Beginnings - Campaign Affairs

Jul 22, 2023 1:26 pm
Ælla lay dead on the battlefield of York, his flesh carrion for the birds, his defeat basked in by the new lords of that old Roman city.

His former lands have become chaotic and even more dangerous than before. The Saxons that dwell here fear that they may end up as nothing more than a slave race. Scots in the north are growing restless for the repossession of what they see as their ancestral lands. Welshmen see this as an opportunity for reconquest. Northmen, from all over Scandinavia and its colonies, are coming to the British Isles to seek their fortunes - and where better than a broken kingdom?
Please post your characters’ stories leading up to now; what led to them vying for control of this harsh land. We will decide on a specific time to declare our moves that works for everyone and dissuades meta gaming. RP as much or as little as you like in this thread. Subsequent skirmishes will have their own threads. Good luck and thanks a lot for getting in on this madness.
Jul 24, 2023 3:16 am
Ljotr Eysteinnson was born into a family of Norse raiders on the Isle of Man 30 winters ago. His father a jarl but his mother an Irish slave, he was not particularly favored in the line of succession. Nevertheless, growing up amidst the rugged beauty of his homeland, Ljotr learned to fight and sail at an early age — but mainly took a liking to learning strategy and tactics under the tutelage of his graying grandfather.

From the age of 16, Ljotr joined in on every slave and livestock raid into Strathclyde and Ulster. Over the next decade and a half, men he led won many skirmishes -- sometimes against cruel odds. Seeing his cunningness, many men started to look on him as an equal to his brothers despite not being as formidable a warrior.

Rumors reached Man that the once-mighty kingdom of Ælla had fractured under the weight of the great host led by Ivar the Boneless. Seeing this as an opportunity to gain immortal fame and glory, something he'd never see in his home, Ljotr led his comrades and set sail to the western coast of burning Northumbria.
Jul 24, 2023 5:53 pm
I gotta be honest man, i'm kind of scratching my head at this one. Who? To who? Lol
Jul 24, 2023 9:35 pm
The Welsh of Gwynedd remained conscious of their Romano-British heritage, and an affinity with Rome survived long after the Empire retreated from Britain, particularly with the use of Latin in writing and sustaining the Christian religion. The Welsh ruling classes continued to emphasize Roman ancestors within their pedigrees as a way to link their rule with the old imperial Roman order, suggesting stability and continuity with that old order. According to Professor John Davies, "[T]here is a determinedly Brythonic, and indeed Roman, air to early Gwynedd." So palpable was the Roman heritage felt that Professor Bryan Ward-Perkins of Trinity College, Oxford, wrote:

"It took until 1282, when Edward I conquered Gwynedd, for the last part of Roman Britain to fall. Indeed, a strong case can be made for Gwynedd as the very last part of the entire Roman Empire, east and west, to fall to the barbarians...."
Salve Romans, Britons, brothers-in-Christ,

Another heathen king has fallen!

"A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear."

The people of Gwynedd send heartfelt greetings to their ancient kindred, and a plea to them to help restore our Pax Romana in the name of the Prince of Peace, our Lord Jesus Christ. My Milites Fidei are ready to ride. Join us.

+ "In hoc signo vinces" +

Maelgwn ap Cunedda, Dux of Gwynedd
Jul 24, 2023 11:26 pm
Very nice! Thus far we have a fame hungry, pagan Norsemen and a christian Welshman seeking to restore Prydein under the flag of Rome joining the fray. We'll wait until Appalahi creates a character to press onward, and also figure out who Jomsviking is fueding with when his character is complete!
Jul 26, 2023 5:21 am
King of Northumbria, they say.

They said she had been beautiful, and they still chanted that. A prized young spouse, hauling from mystical Bretagne. So much for her beauty. They said she was like a fey, like one of those mystical women from the woods. They said many things of her. They had composed songs about her beauty, and they continued to chant about her icy blue eyes wrapped by her platinum blonde hair. They had cried for her first husband too, beloved Bearach Yorke, while secretly conspiring to marry such a beautiful (and now, rich!) widow.

Meadhbh Llewellynw had been a great administrator, turning her late husband feud into a prosperous community. She had become rich, and money made her even more coveted. A beatiful woman, who bore armor and weapons, who commanded her army, and who had more richness than all of her neighbors combined. What a woman, truly. They chanted about her beauty. Never about her keen mind, she thought.

And Meadhbh Llewellynw waited.

Eventually, she had married again. Three daughters, and no sons. The other earls felt she had grown tired of the squabbling of so many pretenders. She needed an heir, they said.

The truth was another. There was another county near her home of Strathclyde, one she had coveted much. Huge, but poor. There had been many gnawing of teeth, when she had chosen Muireach O'Keefe as her new husband. A noble known for squishing his own people underneath taxes and fees. What an idiot.

Meadhbh Llewellynw wondered what they would have been thinking now as she murdered her pig of an husband in his sleep.

King Ælla of Northumbria had died, and in the following chaos, another death was nothing but a footnote. She had waited, and now this was her chance.

King of Northumbria, they say. What about a queen?
hope this works well enough
Last edited Jul 26, 2023 2:35 pm
Jul 26, 2023 5:34 am
Well done

Jomsviking, please submit your character's backstory, brief or not, and choose a player to Blood Feud with. We can then begin the first season of the campaign!
Jul 26, 2023 11:05 am
"Ye stole our lands! Ye stole our gods! There will be no peace between Saxon and Viking!"
Blood Feud with The Recusant
Jul 26, 2023 1:07 pm
ok. Everyone submit your first moves.
Jul 26, 2023 1:12 pm
Ljotr comes ashore somewhere on the wild western coast of Northumbria, quickly taking control of the area. He hears tales of a noble Celtic woman just to his north and her massive pile of silver...
Ljotr raids Meadhbh
Jul 26, 2023 1:48 pm
There was much scheming to be done. Battles to be fought. Wars to be won. And most importantly, the administration of her land.

After all, there are nothing but three engines to war: silver, silver, and silver. This, she knew better than anyone else. How many petty lords of England could field horsemen? How many could field as many as her stallions? How many warriors actually rode in battle like her?

But first, the would be queen Meadhbh Llewellynw had to sort out the little issues of a warband of Vikings who didn't have the grace to drown at sea.

The Vikings saw first her armored horsemen clear the top of the hill that dominated the shores.
Meadhbh Llewellynw defends
Jul 26, 2023 2:56 pm
I'm working on creating a thread for our battle right now. Since you defended, add one Wealth from prosperous trade, add one of the following to an existing unit or create a new unit: 8 Levy, 4 Warriors or 2 Hearthguard. A unit may not exceed 12 troops.

You may also try to create an alliance with one other player. Since you have the Noble Mien trait, they cannot refuse you.
Jul 26, 2023 7:19 pm
Egil mounts a campaign against the Welsh Christians of Maelgwyn aep Cunedda.

Last edited Jul 26, 2023 8:08 pm
Jul 27, 2023 3:25 am
I am playing this because otherwise I feel stupid, but mechanically I am asking an alliance with Maelgwn ap Cunedda, Dux of Gwynedd. He cannot refuse
One day, Maelgwn ap Cunedda, Dux of Gwynedd receives a letter from a mounted courier. The exquisite writing reveals an invitation from the fabled Meadhbh Llewellynw, who is seemingly writing him to spend the next week togheter in her dominion, hunting togheter, and visiting the beatiful nature. How could a man refuse?
Alliance with Maelgwn ap Cunedda, Dux of Gwynedd
Jul 27, 2023 10:29 pm
i forgot about my Learn'd trait, but at the beginning of the campaign season I have a couple options because of my "good administration" over my lands. Since I'm already in combat, I'm just gonna take the +1 wealth.
Jul 29, 2023 3:56 pm
News comes to Dux Maelgwyn - the heathen have declared a feud against the remnant of Christian Rome. "Let them come. We'll slake their rage on our spikes and spears".

"There is one other matter, my Lord. A scroll from Alt Clut, specifically the lady Meadhbh Llewellynw!"

Maelgwyn all but snatches the scroll from his seneschal. A moment of silence follows. And then:


"Yes, sire?"

"We travel for Dùn Breatainn as the guests of she whom, some say, is of the fey"
Only too happy to ally with a fabled Christian Queen!
Last edited Jul 29, 2023 4:35 pm
Jul 29, 2023 5:20 pm
Very nice. What is your campign action?
Jul 29, 2023 10:36 pm
The Letter was penned in fine script using rare metal inks from Asia, the vellum was of fine quality sheep skin. Obviously the author went to great length to make it look good.

To the Heretic Maelgwyn,

Not only are you guilty of the sin of being a Saxon, but you have disgraced your ancestors and adopted the faith of your conquerors. Erasing your Dukedom from the annals of history will be a favor to the species. Never forget, your god was nailed to a tree, my god carries a hammer. Let the rivers run red with Saxon blood. Oden owns you all.
Last edited Jul 29, 2023 10:37 pm
Jul 29, 2023 10:40 pm

My God was nailed to a wooden cross on Golgotha! And I sir, am a Briton, and we are the last of the Romans in the west. The Saxon is my enemy every bit as much as any heathen. You will come to Christ, or we will despatch you to hell in his name.

I will pray for you

Dux Maelgwyn
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