The Manor

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Nov 17, 2023 7:29 pm
Oh! OK! Thank you dummy!
Here are two rolls for the save tests.

And here are two more magic bolt rolls for Skeeve's round 4 attacks.


Skeeve: Save Test #1 - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Skeeve: Save Test #2 - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Skeeve: Attack Bolt #1 - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Skeeve: Attack Bolt #2 - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Nov 21, 2023 1:56 am
Going to be scarce the next several days. Kids coming home from college for Thanksgiving. Will post when I can.
Blornvid takes another crack at the pillar.


First attack - (3d6)

(156) = 12

Second attack - (3d6)

(663) = 15

Nov 21, 2023 2:53 pm
Edair walks through the door.
Sorry for the late ish response, work has been busy recently
Last edited November 21, 2023 2:53 pm
Nov 21, 2023 9:49 pm
Blornvid finishes off his opponent and a few moments later Skeeve manages to take out his as well. The scene around you fades and you are left in the training room and sitting room as if nothing ever happed. Until you notice the blue orb still hovers in the air near Arkmenos. Skeeve wanders over and looks through the eastern doorway, though the wooden latticework door and sees the room you peeked into earlier.
[ +- ] map
Don't worry too much about posting during holidays. As I said in the general chat I don't know what my schedule will be like so posting may be affected. But do please let us know if you expect to be offline more than a couple days. Happy holidays everyone :)
Nov 22, 2023 3:38 am
Sorry, been MIA the last few days. I forgot what the last thing that transpired between Ealdwig and the blue dot.
Ealdwig gives a start, noticing that Skeeve and Blornvid just showed up in the room. What? Are you done with the training? I never even started. Cocking a thumb at the blue dot, this thing told me I was too 'young'. Scoffs, can you believe that?
Nov 22, 2023 7:48 am
Skeeve takes a good look through the latticework door to try and see if anything sticks out about the room, particularly since this is a new angle. Roll below.

He then returns to the control room and says, "Sorry about that guys. I honestly thought that by staying away from the equipment I wouldn't set it off. I hope no one got hurt."

He then sees Ealdwig point to the blue light and mention it said something. Taking the opportunity he addresses the blue light, saying, "Uh, Controller? Are you still active?"
Last edited November 22, 2023 7:53 am


Skeeve: Checking out room past door. - (3d6)

(423) = 9



Nov 22, 2023 4:19 pm
Your companions finished their initial evaluation. Additional tests and practice sessions will commence as you move through the field house.

I am active. The youngling has yet to be individually evaluated. This is being scheduled before the cooperative training takes place. Current testing scheduled includes mobility, object interaction, and basic combat. Appropriate games are being arranged.
The youngling's chaperones will be included, with a higher difficulty, so that the youngling can learn from their activities.
Nov 22, 2023 6:33 pm
Skeeve sees where this is getting annoying for Ealdwig.
Skeeve is going to pepper the blue dot with as many questions as he is allowed. I am putting several of them into one post to make things easier for you, but he is intending to wait for an answer before moving on to the next question.
He says, "Being new to the experience, I have some questions for you:
- Is this entire building just different training rooms, or is only a portion of the building used for this purpose?
- When activated, where are we? Is it a transdimensional place, or are the actual rooms transformed?
- Is there a way to temporarily pause the tests?
- Is there a way to check all of the rooms without going through testing?
- Is there anyone one else (i.e. a living person) here besides us here in this room?
- What is at the core of the building?
- Who controls the administration of the testing and challenges?
- And can you please stop calling our friend a 'youngling'?"
Also, did Skeeve see anything noteworthy in the other room?
Nov 22, 2023 6:36 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve says, "Sorry about that guys. I honestly thought that by staying away from the equipment I wouldn't set it off. I hope no one got hurt."
"Just my pride."
Trainer says:
"Your companions finished their initial evaluation. Additional tests and practice sessions will commence as you move through the field house.

I am active. The youngling has yet to be individually evaluated. This is being scheduled before the cooperative training takes place. Current testing scheduled includes mobility, object interaction, and basic combat. Appropriate games are being arranged.
The youngling's chaperones will be included, with a higher difficulty, so that the youngling can learn from their activities."
"This whole building is a training facility? How do you get it to stop?"



Nov 23, 2023 12:17 am

- Is this entire building just different training rooms, or is only a portion of the building used for this purpose?
When activated, where are we? Is it a transdimensional place, or are the actual rooms transformed?
That information is counter productive to the full evaluation of your abilities but can be provided by an authorized household member
Is there a way to temporarily pause the tests?
Yes. This requires an authorized household member
Is there a way to check all of the rooms without going through testing?
Yes, if you are able to do so then this will be added as part of your skillset in the evaluation results
Is there anyone one else (i.e. a living person) here besides us here in this room?
There are no other People within the Field House
What is at the core of the building?
Please restate your query. This building's purpose is the training and development of individual and group survival and competitive skill sets
Who controls the administration of the testing and challenges?
The field house is currently under the control of Tutor, a construct bound to house Alderdrim and the fieldhouse. They assigned my to this assessment and to oversee the youngling.
And can you please stop calling our friend a 'youngling'?"
Certainly. The youth has not set an appropriate designator for use. What would you like to be called?
Nov 23, 2023 3:46 am
Two more questions:

- "How do we show we are an authorized household member? Or at least an authorized representative for a household member?"
- "Where is Tutor? I would like to speak with them."

I'll let Ealdwig answer what his preferred designator is.
Nov 23, 2023 6:33 pm
Ealdwig, a little miffed asks, how old do you think I am? Have you never seen a Duende before? I doubt you're being rude on purpose since you're only an entity, but I am not a 'youngling'! My name is Ealdwig, you can call me that. Maybe next time you can ask my name. Pointing at the other guys, do you know their names? Or were you going to call them old man and mage? No offense guys.

What is the age limit here?



Nov 24, 2023 2:57 pm
How do we show we are an authorized household member? Or at least an authorized representative for a household member?
Tutor is tied to the households magics and automatically aware of all household members. To be an authorized representative you would need a house signet or crest or to be introduced to the Fieldhouse as such by a leading household member.
Where is Tutor?
Tutor is preparing your next lesson. You will meet them when you find them.
how old do you think I am? Have you never seen a Duende before?
I have no idea how old you are but the fieldhouse magic I am bound to recognizes you as not having reached adulthood. You, Ealdwig, are the first 'Duende' I have ever seen as I was only summoned here as we met.
What is the age limit here?
The number of years is not the issue. It is a matter of maturity and experience. A house member or staff member can authorize you to be classified as adult if you so desire.

As you speak the orb grows dimmer and dimmer. Class time is almost up. I wish you well in you further efforts here. I have power to answer 1 additional question.
Nov 25, 2023 2:55 am
Skeeve has monopolized the questions thus far. I didn't realize it was a limited resource.

When we get out of here, the first thing we need to do is get some of those signets.
Nov 26, 2023 1:02 am
You know I am 25 years old! Only a slight lie. Little white lie can't hurt I've been around the block a few times already. I haven't needed anyone to vouch for me in, well forever. No one needs to vouch for me. I'll take care of myself, thank you very much. Ealdwig leaves by whatever door is available.
Last edited November 26, 2023 1:03 am
Nov 26, 2023 1:49 am
Well played. It probably won't work, but well played. If it does work, please come back with signets.
Nov 26, 2023 9:47 pm
[ +- ] map
on to 14?
Nov 26, 2023 10:27 pm
Honestly, i thought magic was going to start up again and nail us with the next challenge. The last time, it is true I triggered the test, but I was the only one in the room. The others were pulled in separately. So, I figured it wasn't necessary for us to trigger the next challenge and that it would be triggered automatically when the blue dot was finished with its answers.

I gotta admit that if we are free to move on our own, Skeeve is going to immediately recommend beating a hasty retreat so we can go back and get signets or whatever. I am assuming the new mistress won't know what we are talking about, but Witic should and can coach her through what to do about it.

But, I don't know if that is short-cutting the adventure or not. So, what I am asking for here is a little guidance in what will play best before directly saying what Skeeve thinks is the best next action.
Nov 27, 2023 12:33 pm
Quickly retracing your steps reveals that the door out no longer exists. Skeeve is able to detemine that the enchantments of th building have beeen active in the room but the now wall does not feel magical itself.
[ +- ] map
yeah, no, it's not that easy. It's all part of the pan :)
Nov 27, 2023 2:52 pm
I'm cool with that, but Skeeve wasn't going to miss the chance to try and get out to try again "better armed"! :D
Seeing that they are completely thwarted from taking the simple solution, Skeeve says, "Well, I see a few options for us: 1) We see if we can chop through the wall. 2) We can go back to the dead end and see if we missed a secret door at the very end. 3) We can just accept our fates and enter this next room."

Skeeve is ready for room #14, but wanted to mention other options that occurred to him if anyone else is hesitant.
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