Jul 30, 2023 1:28 pm
Scenario: The Burh
Egil's warband gallop toward the lands of Maelgwyn, and many of the latter's subjects rush toward one of his fortified holdings to flee the pagan marauders. Egil and his men are determined to gain entry and claim this place for Northmen.
Length of Game: 7 Turns
Victory Conditions:
At the end of the game add up Victory Points (VP):
Each 3 Levy killed: 1 VP
Each 2 Warriors killed: 1 VP
Each Hearthguard killed: 1 VP
Warlord killed: 3 VP
Attacker gains +2 VP if gate is destroyed, along with bonus VP for each unit within the walls at the end of the game (same scoring scale as with kills)
Additional Circumstances & Deployment:
Defender may deploy outside the walls within the purple circle (G17-S17, up to the peak at M11) , or within. Defender chooses one unit of Hearthguard as reinforcements, and after turn 2 draws one card at the beginning of the turn to see if they have arrived (a red suited card is a yes); these reinforcements deploy anywhere below longitudinal line 12 on either edge of the map.
Attacker deploys anywhere above the 5th longitudinal line. To enter the burh, the attacker can scale the walls if on foot or deal 5 seperate wounds to the gate with melee weapons. The gate's base draw resistance is a 9 (so 10 or better deals a wound). Mounted warriors may dismount, but it is their action for that turn, as is mounting
Egil's warband gallop toward the lands of Maelgwyn, and many of the latter's subjects rush toward one of his fortified holdings to flee the pagan marauders. Egil and his men are determined to gain entry and claim this place for Northmen.
Length of Game: 7 Turns
Victory Conditions:
At the end of the game add up Victory Points (VP):
Each 3 Levy killed: 1 VP
Each 2 Warriors killed: 1 VP
Each Hearthguard killed: 1 VP
Warlord killed: 3 VP
Attacker gains +2 VP if gate is destroyed, along with bonus VP for each unit within the walls at the end of the game (same scoring scale as with kills)
Additional Circumstances & Deployment:
Defender may deploy outside the walls within the purple circle (G17-S17, up to the peak at M11) , or within. Defender chooses one unit of Hearthguard as reinforcements, and after turn 2 draws one card at the beginning of the turn to see if they have arrived (a red suited card is a yes); these reinforcements deploy anywhere below longitudinal line 12 on either edge of the map.
Attacker deploys anywhere above the 5th longitudinal line. To enter the burh, the attacker can scale the walls if on foot or deal 5 seperate wounds to the gate with melee weapons. The gate's base draw resistance is a 9 (so 10 or better deals a wound). Mounted warriors may dismount, but it is their action for that turn, as is mounting
Egil decides on the point size of the battle (max 2 from as Egil has only 2 Hearthguard). He will have the first turn after deployment.