The Manor

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Oct 31, 2023 4:44 pm
Edair Duril
A middle aged human of average height with long black hair and a beard. He stands with a scowl on his face and a greatsword on his back.
@Elysium777 Welcome to the party :)
Oct 31, 2023 4:51 pm
Blornvid whispers to Skeeve, "Is that the groundskeeper?"
Oct 31, 2023 5:41 pm
Skeeve whispers to Blornvid, "If so, I hope he doesn't find out we picked his lock."

Skeeve walks back to the manor towards Witic and the stranger. When he gets there, he says, "We're still trying to figure out what is going on with the ground's keepers house and the stables. What can we do for you?"

To the stranger he says, "Hello, my name is Skeeve." He gestures toward Blornvid, Ealdwig, and Etcher in order and continues, "And this is Blornvid, Ealdwig, and Etcher. We're currently trying to clean out any dangers around here so the manor can be fully reclaimed. Or immediate question is finding the ground's keeper."
Nov 1, 2023 2:41 am
Ealdwig, looking up at the new guy, smiles and give a little nod of his head good to meet you. Gesturing at the new guy, I assume you've come to help with that. We could have used you with that vine the other day. That was one dangerous plant.
Nov 1, 2023 3:03 am
Edair looks at the group of adventurers and sizes them up, he looks at Blornvid first, his scowl unchanging. "Well, at least we have another mercenary in this group. It appears you guys need all the muscle you can get."

He extends a handshake out to Skeeve, "Nice to meet you all, name’s Edair. Former mercenary or camp guard, whatever title you prefer."

He turns his sights to Ealdwig and points to his great sword with his other hand, "Yup, that's why I brought my weed cutter, it should get the job done." Edair chuckles at his own joke, he thought he was funny, at least.
Last edited November 1, 2023 3:04 am
Nov 1, 2023 3:52 pm
Weed cutter? Etcher looks his new companion up and down. Well I suppose having a gardener is a good idea. Can't be too careful after our previous weed problems. The Avian's feathers ruffle a bit. Or did he say he was a guard? My brothers and sisters used to say the best guard was the kind that knew when to look the other way. Really bad luck to meet a guard when we are trying to find someone!

Etcher extends his hand. He lets out what Edair can only interpret as a high pitch squawk that somehow forms a word. Friend! Etcher waves his arms seemingly pointing towards the ground's keeper's house. He lets out a second caw. No Keeper!
Nov 1, 2023 4:24 pm
"Well met, Edair." Upon hearing Edair's joke, Blornvid grins and nods his head.
Nov 1, 2023 4:37 pm
With a wide smile, Ealdwig looks around at the group, Hey guys, we have a comedian joining the group. Excellent, we can use one of those around here.

To Witic any idea where the grounds keeper is? He isn't around from what we can tell. When was the last time you saw him?
Nov 1, 2023 6:56 pm
Skeeve gladly accepts the handshake. He says, "Glad to have the help! While you would have been a great help on the vines from earlier, I am sure we're going to find some more dangerous stuff. And, yes, we are always happy to have more muscle to tackle the problems!" And Skeeve does smile at the weed cutter joke, which he enjoyed.

To Witic, he says, "Well, if you have nothing else for us, I guess we'll get back to the grounds keeper's house and the stables."

And with that, it is off to finish exploring the house and stables.
Nov 2, 2023 1:42 am
Edair accepts Etcher’s handshake, he looks over at Skeeve and says,

"So, how far have you guys explored? This manor appears to be pretty large. Have you guys checked the basement or attic?" he puts a hand on his chin, preparing to follow Skeeve and the group.
I’m assuming this place has a basement and an attic
Nov 2, 2023 2:52 am
Skeeve replies, "The attic is inhabited by a giant floating eye. But it works for the manor, so it's apparently cool. There is reference to a dungeon, which I assume is attached to the basement, but we thought we'd check out the above-ground places first. Blornvid and I have had been doing a lot of underground stuff before and thought above ground would be a nice change. If you came from the outpost, you must have used the tile pad. We cleaned down to it. We did find a passage going lower, but we ended up seeing where the tile pad could take us.

"Here was have just finished killing the giant vine plant terrorizing the garden and cleaned out a bug infestation in the adjacent shed. Now we're checking out the grounds keeper's house and the stable area. So, we still have a lot to investigate here, including a dungeon.
I teed you up to tell us your exploits. :)
Last edited November 2, 2023 2:54 am
Nov 2, 2023 3:14 am
Edair becomes curious when Skeeve mentions underground, he replies, "I did come from the outpost. Did they also send you guys to the Underdark? I went there recently, almost got my arms bitten off by lizard, thankfully I had backup. We found a ship with, and I swear on my sword arm, friendly undead sailors. They waved at my companion and we just decided to leave them, and the Underdark."

Edair’s eyes light up, "A dungeon, eh? What are they paying you guys to investigate this? If it’s a paltry sum, you should negotiate for more!" he thinks of all the treasure that might be in the dungeon.
Nov 2, 2023 3:32 am
Listening to Edair speak of undead in the underdark you went where?! Undead?! You mean dead people, who are, um, no longer dead but alive? That sounds terrifying. Doesn't sound like a place I'd want to visit.

Did you find anything of interest or just lizards and undead?

Carefully, pulling out his small sword that Skeeve gifted, you seem to know what you are doing with one of these. Do you have any tips? Etcher has been giving me pointers, but other perspectives are good to hear.
Nov 2, 2023 3:51 am
Edair nods, "Yes, I went to the Underdark, have you ever been there? It’s not as bad as you think, it’s pretty cozy down there. Just gotta watch out for the lizards, those things are nasty." he chuckles and shrugs, "That’s all I found, lizards and undead. They did say they’d be recruiting for a group expedition later."

Edair looks at the small sword with a bit of a scowl and says, "Honestly, practice makes perfect. I don’t know if you’ve been in a life or death sword fight, but don’t hesitate when fighting humans. In a real fight, hesitation is defeat. He scratches his beard and continues, "One final piece of advice: Don’t underestimate anyone."
Last edited November 2, 2023 3:54 am
Nov 2, 2023 4:16 am
Skeeve replies, "Blornvid, I and others only cleared out the dungeon under the outpost and explored the first level of caverns. We didn't even clear out the caverns; we only explored them. We found a king fisher that we learned to avoid, lost out to a room of non-giant spiders, and got our butts kicked by some dark mantles we decided to just leave alone. When given the opportunity to check out some locations with the tile teleportation pad, we decided to give that a try.

"Using the pad we found an overgrown city killed by plants, a vast underground cavern populated by civilized intelligent spiders, and an isolated valley of duende. Etcher is the one who found this place, bringing Ealdwig with him. Blornvid and I got sent here, and now you're here."



Nov 2, 2023 1:11 pm
The tiny fey seems a bit confused then replies appologetically Umm, the stable hand has been managing the carriage house and stables. It is his room you likely found.
He at leaast talks with me, sometimes. I know he often takes trips out with the griffons to let them hunt. He should be back in several days. We can have the seer watch for him and let us know when he returns. There may still be beast in the stables as the entire pride does not always go out on hunts but without the stablehand they may attack on sight as they have grown wild and concider that building and its area their teritory. Please dont kill them if possible.
The groundskeeper is out back with the kennels and mew. He is always about but I no longer seek him out since he set the beasts on me several years after the Shattering.

Taking Witiks advice you circle around the stables and do indeed see evidence they are not compely abandoned.
I just delayed the stablehand encounter to get you to a place where Edair could join the crew. I will add another post later tonight gettingyou out back and into the expansive grounds or if you ask will move you back to the stable encounter
Nov 2, 2023 1:32 pm
No, no. We're good. Thank you for clearing things up.
Skeeve replies, "Ohhh. We were in the stablehand's building, not the grounds keeper's. Gotcha. Thank you for clearing that up. That helps.

"OK, we'll skip the stables for now until the stablehand gets back and go check out the grounds keeper's area."

We do as you describe and give the stables a wide berth and go to the grounds keeper's area and the kennels.
Nov 2, 2023 2:41 pm
Blornvid nods along as Skeeve recounts their adventures.
Nov 2, 2023 3:19 pm
You take a short break and familiarize yourselves with each other and the situation before heading out back, through the much tamer, though not fully cultured at this time, gardens and to the expansive grounds behind. There are traces of old trails but time and a lack of use has made many disappear or become overgrown. In the distance your spot the tower of the mew and long low building of the fieldhouse. The orchard to one side and the scenic gardens with their maze to the other.
The kennels are further away from Witic's description.
Nov 2, 2023 10:19 pm
Skeeve suggests going to the fieldhouse and the tower before checking out the orchard and garden maze.
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