Jun 24, 2023 9:26 pm
Welcome palemantle.
What at you hoping to get from this game?
I see you imply some PbP experience in a past lifetime, what was that with? i addition to 'forums' like this, I have done email, IRC, and even a bit of Discord with new groups that "don't want to sign up for another service". They each play a little differently.
It is fine of you don't consider yourself to have any experience (anymore), we can teach you as we go along. I have not followed what is being covered in the TinyD6 Dungeon Intro game, so we may end up asking you to repeat yourself, but let us know what you already know, and ask questions about anything you want to know more about. Someone here will help you.
Do you have any past experience: with this game system (World of Dungeons) or PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) games in general, I see you mainly list older DnDs (I left DnD around 3rd edition and never read 3.5 or Pathfinder 1).
Being only a few pages long, World of Dungeons obviously does not contain all the 'rules' or any guidance at all, it assumes the players have some experience or will rely on the GM to teach everything that is needed. It is fine of you choose to just follow our prompts and ask lots of questions, but it can also help your understanding if you choose to read some PbtA game with full rules or articles about the game type and philosophy. There are several free PbtA games, the closest to this one would probably be Dungeon World (you can read the rules on the SRD) many claim the 'Dungeon World Guide' is useful to learn the difference between this and 'traditional DnD'. Apocalypse World (the OG) --while a very different tone-- is a good read as well (and the first edition is often available free on the official website, and the latest 2e is often given away free on itch.io).
For further afield Sci-Fi options Impulse Drive is a good place to look. That Pay What You Want version contains all the text of the paid version (minus the example scenario) but lacks the layout- and art-work. Impulse Drive can do a wide variety of Sci-Fi styles, from Firefly to Star Wars to Star Trek, and more.
None of these are needed. They are mentioned purely for interest's sake.
Take a look at the Help! thread for guidance. Feel free to ask any question here or in the General Chat depending on where they seem relevant.
You can find the Game's Rule Book copied here for easy access. You may find Character Creation section useful as well.
What at you hoping to get from this game?
I see you imply some PbP experience in a past lifetime, what was that with? i addition to 'forums' like this, I have done email, IRC, and even a bit of Discord with new groups that "don't want to sign up for another service". They each play a little differently.
It is fine of you don't consider yourself to have any experience (anymore), we can teach you as we go along. I have not followed what is being covered in the TinyD6 Dungeon Intro game, so we may end up asking you to repeat yourself, but let us know what you already know, and ask questions about anything you want to know more about. Someone here will help you.
Do you have any past experience: with this game system (World of Dungeons) or PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) games in general, I see you mainly list older DnDs (I left DnD around 3rd edition and never read 3.5 or Pathfinder 1).
Being only a few pages long, World of Dungeons obviously does not contain all the 'rules' or any guidance at all, it assumes the players have some experience or will rely on the GM to teach everything that is needed. It is fine of you choose to just follow our prompts and ask lots of questions, but it can also help your understanding if you choose to read some PbtA game with full rules or articles about the game type and philosophy. There are several free PbtA games, the closest to this one would probably be Dungeon World (you can read the rules on the SRD) many claim the 'Dungeon World Guide' is useful to learn the difference between this and 'traditional DnD'. Apocalypse World (the OG) --while a very different tone-- is a good read as well (and the first edition is often available free on the official website, and the latest 2e is often given away free on itch.io).
For further afield Sci-Fi options Impulse Drive is a good place to look. That Pay What You Want version contains all the text of the paid version (minus the example scenario) but lacks the layout- and art-work. Impulse Drive can do a wide variety of Sci-Fi styles, from Firefly to Star Wars to Star Trek, and more.
None of these are needed. They are mentioned purely for interest's sake.
Take a look at the Help! thread for guidance. Feel free to ask any question here or in the General Chat depending on where they seem relevant.
You can find the Game's Rule Book copied here for easy access. You may find Character Creation section useful as well.