Chapter 2: The Crucible of Freya

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Aug 14, 2023 1:28 am
There are two towers in the north side of the Keep, and one to the south. The ogre ran off through the ruined walls to the south, past the tower. You've only explored one of the towers here so far.

Stopped for dinner, so you get this little post.
Aug 14, 2023 8:14 pm
"By the gods of the mountains are we going or staying?" He asked the rest of the group as it seemed that the tides of battle had turned and the party was in fact, winning.

But the battle had come at a loss, it seemed that one of the group had been brutalized to the point of non-recognition, the dwarf puts away his weapon for a moment and takes off his helmet, placing it over his heart.

"So sorry for your loss, he died in battle, I hope his god or gods are proud of him." He prayed.
Aug 15, 2023 1:45 am
"We should follow that ogre," Datura comments darkly,

"It's wounded and it'll never be easier to kill than now."
Aug 15, 2023 2:21 am
Kari nods. "We're not in the best shape ourselves, but you're right. We outnumbering the thing badly, and might be able to kill it from a distance. But after that, we should return to Fairhill and prepare for the priest's return -- or to meet him in the field!"
How many NPCs are currently with us?
Aug 15, 2023 7:25 pm
"Well alright then, I haven't taken any hits yet, so I can still rush up on that Ogre and give it a nice reminder why it chose to run!" He said to the group.

"We best be off hunting it then, it's legs are large and can cover a good distance, even injured." He said to the group.
Aug 16, 2023 5:36 pm
"Let's go get that ogre before it cost someone else's life.

Nocking an arrow to his bow Eldon is ready for the hunt.

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