Ljotr Raids Meadhbh

Jul 26, 2023 2:58 pm
Scenario: Sacred Ground!

Ljotr leads his men toward a sacred glen in Meadhbh's land, seeking any silver and relics that may lay in wait for the taking there.

As they come over a series of rolling hills, they see mounted men not far away.

This piece of land is seen as holy by the Celts that dwell nearby. Their ancestors fought a valiant battle against the Angles here and, though they lost, they are paid respect here ceremoniously. They will surely not take kindly to Ljotr's incursion.

Length of Game: 8 complete game turns

Victory Conditions: At the end of each players turn, his opponent counts how many Victory Points (VP) he scored this turn. This is based on the figures that occupy the three terrain pieces.
Warlord = 3 VP
Each Hearthguard = 1 VP
Each 2 Warriors = 1 VP
Each 4 Levy = 1 VP
VPs are totalled and added after each turn.
The player with the most VP after turn 8 comes to an end wins the skirmish.

1x Warlord, Frankish Sword (+2, FA: shield and mail)Ljotr (L)
4x Hearthguard, Axes (+1, FA: shield and mail) 1 pt (H)
4x Hearthguard, Spears (+1, FA: shield and mail)1pt (S)
8x Warriors, Axes (+1, PA: shield) 1 pt (A)
8x Warriors, Swords (+2, PA: shield) 1 pt (W)

W, morale 1, Fully armored, shields, spears (+1),8x.
L, morale 0, partially armored, crossbows, clubs (+1), 12x
H, mounted, morale 2, fully armored, shields, lances (+5*), swords (+2), 6x
M, mounted, morale 3, fully armored, shield, lance (+5*), sword +2
M1, Morale 1, Fully armored, shields, spears,
(+1), x8

Turn 1 VP:
Meadhbh: 7 VP
Ljotr: 10 VP

Turn 2 VP:
Meadhbh: 8 VP
Ljotr: 9 VP

Turn 3 VP:

Meadhbh: 15 VP
Ljotr: 19 VP

Meadhbh: 4 Mercs
Ljotr: 3 Warriors


Raid Scenario - (D6)

(6) = 6

Jul 27, 2023 4:38 am
Please roll a d6 for initiative, high roll wins. Choose a starting position on the board (red or purple), then deploy immediately in that zone. Defender will get first choice with deployment.

Here is an example of how to easily format a warband on the board:

"Osric has a warband of 8x spearmen Warriors and 4x swordsmen Hearthguard, as well as his warlord.

W= 1 morale, spear (+1 wep), Partial Armor
H= 2 morale, sword (+2 wep), Full Armor
O= 3 morale, two handed axe (+3 wep), Partial Armor

He places his Warriors as W1 through W8 on the board, Hearthguard as H1 through H4 and his warlord as O. He posts his legend to aid his opponent in identifying his troops on the board."
Jul 27, 2023 4:39 am


Initiative - (D6)

(3) = 3

Jul 27, 2023 4:49 am


Let's roll - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jul 27, 2023 5:38 am
As the aggressor, i decide the size of the battle will be 4 pts. My men come in full force to raid these lands!
Jul 27, 2023 6:14 am
The tall, beatiful Lady Meadhbh Llewellynw, the ruler of Strathclyde, appears on the northern edge of the border.

Have the Vikings ever seen crossbows? Have they ever faced disciplined spearmen? Have they ever seen so many KNIGHTS?

Meadhbh Llewellynw stops, surrounded by the her bodyguard of horsemen. The Vikings sight her in the distance, riding unhelmeted at the head of her own warband.

The stories don't do justice to such a beatiful woman, unhelmeted.

The men of Strathclyde raise their weapons. Spears, crossbows, lances. The shriek fills the battlefield.

Whatever the Norsemen wanted to find here, they won't find it easy.
[b] W, morale 1, Fully armored, shields, spears (+1),8x. Deployed from A8 to D8. 2 ranks.
L, morale 0, partially armored, crossbows, clubs (+1), 12x, deployed from A6 to D6. 3 ranks.
H, mounted, morale 2, fully armored, shields, lances (+5), swords (+2), 6x, from E4 to G4
M, mounted, morale 3, fully armored, shield, lance (+5), sword +2, riding with her bodyguard, starting in F2/b]
Last edited Jul 27, 2023 6:29 am
Jul 27, 2023 6:54 am
Meadhbh has won the initiative roll and moves first.
Jul 27, 2023 1:01 pm
Meadhbh Llewellynw hires a band of warriors before the battle.
M, Morale 1, Fully armored, shields, spears,
(+1), deployed in 2 ranks, from L4 to H4 (+1)
Jul 27, 2023 1:21 pm
In good order, the army of Strathclyde steadily advances against the enemy.

The mercenaries are the first to move, steadily advancing towards the hill and gaining its slopes.
Mercenaries move 4 squares South, 2 squares South-East
With a sharp command, Meadhbh Llewellynw personally guides her heartguard.
Move 10 squares East, 2 squares South
The unit of Strathclyde warriors occupies the sacred trees.
Move in the bush, deploy from H7 E10
The levies are eager to test their crossbows. The unit moves, and the loud TWANK of crossbows discharging fills the air.
Levies move 5 squares South, 1 square South-East, release a long-range volley.
Last edited Jul 27, 2023 1:28 pm
Jul 27, 2023 1:21 pm

Deck Draws

6 of Spades
10 of Diamonds
4 of Hearts
Queen of Hearts
Ace of Clubs
King of Hearts
3 of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
3 of Diamonds
7 of Hearts
Jul 27, 2023 1:24 pm
Forgot 2

Deck Draws

Still shooting
7 of Clubs
9 of Diamonds
Jul 27, 2023 5:35 pm
Three kills, one dodge! (Had to draw an 8 or better)

Deck Draws

Missle reaction draw
4 of Spades
Ace of Hearts
2 of Hearts
5 of Clubs
Jul 27, 2023 5:38 pm
4 hits at long range (hearts) and 3 kills. Please specify the 3 troops that were killed.
Jul 27, 2023 9:58 pm
"You men! Get up on that hill onto the other side of the crest so those cursed crossbowmen can't pick you off piecemeal!" Ljotr shouts to his leftmost warriors.

W2 moves up 6 spaces and NW 1 space

W4, W7, W8 move up 8 spaces

W6 moves up 7 spaces and NW 1 space
"The rest of you, form a shield wall to brace for impact from the horsemen!" He then motions his Hearthguard near him to press forward to control the swamp.

A5-A8 move to the left of their former first rank and form a shield wall from R18 to Y18

S1-S4 move up to the rank behind the shield wall, from U19 to Y19

H1-H4 + L move up and to the NE 5 spaces to control the sacred bog
Jul 27, 2023 10:00 pm

End of turn one. Meadhbh scores 7 VP; 14 warriors on two terrain pieces. Ljotr scores 10 VP; 4 Hearthguard, 1 warlord and 6 warriors on terrain pieces.
Jul 28, 2023 3:46 am
warrior Movement


Movement - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Jul 28, 2023 4:01 am
The mercenaries advance slowly, stepping right in front of the Viking warriors in front of them. And then, they stop forming up.
Mercenaries move 1 square South-East, 1 Square south, form a shield wall
The warriors of Strathclyde leave the marsh, not without difficulty. They reach the slopes of the hill, ready to support their allies.
Warriors move 3 squares South-East (i.e. Advance forward in the direction they are orientated
Given that is now free, Meadhbh Llewellynw herself occupy the slopes of the hill with a sharp command, galopping trough the battlefield. After a second thought, though, she decides to leave it to the infantry. The Vikings still spot her, riding unhelmeted.
Moves 6 squares west, 6 squares South west. Same facing/ooc]

The Vikings have understimated the range of the crossbows. [ooc]The levies move 8 squares South, pivot east, and release a long range volley into the heartguards.
Jul 28, 2023 4:01 am

Deck Draws

King of Spades
7 of Spades
5 of Spades
5 of Clubs
10 of Hearts
Jack of Spades
8 of Clubs
7 of Diamonds
Jack of Hearts
Queen of Clubs
Ace of Spades
King of Diamonds
load next

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