Kalannai Grayfur
Guided by Agna's tracking expertise the group easily find the remaining mephits, who are immediately attracted by Adaia's failed spell. However, Izuhn is prepared and quickly dispatches the weakened elemental creatures. Soon after you heard the loud noises of a crowd approaching. As promised, the miner's militia was gathered to join you. Though a little to late for the fight, the humans and dwarves quickly find themselves busy assessing damages and planning repairs.
Kalannai, who is among those coordinating the militia's efforts notices you.
"I see you have dealt with all those pesky little devils" he says as she starts counting coins from her pouch.
"Here. A little something from the Fireshear people for your help.". Suddently, a shadow passes over her face as if she realised something uncomfortable she had do deal with. She takes you to a more quiet place before she finishes paying the reward.
"We all know Griggle is a bit... different than most folks around here..." she starts explaining, half looking for the right words to use, half still trying to avoid the subject.
"There have been questions raised by a number of the townsfolk" she points at the duergar's house where you can see some humans from the militia going.
"Some wonder if this whole mess was Griggle's fault... you know, given the affected area.". After a moment of pause she adds grimly
"Some even go as far as suggesting exiling the presumed troublemaker. You didn't happen to find if..."OOC:
That is another experience for Izuhn to use for a future +1 bonus :D
No level up on wealth yet. The reward wasn't that significant. Though Izuhn can eventually "get" one common item for free. Can be seen as a reward from the other dwarves narratively, but mechanistically, it could work as a "Had this all along" wild card