The Manor

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Nov 6, 2023 5:14 am
Weekends are lax. I add details but tend to not move things unless everyone posts
Skeeve detects no magic from the items in the room be he does feel some sort of enchantment deeper within the building. Now that you are in the room you see another door to one side.
[ +- ] map
Entered room from West / Door on East Wall / Alcoves on North wall / Door in SW corner
Nov 6, 2023 12:33 pm
Just to be clear, is the green diamond the door we entered from or the interior door we saw while outside looking through the windows?
Skeeve is cool with Ealdwig opening the door the saw from outside.
Nov 6, 2023 1:51 pm
Green diamon is entranc
Nov 6, 2023 3:12 pm
Great. So the door on the rightis the one we saw from outside, and the door at the bottom is the one we didn't see until entering. Makes sense. I am assuming Ealdwig is at the door on the upper right/NE because he didn't know the other door existed when he made a beeline for it.

One more question: Does the door on the lower left/SW head toward the destroyed lobby or in the opposite direction?
Nov 6, 2023 5:10 pm
First room (5) is up/north
[ +- ] map
Nov 6, 2023 5:48 pm
"I'd rather know what's behind this door," he indicates the one on the south wall. "I don't want to risk something sneakin' up behind us."
Nov 6, 2023 6:47 pm
Edair nods, "I agree, let's check it out." he walks over to the south door and puts his hand on the knob, he turns the knob slowly.
Nov 6, 2023 6:52 pm
The door opens to a long narrow hallway
Once I am more familiar with your characters methods of play I can FF through some basic tasks, like exploration, if you say things like
we carefully the area stopping at signs of danger of items of interest
Let me know if your want this or if you prefer not direct control to manage reach step
Nov 6, 2023 7:08 pm
Skeeve is cautious enough that he will want to do a casual magic scan each room (or long hallway). He will also be looking as much as the group's speed allows, using his Perception advantage due to the armor.

As an immediate interest, Skeeve does want to see what the source of the magic he detected is, but he is quite happy and willing to be as thorough on the way there as the group wishes to be. So, while he was there with Ealdwig to go through the NE door, he's willing to wait until after we check the SW door.
Skeeve joins the group to see what can be seen down the long hallway. Are there any observable doors?
Nov 7, 2023 3:10 am
Ealdwig slowly opens the door a couple of inches and hears Blornvid mention the other door. Looking over his shoulder as the others head toward the south door. Ealdwig closes the door and follows along. Taking Edair's comment's to heart, Ealdwig pulls his goblin sword and readies himself.
Nov 7, 2023 2:27 pm
Ealdwig peeks into the next room and quickly closes the door. However as soon as he opens the door the floor beneath him drops out.
Save test from Ealdwig or he falls in the pit and takes 1 damage
As the pit opens under Ealdwig the door you entered in from vanishes.
[ +- ] map
The magic gets stronger the deeper into the building you move.
Nov 7, 2023 2:45 pm
I am assuming that we heard the drop. However, it is now an open pit, or did the floor snap back into place? Also, is the door actually closed, or did it stay open because he fell?
Skeeve whips around to see what is going on.
Nov 7, 2023 2:58 pm
A large pit fills the space on either side of the door between 13 and 14 with Ealdwig suspended mid air waiting to fall or leap to safety. .
Nov 7, 2023 3:10 pm
If Ealdwig fails his Save, Skeeve will rush over and pull him out with his Onyx magic. He'll also take a good look at the pit and the next room over from his side of the pit.
Nov 7, 2023 7:53 pm
Not sure can I use Acrobat trait as advantage?
Ealdwig let's out a small scream as the floor opens up.
Last edited November 7, 2023 7:54 pm


Save test (without Acrobat Trait) - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Save test (with acrobat trait) - (3d6)

(212) = 5

Nov 7, 2023 8:17 pm
technically no a save test is not an action so no advantage
I laugh at the results. Good thing it was the 2d6
Ealdwig massages to jump back and catch the lip of the trap. Quickly scrambling up with Sleeves help he looks into the 15 foot pit and swallows . Well at least there were not spikes at the bottom.

The next room over looks empty other than some equipment tracks on the walls. The scraps that remain are to far gone to determine what they were without a closer look. The door remains open and the trap door to the floor open.
Nov 7, 2023 8:29 pm
"Are you alright, lad?" Blornvid says to Ealdwig. He peers past him and looks at the pit below.
Nov 7, 2023 10:47 pm
Skeeve says, "OK, so are we gonna jump the pit and go that way, or go back to the corridor and see where that goes? I'm up for either."

Skeeve figures it doesn't matter too much, as we're probably going to check out the whole building anyway.
Nov 8, 2023 3:03 am
"Well, we know no one's gonna come through this door without making a ruckus getting over this pit. Let's continue with the hallway. Maybe we can circle back around."
Nov 8, 2023 3:24 am
Edair whistles at Ealdwig’s agility, "Good reflexes too, that'll definitely help you in combat. Obviously, I'm glad you're okay, Ealdwig."

He nods at Blornvid's suggestion, "Aye. That's a sound plan. We’ll jump over this pit as a last resort."
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