The Manor

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Sep 7, 2023 12:54 pm
The sseer has a short exchange to clarify, and grumbles about Etcher's clipped vocabulary but soon understands your request. The problem is that there are no clear claimants. The household magic requires a least a trace of the founders lineage to recognice a new master. All direct descendants that knew of this place passd during the Dawn War. Those who knew of this place stopped coming after the Shattering.
I will show you those I am aware of
The seer flips so that his eye stalks are all up in the chamber above and it central eye points down into the observatory.. The light from above dims and a cone of light is projected from the central main eye and Etcher sees a series of 6 men and women elves and half-elves.
If you are willing to help us by fetching one of these that would deeffinitely help things. Though if that is the case I would like to observe them to find one who would not simply loot the place and leave us even worse off. If you can get that pipsqueak fey Witic to allow you to stay in residance I think 2 or three days should be enough time to filter out the really bad options. Though getting to them will require a bit of a journey. Luckily the taijitu matrix shoul allow a portion of the travel to be bypassed. Go see Witic now unless there is something else you require at this time and I will start reviewing candidates.
The seer seems excited at the prospect of Etcher helping out but concerned ofer potential complications and drifts higher to focus more of his attention onto the crystal screens above.
Sep 8, 2023 5:28 pm
Finished! Find Master! Etcher squawks. He seems oblivious to the Seer's complaints about his vocabulary, clearly they both understood each other! He would find the fey and tell Witic his plan. The Seer would take orders from the Master. Etcher would most likely have to convince the little one that having someone to look after them wouldn't be as bad as it seemed. Witic most likely enjoyed being the informal master of the house, he would have to make Witic see. The house needed to be a family.

The Avian turns to leave, walking slowly to the door. He stops at the entrance, and turns his head. I do not know what sort of feud you and the fey are engaged in, but talk of eating Witic ends today. I will find you your master, and bring them to you. When I return, if I find out that you have harmed the little one in anyway. His eyes seem to darken. I’ll kill you. The young Bandit disappears into the shadow of the doorway to find Witic.
OOC: I’ll try out my new skill if that's ok! Seems the Seer is less than impressed! I’m thinking that when the Voice talks I’ll use a different font color. After Etcher declares his threat he will leave to tell Witic his plan.
Last edited September 8, 2023 5:29 pm


The Voice - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Sep 8, 2023 10:51 pm
The seer seems a bit startled by the voice but shrugs it off and continues his search as you head down stairs. As the door closes you hear Not my master, just the master of the house

After a few attempts at explaining the situation Etcher finally gets Witic to understand his new objective to find a "master" for the house and that the seer will be helping in this endeavor. Witic guides you to a library and says you are free to read anything in the room you like, the books can not be taken out, and she will arrange a place for you to rest. She then hurries off to brave the seer up in the observatory to "ensure he is evaluating the candidates using proper qualification."
Let me know if there is anything else you want to do while in the manor. I will set the stage for the next adventure over the weekend or on Monday.
Sep 8, 2023 11:40 pm
Awesome! Thank you so much for the game so far. It has been a blast. I imagine Etcher over the following days will mainly just follow around anyone that will let him, doing any chore ask of him.
Last edited September 8, 2023 11:41 pm
Sep 9, 2023 4:23 pm
Etcher spends the next couple of days sleeping in a small but comfortable room (It looks like a servants quarters with a simple bed, night stand, and dresser), enjoying the occasional visit to the kitchen where the cook entertains (threatens) him, and helping around the house. During this time he hears several arguments as Witic storms out of the screaming at the seer about the unsuitability of this candidate or how that other one is totally being overlooked. In the early morning of hist fourth day at the manor Witic finds Etcher and takes him up to the observatory to talk with the seer.

I have managed to locate two viable candidates who seem likely to be able to help restore the manor to its proper state of functioning order instead of this improperly chaotic state it suffers in due to current management.
Witic harumphs at this but the seer continues on. Luckily one of them is quite close to an active public matrix point. Witic will take you down to our matrix room and I will assist from here in establishing the proper connection which will send you to the other point where you will then have to find your way out and then locate the candidate.

Witic interrupts at this point

Once you leave we will not be able to assist you. However I prepared a house crest and holds forth a small amulet. This will help you to locate the prospective house mistress. To us it you set this on a flat surface then spinning it. When it stops moving the tip that glows will point to the closest household descendant. You can do this once a day. However when you are close to a household descendant it will let you know as long as you are wearing or holding it.,c-at_max



Sep 9, 2023 4:42 pm
You are guided down several flights of stairs by witic deep underground. Through several heavy iron doors and into a plain stone room with a grey stone box covered in runic etchings encases black and white tiles that forms a checker pattern. You can feel old traces of magic from the tile floor that hint of greater power. The tiles fell receptive to magical selves, as is awaiting a command. Witic explains the tiles can be used for a variety of purposes including communication and teleportation. She explains the seer will be watching you and should you need to talk or send the manor house prospective mistress back simply return to the matrix tiles and the seer will initiate the tile communication magic to guide you as needed.

Once you arrive you will be inside some caves. Use the amulet and it will point towards the heir. That will also be the direction you will need to head to get out of the caves. Seer says it should be easy to find the way out and that a settlement is at the cave exit and the potential heir is in the settlement.

Witic begins singing and you feel the power beneath your feet begin to grow. A light then shines down from above and the tiles rearrange themselves and the power surges and you are momentarily blinded.
[ +- ] Matrix Pattern to point near Target
Sep 9, 2023 4:44 pm
As you blink away the temporary blindness you feel cool air all around. A dim glow from the tiles and runes around the tiles is fading quickly but provides enough light to see you are in a large cavern
[ +- ] map
This cavern is an intersection for several major tunnels, leading back north-west, south-west, north-east, and south-east that forks to the south and another to the east just at the edge of the facing light. In the middle of the cavern is a large flattened area of black and white tile that forms a checkered pattern.

Sep 10, 2023 2:46 pm
Etcher makes a sound like a crow’s caw as he blinks away the blindness. Not the most pleasant experience for the young Avian. He walks forward giving the checkered pattern floor a wide berth. Looks like a puzzle, Etcher wasn’t any good at puzzles, his brother Cecil had said so. He suddenly remembers, that must be where he can talk to his friend the Seer! Etcher turns back to the squares stopping before them. He rocks back and forth on his feet, no no don’t call him yet! Etcher already hated being alone again, he will make sure to not be alone much longer. The Avian pulls out the amulet, raising it into the air with his left hand. Mistress!
OOC: Etcher will attempt to activate the amulet and will head towards the direction that it points him to. I am currently at 4/5 HPs, do I recover HP during downtime in Tinyd6, or is healing a more direct action?
Last edited September 10, 2023 2:47 pm
Sep 10, 2023 11:07 pm
This system keeps it simple and you are fully healed after a good night sleep
Etcher finds a flat surface, but not the tiles he arrived on, and set about spinning the amulet. It soon stopped spinning and pointed to one side of the cavern (up/north for the image). As he mark the direction is his head and looks around to cement the place in his mind he observes one section of the cave suddenly ripple as an old man stepped through chanting a spell followed closely by an armored warior.

Roll a save test, 2d6, or be paralyzed.
Sep 11, 2023 5:35 am
The magic envelopes the Avian, and for an instant he is lost from view. Suddenly a single blade emerges from the magic slicing it in twine. In an instant Etcher bursts from the cloud, he hurdles himself directly at the robed man. His blade fast, almost supernaturally so as he cuts at the figure. As he does so he turns his head towards the armored man. A deep voice filled with judgment escapes from the Avian's mouth. All that training, and you still rely on others?
OOC: Etcher will attack the magic user directly. If I’m being too liberal with my actions please let me know and I will edit my response. Etcher will charge the magic user and use the Voice on the armored figure.
Last edited September 11, 2023 5:46 am


Save Test - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Attack - (3d6)

(345) = 12

The Voice - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Sep 11, 2023 12:39 pm
Nah, your story additions are fine. I really need to get you in a group so you can pay off the others as well
Etcher pokes teh mage an at his use of teh Voice the armored man looks to the wizard in confusion who snap Well?!? back at him. The wizard then chants a couple of splls and Etcher feels his strength being sapped and a shimmering field appears around the mage.
Another save test. If you fail you only have 1 action next round
The armored man moves to attack Etcher along with another armored man who steps out of the concealing illusion. The quavering guard seems to hit more out of fear and desperation than anything as his fellow show that they bloth lack the skill of Etcher with the blade.
2 damage to Etcher


Guard attacks - (1d6, 1d6, 2d6, 2d6)

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (6) = 6

2d6 : (13) = 4

2d6 : (41) = 5

Sep 11, 2023 12:51 pm
OOC: Yeah totally understandable! Thanks for all the extra time you took for my story. Etcher will continue to try to take out the magic user.
The second guard catches Etcher by surprise. He deflects the blows coming from the new guard but the wild fear filled swings of the first get by his defenses. As he stumbles back he sees another spell being cast. He attempts to slice the spell as he did before. This time the Avian is too slow. The spell slams into him. He visibly slows. He makes one last desperate attack at the magic user, bringing his sword down with both hands. All his strength into this last attack.
Last edited September 11, 2023 12:55 pm


Save Roll - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Attack - (3d6)

(254) = 11

Sep 11, 2023 7:51 pm
The wizard hastily back of after getting jabbed a second time while chanting the paralysis spell again and snapping at the guard Grab him fools. We need to take him alive.. The guards move to block you from reaching the wizard as they try and grab you.
Roll another save vs paralysis
Both guards manage to grab you making it impossible to chase the wizard and will overpower you next round if you cannot break free or get paralyzed.


Guards tackle Etcher - (1d6, 1d6, 2d6, 2d6)

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (4) = 4

2d6 : (34) = 7

2d6 : (61) = 7

Sep 12, 2023 4:14 am
Etcher, even constrained by two men, proves to be a difficult opponent. The wizard's magic is simply dodged by a small head movement by the Avian.With supernatural skill he twists his arms leaving the two guards with nothing in their hands. As they look to find Etcher, he has his sword drawn, he is behind the wizard with the sword to the wizard’s throat. His voice is shrill and high pitched. Why?! Surrender! He is attempting to hold the wizard hostage and looking for answers.
OOC: OMG so sorry the dice rolls are not making this easy! If they need to take me somewhere to meet up with the others I can do what I have to to move the story along. Thank you for all the time and effort so far. You have been great. If I need more to roll to attempt to take the wizard hostage I can edit and redo the roll.
Last edited September 12, 2023 4:27 am


Save Roll - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Break Free - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Take Hostage - (3d6)

(535) = 13

Sep 13, 2023 1:26 am
LoL go go go!
As Etcher weaves through the clumsy guards and lunges to grab the wizard you hear a snort to the side. Back from teh illusary wall a beam on light bursts forth striking Etcher and he finds himself in a magicla 4 foot diameter buble. From out of the illusion steps a laughing gnome
You're getting old Wizard! I can't believe you couldn't hanlde a single avian swordsman, underground no less! and he continues laughing

I was trying to simply slow the fool. You know I could have blasted him is a heartbeat. The old man snaps back at the still chuckling gnome. Now see here you. I will have you know you interupted a very important set of tests! and scowls at Etcher though you can easily see he is more embarased and anoyed than angry How exacly did you get here? Who sent you? What are you doing here? Hmm? Hmmm?

Back of Fiznik.
This is my guest!
and the gnome laughs again at the wizards scowl. Turning to Etcher he introduced himself My name is Valpip. As I have many questions for you. But firt off the most important If I drop my Resiant Spere and set you free will you attack us or run away? I must point out that should you attempt either poor old Fiznik other there will likely up his game and start lobbing fireballs at you. Not a threat just an acknowledgment of my exteemed compatriots great skill and he gives a slight bow to the wizard, who harumphs.

The guards are looking almost as ashamed as the wizard and move to stand next to the wizard and gnome, all eyes on you.
Sep 13, 2023 6:13 am
Etcher looks around counting the number of opponents. Four is a bigger number than three. He nods slowly. Sheathing his sword. No fight. He squawks. He pulls out his pendant. Find Mistress. He points to the sigil as he does so. He looks at the two guards staring at the guard that was affected by the Voice. Good. Train. His voice high pitched and shrill. He nods seemingly in approval. He turns and looks at the Gnome waiting for him to speak.
Sep 13, 2023 1:06 pm
The gnome looks at your for a moment concidering and shrugs Right then. I'll let you out, you answer a few questions and we'll take you out of here and you can go look for your mistress. With a wave the spherre dissapears and Valpip proceedes to ask Etcher several questions about the tiles, how he activated them, where he came from, what he knows about the tiles. etc. Other than some cursory questions about Etchers current quest he has little interest in his history and after getting as much as he can from Etchrs short ansers he sends him off in frustration.

Tyren (Captain)
Some time during this another pair of guards showed up out of the dark from the north. One steps forward and commands Come this way.

This pair seem a bit more experience and allert that the pair with the wizard and gnome and guide Etcher through a series of tunnels heding in the direction the pendant indicated. The rough caverns eventually lead to rooms cut into the stone or build into it with brickwork. Through a new iron bar gate and several rooms you are led to a ladder and up into a small town.

Rigt. Now stay out of trouble. My man will accompany you for the day to make sure you dont get into any trouble the commander tells you and stalks off after passing instructions to the guard.

As Etcher looks around he and notes that though there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built from old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

The base, as Etcher learns it is called, has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local hangout, the tavern. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke other groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession. The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.
Sep 14, 2023 7:25 am
Etcher sits down at the bar, alone again. He is slumped in his chair drinking a pint of whatever was the cheapest drink to order. He has never been in a city before, his life mainly on the roads and wilderness of the wildlands. The Base had everything, jobs, coin, and drink. He could start his life here. Take what he wants, go back on the road. Fly wherever the winds would take him. You promised them. He heard Alfred's words in his mind, his old boss. A man is nothing if he doesn't follow his word.

Etcher slowly takes old the sigil once again. It was obvious to him, if he was going to do this he would need a new family. He couldn't do things by himself, he never could. The Avain stands up and walks to the barman. Where, heroes? He would find a group of adventurers, a new family they could help him find the mistress, together.
OOC: Etcher will ask about and rumors of groups of adventures. He will try and find such a group and join them.
Sep 14, 2023 1:41 pm
You just missed the daily group who left on the tiles but there is another daily thread in the Base I will have you two meet up now.
Story moving to the Base thread

Thread is now locked and will be archived



Sep 26, 2023 1:34 am
Etcher and Ealdwig tour the Manor
As you blink away the temporary blindness you feel cool air all around. A dim glow from the tiles and runes around the tiles is fading quickly but provides enough light to see you are in a plain stone room with a grey stone box covered in runic etchings encases black and white tiles that forms a checker pattern. You can feel old traces of magic from the tile floor that hint of greater power.

Nearby stands a tiny fey figure. Welcome back Etcher and welcome to the manor the last is directed to Eadwig. I am Witic and am the current caretaker of the manor. Tell me how I may assist you in convincing the descendant of the family to return to the manor and help us restore it to glory. the fey is obviously overjoyed and quite excited.
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