I want to apologize if I'm jumping the gun, but I have been thinking about options and I'd like to discuss parameters of the game. I guess I'm asking for the "Lines and Veils" conversation?
Personally, my only thing is please veil violence/abuse toward children. It can happen off screen, like the monsters can attack the orphanage or whatever, we can know it is happening through innuendo or signs, but I would not want to "see" graphic depictions "on camera" as it were.
I respect my other players lines and Veils as well, and there are guidelines the site has asked us to follow. Basically in my mind it kind of comes down to which kind of show would this be? Big three network standards and practices, CW style sexy people/monsters, or Premium Cable after the kids are in bed...or as I call it Blood, Boobs & Butts (BB&B)?
Personally I'm for BB&B, but I'll respect whatever limit we set.