The Manor

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Nov 11, 2023 11:01 pm
Hmm. I was always thinking of Sunder in a physical sense. Could it be used in a metaphysical sense?
Replying to Blornvid, "I never really thought about doing that. My source of magic is from wild fey magic, and I never really tried to diversify my use of magic until I met Rikia and learned magic words and spell reading from her. Now I'm trying to learn more, but I've only really just started.

"No reason to worry about the bookshelves. We might have to if the training equipment activates.

"I am willing to bet that we won't activate anything if we stay along the wall going to the door," he points to the door in the practice room, "but if we want to check out the exercise room, we will definitely risk activating stuff."
Nov 12, 2023 12:24 am
Ealdwig checks out the books. He pulls one off the shelves, anything on swordsmanship, and puts it in his pack.
Nov 13, 2023 12:01 am
Once everyone finishes looking through the books, Skeeve says, "Let's see if we can get to the other door without activating anything. I can go try the other door as long as someone else makes sure this door stays open so I can get out if needed."

Once the first door is unlocked, Skeeve will stay along the wall, check back into the main room to see if anything is moving. If it is, he dives back to the library room. If not he will make sure there aren't any other hidden features to the room. Finally, he'll check out the other door and see if he can open it.
Nov 13, 2023 3:35 am
As Skeeve enters the next room the two practice dummies along the far wall stand to their feet. Skeeve instantly turns to dive for the door but the word shifts around all of you and you find yourselves in a new place.
The large dark chamber has multiple level all open to a central area.

Skeeve finds himself face to face with one of the practice dummies that is holding a large bladed staff. It instantly starts twirling the pole as it advances on Skeeve.

Blornvid stands in a alcove with the 4 pillars with the attached rods that begin spinning slowly as they slide around the room with the rods extending and retracting randomly. One of the pillars heads towards Blornvid.

Ealdwig finds himself sitting on a bench in a small round room with odd image's forming, changing, and vanishing all around him. The chaotic images collapses into a bright blue dot that speak to him Good day young guest. You have not been registered with this facility so are not authorized to participate in the training. You are free to watch your companions through the windows or read your selected book. I am also available to answer any of your questions.

Etcher appears atop a large round platform in the middle of the room facing off with another practice dummy, this one holds a sword. The dummy stands in the classic guard stance, sword to the fore with the point high up, and it free hand behind. It takes a half step forward.

Edair Duril is in a open space facing another practice dummy, this one holds a sword. The dummy stands in the classic guard stance, sword to the fore with the point high up, and it free hand behind. It takes a half step forward.
Nov 13, 2023 3:50 am
Blornvid wonders, What in blazes is this?
Is he supposed to dodge these pillars and get to somewhere else, or is he supposed to smash them to bits with his axe?
Nov 13, 2023 3:58 am
Not what Skeeve was expecting. Can we see and hear everyone else? So, for example, can Skeeve hear what was said to Ealdwig?

Is Skeeve on a platform, too, or just on an open floor? Gonna try some of my new moves, but want to make sure of what can work.
Nov 13, 2023 4:03 am
How you react is up to you.

Everyone can see each other including Ealdwig in the small central room but they do not hear tho voice

Skeeve is on the floor outside the small round room holding Ealdwig (Skeeve facing off is represented in the image)
Etcher is on top of the room holding Ealdwig so can not see him but can see everyone else
The pillar and/or the rods jutting out from it will strike Blornvid if he doesn't do something
Nov 13, 2023 4:20 am
Well then I can't ask for Ealdwig to ask certain questions. Bummer.
Skeeve tries to telekinetically grab the dummy with Onyx magic, then launch it into the far wall. His second action is to use Onyx shield.


Skeeve: Telekinetically grab the dummy - (2d6)

(24) = 6

golem wizard


Nov 13, 2023 1:09 pm
golem wizard
Skeeves opponent shifts its stance as the magic starts to form and manages to avoid being thrown. As this happens the pole in its hands shifts form, loosing its blades, and it soves the thick staff at Skeeve as the tipe emits a cone of light that strikes his chest. . .


Light Attack - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Nov 13, 2023 1:18 pm
... which Skeeve attempts to block ...

... and succeeds!!
Last edited November 13, 2023 1:18 pm


Skeeve: Onyx shield defense - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Nov 13, 2023 4:11 pm
I assume I don't see whatever is talking (just a blue dot), that's it's just a disembodied voice.
Ealdwig is startled and confused to see himself sitting on a bench in an entirely different space, drops the book. Huh, what? Where am I? Where are my friends? Why do I only see two of them out there? Where is Etcher and Edair?

Ealdwig stands up, pulls out his sword and starts looking around for an exit. How do I get out of here? My friends need help?

He stops for a second, looks around and says what do you mean not authorized?
Nov 13, 2023 5:01 pm
Missed Edair earlier but added him in above.
The others hear Ealdwig's voice muffled from within the room. Adair is in a large space towards the back of the room so that he, Blornvid, and Skeeve make a rough triangle around the central room
[ +- ] Room conversation
Nov 13, 2023 6:32 pm
Edair draws his greatsword and gets into a defensive stance, he takes a step back (move) and readies him to evade a possible attack from the dummy.
Nov 13, 2023 6:44 pm
Blornvid readies his axe.
Nov 13, 2023 7:52 pm
Well, that didn't work for Ealdwig ... or us.
Nov 13, 2023 8:09 pm
Not sure what you mean. Who doesn't like live fire training exercises šŸ˜Š At least one of you gets to ask questions. An as a bonus they can volunteer you for additional free training. Isn't that great!?! šŸ‘

Etcher/ @Solidgobi is mia 7 days now so I will sideline him for now
Nov 13, 2023 9:03 pm
To be clear, I am NOT blaming Ealdwig for any of this. Skeeve is the one to tripped the trap. No denying that!
Nov 14, 2023 1:54 am
As Edair faces off against his "dueling partner" the dummy lunges fowards, missing as Edair esily side stps the attack, before the golemn returns to gurd position.

Meanwhile off to the other side Blornvid has an entire collemn slam into him pushing him back as two of the poles swing for hiim. The first high, the second low. 2 save tests please
You are good to go again


Sword attaack vs Edair - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Nov 14, 2023 2:05 am
Iā€™m going to assume I can use my opportunist trait here, " If an enemy within range fails to hit with an attack against you, you may immediately make an attack with Disadvantage against that enemy."
Edair dodges the lunge from training dummy and, noticing an opportunity for a counter attack, attempts to slash the dummy. Then, he lunges at the dummy, attempting an overhead slash.


Opportunist attack - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Regular attack - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Nov 14, 2023 2:20 am
Perfect use, yes
Edair stikes the dummy twice with th blade barely biting into the tough wood. As he does so he sees three green dots appear above the dumies head. Two bink the turn red.
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