap, holds it over his breast, and begins to speak:

"I knew Olaf, proud progeny of Two Brooks, only a brief time, much as any of us. But say one thing for the MacDuffs--say they are impeccable judges of character! And Olaf, in this humble Dwarf's estimation, was a good sort. Earthy, direct, manful! He and my Pappy MacDuff would have got along like a forge and bellows, they would. And any man fitting that prodigious description is a fine man, worthy of remembrance in the hearts of his companions.

Go now--go the way of all the Earth, dear friend, and may you be gathered to your fathers at the last."

After finishing, Monaghan dons his cap once more, retrieves a handkerchief from his pocket and sniffs loudly, dabbing at watering eyes.
My sincere apologies for the long silence, all. My noggin was in a bad way for a bit. Nothing too worrisome, but a proper devil of a slump accompanied by more busyness than usual. Thanks for pulling me along, cowley. I don't intend to make it necessary to tow Monaghan along as an NPC on any future occasions, but should it become necessary you're welcome to do so.
Last edited May 21, 2023 2:53 am
May 21, 2023 4:23 pm
Sorry to hear that, Rizado.
May 21, 2023 9:14 pm
Thank you! It's all good.
May 21, 2023 11:22 pm
The large body of Olaf is buried in the earth, the party not knowing what the village of Two Brooks provides for the dead. A speech is given and a house is prepared for a night. Corian seems shook, but relieved to have maintained the amulet. Galdar stands outside practicing his swordplay against wooden pillars and against whoever might wish to duel; he seems quite frustrated that he was ineffective in the fight, and those with intuition can tell he feels that he let down his goddess. The night passes with no sign of the wizard nor his devilish companion.
It has been two nights since the encounter with Vortigern and his devilish familiar, Talon. You still bear the wounds of that battle. Many of your group nurse lingering injuries, both physical and mental, not the least of which are the nightmarish images that plague Corian in his dreams. You recall vividly the bodies of the innocent farmers, the clawed hands of the skeletons as they rose from the earth, summoned by Vortigern, and the hellish shriek as Talon revealed his true form. Weary from your long journey and many experiences, your party makes its way along the path toward the village of Fairhill, searching for a warm fire and a safe bed—a place to brush the dirt of the road from its boots. The road you travel gradually slopes upward as you leave the tradeway behind, heading toward the foothills of the Stoneheart Mountains. The rolling hills are covered with green grass and spring flowers, lifting your spirits. You believe that you should arrive at Fairhill within two hours.

As you travel the road to Fairhill, your natural instincts— heightened by your recent adventures—cause you to scan the hills for possible areas of ambush. Your instincts prove to be good ones. You spot three humanoids with bows hiding slightly behind the crest of a nearby hill, their backs to the afternoon sun, making it hard to discern their exact nature. You find just enough time to shout a warning and dive to the ground as the volley of arrows hisses towards you.
The half-orcs had 20gp and 23sp each, for a whopping grand total of 40gp and 46sp!

Each of you has regained 2hp from the traveling.

What do you do?!



May 22, 2023 1:04 am
I would've thought the clerics would've used "cure light wounds" at the end of each day. Oh well.

Also, I forgot to mention that Nebbleshuven meant to retrieve his javelin. If it's too late, that's fine.
If the angle is such that the arrows won't hit us if we stay on our bellies, then Nebbleshuven will crawl off the road to find cover.

If the angle is such that lying on the ground was only good for the initial shot, then Nebbleshuven will stand and run to the side of the road to find cover.

Either way, he's needs time to assess a way to get to these bandits, especially since he doesn't have a good ranged attack.

"Ambush! Take cover!"
May 22, 2023 1:40 am
Datura leaps off the road as the arrows whiz past, scrambling for any kind of cover she can find. The thief nocks her bow and scrutinizes the terrain between herself and the bandits in hopes of finding either a way to flank them or enough boulders to leapfrog her way forward...
May 22, 2023 2:56 am
Along the same lines as previous posts, does the lay of the land look like there are many obvious sources of cover or vectors of approach up the hill that wont just get us mowed down in the open?
May 22, 2023 3:22 am
The landscape surrounding the road is fairly sparse in this particular area, with some large stones and shrubby bushes. Trees are scattered and would not provide good cover unless you ran from one to the next. The archers appear to be roughly 150ft (50 yards) away.
Clerics don't get spells until second level!

You can either run straight up the hill and reach the archers on your second turn (with a base speed of 12), or use cover and reach them on your third turn.


May 22, 2023 3:27 am
Lying on the ground, Ryenne unslings her shield from her back. Taking a moment to grab it up properly, she stands, and charges at the archers, shield up!

"Curs and cowards!" she calls, wielding her mace above her head.

She hoped to startle them with her bravery, or at the very least to draw the fire onto her broad shield so the others might escape their notice for a moment!
3hp total! Gulp!
May 22, 2023 4:30 am
Monaghan accompanies Ryenne in the charge, attempting to stay behind the cleric and her raised shield. He drops the enchanted short sword from the farmhouse before racing forward in order to free up his full movement, relying on his trusty bastard sword.
Is it possible I could be considered as having some cover behind Ryenne given my Dwarvish stature?
Last edited May 22, 2023 12:45 pm
May 22, 2023 4:31 pm
"Use the trees for cover!" Datura shouts at her charging companions before firing on the bandits...
two shots at the bandit with the best hair


Shot 1 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

1d6 : (2) = 2

Shot 2 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (14) + 1 = 15

1d6 : (5) = 5

May 22, 2023 4:54 pm
DragonDweller62 to act.
May 22, 2023 10:39 pm
cowleyc says:
Clerics don't get spells until second level!
I was unaware of that. One of those slight differences in games.
When his next move is available, Nebbleshuven will use the trees for cover to reach the bandits or whomever they are.
Last edited May 22, 2023 10:41 pm
May 23, 2023 2:34 am
Faionn is lost in shock for much of the journey, but this attack snaps her back to reality. It's hard to see the figures with the sun's glare, but does notice the most of the others already charging up the hill. Faionn leaps behind the cover of a tree, unhooks her sling, winds it up, and fires.
Would faerie fire still give us a bonus to hit even if the attackers are in the glare of the sun? If it does, that's what I want to cast for the second round. I believe at least one enemy is in range, but if I'm wrong I'd like to also try to move closer.


Ranged attack against enemy - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Damage on hit - (1d4)

(4) = 4

May 23, 2023 2:39 am
Looks like the party is trying to take on the archers! Let's bring the action!
Galdar bears his shield and uses it to cover Corian, while also trying to protect himself. The wizard cowers under the protection of thick wood and metal. Meanwhile, Ryenne and Monaghan charge forward heading straight towards the archers, ignoring the protection of the rocks and shrubs for instead faster speed. Nebbleshuven and Faionn make their approach WITH the protection of cover, with the latter trying to at least knock one in the head with a slung stone; she does not. Finally, Datura finds some cover and begins loosing arrows towards the ambushing archers, striking and killing one immediately.

Round One of Combat
Combat Order

Arrows whistle through the air as they begin striking the ground near whatever target meets their fancy. Galdar takes a few scrapes as arrows pin down around him, but he refuses to give in. Several more are deflected from both Ryenne's and Monaghan's armors and shield, but the two charging warriors allow none to strike true.
It is your turns. There are two archers left, both with AC13. Ryenne and Monaghan can attack this turn, and Faionn can cast her spell.


Initiative (Party, Archers)

Archer 1: Target, Attack, Damage

Archer 2: Target, Attack, Damage


May 23, 2023 2:55 am
Ryenne swats the bow aside with her shield with a grunt. Bring around her mace, she tries to club one of the archers senseless before he can strike back!


Mace - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Damage - (1d6)

(2) = 2

May 23, 2023 3:05 am
The gnome keeps the pressure on the bandits as she releases another volley...
both shots at the same bandit


Shot 1 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (17) + 1 = 18

1d6 : (3) = 3

Shot 2 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (17) + 1 = 18

1d6 : (2) = 2

May 23, 2023 3:05 am
Now that Ryenne is upon them, a horrible truth sinks in. Orcs! Their pig-like faces snarl at the priestess as she tries to engage them in melee!


May 23, 2023 9:37 am
"Orcs!" she cries back to the others in warning, waiting for them to draw their wicked knives!
May 23, 2023 3:45 pm
Upon hearing Ryenne's identification of orcs as their attackers, Nebbleshuven abandons his stealthy approach and charges, shield-first, towards the race that murdered his parents and enslaved him as a child.
May 23, 2023 4:31 pm
"Dead orcs!" Datura shouts with glee.
May 24, 2023 12:13 am
"Let's see how you miserable cowards fare when you must look into your opponents' eyes!"


Bastard sword attack - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Damage - (1d8+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

May 24, 2023 2:51 pm
The backlit orcs prove to be difficult targets to hit, but Faionn cleverly enchants the two remaining to glow for you. Monaghan finds this particularly useful as his sword stabs right into one, and the second archer finds two arrows in its chest. Both topple down dead, joining the third.

End of Combat

Corian cries out that you need to hurry to the town! Galdar hoists up the wizard with one arm and puts him on his feet, and the two wait impatiently for those on the hill to return. You are still two hours from the town itself, and can hardly afford any more ambushes. The thoughts of fresh food, warm baths, and knowledgeable healers are tantalizing.
As you approach the village proper, passing the outlying farmhouses, you are stopped by an imposing man with a grim expression. He is arrayed in well-used chain mail, his reddish-brown hair pulled back away from his face and his heavy green cloak swept back. A woman in chain mail and two town guards holding spears and shields, wearing green surcoats with a small silver bowl emblazoned on the left breast, accompany him. The man lifts his left hand, motioning you to stop. You notice that his right arm ends in a cruel scar and that he has no right hand, certainly lost in some horrible manner. In a well-worn scabbard, a bastard sword rests against his hip. He calls to the party in a commanding voice, "Announce yourselves and state your purpose."

Corian steps forward and announces, "I am Corian of Fareme, employer to these men and women. We seek the Tomb of Eralion, and mean to bring no trouble to your town. We also seek shelter, and reprieve from the orcs outside your walls" to which the guard scowls.
May 24, 2023 5:19 pm
cowleyc says:
Both topple down dead, joining the third.
cowleyc says:
Corian cries out that you need to hurry to the town! Galdar hoists up the wizard with one arm and puts him on his feet, and the two wait impatiently for those on the hill to return.
Did he get hit with an arrow?
Nebbleshuven says, "My companions slew three orcs two hours down the road just over the rise of a hill. If you want, I can go back and retrieve their corpses for proof. I'll just need a wagon and a mule."


May 25, 2023 9:40 am
"I take it you’ve met with them recently." Ryenne pipes up, sensing the disdain for the pig-faced brutes.

"We’ve been dogged by them for days. And a wizard…"
May 26, 2023 2:53 am
"Aye, we've seen them around. Getting closer and closer to the city," the guard says, but admits no more. He casts an untrusting eye to the rest of the party.
May 26, 2023 3:45 pm
Nebbleshuven looks from the guards to the rest of his group, wondering what needs to be said to end this standoff.
May 26, 2023 3:57 pm
It seems like the guard is looking for each of you to announce yourself.
May 26, 2023 6:09 pm
Ahhhh. I thought Corian's announcement was sufficient.
Nebbleshuven straightens up and announces himself. "I'm Nebbleshuven. I'm here to aid Corian in his quest and slay as many orcs as I am able, for they killed my parents and all the adults in the village of Greenhaven."
Feel free to alter the name of Nebbleshuven's village if it doesn't fit.


May 27, 2023 1:34 am
"Ryenne, servant of Thyr. I go where he wills.

There was another; Olaf of Two Brooks. Slain by the wizard and his orc lieutenants two nights ago. We came across a family which had been killed also."
Last edited May 29, 2023 10:56 am
May 27, 2023 3:46 am
Faionn was tense at the uneasy standoff, but relaxes as Nebble and Ryenne introduce themselves. "I am Faionn, druidess of Dun Eamon. As my employer states, we would be grateful for your hospitality." She gives a small bow, imagining such a gesture would be respectful anywhere.
May 28, 2023 8:05 pm
cowleyc says:
It seems like the guard is looking for each of you to announce yourself.
Ah, I hadn't picked up on that either. Here we go!
Monaghan performs a sweeping bow with rehearsed grace.

"Monaghan MacDuff, of Sept MacDuff of the Stoneheart foothill clans, son to Dougal and Blaire MacDuff, at your service, my good man! I quest with this company for the opportunity to win renown for my family, and perhaps a deal of plunder to cart back to my dear Ma and Pa. We are fletchers of humble means, you see, and I would like to see them retire in ease rather than work their fingers to the bone in their twilight years."


May 29, 2023 10:59 am
"Does every passerby announce themselves like this?" Ryenne calls out in question.

"Have you some reason to bar our entry?"

She looks to the maimed man then. A warrior, surely. But why was he here? What did it mean that the maimed were pressed into service in defense of this place.
May 30, 2023 1:10 am
Datura was busy digging wax out of her ear but sees now that it is her turn to speak to the unpleasant man.

"Greetings! I am Datura Wrightii of the gnomish folk! I'm sure you're well aware of my marvelous exploits, won't you be a good man and take us to an inn?"
May 30, 2023 2:33 pm
Galdar finally steps forth and introduces himself. "Galdar of the Church of Muir, companion to Corian. I seek to aid him in his task." Curt, as the man often is.

The maimed guard looks at the lot of you as though you were all lying. "We've had our issues with the orcs, and those that would align with them. But looks like we've got holy-folk of both Thyr and Muir. Must be our lucky day." He whistles sarcastically. "But I can see that you are trustworthy folks, and though I don't know anything about this keep, I can tell you that you'll be best served by heading to the Tavern of the Three Kegs; but don't forget to stop at the Temple of Freya, our town's patron goddess. It would be rude not to pay your respects.

The man gestures that you can pass, and the town of Fairhill is open to you. Corian sighs in relief, having seemed quite nervous in the guard's presence. But Ryenne had asked a good question... what had this town so on edge?

End of Chapter One

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