The Manor

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Aug 23, 2023 6:12 am
OOC: I can leave the narrative of the results to you then. I’m more comfortable rolling dice when I’m told, and someone else telling me what happens makes a lot of sense in a PbP format. Sorry I’m still figuring out the ebb and flow of the format, thank you for the clarification. I will follow your lead!
Beetles! Out! Out! Etcher’s eyes widen and panic hits the young Avian. His brother Ralph always told him, when in doubt, run. He didn’t know where the exit was, but he knew the one exit that was always available to him. Etcher launches himself into the air, drawing his blade in an instant. He blindly slashes into the air above him hoping he can weaken the ceiling enough to crash through it.
OOC: Etcher is going to try and escape through the roof, hopefully the ceiling is made of sliceable material or poor Etcher is going to have a second concussion!


Save Roll - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Aug 23, 2023 12:51 pm
Etch slams into the ceiling and using the sword to lead the way has a moment of victory as he feels it shatter the wood and glroious daylight fills his sight. Unfortunately the old shed has gained a second skin of vines and plants that catch Etcher like a web. Hacking his way free Etcher clambers up and once he frees his wings pulls himself out of the structure.

As daylight poors down into the structure he hears a buzzins hissing noise. Looking down he sees the last of the beetles scurry behind any object they can find to get out of the light. sighing in relief he lands with his prize in one hand and his sword in the other. Getting some water form the well, which is still servicable, he mixes in some of the pellets from the bag and proceeds to weed the garden for th next hour. Scratched, tired, and hot Etcher is given a nice cool drink of flavored water half way through and by the end has removed several of the larger dangerous "weeds" near the kitchen.
Declaring results is a bit of an art. Jusut remember not to change scene and leave final conclusions to the GM and there should not be a problem
Good job, come on in for some food and a rest. Witic calls fom the kitchen doorway
Aug 24, 2023 7:29 am
The Avian stretches his arms and wings, and rolls his neck twice in a clockwise direction. He had done harder work, but this was most definitely the most eventful day of his life. Rest! He squawks excitedly. Etcher follows the tiny fey into the kitchen. His wound on his leg doesn’t affect his stride as he somewhat excitedly enters the kitchen. He knew what he was promised. Rest, a meal, and potions. Etcher didn’t see why he couldn’t help himself to any particularly shiny utensils. After all, didn't heroes deserve a reward? Food, potions!
OOC: Etcher will follow the fey into the kitchen. He will begin to rummage around the kitchen for anything that looks valuable. He won’t hide that he is doing it, he reasons he is free to do so. If stopped he will attempt to grab a few things more discreetly…
Aug 25, 2023 12:28 am
As you enter the kitchen it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust ot the dim lighting inside the room. A large wood burning cast iron stove emits a comforting heat that is quickly disipated by the cool stone floors. The room is imaculately clean and as you step into the room a horifying screech almost makes you jump back out
Whipe those feet and go wash yourself before you DARE come int here.!
Curse you Witic. Do not invite guests into MY kitchen if they do not even have basic manners

A short mean ooking creature steps out from behind a counter glaring at you balefully. A quiver over one shoulder holds sevreal kitchen implements and you are sure a knife would not be too hard for the cook to produce should any not abide by their rules.

A quick retreat to the well and a bucket of water washes most of the dust, blood, and splatterd plant pulp from Etchers legs and clothes. Luckily Etcher is fastidious in keeping his feathers clean so there is little problem there. Satissfied he has done all he can Etcher returns and only gets a snarling glare as he makes his way to the counter where the meal has been laid out.

A clean bowl of a thick stew with a fresh loaf of bread encrusted with a variety of seads and a small dish thick with creamy butter is laid before Etcher. Slipping an un-needed fork into his belt pouch Etcher beginss consuming the lovely food. The atmosphere of the room would be perfect for relaxing and enjoing the meal, if only the cook would stop staring so intently at him. Their scowling face and eles that glow fainly red, combined with the hint of fangs visible despite the this pressed lips does little to comfort Etcher.

As Etcher eats he decides the knife is no longer needed and drops it in he pouch as well. Before he can move to other nearby items hs attention is caught by a loud crack as the cooks snaps their fingers. The purloined items imediately fly up and out of Etchers pouch and sail through the air and into the sink. Kitchen and dining implements done being used are to be cleaned and stored properly The cook snaps at you.with a glare.

The potions will be ready in a bit. Witic says to give you your choice du to the "excelent" work you provided the manor. the goblin like creature snarls at you. Placing 4 vials on the counter they expaing the 4 potions use and say you may take 2
+ Healing Salve : 1 minute after aplication it heals 1 hit point per dose. 4 doses
+ Hot CoCo : drinking this grants resitance to all cold for 1 hour, reducing damage by 1/2
+ Anti-Itch cream : Cures any surface infection or reaction. 2 aplications
+ Chemical Attraction : When opened and applied to any creature, living or dead, all other creatures of that type are drawn by the resulting aroma: This lasts for 10 minutes and the area increases by 10' every 10 seconds for the first 5 minutes.

During this entire time Witik is nowhere to be seen.
Aug 25, 2023 7:15 am
Etcher squawks in disapproval as the utensils fly out of his pockets. He attempts to grab them but they are yanked out of his grasping talons. Shines! Etcher caws in what is clear frustration. He feels cheated. His brothers always told those that they protected that they had to give them valuables in return for their services. That was the hero’s code. These are strange folk that live in these walls. They know nothing of how the world is supposed to function. The cook would need to be corrected, but for now Etcher turns his attention to the four potions.

Looking down at his leg, the obvious first choice is the healing potion. Health is very important out in the wilds his sister Remy used to say. He would also take the Anti-Itch cream. He may need it for whatever lay in the observatory. He thought for a moment to abandon this place. Surely he didn’t need to risk it anymore. Yet he knew that whatever struck him down was still out there and he needed a better view. He would do one more job for the strange fey folk that claimed the house.

Heal. Itchy.

He glances about, before finally squawking. Witic?
OOC: Etcher will choose the healing salve and the anti itching cream. And has asked where to find Witic.



Aug 25, 2023 8:41 pm
Taking back the other two containers the cook waves a hand and one of the kitchen doors opens to reveal Witic who glances into the kitchen then waves for you to join them. Etcher is guided to a small sitting room.
Now I believe next you said you wanted to "look"? So the observatory is a bit of a special case. Inside the room is previously tame and controlled magical creature. To use the observatory you will need to get it back into its much smaller room located in the attic space. To be honest I am not sure how you can accomplish this. I have only been up there once since it got free. Before that I didn't even know it was up there!
Witic seems quite upset.
[ +- ] If questioned further Witic shares the following information.
Aug 26, 2023 2:22 pm
Etcher stares at the small fey for a moment. Then after a time he kneels down next to Witic. He places a hand on the little one’s shoulder. An attempt to comfort the fey. Etcher speaks, but this time his voice sounds…different. It is deeper and more human devoid of his characteristic high pitched caws. I gave you my word that I would help you. As long as I am here you have nothing to worry about. I will subdue this beast, and you will no longer have to fear entering that room ever again. Etcher stands up. Giving the fey a final pat on the shoulder. His voice takes on his more familiar speech pattern. Go.
OOC: Etcher will ask for directions to the observatory, and then head to the observatory. Etcher will also use one of his charges on his healing salve to regain his lost hit point.



Aug 27, 2023 6:25 pm
Witic looks at you for a moment startled, confused, and then a great bit smile forms before she twirls and starts skipping down the hall. I am so glad I asked you for help. You are a true Knight-Errant! As she leads the way she explains a bit more about the observatory. The entire room is part of the enchantment. It is on the top floor and actually outside of much of the magics that protect the house, though it does have it's own magics to protect it. I am sure the creature was trapped while young and use somehow as part of the scrying enchantment. As it is not technically part of the house or household, or I would know it though the house magics, I don't need you to be mindful of it. You can kill it, drive it off, or negotiate. In the brief encounter I had with it I got the sense it was intelligent but I have been so scared of something like that being in the house but not where I can do anything about it that I never went back.

You follow along as Witic leads you up the stairs to the second floor then down a long hallway. The walls are covered with murals of wild lands, hilds, forrests, the sea-side, and rolling desert dunes. Ocasional portraits or other paintings adorn the wall but always placed to as to not disrupt the flow of the mural. Several doors are passed, on either side of the hall and a bay window where the hall turns to the right is the only source of light.
Witic leads you around a corner then down another short hall to the door at the end.

The house magic extend to the next door beyond this. Mostly. I know the second door is closed at the moment and the creature is still in the observatory. Once you are in the stairs leading up remember that only one door can be open at a time and I will not allow this door open if the creature gets into the stairwell.

Witic rings her hands nervously before pulling out a small charm on a thin metal chain. This will protect you from a single magical attack. It is all I can do for you at this time. Good luck and she steps back away from the door nervously.
Aug 28, 2023 7:29 am
A Knight Errant? It had a nice ring to it. After he had been excommunicated from the brotherhood he had lost meaning, family. If he couldn't be one of the brothers perhaps he could be a Knight, if just for the day. This thing, whatever it was, scared the little one. That made Etcher upset, the fey had been mischievous sure, but no one deserved to worry about their safety inside their own home. He would solve this problem, one way or the other. He looked at the sword at his side, Witic said it was intelligent. He could use that. Why fight when you can talk? That’s what his brother Berry had told him. The creature was also alone, Etcher could relate to that, maybe he could try something, even if just something little, to save the house.

Etcher takes the charm eagerly and wraps it around his left wrist. Shiny! Finally things were finally looking up for him! Wearing it like a bracelet. He inspects it for a moment and seems pleased. He glances down at the little fey once more. Knight Errant. Safe. He nods at her as if he had just said something profound. He would make Witic’s life safe once more, because that’s what Knights right? So of course he gave his word, he was really good with words. He had a job to do and he planned to do it. He opens the door and steps through.

OOC: Etcher will wear the charm and enter the room quietly, closing the door behind him.
Aug 29, 2023 3:17 am
A narrow circular iron stairway, illuminated by tiny windows about a hands span wide, leads you up to the sound of the door behind you closing. At the top of the stairs is another door. Bracing yourself you open it and look out cautiously.
Inside is a round room with a pedestal in the middle with a curved stone atop. The peak of the stone is a pale crystal the flickers with inner lights of varied hues. The only light in the dim room is from an opening in the ceiling that though only dimly lighting the room is blinding to stare at directly. The surrounding walls have intricate mechanisms inset into them. Small and neat runes cover much of the area around the mechanisms and the mechanisms themselves. As you look around the room a shadow blocks some of the light from the hole above an a form floats down.
Come in. It has been some time since I had a guest to talk with The voice enters your mind directly and as the form drops lower you make out a floating eye with four eye stalks. The main eye and a couple smaller ones look you over You are not of the manor born. What brings you here? I assume that silly little Witic let you in. What did she say about me? Come, come, step out from the shadows.
As you hear this last sentence you feel your body begin to move on its own.
Roll a Save test (2d6) to resist the urge to enter the room.
Aug 30, 2023 7:23 am
OOC: Etcher will attempt to resist stepping out of the shadows.
Etcher understands why Witic fears this creature. They have just met and it already seeks to control Etcher by force. He clenches his jaw trying his best to resist the being’s control. He needed to communicate with it. If he fails in that, at least buy enough time to find the orb. He was certain he could seize it if given a chance. For now negotiations must be possible.

Etcher will attempt to establish rapport with the creature, he was always an excellent communicator. THats what his sister Isabella always used to say. He would announce his peaceful intent, and ask for the location of the orb. Friend. Shiny? He glances around looking for the orb.
OOC: I'm on fire! Since Etcher passed the roll he will stay hidden in the shdows slowly circling the creature. Is Etcher able to see where the orb is currently?
Last edited August 30, 2023 7:24 am


Save Roll - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Aug 30, 2023 1:04 pm
Just to clarify, is Etch in the room or still in the stairs?
Looing up into the opening in the ceiling Etch can barely make out a curved outline off center. The orb looks to be sevral feet wide. He can imagine an orb filling much of the are of the vaulted dome.

The seer staires at Etch and replies ins a somhow amused, though totally alian feeling, tome
If you wish to be a friend I am not disinclined. As for shiny one of the eye stalks glances back over the creature and up into the domed opening Yes, it is quite well illuminated above in my domicile. You can calm yourseelf. I will not hurt you, so long as you respect my house rules. First of all is common courtesty. I shall start the introductions.

You may call me Seer, and this is my home. Who might you be and why have you come?
Aug 31, 2023 2:15 pm
OOC: If possible Etcher has entered the room and is attempting to stay within the shadows. I’m willing to make a roll for him to stay hidden if it's not that easy. If the room is fully lit, then Etcher is still at the top of the stairs.
Etcher squints at the strange creature. Well he seems polite and friendly. The Avian has lowered himself into a crouch silently creeping around the Seer making a slow circle around it. A seer is someone that is wise, if Etcher remembered correctly and Etcher had a very good memory, so it must be so. If the creature proved to be hostile it would be a battle of wits. So far the creature's demands seemed reasonable. Disappointedly this thing also did not seem to have shinies, this house was proving to be somewhat of a failed business adventure. No matter, time to start negotiations. A simple introduction would be sufficient, it seemed the creature went by titles. He should give his title too in that case! Knight Errant. Good, good. Now what to do? It might even become angry if Etcher announced his true intentions. Yet, a hero is honest. Alfred used to say that. See. You. Go. The little one didn't want it here, and he needed to use the observatory.
Last edited August 31, 2023 2:15 pm



Sep 1, 2023 1:08 am
The round room means there are no dark corners but the light is mostly shining only in the middle, below the vaulted opening. As you move into the rooms and slip to the side the seer turns to follow you, though you notice one of the eye stalks stays firmly pointed at the doorway leading to the stairs.
Ah, you claim to be a knight Errant? How gallant of you. See you go? Hmm me, leave? I think not. Though I am not bound to the house and thus not under witics influence, I pity the cook having to listen to that annoying little fey, neither do I have a reason to leave. I a quite comfortable here and see no reason to leave.

As you move around the room you note that the opening above is not quite part of the original architecture. The vaulted upper recess shows signs of being crudely remodeled. You get an occasional glimpse into a small area above, about half the area and heigh of this room. Etcher can not help but wonder why the seer chooses to stay in such a small home and wonders if it has some secret way out of the building. If it does then he has not spotted it yet.
Sep 2, 2023 10:52 am
Etcher stops. Slowly reaching into his pack he pulls out a round smooth stone. The stone has an unusual polished surface, that when angled correctly, almost glitters in the sunlight. Etcher’s head hurt, was the little fey bossing people around here? Did this Seer wish to claim this tower for its lair? It was too much for the Avian to comprehend, also he was convinced the Seer kept its valuables upstairs. He could make it, he was positive. He just needed a distraction. Catch! Etcher with almost supernatural speed launches the rock at the Seer, he is not aiming at the Seer but rather a wall behind the Seer. He hopes to distract the Seer for a moment, in that moment he launches himself into the air. Twirling, he lands on the wall hurling himself at the gap in the ceiling. With any luck he will catch the rock on his way up.
OOC: Etcher plans to throw his rock that bounces off of anything an inch from the Seer’s head/body. Hoping for it to momentarily look in that direction. He will then attempt to fly into the hole with a little bit of aerial acrobatics. His throw has angled the rocks bounce to enable him to catch the rock in midair. To save time I will roll for the throw with 2d6 and the flight with 3d6. If I need to modify my roll just let me know after you get back from your vacation. Have fun!
Last edited September 2, 2023 10:56 am


Throw - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Flying Through the Hole - (3d6)

(366) = 15

Sep 5, 2023 3:51 pm
The seer flinches away then relaxes as it realized the stone will miss Realy now . . . it begins to say, only tracking the rock with one or its eyes. At Etch's sudden motion it pulls further back narrowing its eyes, that begin glowing, only to once again realize it is not the target of the attack. Wait! Stop, don't break anything! It cries as Etch launches himself upwards.

Catching the cleverly thrown rock on the way, Etch pulls in his wings and passes through the opening and is temporarily blinded but manages to pull in his wings and land on something as his eyes adjust to the glare. Etch stands in a small buble barely 6 feet in diameter. The bubble is made of polished crystal cut into myriad shapes, triangles, circles, squares, diamonds, octagons, and each facet contains an image. Not just images but they are like windows looking out onto different parts of the world. As Etch stares in awe, he shifts his feet and all of the images suddenly shift chaotically flaring in brilliance. Startled Etch flares his wings and tries to find better footing but each shift of his feet causes additional flashes and shifts of the brilliant images.

Ahhhh! My windows! You wretched bird get out of my house! You are no longer welcome! the seer shouts up at Etch, who feels magic gather below him. A snap at his feet then 2 pulses of magic strike at Etch. The seer clamps onto Etch's leg and pulls him out of the upper room and swings him down to fall onto the floor. The seer is visibly upset and pulls back up to the dome entrance to the upper room as Etch is thrown down.
Take 1 damage from the bite.
Roll 2 Save Tests (2d6 each) The first is against Paralysis, the second is against Fear that will cause you to be unwilling to approach the Seer and have disadvantage on all rolls while you can see it.


Seer Bite to throw Etch down - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Sep 6, 2023 6:36 am
Well, well if it isn't the consequences of my actions! I'll roll the Save Tests in order to figure out Etcher's options. Should I declare if I want to use my anti magic charm before or after a roll?


Save Roll Paralysis - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Save Roll Fear - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Sep 6, 2023 6:53 am
Etcher for the second time during what he now considers the longest day of his life, sees himself slamming into the ground once again. He ironically, bounces, just like his rock did. He is unable to move his body. The floating man has powers that Etcher barely understood. Yet all he could think of was the shimmering images he saw. Shinies! Etcher manages to sputter while still on the ground. It was careless and stupid, he should have been more patient. While his body had failed him, his spirit had not. Etcher’s eyes still held in them a determination that the spell could not undo. He was a knight, and he had a task to do.

He strains all of his muscles to get anything to move. He fails. Wait. He squeaks, Etcher. Help. Knight. Maybe he could talk himself out this still, clearly the Seer had overreacted. Etcher would make him see that. See! Help. The creature was alone and was once looked after. Etcher would offer to do it a favor. The avian had for a moment wondered, if it wanted him to go so badly, why could he not move…

OOC: I’m not too sure how status effects work, Etcher will attempt to regain mobility whenever or however he can. He wants to trade a favor to look at the mirrors one more time.



Sep 6, 2023 1:38 pm
If you are wearing the carm its affect is automatic and will instantly negate the paralasys
Seeing Etch remaining passive despit it's agressive behavior the Seer pauses to listen as it grumbles something unitelligable.
You wish to "help" and to "see"? It mutters something else to itself while it glares at you. One of the eye stalks is glancing up into the upper chamber and nudging the edge of the opening causing sections of the light to shift. I can help you to "see" but no touching! As for help I need nothing but for that anoying fey to leave me alone. You tell her that until a new master of the manor is present I will continue to opperate independantly. I will fulfill my contract but that does not include listening to twittering tiny fey I would rather eat than listen to.. Now wait a momoent

The Seer flips over so that all 4 eye stalks can access the upper chamber and they wrigle aroudn the edge causing the light to shift further as it grubles for several minutes.
Now what exacley is it you would like to see?.
Sep 7, 2023 5:06 am
No. Touch! The Avian quickly agrees. Etcher lies there for a moment. He slowly stands up, he hadn’t realized he could move until now. The gift that the small fey had granted him had worked as promised. He glances up. Yes. See. Etcher dutifully follows the Seer making sure to mantain a hover. It was glorious, and so so shiny... the young birdman resisted the temptation.

It was his, Etcher for the first time in his life could choose to do or be anything he wanted. He should of course look for shines, live like a king, be a historic adventurer. Or maybe he should ask for family, the Seer could find him a group to start a new life with. A Sword! A magical sword that would make him a true knight. He could be anything… but was that was justice? His feathers ruffled for a moment. His wings flexed. He remembered his promise. See. New Master. The Avian would bring peace to this strange house, he had promised that. Justice.
OOC: Etcher would like to use the observatory to see where a potential master of the house is located. He wants to try and bring back harmony to the house.
Last edited September 7, 2023 5:07 am
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