The Mission

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May 23, 2023 12:11 pm
Irish fishes his fake passport out of the big shirt pocket on his breast. He was glad he was so gangly in that moment, and looking so unkempt in his ill-fitting clothes. If he’d been a smaller man, the army might not have had to throw something together for him. In his mind, he looked the part of some dirt poor laborer.

He hands over the passport with the appropriate amount of reverence, or at least as close as his pride would allow. The movement it would take to grab his pistol and send a shot through the man was in the front of his mind.
Last edited May 23, 2023 12:12 pm
May 23, 2023 7:17 pm
The guards take your passports and review them. The one in the front squints at Sabine's, but then hands it back without comment. In the back, the guard barely looks at the paasports, and pokes some of the scrap equipment before realizing he doesn't care, and hands the documents back.

With a signal from the guards, the barrier is raised, and the lorry is waved through into Romania.

"That's that, a bit of a drive ahead of us," Georgi says, relieved that that went as smoothly as planned.


May 24, 2023 4:10 am
"Piece of piss, that was! And to think… we could have gone hours out of our way!"

Irish looks to the others and laughs, once they are an appropriate distance away!

"I’ve got a good feeling about this one, lads. Nice and easy. Nice and easy." he says, with some genuine happiness as he lays back and settles in for a drive!
May 24, 2023 4:41 am
Sabine re-secures her papers, then spends a bit of time looking in one of the side mirrors as the checkpoint disappears into the dark behind them. After a long moment in which the tension is finally released, the ex-sister says, "Did anyone else see that one car passing notes to the border guard? The guard pocketed them."

Then, looking at Georgi, she asks a simple question. "Something that happens, the guards being paid off? In full view of the Germans?"
May 24, 2023 11:32 am
As soon as they're through the checkpoint, Swann switches his attention ahead. Upon hearing Sabine's question, he's actually surprised that they didn't have to offer a tithe to the guards as well. He wonders which vehicle she saw with the bribe and what they might have been carrying.

Ah well, thoughts for another time, now to settle in and get to Zaltan.
May 24, 2023 3:15 pm
"Yeah ... Georgie being pretty laid back about the crossing was a good enough hint not to be too worried. But Irish, I wouldn't be too cocky. That's how people get killed."

Irish is nervous, Dan thinks, with his brash comments.

"Hey, sister, what did the car look like?" It might be an idea to have that knowledge but hell, as far as payoffs go, corruption was rampant all the time let alone in a war. "Those Nazi's are always up to something nasty."
May 24, 2023 11:51 pm
Georgi smiles at Sabine's comment, "Welcome to Romania! But your papers were good, nothing but the best from Section M. Some of those others might have shoddy passports that wouldn't fool a blind beggar."

Once across the border Georgi relaxes and outlines the rest of the route once more. He says that he is taking the main road as far as the town of Deva, about 200 miles away but that from there the team will have to hike as the truck is not suitable for the tracks into the mountains leading to Zaltna. The aged truck can maintain a speed of approximately 40 miles per hour on the rough road, which would see the team arriving in Deva by late afternoon, probably too late to begin the 20-mile hike to the village of Zaltna.

The weather is cold and overcast as the team continue their journey. The only traffic to be seen is the occasional farm lorry, carrying bales of hay or animal feed. After an hour of driving the group will notice a convoy of vehicles approaching fast from behind. A German staff car, accompanied by two motorbike outriders pass the team at speed and disappear into the distance. They show no interest in the rusty old lorry, but Georgi is visibly upset at seeing German forces active on Romanian soil.

Shortly after this encounter, the team spy a turning on the left. A simple barrier of painted white wood has been placed across the turning and a German Opel Blitz lorry is parked just off the road behind the barrier. Three men in German army uniforms lean against the barrier, sharing a cigarette.
May 25, 2023 11:30 am
"More Germans, positively delightful. Georgi, where does that road go?" inquires Swann of the turning.


May 25, 2023 12:52 pm
"Should we stop and ask them for directions?" Irish asks, with a terrible grin.

"Maybe send them on their way afterwards."

If you know what I mean…

"Can’t imagine they’re up to much good this far out."
May 25, 2023 1:13 pm
"I'd like nothing better than to do some target practice on a few Krauts but some asshole somewhere is waiting for them to report something or return."

Dan had also been upset at seeing the convoy of Germans heading who knew where. Seeing the checkpoint later he scans the back of the truck to reassure himself that the weapons are suitably hidden.

"Hey Gerorgi. I hope we aren't turning down that road, are we?
May 26, 2023 3:22 am
I've been rolling for you in any random skill checks, but let's have you all make this one. A difficulty 1 Reason + Observation or Insight + Engineering test, then I'll continue.

Esidrix says:
"More Germans, positively delightful. Georgi, where does that road go?" inquires Swann of the turning.
Georgi says, "No where useful, a small village that I think is abandoned."
May 26, 2023 11:36 am
Here goes.


Reason 10 + Observation 0 - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (3) = 3

1d20 : (11) = 11

May 26, 2023 3:50 pm


Reason 10, Observation 3 - (2d20)

(145) = 19

May 27, 2023 1:12 am
Sabine says nothing as the Germans race past, and then as they spy the barricaded road. She does look closely. Just what is going on?
I think that’s two successes and a complication?
Last edited May 27, 2023 1:15 am


Reason (10) + Observation (2) - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (2) = 2

1d20 : (20) = 20


May 27, 2023 5:17 am
Pow! Right in the kissah!


Insight 7, Engineering 1 - (2d20)

(918) = 27

May 28, 2023 12:09 am
Thanks for humoring my request for rolls.
Irish is yearning for a cuppa, and maybe has that scratch to work out.

James, Dan each get one success, and so meet the difficulty 1 requirement for a success. Sabine gets two successes, and a complication from the naturally rolled 20. All three of you notice that the road surface of the turn off is much newer than that to of the main road.

Sabine also notices at least one further guard apparently asleep in the cab of the Opel truck.

Complication: see below.

Recall: The team spy a turning on the left. A simple barrier of painted white wood has been placed across the turning and a German Opel Blitz lorry is parked just off the road behind the barrier. Three men in German army uniforms lean against the barrier, sharing a cigarette.

As Georgi's lorry approaches, the soldiers shoulder each other and two step out onto the road, demanding Georgi to stop the vehicle. Georgi looks to Sabine and the other in the cab for direction.

Do you tell Georgi to stop, or to drive past, or something else?
May 28, 2023 4:26 pm
Her eyes on the Germans moving out into the road, Sabine says, "Newly made. And there is also a fourth soldier, asleep in the truck."

Beyond that, she says nothing further. Georgi knows these roads and the country's customs between than anyone. It might not be an unusual thing to be stopped by the Nazis -- but even so, the woman's slim hand is in the pocket of her wool coat, grasping the loaded Walther she carries. Her documents are in her other, more visible hand -- ready to present them.
Is that extra success +1 Momentum?
Last edited May 28, 2023 4:27 pm
May 28, 2023 4:47 pm
Yes, there is now 1 die in the team's Momentum pool, and it will last the scene. It can be used to add an extra d20 to a roll, or in other ways.
May 28, 2023 6:15 pm
Dan's finger itches to squeeze the trigger of his pistol. He'd love nothing more than to shoot all the guards at the checkpoint but he holds off, knowing that it would be a rash decision and incur the wrath of the group.

"What do we do boys and girls and sisters? Shoot 'em up or talk our way through?"
May 28, 2023 6:41 pm
"Dialog first," Sabine recommends. "There are sure to be more of them up that road."
Last edited May 28, 2023 10:34 pm
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