The Manor

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Oct 28, 2023 7:34 am
Did Blornvid or Skeeve ever buy a set of thieves' tools? I'm not particularly interested in breaking the door down.
Oct 28, 2023 5:15 pm
"Aye, lad. I've got set of lockpick tools. Haven't really used it, so if someone else has the skills but not the tools..."
Oct 28, 2023 6:54 pm
I think there is a basic level of assumed competence and the tools simply give advantage. But we've lost some sneaky types along the way.
Skeeve says, "Etcher or Ealdwig, are either of you familiar with picking locks?"
Oct 28, 2023 10:44 pm
[ +- ] my impression of the thoughts running through their minds
Oct 29, 2023 12:55 am
If no one volunteers, he continues, "I'm not breaking down the door right now, and we have a whole building here to check out. Let's check out the rest of the building first and come back to the door after that."
Obviously, if either volunteers, we'll do that and check out the room.
Oct 29, 2023 2:29 pm
Sorry I got busy on the weekend! I'd like to think that Etcher might know how to pick a lock based on his background if needed!
Etcher caws. Open Lock! My brothers used to help open houses for those who went away on vacation and left stuff for us to collect but the other people always forget to leave the keys. That was always so funny. Well I suppose no one would mind if I tried to open this lock instead!

The Avian rummages around his pockets for anything that might help him try to open the lock. He settles on a small thin piece of metal that he finds in his left pocket. He looks at Skeeve holding the small piece triumphantly. Open lock! The Avian gets to work.
I don't have tools in my inventory, so if I have to roll at disadvantage let me know. I figured this system lets us play a little more fast and loose with smaller things.
Last edited October 29, 2023 2:30 pm


"Open Lock" (And totally not picking it) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Oct 29, 2023 4:36 pm
Blornvid puts a hand on Etcher's wing as he rummages through his pockets. "No need. Here." With his other hand, he holds out the lockpick set that he's been carrying around with him. "Try these."
Oct 29, 2023 10:47 pm
With a slight click the door unlocks then opens at a gentle push. These hinges have been oiled and the interior of the room is neat but simple. A bed, a wardrobe, a chest, and a table with parchment, ink, quill, and sand arranged neatly atop it. The window is currently shut but unlike the other two rooms this room is only slightly musty and there is little to no dust anywhere in the room. The bet is a bit large and the blankets are old and patched but look thick and comfortable for cool nights. One one wall is a small framed drawing of a woman's face. The artist captured a smile that fills her face and soften her eyes. Long hair curls loosely around her face and neck. The drawing is behind a sheet of glass and the simple oval frame is lacquered a deep brown with a hint of red.
Oct 29, 2023 11:24 pm
Skeeve says, "As expected, this must be the grounds keeper's personal room. Let's make sure to not touch anything and leave everything where it was before we opened the door.

Skeeve will take a couple minutes to try to commit the picture to memory before getting everyone out and closing the door.
If Skeeve knows about Etcher's pilfering tendencies, he will look at Etcher while making the comment about leaving things alone. If not, we'll have to trust Ealdwig to do so. :)

Also, does the woman in the picture look anything like Sylfir?
Oct 30, 2023 5:36 am
Etcher’s hand slowly reaches back as Skeeve glances towards him. While the Avian’s face remains ever expressionless, his body seems to shrink just a little bit. He looks like a child whose hand was caught in the cookie jar. He does point at the chest, Look? Could there be something like a clue inside it surely? Or shinies! Maybe if Skeeve sees the shinies he will change his mind. We are helping! Why is it so quiet here?
Oct 30, 2023 2:44 pm
Skeeve replies, "Look. No touch." He makes sure to follow this rule himself as he tries to get everyone to move back out.

I don't know why, but Skeeve just really doesn't want to violate the grounds keeper's room. Particular since it is obviously lived in and recently used. It feels like an invasion of privacy or something. As a result, he doesn't want to investigate the room deeply. Just try to remember the woman's picture and move on to the rest of the building. He will explain this if queried as to his odd reaction, even if he can't justify it.
Last edited October 30, 2023 2:44 pm
Oct 30, 2023 3:01 pm
Upon realizing that this is someone's private quarters and not some nefarious lair, Blornvid heads outside to keep watch for the room's occupant. Not a good look for us.
Oct 30, 2023 4:36 pm
Hey, we're used to being grave-robbers, not a legitimate clean-up crew! :-D
Oct 30, 2023 4:59 pm
I'll gladly be accused of being a grave robber over an apartment thief! ;D
Oct 31, 2023 1:35 am
The chest is not locked and a quick peek reveals it only contains a few sets of rough cloths from homemade leather that is devent but a bit ragged and worn threadbare cloth of extreem age. There are a few other small odds and ends in the chest, socks, a small pouch with a tool sticking out, and a small wooden box.. The room has a few other personal effect but noting eye catching or revealing about the owner. With nothing shiny to catch his eye Etcher soon looses interest.
Oct 31, 2023 1:50 am
Sorry guys, very sick this weekend. Didn't do anything. Better today, still not 100%.
Ealdwig looks around and tries not to let the curiosity get the best of him. About to open a drawer when Skeeve calls out to "look. No touch", he cocks his head and smiles shyly, realizes where he is and stops himself. Yeah this is the place for that.

Does anyone know the grounds keeper? Wonder where he is? Looking around, maybe we should leave a note apologizing for entering his room, not knowing this was his personal space.
Oct 31, 2023 3:11 am
Skeeve says, "Honestly, it's probably better not to. We'll just explain we were looking for clues for where they went to when we find them. Let's go check the rest of the building."

We'll go check out the rest of the house. Skeeve will make sure everything is back in place before leaving and closing the door.

I think there were only three rooms upstairs, so we've covered them all. So, back downstairs we go.
Oct 31, 2023 1:53 pm
Psybermagi, I so happy that you understand Etcher! Nothing interesting to take, so he listens to Skeeve.
With nothing of interest upstairs, Etcher starts to lose focus. He wonders downstairs and looks at the paths on the ground that have been wore into the dusty floor. Time to find where our friend has gone. Etcher kneels down glances at the floor doing his best to see if he can pick up the groundskeeper's trail.
As always if I attempt a roll that should be at disadvantage please let me know.


Tracking Attempt - (2d6)

(44) = 8



Oct 31, 2023 1:58 pm
Deciding there is little in the carriage house upper floor and with the only other space being the common room and garage you move to head to the back to check out the stables. As you pass through the common room you hear Whitic calling you from the house.

Witic stands on the porch of the manor house with a man you have never seen before. New guard or a new companion?
Oct 31, 2023 2:16 pm
Hearing Witic call out for us, Ealdwig walks outside to get a look. Replying hey, Witic. What's up?

Who's that guy?
Last edited October 31, 2023 2:17 pm
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