May 23, 2023 12:11 pm
Irish fishes his fake passport out of the big shirt pocket on his breast. He was glad he was so gangly in that moment, and looking so unkempt in his ill-fitting clothes. If he’d been a smaller man, the army might not have had to throw something together for him. In his mind, he looked the part of some dirt poor laborer.
He hands over the passport with the appropriate amount of reverence, or at least as close as his pride would allow. The movement it would take to grab his pistol and send a shot through the man was in the front of his mind.
He hands over the passport with the appropriate amount of reverence, or at least as close as his pride would allow. The movement it would take to grab his pistol and send a shot through the man was in the front of his mind.
Last edited May 23, 2023 12:12 pm