Upon witnessing Ealdwig's killing stroke upon the mechanical beast, Blornvid shouts,
"Way to go, lad! That'll show that stupid blue ball that size doesn't make a warrior." He's about to thank Skeeve for his quick thinking with the scroll, but he sees that his friend is kneeling over the motionless Edair. His smile evaporates as he charges over. Upon confirmation that Edair has fallen, he bows his head. Solemnly, he says,
"Fare thee well, Edair."
Skeeve says:
"While entering a new room seems to be a new chance to accidentally activate something, do we want to check out the room and statue?" Then with a smirk, he continues, "Or do we just assume the statue will animate and attack?"
"Aye. That seems to be the rule for this place. I thought we were being cautious after that training room, but Edair has fallen and Etcher has vanished." He pauses a moment to collect his thoughts.
"Maybe this metallic scorpion knocked it over in haste." He stares at the dead contraption, reflecting.
"A lot of valuable metal in that thing. And the magic to animate it is something else."