First round of combat.
Combat Order
The skeletons erupt from the ground, crawling and scrabbling from the soil with rusted blades in hand. They surround the group of five adventurers (Zin is outside of the circle), and prepare to begin slashing at the living. Meanwhile, Talon flies forward towards Corian in an attempt to steal away the necklace! The imp manages to grasp at it, but the wizard fights back the evil beast and prevents it from capturing the treasure.
The two large men from the woods- half-orcs, by the looks of them- begin loosing arrows at Monaghan and Olaf. Arrows thud as they strike the ground around the two, missing both the men and the skeletons.
There are five skeletons surrounding you. Talon is in melee with Corian. Vortigern and his henchmen are still 60ft away.
Initiative (Party, Enemies)
Gremag, Slaaroc Target, Attack, Damage