The Manor

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Dec 29, 2023 5:39 pm
Potions heal 2, the same as a standard healing trait
Ealdwig twirls his pole and jabs the ghast hard, twice, and the thing collapses. The room is still as you make sure there are not threats. As things settle down you realize that the ghast was actually wearing gear but it was so filthy and tattered that you didn't think much of it earlier. Under its tattered shirt you find it was wearing a breastplate and with further examination find a necklace and a couple rings.
[ +- ] map
Dec 29, 2023 6:22 pm
First, Skeeve asks for a healing potion from the team kitty. He has one on his person, but he wants to save that in case of another combat situation. He chugs the potion and is now back up to 4 HP. He contemplates downing a second, but decides to wait it out for a bit. He is starting to feel pretty beat up and hopes Ealdwig is wrong about having to check every room.

That done, he scans the items for magic. He'll do a initial cursor pass (no roll) to see what "pings" as magic, then do a deeper scan on anything that detects for magic. I'll provide a couple rolls just in case.

All that said, he'll recommend they check out doors B or C. (Again trying to go deeper into the building to find the "endgame". Hopefully the "endgame" doesn't entail a big battle because he is running out of health and I don't know how many potions we have left.)
Dec 29, 2023 7:13 pm
By "team kitty" I'm assuming you mean the group stash that Blornvid is carrying. I have now deleted it. For the record, that's it. But he's still carrying two poison antidotes.
Blornvid examines the necklace and two rings to ascertain their value.
Do I need to roll for each one?
"Hey Skeeve, sit down and take a breather."


Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Dec 29, 2023 7:52 pm
None of the items are magical but the breastplate is of good quality and worth about 100 Gold?. Blornvid determines the jewely is worth about 70 gold.
FYI : Ealdwig is down to 1 HP
Dec 29, 2023 8:08 pm
Psybermagi says:
None of the items are magical but the breastplate is of good quality and worth about 100 Gold?. Blornvid determines the jewely is worth about 70 gold.
FYI : Ealdwig is down to 1 HP
In that case, Ealdwig should really get a healing potion.
Blornvid says, "You two are pretty ragged. Maybe you should consider hanging back and letting me take the brunt of combat for a while."
Kind of wishing that Blornvid's magic dowsing rod was more like Jack Sparrow's magic compass.
Dec 29, 2023 8:21 pm
Ealdwig could probably use some water, if you want to use your dowsing rod.
Ealdwig, takes a seat and assesses the damage, its not good. He tends to his wounds the best he can. He pulls out the waterskin, not much left but he finishes it off.

Guys, I think I am just going to sit here a while. Blornvid, make sure to take that crap on him, I am not leaving here with nothing to show for it. Ealdwig, smiles, giggles and coughs a few times.
Dec 29, 2023 8:52 pm
"Already loaded up, lad. Say, do you have a bow or some other weapon you can use at a distance?"
Blornvid can loan Ealdwig his crossbow to keep him out of melee combat if he doesn't have anything.
Dec 29, 2023 9:55 pm
Nope nothing like that. I can throw my dagger. Smiling once.

All this fighting is new to me. I usually do acrobatic shows and, um... slight of hand another smile to make a living. And although it can be fun, dying certainly isn't. Ealdwig chuckles then grimaces.

Anyone got water?
Dec 29, 2023 10:25 pm
You can recover health at a rate of 1 HP an hour or rest, if you are left alone >:)
Dec 29, 2023 10:31 pm
We're not on a deadline, right? Maybe we do that then. Rest up for a couple of hours. Skeeve's got the last healing potion, which we either use later or give to Ealdwig now.
Blornvid passes Ealdwig his waterskin, "Ere you go, lad." While Ealdwig drinks, he says to the two of them, "Maybe we rest up here a bit. A couple of hours. I'll keep watch. What say you?"
Dec 29, 2023 11:10 pm
As you sit and discuss your situation you review what you know of where you are. At your best guess you are more than half way through the fieldhouse.
Dec 29, 2023 11:18 pm
I didn't realize Ealdwig is down to one. Skeeve immediately hands over the last potion to Ealdwig upon realizing that. So we are down to zero potions. I hope we can find more or get out soon. If Skeeve can just get some time to study a bit, this will be a lot more sustainable!

As he hands over the potion, he says, "I am sorry. I didn't realize you were that low. Had I, I would have given it to you first. I apologize for the thoughtlessness."

If we could rest up for just an hour, that'd put Skeeve back to five and Ealdwig to four. We can probably snack a bit while resting. I am sure we're all pretty hungry and thirsty at this point.

As an aside, Skeeve is sure to burn up. the Ghast's corpse. Don't want that coming back or anything.
Dec 30, 2023 2:44 pm
He takes the waterskin from Blornvid and drinks deeply. Handing it back, thanks.

Taking the bottle that Skeeve offers, thanks. Yeah, I am not feeling too well at the moment. What is it?

I think I just need to rest.
Dec 30, 2023 4:31 pm
"It is a healing potion. Same thing I just drank, so it's completely safe and will give you some strength back."

While discussing plans, Skeeve offers, "Since the god room appears to be a dead end, I'd like to investigate the other three doors to see what's behind them."

Also, are we resting for one or two hours?
Dec 30, 2023 4:34 pm
You move out of the room with the ghast after striping it of valuables and Skeeve experiments with light and fire to incinerate its remains with as little smoke as possible then you settle down to rest for an hour, eat, and plan you next action.
Time: 14:30Conditions : Blornvid:8, Skeeve:5, Ealdwig:4
Dec 30, 2023 6:16 pm
"Well if we take the southwest door (D), we'll be thorough in our mapping, but if we take the southeast door (C), we may be plunging closer to an exit, assuming that one doesn't need to explore every square foot of this place to trigger the exit."
Last edited December 30, 2023 6:17 pm
Dec 30, 2023 7:46 pm
"I figure we should at least look into all of the rooms. Maybe we'll be lucky and door B and door C will lead to the same room. Any order works for me."

So, once we rest, we'll go back to the ghast room and investigate each of the doors, then open them. What we find with the doors will likely determine the order we choose.

BTW, what is Ealdwig's max HP? After one hour we're at the level listed above. If his max is 4, we don't need the second hour and Skeeve is good with five. If his max is higher, then we probably should rest for the two hours.
Dec 30, 2023 8:03 pm
daryen says:
So, once we rest, we'll go back to the ghast room and investigate each of the doors, then open them. What we find with the doors will likely determine the order we choose.

BTW, what is Ealdwig's max HP? After one hour we're at the level listed above. If his max is 4, we don't need the second hour and Skeeve is good with five. If his max is higher, then we probably should rest for the two hours.
Blornvid is good with all of this.
Dec 31, 2023 12:11 am
Duende have a base HP of 4.
Are you guys checking the doors or just opening them? I assume searching but we have not typically had me roll for you before so . . . .
+N> Strong Wooden Door (common lock) into 8
+N> Iron Door (superior lock) into hall
+E>B Simple Wooden Door
+E>C Strong Wooden Door
+S>D Simple Wooden Door
Dec 31, 2023 1:02 am
Ha! We have to check them! This place is full of too many surprises.

Are those the results? No magic? No traps?
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