The Manor

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Dec 13, 2023 4:40 pm

Opening the door you see the maze. Above the short walls you now can tell there is a faint shimmer and after a brief experiment determine that simple stepping over the walls is not possible.
White = path, black = wall, blue X = Party, yellow $ = glowing object
Dec 13, 2023 4:45 pm
Skeeve looks in this door for a minute, then goes back to the door with iron bars and looks in it for a minute, then comes back and says, "I don't think the mazes are the same. They look different."
Dec 13, 2023 4:47 pm
Going back to the gate and looking through you see
Dec 13, 2023 4:50 pm
Blornvid groans. "More tests."
Dec 13, 2023 4:53 pm
So they are different!
Skeeve says, "I don't trust this. These are two different mazes. The magically protected door likely reveals a third maze. This is like stuff I saw the fey do. You have misdirection like this that leads you to a false prize, but you have to find the correct entrance to actually get the prize. Assuming you can even get to it. Experience tells me that the real maze is behind the magic iron door, but I have also see that simple be a misdirection, too.

"We have other doors we haven't opened, do we want to check them before playing this maze game?"
Dec 13, 2023 4:57 pm
What?!?!?!? Totally skip the fun little game I created just for your? Sigh, No one wants to play my game. . . Woe is me :( No worries, there's always the next door! :)
[ +- ] map
Dec 13, 2023 5:19 pm
Skeeve says, "Wanna check the north door on room 5 or the remaining door in room 10?"
OK, I have a new question for you: What are the walls in the building made of? Stone, I assume? Or something else?
Last edited December 13, 2023 5:22 pm
Dec 13, 2023 5:25 pm
LOL. Sad GM will get revenge on PCs who don't want to play in his maze. I sense traps at every door until we do. ;)
"I guess we can go check out the north door on that last room we were in."
Room 5.
"Unless Ealdwig wants to run through the mazes."
Dec 13, 2023 5:40 pm
The exterior walls are made of thick stone, likely to help keep the fieldhouse cool win the warm summers and help keep the heat in in the winter, though from what you have heard they do not get too much snow here. The interior walls are wood decorative panels, shiplap, plaster, and painted brick.
Dec 13, 2023 10:57 pm
Skeeve says to Blornvid, "Before we try the next door, would you like to try an experiment? From what I can see, these walls are just normal interior walls. What if we go down to where the room outside where the golden glow is seen as we make a hole in the wall? Initially, just a small hole to see what can be seen, but if it's interesting enough, we can always try to make a bigger hole to go through.

Probably won't work, but it shouldn't hurt to give it a try."
Dec 14, 2023 4:00 am
sorry guys had to go to the office today. No opportunity to check in.
Dec 14, 2023 4:08 am
No problem. Gotta wait for the GM to tell us my out-of-the-box idea is a bad one. 😬
Dec 14, 2023 4:10 am
After Skeeve opens the door, Ealdwig looks inside. Seeing the maze, he thinks he can climb the short wall (probably still taller than him) and walk along it. After he fails, he notices the glow in the corner of the room. As Skeeve walks out of the room to check the gated opening, Blornvid follows. Ealdwig stays and looks around.

What's glowing in the corner? Maybe it's treasure or a key that opens the other door. Jumping to try and get a look at the glow.

He takes a step or two in the direction, then thinks better of it and turns back a little but never leaves the room. He calls out to the guys maybe it's treasure or a way into another room? Let's go find out! The excitement is starting to get the better of him. He is getting tired of the same ol' nonsense.

Peaking his head out, common guys, whadaya think? Let's go see what it is. Totally forgetting that curiosity killed the cat. We'll have to go through here at some point anyway. Smiling, no time like the present. His head disappears from the doorway. He doesn't stray far though, waiting for the guys to make up their minds.
Dec 14, 2023 4:24 am
Ok, does Ealdwig's presence trigger anything? If it does, we'll have to engage the maze to get him back out. Otherwise Skeeve tries to coax him back out to try his idea. I'm assuming we can pull him back out.
Skeeve says, "I agree we should find out what is in there, but let's try something different."

We go back around to room 10 and go to the most southern portion of the west wall of room 10. We then hack a hole into the wall to see what things look like from there. This is basically a request of Blornvid since he's the one with the axe. Ealdwig is encouraged to help with making the hole.
The southern most segment of the west wall of room 10 should be right where the golden glow in the made room is.
Last edited December 14, 2023 4:25 am
Dec 14, 2023 4:41 am
Gotta wait for the GM to tell us my out-of-the-box idea is a bad one. 😬
Since when have I shot down ideas? It's not my job to police ideas. I just tell you what happens when you try. Nothing wrong with thinking things. If you want to know if an idea is bad pick up the Precognitive trait.
Ealdwig steps into the maze (blue X) and looks around moving back and forth around the intersection without anything happening to him, the room, the door, or maze. Yet. After several moment and inactivity he grows impatient with the stodgy/hesitant/experience others.
[ +- ] maze
[ +- ] map
Moving to room 10 you go to work on opening a passage through the wall. As the ax bites into the wall you see . . .
Blornvid sees a brick wall behind the wood facade.
Skeeve sees a swilling black void.
Ealdwig sees the maze room through the hole in the wall.
Dec 14, 2023 4:50 am
Skeeve says, "OK, that's interesting. What are you two seeing through the hole?"
Dec 14, 2023 7:51 pm
Slightly agitated and impatient, The maze stupid room where we should be right now. What else would I see?
Last edited December 14, 2023 7:53 pm
Dec 14, 2023 8:04 pm
"Brick wall. What do you see?"
Dec 14, 2023 8:15 pm
"I see a swirling black void. That is just not a good thing to see."

Skeeve thinks for a couple minutes, then says, "Let's open the hole higher up in the wall. I want Ealdwig to get a higher view of the maze he sees. Is it the first one, the second one, or something different from the other two?

"If it matches one of the two, I want to do a second experiment."
Dec 14, 2023 9:03 pm
"How much higher up? There's only so high I can swing me axe. Unless you want to push these broken metal scorpions together to make a platform for me to work on."
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