Heist the Colours 2: Now in Space (OOC)

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Aug 3, 2023 10:36 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... I love idea about mobile grab plates! Looks like we would be really smart and well prepared for this heist ...
Could be. What did they cost you? Where did you get them?
I don't know if you still remember ;) But once we were talking about trying/checking the trading rules of Travller? I think we could go back to the idea and do it in parallel thread as "events in the past" where will only interested players participate? Do we have this sill on the plate? :)

So... I think it was PCs that were involved in those trading activities... that: one day happened on this container with those grave plates and bought it with a barter exchange... but from who? And what were the consequences of this deal? Why the other party had even them on sell? I would like to find out... :)
Aug 3, 2023 10:53 am
Pedrop says:
... once we were talking about trying/checking the trading rules ...
Have a look through those rules and let us know if they can solve this issue. We already ran into this with 'Ship Parts/Spares' and them being something separate from the Trade rules.

I am not sure a detachable Airlock Dock or temporary Grav Plates would be something you would be 'trading in', they are more specialty items that you would need to have made or find a specialty seller for. They may be 'Spare Parts', and you would need to convince some captain to part with them.

I am going to say that most of the Spare Parts have been removed from these ships when they were put into storage, you will have to replenish as part of the cost of getting the 'free' ship. If you want to try to find the parts you need up here --on Betty or another ship-- you can play that out.
Pedrop says:
... go back to the idea and do it in parallel thread as "events in the past" where will only interested players participate? ...
I am happy to do that, so long as it does not slow down the main story. It also needs to make sense within the confines of the story we have (unexpected timing, limit on the capacity of the Gig, unsure destination, need to be circumspect, ...), so this might not be the right time?
Pedrop says:
... one day happened on ... bought it with a barter exchange... but from who? And what were the consequences of this deal? Why the other party had even them on sell? I would like to find out ... ...
That does not fit within the purview of the Trading rules, that sounds like an RP scene. The Trading rules are for when the group does not want to RP out the act of such barter and don't really care too much about the nature of the goods.

Your looking for specific items would not be 'Trade' under the way Traveller defines it in the rules.
Aug 3, 2023 11:07 am
What I had in mind:
- we do those "Trading rules" and narrate the outcomes together - from bird eye point of view - on the level of events, not individual characters,

- doing this trading thing will probably give us some story hook - to introduce how we came to knowledge about or possession of those grave plates, this particular aspect could be shortly RPed on more personal level,

- so the trading would give us the background for the "grab plates story", and we would use this separate thread to get to know how we did get those plates and what was the cost, So: the outcome is known - we have grave plates in current time line, but we have to determine the costs,

- so this separate thread would be able go much slower ("on back burner" - is it a proper term? ), when we will have more time to write there, and would have almost zero influence an the current story (apart from costs) - or apart that could be used in the future for some other stories, so shouldn't have influence on the main thread at all,

But if you think it is a bad idea - no problem for me. Just proposition:)
Aug 3, 2023 11:11 am
In other words: my proposition is to use "trading rolls" similar to oracles from systems like Ironsworn Starforged - to give us a prompts for some events:)
Aug 4, 2023 1:21 am
For the record, I don't mind if the main story goes slower when Raf and Ronny are busy trading in a paralel universe.
Aug 4, 2023 6:51 am
The Trading rules don't involve the characters, they purely a player system. They are meant for when you don't want to RP the act of buying and selling or exploring the markets.

The book recommends that the GM hand over that chapter to the players who are interested and let them take care of it in the background, there is nothing for the GM to do in those rules (aside from helping, and, of course, defining the planets' tags).

Trading has very little effect on the story and the book might imply that it is to be done 'between sessions'.
Aug 4, 2023 8:51 am
Most probably you are right - I have checked those trading rules very briefly. But I think I will try it some day and will try to show you what I meant by that. I will simply create a new thread for it. At first we will treat it as just a simulation, and if you will agree we will introduce to the our world some things from that thread... or no at all and leave it as simulation only. Ok?
Airshark says:
For the record, I don't mind if the main story goes slower when Raf and Ronny are busy trading in a paralel universe.
I can see that our talk about training already have "bad influence" on the main story... :( as Airshark apparently complete ignored earlier discussion about next steps to make things easier for Abby??

@Airshark @TheGenerator what you think about my proposition of next actions on our side? Do you have other ideas how to help Abby or next actions? As mine seem quite risky and convoluted... :(

Do we have those grave plates with us? What is the cost for them - as GM asked?
Aug 4, 2023 9:01 am
vagueGM says:

It seems easier to try intercept the signal from the ship than to try to intercept a signal to a third-party at a distance.

It would take quite an operation to disrupt military communications in the field. But you are hands-on with Betty, so you have more options here.
Yeah you are right. Let's forget about intercepting signal to caretaker.
vagueGM says:
You could maybe find a way to open the cargo bay doors without power.
Good to know, there could be such way:)
vagueGM says:

Or attach a docking couple (you planned for this, right?) to the inside and dock Ginger to the Engine Room, that way you can have access to both the Engine Room and the Gig (with its bunks) for the duration. This would mean that Bob is not available for other duties quite as easily.
I like this idea too:)
Aug 4, 2023 8:55 pm
The grav plates are a cool idea, but I feel like we're making this extra complicated by adding more things that could go wrong :P
Maybe some magnetized boots would do the same thing? That seems less cumbersome to carry with us. What do you think about that, Pedrop?
I think that's basically what you're looking for.

vague, would that be plausible to have with us?
If you want to play out how we got stuff, I'm happy to join you in that :)
I'm not sure how much it will add to the story that's following. Maybe we'll meet those traders again some day, I suppose.
Aug 5, 2023 8:25 am
'Mag Boots' only stick your feet to the ground, they don't stop your tools from floating away, or make the tears run out of your eyes and not pool over them, or settle your stomach, or any of the myriad of other things that gravity does. They also don't help you at all if you ever end up without at least one foot on the deck and float away.

The lack of Gravity is only a -1, so it is low priority.

It is fine if you want to say you brought some with you (Raf always has them in his everyday-boots). They still require some learning to walk around in them, so all the floating and careful moving from the previous scene would still apply, they would just make it easier to move around going forward.
A portable airlock dock would be something pirates use, but also useful for repair teams. If you don't want to have incurred some cost or risk or suspicion by getting one earlier (on the planet where it would draw attention, and signal your intentions), you could try persuade the caretaker that there is something wrong on the ship, or that you found you need to cut into something and need to borrow one from his stores?
Aug 5, 2023 11:02 am
vagueGM says:
they don't stop your tools from floating away, or make the tears run out of your eyes and not pool over them, or settle your stomach
Ah, right. That's a good point. Not ideal then.
I suppose it might give a slight narrative advantage.

I'm not sure how Ronny is able to help with what we do next. I think the best way for him to help is to do any needed social interaction. Like talking to the caretaker or answering a call from the ship's HQ is they happen to phone in. He could pretend to be the caretaker possibly.
Is that something we can embed into a task chain to help Abby?
I noticed yesterday that I made an OOC post in the RP section. Sorry about that, I think I got confused with which one I was actually reading :P
I'll add the OOC tag to it.
Aug 5, 2023 11:12 am
I don't think Lio can help Abby out at this point. Unless maybe she asks for help which would give him an extra incentive to get into a vac suit.
Aug 5, 2023 11:17 am
TheGenerator says:
... I'm not sure how Ronny is able to help with what we do next. ...
That would depend on what you do next, or what happens next. Decide on a way forward and then the characters parts in that plan will become clear.
TheGenerator says:
... to do any needed social interaction ...
Exactly. Once things happen and such interactions are called for things will be clearer.
TheGenerator says:
... He could pretend to be the caretaker possibly. ...
TheGenerator says:
... Is that something we can embed into a task chain to help Abby? ...
Those would be more like dealing with consequences than actions that would help her roll. Task Chain Actions need to come before (at least in the fiction). If you wanted to preemptively reach out and make contact then that could allow her to ignore any 'phone-home' routines and focus on other things, making her life easier... but that means you definitely have to deal with talking to people --which is currently only a possibility.

This would still be less of a Task Chain, and more of a separate thing that has a set mod to her DM. If you failed at this she would still not need to worry about the signal, but it would change her time-pressure and choices.
TheGenerator says:
... I noticed yesterday that I made an OOC post in the RP section. ... I'll add the OOC tag to it. ...
It happens. You could also delete it, since I quoted it in my answer. I don't like deleting players' posts myself.
Aug 5, 2023 11:19 am
Airshark says:
I don't think Lio can help Abby out at this point. Unless maybe she asks for help which would give him an extra incentive to get into a vac suit.
The job will take time. If you want we can call you in later, maybe you are 'second-fiddle' with your Computers Skill and have to monitor stuff while Abby sleeps?

If we open the door and bring Ginger in, you may be needed for that job.
Aug 5, 2023 11:20 am
vagueGM says:
You could also delete it
Will do :)
You're welcome to move posts of mine in the future. I have no problem with that, as long as it's clear that it happened. Which I know you would mention ;)
Aug 7, 2023 5:44 am
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
I don't think Lio can help Abby out at this point. Unless maybe she asks for help which would give him an extra incentive to get into a vac suit.
The job will take time. If you want we can call you in later, maybe you are 'second-fiddle' with your Computers Skill and have to monitor stuff while Abby sleeps?

If we open the door and bring Ginger in, you may be needed for that job.
sounds good
Aug 8, 2023 8:34 pm
So what do we do? As far as - I think - understand all of our intentions the things looks that way:
- as magnetic boots won't do, the best idea so far were those grave plates?

So to get them we had to provide our vague GM the proposition for the cost for them. Any ideas? Mine? Hmm... it doesn't seem that simply buying them would feel "natural" enough - so it feels to me that, more probably we have lend them from someone. So either we have to give it back somehow on the planet - what we won't do, as we are planning to leave the system... or this same person(s) that lended them too us, asked us to do something else with them in other system where we are heading? Please feel the gaps, or propose anything else for getting them.

- but to install them we have to get the Ginger inside Betty's cargo hold... and connect Ginger airlock to the engine room's one.

I would say: to me to involve every character there are two steps for this:
- Raf has to work on the cargo hold ramp/main door to open it - without the main power plant active. Hmmm... Maybe... he have some additional batteries with him that will allow him use/overwrite the cargo-crane and use it to push the ramp open - after opening the lock of course. And when the Ginger will be in, pull it to the closed position. Yes. I see it that way.
- The second - or rather parallel - step is for Ronny and Lio... I think they have to go to the caretaker and convince him that we need to lend(again) this: Portable airlock dock...
vagueGM says:
A portable airlock dock would be something pirates use, but also useful for repair teams.
"Repair teams version" - of course

Not rising any suspicions in him... in the process of course... or take him hostage if there will be no other way - for the period of our work... ;)

Please: propose something else or let's just do that:)
Last edited August 8, 2023 8:37 pm
Aug 9, 2023 9:12 am
Pedrop says:
... best idea so far were those grave plates? ... this same person(s) that lended them too us, asked us to do something else with them in other system where we are heading? ...
Gravity is only a -1, so you probably don't want to make too big a deal of the job you have to do just for that. They may be useful at other times, though? We could decide on a suitably 'quick' --by design even if not by execution-- job once we get 'there'.
Pedrop says:
... to install them we have to get the Ginger inside Betty's cargo hold... and connect Ginger airlock to the engine room's one. ...
Presumably you need Ginger for power, the airlock connection is not needed for that, just a wire. The airlock dock is for providing air to the engine room, which takes away the need for Vacc Suits and their -4.
Pedrop says:
... Raf has to work on the cargo hold ramp/main door Maybe... he have some additional batteries ...
Or a generator, or anything to provide power. Raf does have Engineering Power Plant, so he would know about such things.
Pedrop says:
... use/overwrite the cargo-crane and use it to push the ramp open ...
Could do.
Pedrop says:
... Ronny and Lio... go to the caretaker and convince him that we need to lend(again) this: Portable airlock dock... ...
That is a possibility.
Pedrop says:
(in RP)... zero-g and lights off.
I can imagine that is a particularly scary combination. Like being in deep, dark water at night. :)
Aug 9, 2023 12:42 pm
So if GM is claiming that there is possibility for such plan... I'm half way... now let's see what other players think about it? If you would agree to that, I will end Raf's statement that we get grave plates in the container and explain the proposition of a plan in RP to others - or any one could took it from there.
vagueGM says:
I can imagine that is a particularly scary combination. Like being in deep, dark water at night. :)
Exactly. I see it the same:) Good that PCs have not too much time and are focused on the task at hand... :) For now... :)
Aug 10, 2023 11:32 am
TheGenerator says:
Ronny thinks for a minute but comes up blank. "Not sure. What was in it? Pretty sure it wouldn't be some kind of easy hack tool."
So does it mean I should roll with my proposition of plan? @TheGenerator ?
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