The Manor

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Jan 27, 2024 8:33 pm
Skeeve looks at his companions and calls out, "Hello? Is anyone here?" He does so in both Common and Sylvan.

Skeeve figures that since this is the Keeper's home, we should properly announce ourselves.
Jan 27, 2024 9:23 pm
You hear a muttered curse then heavy footfalls The steps move from the room that had shown signs of relatively recent use moving towards the stairs. A moment later a large, heavily muscled man descends the stair and looks you over. Besides the rather impressive size and muscles he has a pair or large wings and his features shift as you watch as feathers and fur shift across his form. This settles and the man(?) grunts and squats at the bottom of the stairs. Now however rather than looking like one of the people he looks more like a monster with the form of a person.



Jan 27, 2024 9:23 pm
Well, well, well. Looks like Witic finally found someone competent enough to bring in some help and he snorts. What can I do for you his deep voice rumbles as it carries a hint of power.
Jan 27, 2024 9:53 pm
Skeeve bows slightly in response and says, "Yes, there has been an heir for the Manor found and installed. The new head, her name is Sylfir, is trying to get the Manor back in order. We've been helping her do that, and we were told there had been some activity here in the Carriage House, so we came to check. May I presume you are the Grounds Keeper? Witic said you hadn't checked in for quite a while. I imagine they will be happy to hear you are back."

He uses whichever language the creature used. (I assume it was Common, but just in case, I wanted to note it.)
Is this a sphinx? If so, Skeeve is treading very carefully.
Jan 27, 2024 10:10 pm
Blornvid follow Skeeve's lead and bows as well.



Jan 27, 2024 10:18 pm
The form has features of a man, a lion, and an eagle. If it shifted but a bit more and walked on all 4 it might be a griffon or a sphynx. There are tales of shifters but this is a bit different from any creature you have heard of.

Me, no. I'm not the grounds keeper. When you meat him best be ready for a fight. He is almost as wild as his hounds now, and less trusting. I am Magian. I used to care for the families mounts. Now I take care of my friends. The lady Sylfir can have the house. But the house has no hold on my friends. For now, most have moved away as the new neighbors made them nervous. Though I swore to the family head in my youth that oath has been fulfilled.
At the mention of Witic he smiles I hope she is happy. She was always happy helping others and liked feeling important by serving those of power.

I acknowledge that these lands were shaped by her ancestors but they fled and abandoned them. Let me know if the lady of the house wants something of us. Perhaps a new understanding can be arranged.
Jan 27, 2024 11:40 pm
Skeeve says, "Please pardon my rudeness, but I failed to introduce us. My name is Skeeve. My companions are Blornvid and Ealdwig." Again, he motions to each in turn. "If I may try your patience, who are these friends of yours, and who are these new neighbors?

"We have no intent to impose anything on you. Lady Sylfir is still newly here, and still figuring things out. The biggest thing you can help with is filling in our understanding of the situation outside the house and in the surrounds. Witic and the Seer have been fairly restricted to the house itself prior to the very recent arrival of the new Lady. Any guidance on what is going on around the manor grounds would be very helpful. I am sure she would be delighted to meet you.

"Also, is the Grounds Keeper and his hounds still around, or are they gone? If they are a danger, it would be good to know if they are an immediate or eventual danger."
I kinda loaded up on the questions on this post. I envision it being more of a natural flow with alternating questions and answers, but did it this way to try and not slow things down too much. But Skeeve is very keen to get as much info from a willing source as that source will allow.
Last edited January 27, 2024 11:41 pm
Jan 28, 2024 1:56 am
Ealdwig, looks at the Skeeve and Blornvid bowing quizzically.
Jan 28, 2024 3:25 am
Blornvid listens to Magian's answers to Skeeve's questions and hopes that some new agreement can be reached.



Jan 28, 2024 3:54 am
If I may try your patience, who are these friends of yours, and who are these new neighbors?
As I said my friends are the descendants of this houses' mounts. They are griffons. Though they are not of the people they are intelligent beings with thoughts and feelings. After the house collapsed and abandoned this place the first generation stayed, much like Witic, hoping for it's restoration. But they took too long. Now the griffons are wild. The neighbors would be you and the ladies other staff he states with a deep rumbling chuckle.
We have no intent to impose anything on you. Lady Sylfir is still newly here, and still figuring things out. The biggest thing you can help with is filling in our understanding of the situation outside the house and in the surrounds. Witic and the Seer have been fairly restricted to the house itself prior to the very recent arrival of the new Lady. Any guidance on what is going on around the manor grounds would be very helpful. I am sure she would be delighted to meet you.
He looks slightly surprised. The seer? That little thing is still in there? Well, I guess it suits its development. As for imposing, it is nothing. I have been staying here and the pride returns to birth their young. But now that people are returning they will likely seek somewhere else. As I said we acknowledge their claim and simply with to have and understanding and curtsey be extended by all involved. The pride is not in residence now which is perhaps for the best.
Also, is the Grounds Keeper and his hounds still around, or are they gone?
That old coot is dangerous. He likely wont give you time to explain about the family being back, much less care. We have not talked in several years but his hounds are definitely still around. I saw him once last year. and he shrugs.

Listen. The pride does not need this place but it is a good place for birthing the young. Tell the mistress to come see me when she has time and we can work out the details, if she wants it back or would rather have some neighbors.
Jan 28, 2024 4:26 am
"We will definitely let the Lady know you would like to talk. Does the pride use the stables for their birthing? I ask only so that we avoid it while you and the Lady talk.

"Also, do the hounds use the kennel?"
Jan 30, 2024 12:27 pm
Mumbling a little, Skeeve, maybe we shouldn't go looking for the grounds keeper.

With a small wave, Magian, nice meet you. Maybe we can become friends. Big smile as always.
Last edited January 30, 2024 1:20 pm
Jan 30, 2024 2:14 pm
Skeeve whispers back, "I'll explain my ideas after this."
Jan 30, 2024 3:21 pm
Ealdwig gives a little head side tilt raise of his right shoulder gesture, as if to say, OK sure.



Jan 30, 2024 3:33 pm
I being the pride here. The groundskeeper leaves is alone and keeps other pests away. he shrugs We have an unspoken understanding. And yes the hounds use the kennels much as we do the stables but similarly are no longer bound to them.

Looking at the Duende the big man reverts to a human head and smiles That would be nice.
The ground aren't big on conversation. Maybe you can convince that little flint fisted Wittic, it the lady now I guess, to let me borrow a book from the library now and again.
Jan 30, 2024 4:54 pm
Sure, I'll ask for you. Anything in particular you like to read?
Jan 30, 2024 5:04 pm
Skeeve replies, "We will be sure to relay your request.

"Thank you so much for your time and for answering our questions, Magian. How long do you expect to be at the house currently? That way we can inform the Lady how much time she has to come talk with you."

Assuming the answer is that he'll be here through at least tomorrow, we'll take our leave.

Once we get outside, and start heading toward the kennels, Skeeve will say, "The stables are probably OK to leave alone for now, but I want to check on the kennels to see what's going on there. If they aren't there, we can at least do a quick look. If they are there, I want to try to talk with them. Regardless, if they are hostile, then we just back off. If they are willing to talk, then I'll talk. But we do need to at least check it all out.

When we're done there, I guess we need to head back to the Manor and check in with Sylfir and Witic. Maybe Valpip will be there by then."



Jan 31, 2024 3:34 am

Ealdwig says:
Sure, I'll ask for you. Anything in particular you like to read?
I preffer histories and books on natural philosophies or journals of those with similar intersts.
Skeeve says:
Magian. How long do you expect to be at the house currently? That way we can inform the Lady how much time she has to come talk with you.
I shall remain 3 more days that I may observe the house and meet the new lady if she wishes.

Date&Time(Alpha): 16@9:30
you return to the mannor house but it is sitll early in the day. You find and report your findings to both Witic and Sylfir. Sylfir is a bit excited at your story about the griffons and the 'stable master' as she calls him but Witic mutters asomething about "giving the boy airs" with such a title.

They have found a few old household emblems, one is an old iron amulet, another is a bracer, and the third is a scroll case used for formal communications.. Though not considered proff of representation or service to the house they may still be of use to you if you wish.
Jan 31, 2024 2:14 pm
For the record, I had intended to check the kennel before heading back, but we can work with this.
Jan 31, 2024 2:44 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
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