Jun 21, 2023 11:37 pm
Onyxsong Adventurers

A Town Divided
In the midst of political strife and impending danger, a group of adventurers must navigate a town divided by rival heirs and threatened by orcish raiders, ornery griffons, and the potential arrival of a defeated horde of goblinoids, as they become intertwined in the fate of town of Onyxsong and its quest for a new ruler.

Embark on an epic adventure where players take the reins, starting at first level, shaping the story through their characters' actions and encounters, with a focus on the core rules from the Player's Handbook, providing a nostalgic "back to basics" experience.
When planning your character, keep in mind that this adventure emphasizes combat, roleplaying and politicking.

Post Frequency & Commitment
Players in this game should try to post daily. As is typical, I expect a slowing of the pace during major holidays. If you will be absent for a period of time, please tell the group, so we can continue on until you return (don't leave us hanging!).
Who can Apply & How
Anyone can apply! This is a friendly, back to basics type campaign, so new-to-5E players are welcome as well! I am less interested in the mechanics side of your characters and more interested in the type of character you would like to play. Tell me a little about your character's personality and outlook on life. Answer the following:
- Your character was on a ship but it was destroyed in a storm. You managed to make a small raft big enough for yourself and something else. Would your character pull up a crewman whom they do not know, their beloved pet or a sack of 10,000 gold?
- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?
- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?
- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?
Character Creation information
- Backstory: Skirt Length
- Experience: Level 1
- Available Source Books: The Player's Handbook
- Wealth: Whatever your class package gives you
- Ability Scores: 27 Point Buy
- Hitpoints/Health: Standard
- Alignment: No Evil
Feel free to ask any questions here in the thread or via PM.

A Town Divided
In the midst of political strife and impending danger, a group of adventurers must navigate a town divided by rival heirs and threatened by orcish raiders, ornery griffons, and the potential arrival of a defeated horde of goblinoids, as they become intertwined in the fate of town of Onyxsong and its quest for a new ruler.

Embark on an epic adventure where players take the reins, starting at first level, shaping the story through their characters' actions and encounters, with a focus on the core rules from the Player's Handbook, providing a nostalgic "back to basics" experience.
When planning your character, keep in mind that this adventure emphasizes combat, roleplaying and politicking.

Post Frequency & Commitment
Players in this game should try to post daily. As is typical, I expect a slowing of the pace during major holidays. If you will be absent for a period of time, please tell the group, so we can continue on until you return (don't leave us hanging!).
Who can Apply & How
Anyone can apply! This is a friendly, back to basics type campaign, so new-to-5E players are welcome as well! I am less interested in the mechanics side of your characters and more interested in the type of character you would like to play. Tell me a little about your character's personality and outlook on life. Answer the following:
- Your character was on a ship but it was destroyed in a storm. You managed to make a small raft big enough for yourself and something else. Would your character pull up a crewman whom they do not know, their beloved pet or a sack of 10,000 gold?
- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?
- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?
- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?
Character Creation information
- Backstory: Skirt Length
- Experience: Level 1
- Available Source Books: The Player's Handbook
- Wealth: Whatever your class package gives you
- Ability Scores: 27 Point Buy
- Hitpoints/Health: Standard
- Alignment: No Evil
Feel free to ask any questions here in the thread or via PM.

Last edited June 22, 2023 1:19 am