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Sep 12, 2023 12:05 pm

Wraith waves her entire arm as if the two of you were across the room. The intensity of her voice in actions seem to be inverse to her diminutive size.

"Welcome to the guild~! Or, um, almost welcome! I'm Wraith!"

In stark contrast to Wraith's demeanor, Megan gives a slight look toward her spear and speaks just loud enough to be heard through the din of the room. And when she speaks, it feels as if the words are rehearsed or forced. There is something unnatural about how she speaks, though it is not immediately obvious what that thing may be.

"It is...a unique spear.

Welcome, as you already know, I am Megan. And I know as much about the job as you two."

Wraith places a hand on her chin and gives a thoughtful look.

"Hmmm, it is rather odd that such a task would end up in our hands. It seems far too straight forward, given the stuff we normally get. In any case, we are here to help you two out, so tell us what you plan on doing!"

She points at the two of you with a grin, as if giving a pep talk.
Sep 12, 2023 2:53 pm
Markus has been formulating a plan about this ever since Dohavin started telling them. "Since none of us know much about the town, I'd suggest we find a map or something and get the lay of the land. I guess we could also go there first and get it. I'd suggest we get some tracking and trapping gear... rope, some tent poles, manacles maybe. Better to get it here in the city so we don't get out there and they don't have anything. After we get there, I'd suggest we track down the contractor and get his info. Other than that... we'll have to replan when we get there. " He looks around to the group. He voice was confident and steady the whole time he spoke.

"What do you all think? What am I missing?"
Sep 13, 2023 1:58 am
A'ramis can't help but find the two woman cute in their contrast. Mind you, Wraith was almost too cute. She might not be good for his heart in the long run - it was like being constantly exposed to puppies. He turned his thoughts to the job at hand and Markus's plan. It was barebones, but that was all they really could make considering the severe lack of information. "We should bring with us some medical gear - herbs, bandages, and such. Even if we don't end up needing them, someone there might. I think gathering information about the town ahead of time is a smart move and, if we can, we should see what rumors are travelling around regarding the job, town and contractor. There has to be something someone is saying - and, if not, that is suspicious."

He looked to the two women to ask his next question. "Is there a place where we can do most of that in one go? Travelling to the town in the dark would be less than ideal, we should probably get settled before nightfall if we can, so it would be convenient - if potentially unrealistic - to gather as much as we can as quickly as we can." He stood up from his seat and replaced the hood over his head. A'ramis didn't like wearing it, but it was also odd to not wear it in the company of others. The familiar weight was comforting in its discomfort.
Sep 14, 2023 6:28 pm
"Sounds good to me. Yeah, there has to be a shop or market around here. "
Oct 2, 2023 6:26 am
Megan holds up a finger and pulls out a rather large piece of folded paper. She then unfolds a part of it and places it on the table.

"I purchased this map when I first moved here. While not cheap, it is relatively to scale and accurate with landmarks."

The map is unfolded with Ulentor in its center. Megan pointed at a spot of the map that was to the northwest of the city.

"This is the farmland in question."

On the map, near her finger, you can see a few scattered rectangles that you can assume are farmhouses, one does seem a bit larger than the others. A little to the north is the edge of a forest that you presume continues past the fold. A river runs through the forest and wanders to the east of Ulentor before reaching the Praddic Sea to the southeast.

"Wow. That's a pretty nice map you got there!"

Megan looks down at the diminutive Wraith, who is standing on the tips of her toes to get a good look at the map.

"I decided to get the most accurate and detailed map I could afford. I have had to make very few alterations since I purchased it."

A small amount of pride can be heard as she states that last part. Megan then shifts her attention to the whole table.

"As you can see, it isn't too far from here, but if we want to get provisions, we had best do so before leaving Ulentor. Between Wraith and me, we should have enough knowledge of the city to find the merchants you need if there is anything that you aren't able to find here in the guild."

Wraith raises her eyes from the map to the two of you.

"It sounds like the two of you are interested in capturing whatever is terrorizing these farmlands. If it is indeed a creature, we'll probably need to rent some pack animals to pull the cage, which the guild doesn't provide. Also, I am pretty sure the guild doesn't sell any cages."
Add a list in your next post inside a ooc tag with the items you want to purchase. Most small items will cost 0 wealth, but in enough quantities can add up to 1 wealth. Larger items can cost between 1-2 wealth.
Oct 3, 2023 3:51 am
A'ramis leans over the map and follows Megan's descriptions while also doing his best to commit to memory as much as he could. The area there was fairly close to the forest, if he had his scale correct. That could prove useful for him. He glances up at Wraith when she mentions buying pack animals and a cage.

"I'm less inclined to capture it in a cage. To trap something you need to understand what will draw it in, and I don't have that information. I'd rather go simpler routes. The main goal is to help the farmers - be it medical or eradicating the creature. My other goals, although less important, are curiosity based. I'd like to know more about the creature, what it is and why it has shown up now. It is quite possible that we will need to slay it to complete the main goal, but should another solution present itself I'd be open to exploring it."

Assuming it was a creature and not something else. With no real evidence to understand the beginnings of what it was, it was hard to say. Even if people were behind it, that did not mean the creature did not exist as a tool or biproduct. He didn't say it, but sometimes death was the kindest thing you could offer. In the end though, A'ramis held no attachment to this beast, or any of the people that lived there. He would be there to do a job, and that was what he would do.

His gaze fell on the woods once more, and the larger rectangle. "Those woods, are they close to the farmland? Also this rectangle, if it is a house or building, what is it? If you know." After a brief moment, he reached into his clothes and took out an old, but cared for leather notebook. He flips quickly through to a page with enough space before he begins a rough sketch of Megan's map. The basics that he might need are there, but it is quick and simply functional. A'ramis makes a couple of little notations beside it, and adds little notes on any information they might tell him about what he asked.
His list is basically what he said:
- bandages/wraps or a suitable substitute
- salves/ingredients to make salves
- herbs, both to store and to study to see if they are overall familiar to him or in his journal
- tools to suture wounds, as it seems to have slicing abilities
- basic rations that will stay good
- a good mortar and pestle

He has no wealth, so nothing in major quantities or anything large. He may already be able to have some of these things from his travels and work, but not sure so put them here.
Oct 3, 2023 5:49 pm
Looking over the map, upside down, Markus takes in everything that Megan says and then A'ramis. He runs a finger along the map as he speaks. "This is great and can really help us narrow down the location when we get there and take it in more. I think I agree with A'ramis... capturing it alive and caging it and brining it back here is a tall order. It's probably best to hunt it down and kill it if the opportunity arises." He lifts his finger and looks everyone in the eyes.

"I think our best bet is to travel fast and light and be able to hide. A net and some rope can do the same thing as a cage and be a little more useful."
He then raddles off a list of items he thinks they need.

Some rope or cordage
Food Rations
Tent poles
Some netting
Oct 10, 2023 3:40 pm
Megan looks at A'ramis.

"Yes, the farmland buttresses the woods. And the larger home is probably held by the one in charge of the farming cooperative. I believe it is customary to have on representative speak for each cooperative, and as such, they got larger homes. This is speculation, as I have not interacted with any farmers since my arrival in Ulentor."

"Oh! I know of someone who can help with the net!"

Wraith interjects and begins walking toward the front door.

"We gotta hurry so we aren't travelling in the dark!"
Wraith leads you to an establishment that sells exotic animals. After discussing the situation with the person working behind the desk, you are able to procure a net that is bigger and heavier than a net used for catching people.

"See? I knew this place would have what we needed!"
As the four of you are walking toward the city exit, A'ramis spots a small apothecary store and picks up a few local herbs to add to his supplies.
A small post about resources and gear has been added to the Cortex Prime section. The cost of procuring the heavy duty net is one wealth. The sample of local herbs costs zero wealth (negligible cost).

If there is nothing else you want to do in Ulentor, I will fast-forward to arriving at the farmland.
Oct 10, 2023 5:03 pm
"Wraith, I think this will be perfect! Good thinking. " Markus follows with the group, procuring what they need. Then when the time is right, sets off with the others for the village and the mystery ahead.
Oct 11, 2023 12:05 am
"We should, perhaps, begin with whoever lives there. It would be an ideal location to monitor the woods and fields, if they'd let us. They should know the most as well, if they generally run the area. People like that often gather information." The forest being close was an excellent bonus. He finishes his notes and sketch before stowing the journal away again.
A'ramis moved uneasily through the streets as they walk around gaining what they need. Unfortunately, the net is far above his meager price range but the herbs are not. The selection he has found is pleasing and the things he doesn't know he asks about. There is only time for the basics, but that will be enough. He'll...ask the plants later. The information gained is noted in his journal as they leave the city, having nothing else to do in it.
Oct 16, 2023 2:03 pm
In a few short hours of walking, you find yourselves approaching the largest farmhouse in the area. It is nearly sundown and most of the fieldworkers have either finished or are preparing to finish the day's tasks. After knocking on the door, you are greeted by an elderly, perhaps 60-years-old, gentleman with wispy white hair and medium frame. He holds a simple cane in his right hand that helps him walk. It is obvious that, in his prime, he was once strong enough to maintain the farm on his own. He examines the four of you.

"You must be here about the beast. Come inside. We can answer questions over some tea, especially if you are planning to face the creature tonight."
Oct 17, 2023 12:14 am
The walk to the village was fine. Quiet on his part. Surrounded by new people, on the way to a new job. It was a lot to take in. He tried to get to know the others a bit but mostly kept to himself. The more they know about him, the more they can hurt him.

Markus takes in the old man and his house. He feels almost as fresh as when he started the hike earlier in the day.

"I’ll come in. But no tea for me, thank you." Years of being an outcast has caused him to wary of… niceties.
Last edited Oct 17, 2023 1:22 am
Oct 17, 2023 6:24 pm
A'ramis remains fairly quiet on the trip as well, but replies when spoken to. A few time he has to glare down at the ground, which causes a plant or too to slowly slide away from him. He gets it, and he sends a silent promise to talk to them soon.

When they arrive, A'ramis thinks to himself that the man seems to be in good health. He does enjoy tea quite a bit, but assumes that this man knows they are 'misfits'. His attitude would be the important thing. "Thank you, we were hoping you might have more details on it. Does it appear reliably each night?" That, while not outside possibility, would be a rare thing for a beast to do in his experience. Mentally he increased the potential intelligence of the threat, as a reliable nightly attack would hint to some form of planning.
Oct 23, 2023 4:41 am
The elderly farmer leads the party to a modest kitchen and sets a black pot on a warm stove and prepares four cups with a spoonful of herbs in each.

"Details from the farmers here are scarce. In fact, the only ones that have laid eyes upon the creature are adventurers that have already failed to rid us of this menace. What we are aware of, is it seems to hunt livestock primarily. As such, the farms nearest to the forest have had to change the way they handle their pastures. Some have had to temporarily trade some livestock to farmers who live further away."

A high-pitch whistling interrupts the man's words and he responds by taking the pot and pouring very hot water into the four cups. He then brings the cups over and sets one for everyone except Markus.

"Best to give it a few moments to let the leaves steep in the water and for the temperature to be more manageable.

Where was I? Oh yes, It seems to now hunt a much wider range than just near the forest. As we have had to change how we farm, so to has it changed the way it hunts. And, yes, I believe at least one farmer has had some lost livestock each night. Except after a cow is killed. If I recall, it spent a few days without attacking any livestock after that."
Oct 23, 2023 7:51 pm
"Does it just kill? Or does it kill and eat? Also, do you know anything about what it looks like? We couldn’t get much information before we left to come here. "
Oct 24, 2023 12:01 am
A'ramis followed the man to the kitchen, being careful of their possessions and to keep his hood in place. When he was given the cup, he smelled the tea in an attempt to discern the plants used. He listened to the man, and one point caught his attention. When Markus paused, he spoke up. His voice was a bit slow as he thought at the same time but still his usual even volume.

"What livestock does it normally take? If it uses them for food, or whatever it needs them for, and a cow lasts a few days then it would be good to know what it needs nightly. It could give us an idea of size and how energy conservative it is."
Oct 26, 2023 6:12 am
The tea has a robust earthy scent with notes of tree bark and nuts. The taste is slightly bitter with a hint of cocoa. A'ramis can't discern all the ingredients, but he knows enough to replicate the tea through trial and error if he wanted to. Also, the tea is very caffeinated.
The elderly farmer rubs his chin in thought.

"No one I have spoken to has had a good look at the creature. They say it has the head of a feline, but instead of fur, it has scales like a snake. We know that it has large claws and sharp fangs from the carcasses we have discovered in the morning. I mean, if we had only the remains of its meals to base our assumptions on, I would say it was a mountain cat the size of a bear.

As for what it takes each night; a couple chickens or a sheep or a goat. I would hazard a guess to say it eats everything it kills, and the only creatures it has attacked and not eaten were people. Though, it seems to only attack those that get too close to the edge of the forest."

The man takes a sip of his tea and lets out a sigh.

"No one has been spared in the co-op, even I have lost a few hens."
Oct 27, 2023 5:00 pm
"Hmmm… I see. It certainly sounds formidable and I’m sorry you lost those hens. We’ll do what we can to end this threat to all of your livelihoods and lives."

Markus looks at his companions to see if they have anything to add or ask. But he feels like the best thing to do is get out there and hunt.
Oct 28, 2023 7:30 pm
A'ramis makes a note of the tea, as it is quite good overall. It would be an interesting base to work from, at the very least. But he pays attention to the man, and tries to tally up the amount of food needed in one night. So, nocturnal. Hungry, but doesn't like the taste of people. Territorial, feline like but scaled. Bear sized wasn't horrible, he had expected larger and so was pleasantly surprised. "We will do our best to assist. How close do you have to be to the forest to get attacked? And can you go in or near during the day just fine?" If it didn't care during the day, perhaps it slept heavily or sunlight was actually an issue for it.
Oct 30, 2023 3:32 am
"Not many people have been attacked. All from behind and only back when we didn't know what was going on. Those that were attacked are the farmhands that work for farms closest to the forest. I can't say for certain what they were doing, but some of those fields are right next to the forest.

However, the attacks only happened after a few livestock had already been lost and some effort was spent looking in the forest to see if a culprit could be discovered. Needless to say, once people started being attacked, none of the farmers have dared enter the forest."
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