[CLOSED] The Firedrake's crew - Fate, Star Wars

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ClosedFate CorePrivate2 / weekhtech
THE FIREDRAKE'S CREW is a group of mercenaries taking on all sorts of interesting (and potentially dangerous) paying jobs such as transporting living cargo, smuggling restricted goods, exploring new star systems, recovering items and tracking bounties from world to world, trying to make a living and prosper in the Star Wars Universe. For those fortunate to survive long enough, wealth, fame and adventure is almost certainly assured. Of course, they may die a horrible death fighting a battle they never should have joined – but that is just another occupational hazard in this profession…

Jul 12, 2023 11:38 am
The Opening Crawl:

The Firedrake Crew

It is a time of civil war. The evil GALACTIC EMPIRE rules over the galaxy, holding thousands of systems in its ever-tightening grip. On the other side, viewed as a legitimate new hope for the repressed and the persecuted, the REBEL ALLIANCE battles Imperial forces every day. The rebels have just destroyed the first Death Star, but are still locked in a desperate, winner-takes-all battle with the Empire, with only a fraction of the needed resources and personnel.

But there is also much, much more. In this vast galaxy, there are so many different organizations, groups, clans, tribes, companies and other factions as to be impossible to fully catalog. Many are legitimate corporations, interest groups and political entities but there is also a teeming underworld of smugglers, con artists, black marketeers and other criminals, like THE HUTTS and THE BLACK SUN.

Operating mainly in the MID RIM TERRITORIES of the galaxy and potentially working with all those factions, THE FIREDRAKE'S CREW is a group of mercenaries taking on all sorts of interesting (and potentially dangerous) paying jobs such as transporting living cargo, smuggling restricted goods, exploring new star systems, recovering items and tracking bounties from world to world, trying to make a living and prosper. For those fortunate to survive long enough, wealth, fame and adventure is almost certainly assured. Of course, they may die a horrible death fighting a battle they never should have joined – but that is just another occupational hazard in this profession…


Game System:
Fate Core, with a couple of homebrew Extras and additions, inspired by the Scum & Villainy RPG. Feel free to give me some feedback and suggestions, we can improve them together during play.

Public forum:
This game will be public, so people can follow and read our posts, if they want to.

There will be Jobs…
In this game, you will play to find out if a fledgling crew of characters in (another) YT-1300 light freighter, the Firedrake, can prosper in the Star Wars setting and timeline - and that prosperity depends upon their endeavors, which we will call jobs. A job is a single operation with a particular goal: steal from a noble’s private vault, rescue an Imperial prisoner, smuggle a strange person into a remote facility, move glitterstim spice from Kessel without getting caught by the Imperial ships, etc. A job can be long and involved or short and sweet. There might be lots of rolls and trouble, or just a few posts to resolve it. The players will be given a list of possible jobs from the HoloNet and vote for one of them. Play to find out what happens!


... And Downtime:
After finishing a job (succeed or fail), the crew regroups, recovers, and prepares for the next job. In this phase of the game, called downtime, we will grab a different set of Extras and resolve it on its own terms. The galaxy around the PCs will be dynamic. Not only the consequences of their previous job will be represented during this phase, but also the many factions and things that they’re not yet directly connected with. We will do this together. During downtime, we may change the overall situation of the sector, update your standing with the factions and create new opportunities and challenges. Moreover, players may also retire, change characters or improve their skills. New players may also join the crew. Then, we will get a list of possible jobs from the HoloNet again and shift back to the more action-focused phases of the game.

Game Creation:
Together we will decide, among other things, what threats and pressures inherent to our setting will spur the protagonists to action. These are the setting’s issues. We’ll come up with two issues as a group: a "Current Issue" and an "Impending Issue". For more details see the Fate Core rules

Game Duration and Post Frequency:
We will have small adventures ("jobs") that I expect to take 3-6 months each. Posts that move the story forward every 2-3 days are required. If you will be absent for a period of time, please tell the group, so we can continue on until you return (don't leave us hanging!)

Player Experience:
No previous experience with the Fate Core System is necessary. If any part feels daunting, I am more than happy to help walk any player through the rules.

Respond to this thread with a character concept, trouble and a small backstory. We will start from that and build your remaining character’s aspects together, before the first job. But don't worry, this is just the "application form". You will be able to change it / improve it during the game creation and later stages.

Selection criteria (if necessary):
I'm looking for 3-5 players and will use your character concept and your public posts here on GP to decide who will receive an invite and who will go to the waiting list if, by any chance, there are more than 5 candidates

Welcome All:
This game explicitly welcomes all groups.
Last edited July 14, 2023 9:00 pm
Jul 12, 2023 12:58 pm
I don't have a lot of time right now but I'm definitely interested, so I'll throw out a quick application already with my character idea. It has been a while since I last played Fate, so I might need some help with the mechanics.

For a backstory, I'm thinking an Outer Rim farmer who got drafted into the Imperial army but, using smarts, charms and an ability to always tell people just what they want to hear, managed to work her way up to a fairly high-ranking officer. She was never an Imperial loyalist, just an opportunist who used the power and status of her position until the Emperor died and she realized it was time to disappear.
She then made her way into the mid-rim and met this crew. Her charms and ability to lie are very useful in this business as well, but there is always the danger someone might recognize her from her rather high-profile previous position.

High Concept would be something fast-talking/"face" related and Trouble would be linked to her previous involvement with the Empire and her being recognizable because of it. I'll need a bit more time to work those phrasings out exactly.

The posting rate is no problem for me, as I can and do post on GP every day. The downtime phase sounds pretty interesting to me, so I'd be curious to see that interaction of mission and world-reaction play out in game.
Jul 12, 2023 9:27 pm
bowlofspinach says:
I don't have a lot of time right now but I'm definitely interested, so I'll throw out a quick application already with my character idea. It has been a while since I last played Fate, so I might need some help with the mechanics.
Nice! The only caveat is that the Emperor is still alive, we will play between Episodes IV and V. But the First Death Star has just been destroyed so, indeed, it is time to disappear. It sounds like a great concept, thank you =)
Jul 12, 2023 9:29 pm
Oh, I misread and thought you mentioned the second death start being blown up. You meant the first. Makes sense.

But the concept can still work for that, I'd say.
Jul 12, 2023 9:31 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Oh, I misread and thought you mentioned the second death start being blown up. You meant the first. Makes sense.

But the concept can still work for that, I'd say.
For sure! :) I will improve the opening crawl, thanks!
Jul 12, 2023 10:13 pm
Sounds like fun! I’m thinking of a poor city dweller who realized as a kid there were better ways to get out of the slums than joining the Empire as a Storm Trooper, no doubt only to be stationed on some backwater dump. No, it’s a big universe with more than enough credits and lucre to go around. Would anyone really miss it if he took some for himself?

High concept would be a technical expert, treasure hunting explorer. Trouble is he owes money to a cartel, so what was once a passion is now a necessity.
Jul 12, 2023 10:14 pm
I'd really enjoy playing an annoying kid mascot type who turns out to be the son of a Jedi who survived The Purge.
Jul 13, 2023 12:10 am
I'd like to play an Exiled Gungun Droid Scavenger.

Exiled from Naboo for his obsession with the left over Droid scraps, Dar Foonk has made his way as a droidsmith and mercenary with his cobbled together battle Droid companions, but run awry of the Hutts when he refused to finish a job that would have required him to kill a child.
Last edited July 13, 2023 12:10 am
Jul 13, 2023 3:33 am
I'm completely new to fate but I'm glad to learn it and some of the concepts seem familiar.

Character Concept: Disillusioned Veteran

Trouble: My character has opinions, lots of them. Other people are often aware of his opinions whether they choose to be or not. Sometimes this can draw unwanted attention to him and his companions.

Backstory: A quarren born and raised on Mon Cala, my character was just coming of age during the beginning of the CIS. His formative years were flooded with Separatist propaganda and as such he developed into a staunch Separatist himself.

After their loss to the Republic, he silently nursed his wounds and cooperated with the Mon Calamari as necessary. When the Empire replaced the Republic and descended upon the sympathizers on the surface of his world he thought they got what was coming to them as their government's corruption showed it's true colors.

That didn't last long though, as soon the Empire dove down to his people as well. Again, need drove him to cooperate with his former enemies to survive against a greater evil. Once the Empire was repelled, he took the opportunity and left seeking his fortune elsewhere.

He's staunchly Anti-Empire but seeing as the Republic lead to them he's no fan of the rebels attempts at a New Republic either. He drifted around place to place for a while and did things as much his way as possible until he found the current crew. As long as everyone focuses on getting the job done and doesn't mind hearing about how the Separatists had it right whenever he's feeling particular nostalgic, then things should keep on running smoothly.
Jul 13, 2023 8:50 pm
I am definitely interested and thanks for pinging me! I'm playing in 2 irl star wars games and can always use more! I am open to character ideas and flexible to fit what the crew needs most.
Jul 13, 2023 10:17 pm
The_Librarian says:
I am definitely interested and thanks for pinging me! I'm playing in 2 irl star wars games and can always use more! I am open to character ideas and flexible to fit what the crew needs most.
Hi! Thanks for the interest! Can you respond to this thread with a character concept, trouble and a small backstory? We have more than 5 candidates, so I will have to create a waiting list based on that and your previous posts in GP =(
Last edited July 13, 2023 11:02 pm
Jul 13, 2023 10:28 pm
Jomsviking says:
I'd really enjoy playing an annoying kid mascot type who turns out to be the son of a Jedi who survived The Purge.
Nice! What would be your Trouble? I'm assuming that Annoying Son of a Jedi is your concept?
Last edited July 13, 2023 10:34 pm
Jul 13, 2023 10:30 pm
@Honor_Over_All, @RAAMtentacles, @Alordis thank you for the interest and your backstories. =)
Jul 13, 2023 10:41 pm
bowlofspinach says:
I'll need a bit more time to work those phrasings out exactly.
Maybe something like:
- High concept: Ambitious Silver-Tongued Officer
- Trouble: Opportunist Imperial Defector

What do you think? =)
Last edited July 13, 2023 10:42 pm
Jul 13, 2023 11:29 pm
I'm thinking of going full firefly, and being a former defeated soldier...a former clone trooper who has been hiding out. A disrupter, and trouble maker, but also some one willing to do most jobs.
I can flesh this out more later.
High Concept- Jaded Trouble Maker
Trouble- (Clone trooper? recognizeable? Will not do jobs involving children?)
Jul 14, 2023 5:30 am
htech says:
bowlofspinach says:
I'll need a bit more time to work those phrasings out exactly.
Maybe something like:
- High concept: Ambitious Silver-Tongued Officer
- Trouble: Opportunist Imperial Defector

What do you think? =)
Those are pretty good! Thanks 🙂
Jul 14, 2023 9:31 am
htech says:
Jomsviking says:
I'd really enjoy playing an annoying kid mascot type who turns out to be the son of a Jedi who survived The Purge.
Nice! What would be your Trouble? I'm assuming that Annoying Son of a Jedi is your concept?
I'll put some thought into it, but hunted by the Emperor's Hand, Inquisitorius, or Vader's Fist would be a Problematic Relationship.

Powerful Prescient as an aspect. I think he will be mean with a Blaster. Lightsabers are just too high profile.
Last edited July 14, 2023 9:38 am
Jul 14, 2023 8:54 pm
Ok, I will invite all 6 of you. Let's try this. Welcome aboard everyone, this recruitment thread is now closed!

If anyone wanna join the waiting list, we may take new players during the next downtime. Please post here. =)
Last edited July 14, 2023 9:02 pm

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