The Manor

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Nov 2, 2023 10:28 pm
Edair nods his head at Skeeve’s tale and says, "Whatever you guys want to do. Lead the way."
Nov 2, 2023 11:49 pm
Walking down whatwas likely a magnificent lawn but is now just a large field you make you way towards the field house, the closest of the structures. You find yourselfes following one of the pathways but are forced to skirt it much of the time as the plants tha likely bordered it havelong since grown to form thick brambles making it more of a barrier than a path.

Around the field are a wide veriety of plants, many that flower in glroius color while others have grown to form small thickets or clumps of brush. A small stream cuts through a corner of the field and head between the fieldhouse and mew. After several minutes of walking you reach the fieldhouse.

The long low building is about 30 feet tall and you can tell from the windows that sections of it are a single large room that stretched up to the ceiling while other sections are spit into two floors. Most of the windows have shutters on the outside that have been closed but there are a few on the gorund floor next to some of the doors that remain open. There are several doors into the building with the paith leading up to what was would have been an elegent pair of wood and glass doors. The doors have been shattered and as you get closer you can tell they were broken out from the inside. Looking into the entryway you see a marble fllored room with several display cases and toppled tables and shattered chairs. This building is in start contrast to the carriage house where though things were old they were mostly maintained. This place seems to be worse than neglected, looking more like someone intentionally destoyed what you can see of it.

As you stand there a slight noise causes you to turn. About 20 feet form you stands a large hound. Its head is as high as Ealdwig's and its long legs and big chest make you think of it as a hunting hound, maybe for chasing down giants, trolls, or other "large prey". It stares at you a moment, sniffs, then emits a low growl before trning to leave. Only as it turns is seems to twist into space and vanishes from the spot appearing tens of feeet from where it stood moments before. As it twists back into reality it breaks into a runn with an occasional bould that flickers with it moving tens of feet again.
Nov 3, 2023 2:08 am
Oooo! A blink dog! Sweet!

The impression I am getting is that the dog is leaving. The below is based on that understanding.
Skeeve immediately turns back around towards the building to see what the hound was warning of. He is preparing to act, whether for defense or attack. I am rolling for perception to detect any imminent threats.
Also, I just watched the latest episode of Loki. Your description of the blinking makes me think of Loki's time-slipping.
Last edited November 3, 2023 2:09 am


Skeeve: Detect threats - (3d6)

(253) = 10

Nov 3, 2023 2:33 am
Ealdwig smiles talking softly oh hi there. He reaches his hand out for the dog to sniff, and has a small start when it disappears and reappears 10 feet away. Smiling like a kid wow that was great! Never seen that before, have you? This place is amazing. I've never seen anything like it. Glad I came here.

I wonder what happened in there? Looking at the rubble and broken doors.
Nov 3, 2023 12:52 pm
The large hound is now far off and runs behind a bush out of sight. Looking around the building is normal save the destroyed lobby entry room being smashed up. There are three doors, left, right, strait ahead, leading from the room but all are closed. The amount of dirt, leaves, and other bits of nature indicate the room was smashed up a long time ago. You move to look into the other glass windows down by a far door and see a similar but simpler room with stone benches inside. It has a single door leading strait ahead into the center of the building.
Nov 3, 2023 1:12 pm
If I understand correctly, the doors to the lobby are smashed outward and the lobby is a mess. Inside the lobby are 3 closed doors, left, right and center. Where is the window? Inside the lobby next to one of these doors or around the side of the building?
Ealdwig picks up a chair (or bench) and tries to put it right. He'll play with it a little if one leg is shorter than the other teetering it back and forth. Man this place is a mess. What happened here? And why does that one room seem undisturbed when this one is a wreck? Doesn't make sense.
Nov 3, 2023 2:43 pm
OK, let's see if I have this straight.

We are at an opening in the building that used to be a lobby of some kind, but this room has been destroyed quite some time ago. Inside the destroyed lobby are three doors, one each left, center, and right. While we are taking a good look, we haven't actually gone inside yet. (Except for Ealdwig now.)

Moving along the outside of the building, we come to another set of windows we can look through. Looking in, we see a smaller lobby with some benches. This one, being smaller, has but a single door within it and the single door in this simple lobby seems to lead to the center of the building.

Is this all correct?

If so, which direction is the undamaged room? Is it to the "left" or "right" of the destroyed room? So, in the destroyed room, which of the three doors would seem to lead in the direction of the undamaged room and its door?

Also, did the blink dog/hound sense danger from *us* or from something else? I was taking it as from something else, but it appears that we were the danger. Just trying to get a sense around that, too.
Last edited November 3, 2023 2:44 pm
Nov 3, 2023 3:44 pm
Windows are next to doors to let light onto the lobbies

Will get a map for you tonight

Blinks dog seemed to be talking about the building
Nov 3, 2023 4:13 pm
Skeeve says, "Before going in to this room, do we want to instead try the undamaged room? If I am right about those creatures, they are as intelligent as we are. I am pretty sure they were trying to warn us of something. So, rather than walk into the teeth of it, I think we should consider using the other un-destroyed entry."
Nov 3, 2023 6:09 pm
"Seems like sound reasoning."
Nov 3, 2023 6:30 pm
"Let’s try that door, then."
Last edited November 3, 2023 6:31 pm
Nov 4, 2023 4:21 am
Sorry to be MIA for the last two days I also caught a bit of a cold. I can't post today because I'm visiting the in laws. Etcher will catch up tomorrow! SOrry I should have said something yesterday.
Nov 4, 2023 6:16 pm
The below all depends on whether Ealdwig went into the destroyed lobby, or if he did and immediately left with no ill effects.
Once Ealdwig turns away/immediately exits from the destroyed lobby, Skeeve moves to the other external door and tries to open it. If it is locked, we'll need Etcher to pick it for us.

Edit: If Ealdwig does trigger something, please remember my perception roll so Skeeve can quickly react to any looming threat or attack.
Last edited November 4, 2023 6:18 pm
Nov 5, 2023 6:39 pm
Ealdwig upon entering looks through the rubble a moment but after noticing no one else enter wanders back out. You move down the building and down the way to the other door. The door proves to be unlocked and opens to a simple room a few stone benches and with many cubbies cut into the north wall. The walls are of superior masonry and the floors are flagstone. The air inside is cool and the room is dimly lit by light from outside through the windows and open door.
Nov 5, 2023 9:58 pm
Edair walks into the small room and inspects the cubbies. "Maybe we'll find a note… or something."


Search - (3d6)

(213) = 6

Nov 5, 2023 11:18 pm
Skeeve follows in and looks around. He will lookin the various cubbies, but won't stick in any body parts.


Skeeve: Looking for something useful - (3d6)

(265) = 13

Nov 5, 2023 11:58 pm
You look around the room and inside the cubbies and under a bench or two you find items that have been left here a long time
[ +- ] items found
Nov 6, 2023 3:23 am
Skeeve makes sure everyone sees what has been found. He hands the money to Blornvid, saying, "We'll figure this out when we get back to the main building." He picks up the vial of oil and prayer beads, saying, "Maybe these will be useful later."

He also scans all of the items to see if he can detect any magic.
I have no idea what we'll need, but Skeeve has seen how not ignoring little things like this can help later. He does try to identify what deity is associated with the beads.


Skeeve: Detect magic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Nov 6, 2023 3:54 am
Sorry guys, busy weekend.
Ealdwig, wanders into the room behind the rest of the group. This room is in much better shape. Wonder what happened over there that didn't occur here. He looks around touching just about everything he comes across.
If I remember correctly there is a door that leads into the interior, correct? If so...
Ealdwig walks over to the door, puts a hand on the knob and starts to turn it.
He doesn't turn it all the way, giving everyone a chance to notice him.
Looking back at the guys, maybe we should go inside since there is nothing of interest here.
Nov 6, 2023 5:06 am
Edair quickly moves behind Ealdwag and has his hand on his greatsword. He's tense, but he speaks calmly, "Slowly now, we don't know what's in that room. Be ready for anything."
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